Transformers Legacy toyline


Olde-Timey Member
Staff member
Council of Elders
And orders are live!

Managed to get everything I was wanting. Oof, gonna be expensive, though.


Continuity Nutcase
The aforementioned Dramatic Capture set indicates this isn't necessarily so set in stone. For that matter, Shattered Glass might indicate the gang molding on these was eliminated some time ago. SG Laserbeak and Ravage don't appear to share any plastic colors, unless they did a really thorough and unobtrusive job painting over everything.
Takara has shown us time and again that they are willing to play by their own rules, while Hasbro seems willing to make such exceptions only for special exclusive releases rather than for general mass retail ones.


Staff member
Council of Elders
That is why I don't really order from Pulse. In fact, the only thing I order from Pulse these days are exclusives. Everything else I got with Amazon or BBTS.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Finally saw a tigerhawk in the wild!

But it was at a TRU, so 10$ more expensive than the other options, and I am not dropping a C note on a leader. So... empty handed.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Hasbro got caught up in a little FIRRIB moment :p

So, Soundwave comes with a cassette guy named Rumble who is in the toy colors of FRENZY. Even Mark Maher failed to catch that when he posted his comments lol. Could have saved all the headache by just throwing in comic colors Lazerbeak and Howlback instead of the cassette bot...
I'm not overly concerned given recent trends in Studio Series. I'm sure we'll get a nice Lazerbeak as a Core Class with some nifty extra accessories, along with a better Ravage.

Armada Galvatron is another case where I wish they had leaned more into the TOYS rather than the animation. Hasbro's original Armada Galvatron had a GORGEOUS lavender, black and white/light grey with gold highlights. The purple here is too dark and I'll NEVER be a fan of that "warm grey"...which almost always comes across as "yellowed plastic".
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Two arms and one smile
That is why I don't really order from Pulse. In fact, the only thing I order from Pulse these days are exclusives. Everything else I got with Amazon or BBTS.

Yeah, I feel like if I can get an order in through Pulse, then it's an extra bonus. I did manage to get Legacy Prime today though, so that was cool.

I stopped trying to rely on them as my primary preorder source a couple of years ago and have had more fun collecting ever since. For now, I do still see the membership as worth it though, because I generally back Transformers HasLab projects (and sometimes their sales are nice). But yeah, Amazon and BBTS are definitely the way to go. I did a preorder through TF Source earlier this year, but I get so much junk mail from them that I'm not sure I would catch it if/when it comes in stock.


Two arms and one smile
Hasbro got caught up in a little FIRRIB moment :p

So, Soundwave comes with a cassette guy named Rumble who is in the toy colors of FRENZY Rumble. Even Mark Maher failed to catch that when he posted his comments lol. Could have saved all the headache by just throwing in comic colors Lazerbeak and Howlback instead of the cassette bot...

Fixed that for you :LOL:


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
Cool, Slipstream sold out before Xaaron/Flame were open for non-premium preorders.

Getting real tired of this garbage, Hasbro.

I ended up submitting my Quake pre-order as a separate order from Xaaron/Flame because of concerns of that. Since I have a membership there's no difference in shipping, taxes will always apply, so it's just a convenience thing in the end at that point. Stuff does sell out way too fast though, as I've forgotten several times that preorders were coming up and remember halfway through lunch only to find it already sold out.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Fixed that for you :LOL:
Spread your lies elsewhere!
Besides, I got MY Rumble in Studio Series. Where he's PURPLE.


Also, I'm trying to find some clarification (and don't have Instagram to pester the design team) on the Deluxe Optimus Prime...
What is his accessory loadout? Marketing material only says one accessory (a "blaster"), the marketing team/designers are pointing to FOUR (2 blasters, matrix and ax), and the packaging only depicts the toy blaster and ax. I'm inclined to lean to the Hasbro people, but the packaging ALSO omitting mention of 2 accessories is unusual.
It's rare to see so many sources conflict on something like this.


NOT a New Member.
I wish I could get the Flame and Xaaron set, but Takara rarely stock such exclusive figures these dates and the Japanese Yen is considerably weaker than the Dollar...
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NOT a New Member.
Image of United Animated Motormaster Official Reveal & Concept Design from Transformers Legacy...jpg

Image of United Animated Motormaster Official Reveal & Concept Design from Transformers Legacy...jpg

Image of United Animated Motormaster Official Reveal & Concept Design from Transformers Legacy...jpg

Moyormaster Box.jpg


Finally, the Motormaster is back in Legacy, cannn youuuu smelllllll what the Markclonus is…cookin!
Your darn tootin, when the biceps are flexing dont come a steppin to this beefed up maniac! The animated series was such a fun trip and such an exaggerated style the team could not resist in doing this redeco.

Lets break it down to ya mean jean thw headsculpt was very challenging to get correct but also have it fit in transformation. I believe there is a good balance in features on the face sculpt compared to the original Derrick Wyatt sketch. I put up the Legacy Motormaster in comparison just to see how they size up in terms of style, a very cool look for one of my favorite bots.

The colors are just pile driving your optics, the deep purple with the hits of Marty Janetty pants green are glorious! I had to pull the light grey purple tone in to more of a grey tone, the first engineering pilot color was really off putting but I do feel the greyish tone balances the other colors. I gotta say though, out of the 5 pantone books I use there wasnt really a solid tone to match perfectly.

The match up against ol animated OP here should be a ladder match with the matrix of leadership dangling. I’d pay per view that match in a heartbeat!

One more today, and the next is a Leader!!!

(More pics at - )


Wondering bot
I never liked the Animated Motor Master desgin, its mainly down to two things:
1. His head looks like a box just stuck on top of OP body
2. The body doesn't suit him, its just feels extremely lazy, as if they couldn't be bothered to shake up the overall body desgin a outside of the paint job

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