Transformers Legacy toyline


Well-known member
Maybe it's the lighting/photography but looks to me like the highlights are all gold whereas they're copper on the other version.


Well-known member

Ratbat as a RiD2015 character that transforms into what looks like a Jolly Rodger looks awesome. 10/10

Calcitron blue and white rock car with new head... not as cool thematically as chromed gold or silver would have been but pretty colors still and new head. Without handling it it's ok looking but not world shaking. I'd give it 6/10

Thundertron - new head with original likeness and eyepatch: Cool. Hook hand: Cool. Same colors instead of something original and striking: unexciting choice. 7/10.

Total: 23/30 or 76.6 out of 100.

-ZacWilliam, soooo... I don't know... but I really want that Bat-Flag.


Wondering bot
They really didn't need to release two barely different versions of this guy. Aside from the hook and new head (which I like a lot) I can't spot any differences.

He got a lighter shade of blue for the most part with a shiny blue used around the Lion mane, plus a bit of extra paint on the top of the robot mode head above the eyes, gold paint has been added, one eye has been blocked out to be a eye patch in robot mode, thou I wonder if this is a pretool for another Alpha Trion with a beast mode, given the retooling to the head, he also seems to have a darker shade of grey for the robot legs, around the foot, there is some black paint along the panels that flip for beast mode, that about all of the differences I can see

Here is a picture of the original verison of the mold so you can see the differences:



Active member
If I didn't already have a Thundertron, I'd be interested in this set. As it stands, though, I can't really say I want either of the other two enough to double-dip on this character.


Continuity Nutcase
This Thundertron strikes me as being like the Buzzworthy Bumblebee releases of Earthrise Cliffjumper and Studio Series 86 Kup, and the Selects 5-pack versions of Sunstreaker, Jazz, Wheeljack, and Trailbreaker. We've been getting more and more of these "take 2" versions of characters that seem to existly mainly to correct something that Hasbro either didn't like or felt was a mistake with the first release. In this case, it's Thundertron but with the correct head.


Somehow still sane
They probably planned to release just the retail version at first and later came up with this version when Walmart requested an exclusive and they decided on the Star Seeker theme. Why it’s super similar is probably because Thundertron only has one visual appearance to draw from.


Continuity Nutcase
It does beg the question of how and why they came up with that radically different head design for the retail version since it doesn't resemble Thundertron original head design at all, while this one's new head design very much does.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It's very strange. As someone who has had no exposure to the character and never had any interest in the original toy, I'm immediately drawn to the new head. It has so much more presence than the Voyager head. It actually has me interested in this character now. The Voyager head completely failed to do that.


Somehow still sane
I just took it as a G1-ified version of the original. All the fibers and braids aren’t consistent with G1 which looked more like sheets of metal in the approximate shape of facial hair.

Or since they mentioned that they based Thundertron more off concept art than the Prime toy, maybe it was on there.
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Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
If I get a Thundertron, it will be the capsule version. Just depends on how lucky I get with this one; I've had decent luck finding the Velocitron and Toxitron ones, but some of our nearby Walmarts have only just put out the Toxitron guys with the recent reset.

The other issue is deciding whether to buy right away or wait it out and hope they go to clearance; we've had pretty good luck with that tactic for Toxitron, but was less good for Velocitron. If they go to deep clearance, and I bought them at full price, I know I will hear about it from my wife...


Staff member
Council of Elders
I've never had any interest in Thundertron. I'm not much of a "Pirate" fan so bringing that kind of lore into the Transformers universe never interested me. He is kind of cool looking as a toy, but with me scaling back my collecting, I just don't know if I can justify picking this set up when the only thing I'm really interested in is another cassette.

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