Transformers Legacy toyline


Staff member
Council of Elders
The only hunting I still do is when someone says something cool is at Ross. I have like 4 Ross's within easy driving distance so I will occasionally go hunting there. The others such as Walmart, Target, and Meijer I'm at enough that I just normally swing by the toy section just to see if there's anything interesting. However, in this day and age, I buy about 95% of my Transformers online.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Sadly for me, Ross doesn't exist up here in New England, and I'm not driving all the way to Jersey for it. The discount chains that do exist up here (Ollie's, Burlington, TJ Maxx) are less consistent about getting cool stuff, at least the ones near me.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I remember, years ago, that a winners (TJmaxx, but for canada.) up here had about 80% of the deluxes from the prime toyline. I spent about 200 bucks and walked out with about 15 figures.

Oh man, memories. Will never see the like again.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Posting this as something of a PSA:
If you have not ordered/preordered any figures from waves 4 and 5 of United, I'd recommend doing so.

Looking at Entertainment Earth, Legacy has been marketed as a "single line" since launch (with Evolution and United being "branding refreshes", akin to Powerlinx Battles or Battle for the Spark or similar mid-line refreshes from the old days). Age of the Primes will mark a "reset" of the Generations segment with the first waves being "wave 1" of however long Age of the Primes goes on for. Going by my local Walmart, they seem to be planning to "clearance" the existing Generations segment within the coming weeks.
Thus far, wave 4 seems to have had spotty distribution with wave 5 largely MIA at US mass retail outside of online and specialty venues (like Gamestop).

If there are any late figures you are still wanting, I'd recommend sucking it up and putting in an order. Some MIGHT end up closeout fodder, but that is never a guarantee.


Continuity Nutcase
The last Walmart I went to had TF One items on clearance, but not for Legacy, Studio Series, or EarthSpark.


Continuity Nutcase
TFOne on clearance. Ouch.
Well, they're clogging up the pegs more than anything. I barely see any other Transformers toys at Walmart anymore that aren't TF One or 2023 EarthSpark toys.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Mine has the Quintesson on clearance, but not much else. They're pretty bad about the toy section in general. Even in the holiday rush, it's pretty clearly just shoved full to get it out rather than anyone actually giving a crap.


NOT a New Member.
TFOne on clearance. Ouch.
I'm not surprised. I think I saw TF1 toys on sale in Japanese shops. It didn't seem that popular over here, nor was there very much marketing I think.


Another babka?
i saw more advertising for transformers one being on paramount+ than i did during its entire theatrical run

and i saw the fuckin film in theatres
I went to one of those "early access" showings and the theatre was mostly full and people seemed into it. I figured "ok this is a good sign."

Turns out most people who were actually excited to see this thing probably went to those early showings 🫠


too old for this
Quintessons on sale for $5 here in Ottawa, KS.
He's just about the only one I see left. The others all sold fairly well.


Quintessons on sale for $5 here in Ottawa, KS.
He's just about the only one I see left. The others all sold fairly well.
Literally the only One figure I see any more, and in no short supply.

Relevant to Legacy, I finally snagged a copy of G1 Universe OP last week, and have not tired of him as a deskbot. So far all my joints are good, guns fit the hand ports okay, and the paint is fine. I'm liking him quite a bit; the combination of G1 toy and modern articulation is a blast. I do find the choice to include two very similar guns a bit weird, but as people have noted elsewhere it's homaging the variants of the original toy, which is...fine, one of 'em is just gonna live in a bag anyway.

I will say they missed they chance to make a literally-disposable meta joke and labeled this "G1 Toy Universe" - heck, the upcoming toy-accurate redecos of, like, Gears and stuff could also have gotten that one.

Now, c'mon, Hasbro, make with the weird repaints! As I said over in the main digibash thread, I'd buy more Optimii if we ever got anything more than base G1-or-movie, Nemesis, and the odd surprise Toxitron.


too old for this
I bought 2 of the G1 toy Prime. He's just so great. One is my 'I'm bored at work' toy.
I gave one of the spare guns to Reactivate Prime since the gun he comes with has a short handle that really doesn't fit in his fist well.

Platypus Prime

Well-known member
My nephew found that one, and it's now his favorite Prime. It connects with the trailer he already had (a 'dead' Optimus, he didn't seem to think the color was an issue) and the extra guns and axe were the perfect wrap-up. He now has an Optimus that he can actually transform easily that looks the part. He'd been eying the Commander one, but I didn't think he'd have any easier time with it than the Dead Prime. G1 Toy Style did it all better for a kid. The only thing I didn't like about it myself when I checked it out was the fold-down part the hands are on seemed awfully tight...

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