Transformers Legacy toyline


Staff member
Council of Elders
I never liked the Animated Motor Master desgin, its mainly down to two things:
1. His head looks like a box just stuck on top of OP body
2. The body doesn't suit him, its just feels extremely lazy, as if they couldn't be bothered to shake up the overall body desgin a outside of the paint job
I mean, that's just how Botcon exclusives worked.
I do see what you're saying Supermegaprime, but Undead Scottsman is correct on this one.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I mean: botcon had at least the excuse of a limited run that needed to be accessibly priced for con-goers. I know repaints are a cultural thing in japan, but it's a main line toy with a general release. At least remold him a bit.

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
If they unnecessarily remolded him just to make him different when even the original figure was not, then I'd be pretty annoyed because that budget could have been put towards Slipstream or one of the other "misses the mark" figures we've gotten this year.


Well-known member
I never liked the Animated Motor Master desgin, its mainly down to two things:
1. His head looks like a box just stuck on top of OP body
2. The body doesn't suit him, its just feels extremely lazy, as if they couldn't be bothered to shake up the overall body desgin a outside of the paint job

I'm still one of those that feel they used the wrong body for him. Motormaster being a black Optimus has never been right to me, and its not just Animated where it's happened. I'd have preferred they done Toxitron and remold his weapons as well.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Animated Optimus is kind of a hard figure to redeco:
*Ultra Magnus looks nothing like Optimus in Animated, so that deco is kind of a non-starter.
*Nemesis Prime and/or Scourge, while technically possible, is there really any demand for a not-quite-Animated version?
*Shattered Glass might have some fans...
*Toxitron would be a straight redeco, but we just got a whole Toxitron capsule line, so they might want to shy away from that

So that just leaves:
*The Motor Master: Existing character, remold the head, still an 'evil' Prime redeco, but also fairly eye-catching. Probably the best option they had, reasonably faithful to the Botcon figure, though certainly not everyone's cuppa tea.
*A new, previously unused deco. I would like to see a Prime in green with silver accents, or yellow with gray. Or, there's Powered Convoy blue. Problem is, outside of the rock dudes, it seems like we aren't getting much in the way of new characters, and the redecos tend toward the 'safe' or 'expected' end of the spectrum.

In the end, I think The Motor Master was probably the best choice of the existing redeco characters they had. I'm not sure I like it enough to get one, but if every Transformer offering catered to me, it would be called Gobots Legacy...


Continuity Nutcase
And besides, the fiction and bios justified The Motormaster having that body because he and his team were going undercover posing as Autobots. He's supposed to have an Autobot body.

Plus, IIRC, Derrick J. Wyatt may have made it intentional that no Animated Decepticons turn into cars and trucks unless there was an in-story reason (e.g. - Lockdown and Swindle implied to be former Autobots, and the Stunticons posing as Autobots), so The Motormaster's original Decepticon body that he had before undergoing the body change to grant him his Autobot body probably wasn't even a car or truck to begin with.


NOT a New Member.
I think Motormaster's bread is a little too close to the original Animated design and not "in the middle" enough between Animated and G1. I think they should have used Legacy MM's head with a more realistic robo beard myself.

As for Nemesis, why not? They've resold the same Legacy molds/characters multiple times (such as Soundwave).



Well-known member
Soundwave is just reusing the artwork from Core Soundwave, isn't it?

Hadn't seen it yet myself, here's Armada Galvatron. Looks pretty good for the most part, but I feel like something's missing around the upper torso. Maybe color the borders on the front shoulder flaps to break up the purple? Eh, I've got Gundam markers, it's an easy enough fix.

I'll have to dig out my original, but yeah, something looks off. One thing is, like Quake, the magneta looks too reddish (which actually gives me hope that both are actually magenta in person). The lavender also looks a bit too bold, which I think is what is messing up the upper torso.

I never liked the Animated Motor Master desgin, its mainly down to two things:
1. His head looks like a box just stuck on top of OP body
2. The body doesn't suit him, its just feels extremely lazy, as if they couldn't be bothered to shake up the overall body desgin a outside of the paint job

Yup, the boxhead looks cool by itself but with the rest of the body, always looked dorky to me (especially with all of the curves Animated Optimus has), and the bottom half feels uninspired (just all purple). I think in general it just looks weird whenever the upper legs and lower legs are the same color (except for smaller toys like Minicons and -masters.)


Kaiser Dragon
So am I the only one fighting off an unreasonable urge to get a second Soundwave just to have some black parts to transplant to a Laserbeak? I know the price is already ridiculous for effectively just getting Buzzsaw. Paying that same price just for parts to make a slightly better matching Laserbeak, fixing "issues" I never even noticed before looking at Buzzsaw, would be absolutely absurd. Especially since it's presumably only a matter of time before a better SS86 version comes along. And yet, that temptation is still there...

Also, I never noticed before that Laserbeak and Buzzsaw had different beak colors in the cartoon. 🤨


Staff member
Council of Elders
I snagged Soundwave (just for Buzzsaw, so might eventually cancel that one), Quake, and Armada Galvatron. I wish I was more into the Gobot set, but that just aren't doing it for me.


Maystor missspelur
I need to see all if the FIRRIB tapes besides each other for a quick comparison


Wondering bot
So am I the only one fighting off an unreasonable urge to get a second Soundwave just to have some black parts to transplant to a Laserbeak? I know the price is already ridiculous for effectively just getting Buzzsaw. Paying that same price just for parts to make a slightly better matching Laserbeak, fixing "issues" I never even noticed before looking at Buzzsaw, would be absolutely absurd. Especially since it's presumably only a matter of time before a better SS86 version comes along. And yet, that temptation is still there...

Also, I never noticed before that Laserbeak and Buzzsaw had different beak colors in the cartoon. 🤨

Nope, most of this wave is very unintersting to me, the only one that really says to get is Sideburn, I got litle interst in the repaints, Soundwave is a pass for me, I'm happy with the one I already have, so that makes my wallet happy after the lego buys I done resently, thou I feel TF is reaching a point where they are just running out of anything intersting as I gotten most of the characters from G1 and a few from other generations given modern forms and I am kind of looking for them to give Thunderwing a update in the leader class scale, being a cross between his alt mode and shell look


Well-known member
And besides, the fiction and bios justified The Motormaster having that body because he and his team were going undercover posing as Autobots. He's supposed to have an Autobot body.

No, it doesn't justify him having specifically Optimus Prime's body; it gives him a reason to have a civilian alt mode.

Regardless what you say, Motormaster having a G1 inspired Box head, is completely out of place on that body. There is no place for it to come from. Without the stupid box, it might work; but they refused to compromise. He gets the g1 head and Optimus becuase his FEET were a Black and Purple Semi in G1. It completely misses the point of Motormaster's orginal design. And yes, I know he wasn't going to get a wholy original toy; but you could have still made him other boxy vehicle Autobots and kept more to his look and maybe the stupid box head would not look out of place.

Otherewise if they absolutely HAD to have Optimus in the set as Motormater.... Then at least go the CW route and make him a Silver/Grey truck with purple highlights, so that the random ass stupid grey box head looks like it might actually belong on that body. Color him like Motormaster, not like Motormaster's feet.


Continuity Nutcase
Blame Derrick J. Wyatt for designing the head to be as boxy as G1 Motormaster's cartoon model since he was such a G1 cartoon purist.


The reason the Optimus body was chosen over, say, the Wreck-Gar body is because the Optimus body had the body builder physique they wanted for Motormaster's Randy Savage-based personality. The Wreck-Gar mold was too gangly and lanky, the Bulkhead mold was too round and cutesy, and no other Voyager mold was a truck.

Also because, in further relation to Wyatt's love for the G1 cartoon, he loved the rivalry that Optimus and Motormaster had in the G1 cartoon and wanted Animated Motormaster's toy to recall that rivalry.


Well-known member
Yes yes, I get it, DJW apologizers; but For someonone so obsessed over what characters looked like in G1, he certainly missed the mark on Motormaster's colors.


Continuity Nutcase
I guess he really wanted the truck to be black and purple.


He was also known to be a very notoriously stubborn man (he was quite rude to me once at a BotCon just because I had one opinion that he didn't share).


Well-known member
I guess he really wanted the truck to be black and purple.


He was also known to be a very notoriously stubborn man (he was quite rude to me once at a BotCon just because I had one opinion that he didn't share).

Yes, which again, is Motormaster;s FEET. And then you shove a head on that FEET based body that comes from his trailor Body that no longer exists. So its just some ******* random grey box cuase G1.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I mean: botcon had at least the excuse of a limited run that needed to be accessibly priced for con-goers. I know repaints are a cultural thing in japan, but it's a main line toy with a general release. At least remold him a bit.
I mean, they DID give him a new head, but I get what you're saying. I blame Hasbro for that. They've elevated the standards of what a "retool/repaint" can be, that when we DO get stuff like Motormaster and Geocron, it feels disappointing.

Even keeping the changes to a limit, changing the ax to a hammer or staff and changing the lightbar would have gone MILES to helping differentiate between the two.
If they unnecessarily remolded him just to make him different when even the original figure was not, then I'd be pretty annoyed because that budget could have been put towards Slipstream or one of the other "misses the mark" figures we've gotten this year.
I'm not sure that's how Hasbro figure budgeting works. I was under the impression they budget per "assortment" not, necessarily, per "line". So, whatever they would or would not have done in the Voyager assortment would not have impacted the deluxe assortment.

Also, for those curious, Rescue Bots Chase will be the carryover in United wave 4.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Shadewing's got a point, but it's just something Transformers does. Like Megatron having a P38 hammer on his shoulders no matter what he turns into.

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