I skipped the last Netflix Megatron, and have astonishingly not managed to get a version of the mold to begin with, so I was content with the spoiler pack. Skipped the general retail for the Netflix versions of the Maximal guys. Nothing else stood out to me.Kingdom Netflix didn't have much appeal for me. I did pick up the Deeseus Drone and Sparkless Bot from the deluxes, and I ordered the spoiler pack, but mostly for Skelivore. Megatron is still in the box.
I mean, it barely did. Improved Cheetor, then a bunch of stuff that was really Earthrise or nowhere at all.
Hasbro rep: Tigatron? He's not in the movie, did you know it's the 35th anniversary of it's release and nothing was the same ever again after Optimus died.Does Hasbro know that they made a Tigatron?
And it's sold out.
Oh well.