Of the reveals this time, honestly, I'm not impresed, or rather out of everything for pre-order, I only ordered two figures:
Stealjaw & Bumblebee, Springer is a pass, I compared him to the siege figure and frankly there wasn't much difference outside of the paint job to warnet buying him as he only got some minor retooling on the shoulders and some extra weaponary from what the pictures show, not caring for the SS Gamer figure reveal and I'm not getting the BB Skywarp either! Straxus I would preorder but Indemand toys didn't have him up for preorder, so I'll have to wait, so frankly, I was far from impressed with what was revealed but then its getting to the point where most major characters had modern updates with only a handful not done or waiting good updates, for example Thunderwing, he needs a update, in the leader class scale, at least!
I only just noticed that Straxus was a Hasbro pulse exclusive, explaining why, I couldn't pre-order him from In Demand toys!