With Wave 3 of the deluxes in-hand, wow, these are... not great tbh. The tolerances are pretty awful on all of them, and bad material choices abound.
It is very hard to understand how the factory samples of these got sent back and they were like "cool, ship this." Dead End's tabbing engineering just doesn't work, but it's exacerbated by yet another example of nylon parts coming out 2 - 3% wider than they're supposed to be and the designer not compensating, so his car mode is very hard to peg together and if it does puts a massive amount of pressure on one tiny clip. You'll struggle to find one of these intact in a few years. The main clip in his legs is barely functional due to bad wall thickness and materials.
Skullgrin's weapons feel like taffy, the paint seems like it will never fully cure, and many parts just feel too mushy for the tabs to work.
Crankcase inherits Skids bad roof clips.
Pointblank is a floppy mess.