UK politics thread – meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Nigel Farage, reporting for duty.

Him and his shitty little far-right party get so much media attention, particularly from the BBC, when they have a few local councillors and no MPs. OTOH, the media’s election coverage barely registers the LibDems and Greens, who have a lot more elected representatives each. Farage and his knuckledraggers would lose all their reach if the media just deplatformed and ignored them. But they won’t, because it’s obvious much of the media are sympathetic to his cause.

(FWIW, Farage claimed the other week he wouldn’t seek election this time as he was going to be “busy” helping Trump’s re-election campaign in the States…)


Active member
Man, ditching a D-Day ceremony for some lame TV interview. Awful on the merits AND just the blatant political malpractice. With all the prime ministers the Tories have had lately you think they'd have accidentally stumbled across one with half a brain just by law of averages if nothing else.

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Man, ditching a D-Day ceremony for some lame TV interview. Awful on the merits AND just the blatant political malpractice. With all the prime ministers the Tories have had lately you think they'd have accidentally stumbled across one with half a brain just by law of averages if nothing else.
I think the main issue is that they purged loads of their Remain-ish MPs prior to and during the 2019 election, and they’re left with a load of crazies and also-rans who’d otherwise be at best junior ministers. That and the usual fatigue and churn from 14 years in power.

(Tory adverts seem to have moved to “don’t give Labour a huge majority” as it’s main message, so they know they’re toast come 4th July.)


NOT a New Member.
I was about to Google why there's a neighborhood in England named "Hitler row" before I released it's the "row" that rhymes with "cow", not "crow".
Were you referring to this "Hitler Row"?

I'm ashamed and shocked that stereotypical nutjobs like that can be seen in public, yet alone run for election.

Then again...


Anonymous X

Well-known member

Some of the recent electoral forecasts from opinion polling companies are wild. Few months ago I still assumed that the Tories would be in power for another decade…

Tuxedo Prime

Well-known member
I've never seen a flattering picture, clip, soundbyte or description of the man. Assuming it is a man.
Sentient custard, perhaps?

Of course I'm the one who would refer to "David Cameron (who is not the Master)", so....


jumbled pile of person
Is there a reason Northern Ireland is missing from that map? Do they not get to vote in this election?

Anonymous X

Well-known member
Is there a reason Northern Ireland is missing from that map? Do they not get to vote in this election?
Northern Ireland is voting too. However, they have different political parties to the rest of the UK, and those parties don’t join the British government. That’s the most likely reason why they were left out of the map.

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