Traitor Watch - The 45 & 47 Thread

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
Am I allowed to find both the guy and this entire process disgusting?
Of course.

And it's an understandable part of the human condition, I expect, to be all for free speech up until the point that someone says something that one finds reprehensible.

But disappearing people for crimethink -- as has happened -- is very much in "First They Came" territory: and the ADL's "appreciation" for the current maladministration's "broad" and "bold" efforts to "counter campus antisemitism" even as said league was shrugging and saying "what salute?" when Elno sieg-ed twice at a rally is not a path to a good ending. I would have thought they had longer memories, but here we are.

Also, from "Domestic Enemy Hat", formerly "Popehat", via Bluesky and bridged from Mastodon:


unfortunate shark issues


too old for this
Trump can't pardon state crimes. I'm sure there will be an influence campaign for his good buddy, but Trump can't drop trou, wave his magic wand and make this one go away.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Good summary of today's bucket of slag:

The interesting parts to me here:
1) At least 6 agencies have been ordered to reinstate all the "fired" employees. Not all of them however, and based on what my dad had said discussing the firings with him the other day(as he used to be a fed worker himself) it may be because the judge plans to bundle those with some other similar lawsuits to combine them into a class action suit and streamline getting those through, rather than slow things down dealing with all them individually, like Trump undoubtedly hopes for. On the other hand, I also believe he said that has to happen at the first appeals level, so I may be wrong on that,
2) 200% tarriff on -all- alcohol is going to hit some people hard, because the US just doesn't make some of those beverages. Meanwhile the breweries in the US(that it supposedly helps) are like "this trade war sucks"


It was already happening. There was a exodus of East Asian scientists who left during the first Trump administration after the DOJ started witchhunting scientists for connections to China. One guy even committed suicide and the DOJ admitted to making up jive on people. Cutting government funding for science, firing government scientists, attacking universities for "DEI", etc will just set things further back.

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