Wild Manes


Well-known member
It's not terrible. I'm just not sure it really stands out in the crowd of it's competitors, though.

It sure is a choice to have the very first episode revolve around one of the cast leaving town...before we even get to know any of these characters. I guess it at least gives us a chance to see what everyone's "thing" is.

That surfer pony is determined to stay on brand, though. She surfs. And she WILL let you know that.

Also, all these ponies have serious abandonment issues.

I just don't know. Do I have enough room in my heart to let another pony show in? I'll have to think long and hard about that.
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This is how a unicorn comments
I'll watch for a bit, but it REALLY helps these are only five minute episodes. At the very least this is added to my Saturday Morning Cartoon stream.


This is how a unicorn comments

So it looks like every episode is going to start with the 'issue' already in progress and Coco going: "Oh no! How did it come to this?" Then flashing back. Which is REALLY dumb for a five minute cartoon, as they basically waste an almost minute on re-showing what we just saw three minutes ago when we catch back up.


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm hoping they don't do a flashback every episode. That could get old quick. I guess it saves on animation costs, though.

I kind of want to see how these horses build robots with hooves, though. Or..any of their carts and devices, really. They don't even seem to have telekinesis like the MLP unicorns do.


This is how a unicorn comments

Well another flashback, but it was handled a bit better this time. We didn't repeat almost a full minute of what we already saw. More like ten seconds max.

This was probably the best one so far. I love the panicky whisper of "Don't leave me!"


Well-known member
Do you want swayback? Because this is how you get swayback.

*Cocoa catches a cup with her back hoof* I admire the flexibility. But, I'm horrified by the image.

...Oh no, I'm starting to learn their names.

A horse doing a Karate Kid pose is something to see.

Is Dreamer just Cocoa's same model but with different colored swirls in her mane? Weird design choice to have two of your characters have such similar colorations.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I just take this as a sign that TYT has struck a cord, because this wants to be TYT so bad, just without the interesting setting and rapid fire writing. And with much horsier designs (yay, honestly), but with limbs that do whatever. Oof. Love or tolerate TYT's aesthetic, it doesn't clash with itself the way this show does when the limbs turn into rubber.

The flashbacks are dumb, but that is a thing these days. There is an audience that needs a preview to decide if they should finish a 5 minute video. Or at least some consultant assumes that's a thing and creators are just taking their word for it. TYT isn't doing it, and is apparently doing well enough.

On the bright side, this setting does have coffee, so they do have hope.

But unlike TYT, the ears do not have jiggle physics switched on at all times.


This is how a unicorn comments

Um Coco? You didn't unwrap that candy.

Okay you girls/mares are way too easily spooked. Also that was so clearly snoring.

"How'd we get out here?" So... has she just never done that before now?

Wow this one was kinda bleh.


Well-known member
Where was she keeping that hot chocolate?

What is the deal with Macarons? Why have they become so popular? I never even heard of them until Pokemon X and Y came out back in the day, and now it feels like they come up every so often. At first, I honestly thought they were something Pokemon made up like Pokeblocks in Gen 3 or Poffins back in Gen 4. It'd heard of Macaroons, but those are completely different cookies. It just feels weird that this cookie that didn't seem to exist before in the US has become oddly popular in the last 10 years. I know they existed before then, but still, it just feels weird. Like they invaded from another dimension and overwrote reality somehow.

Immediately splitting up. Really? These ponies have never seen a horror movie, have they? Or maybe they've seen too much Scooby Doo.

This town has a concerning lack of security. Or even basic locks. Who knows how many horses have been getting free hot chocolate in the middle of the night? Kind of sounds nice, actually.

"Bad Dreamer" sounds like her evil mirrorverse opposite.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I wonder if this episode will ever exist without the "subscribe" nag. It doesn't matter much in this case, but I hate that on general principle.

They're supposed to be frightened, but the lifeless ears really hurt. Come on. Have some fun at work.

The flashbacks thing is so dumb.

Ear movements! The animators heard my pleas.

They really are way too easily spooked, which is very horse. I approve.

The food cart is a great way to say "We're not even pretending we weren't inspired by a certain something else.

Still Sleeping. Still standing.

Well the animation is better than the last one, but otherwise meh. So far the most amusing thing about this is that it exists.


This is how a unicorn comments

So for whatever reason they just have older episodes play after this new one in this file.

I will admit the "I have no idea how this happened" was kinda funny.

Man they're going to get so sick eating that, but it'd be worth it.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

WHY DOES THE OVEN MITT HAVE A THUMB? ... Come to think of it, just an oven mitt existing at all makes no sense. What can they do with it?


This is the worst use of a flashback yet. I mean, I guess it did its job. I was baited I wanted to see how cooking could go this wrong. But then they skipped right over it.

And then she cooks it successfully... also offscreen. The whole meat of the episode happens offscreen.


Well-known member
Attack of the Killer Macarons! Hmm...it just doesn't have the same ring to it. Maybe the theme from The Blob would fit better?

"I have no idea how this happened" Well, it all started with a toy company with a dream...

Cocoa's dsappointed "Oh..." is actually pretty well done. You had ONE JOB, Baker Horse!

"Hit me with that exposition, girl!"

You're saying that in that entire huge pile of orders, there isn't another strawberry macaron order? Is strawberry unpopular?

"My hooves are tingling!" Is this a thing now? I guess it's a thing now.

That's right! Use your karate to defeat the giant snack! As you were all trained to do!

It's a good thing that was just a balloon and not a real macaron, or else they'd be a real trouble.

"...You could also pay me for my help..."

Now that's what I call a Big Mac! ...Aron!

"I bet you're wondering how this happened. Well..." *Flashback to trading some monkeys horsey rides in exchange for baking supplies*

I think we missed posting a episode from last week. So...here it is! Can't miss out on that DEEP LORE!

So...she's got a pet in her bag? That's my guess.

Those horses are acting a little jealous that they aren't being called Candy's "cutsey wootsie".

Yes, she's recording herself...through her purse. Makes sense. Actually, that could be a thing, I wouldn't know.

These Horses can blush. Somehow.

Why does she act surprised that people ask who she's talking to when she's saying all this out loud?

Time for Maximum Sneaky!

Much poise. Much grace. These horses can balance things on top of thier heads.

"The surfing isn't very good today" Never change Baily. She knows what she likes.

DOUBLE Maximum Sneaky!

"Oh are we stalking!? I'm totally up for a good stalk!"

TRIPLE Maximum Sneaky! That's too much sneaky!

Does Candy OWN the carnival?

"We're stalking you! Don't you stalk-shame us! It's a compliment, it means you're totally stalk-able"

It's a...plushie? Candy's been talking to a stuffed animal this entire time. Okay, she's just crazy. Gotcha.

Is it weird that it's a unicorn? I'm not sure if that's weird or not. I guess it's no weirder than having a stuffed elf doll or something.

Someone got hit by the "Want It, Need It" Spell.

They ALL have plushies. And they're having a tea party together. That's kind of sweet. I think.

And they're all from the same toyline, if the heart-shaped nostrils are any indication. So, what's the name of the toyline? Heavenly Nostrils? Eh, already taken. Lovely Muzzles? Sweet Snoots?
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This is how a unicorn comments

So yeah tingly hooves are a thing now.

It was cute enough, though it's another video that shows old episodes after the new one, and because of that it just ends rather abruptly.


Well-known member
Oh man, you dropped her entire collection of balls out of that closet that was CLEARLY designed to hold those objects in there. Seriously, why are you keeping bowling balls on the top shelves? You don't even have fingers to put in the holes!

"I want to hear EVERYTHING. Don't leave anything out!" They know this is only a 5 minute show, and they're leaning into it.

Cocoa's hooves are still tingling. She really should get that looked at. So, do ALL the horses get their own special power, or is Cocoa the only one who gets a spider-sense?

Wow she has...ACCESSORIES! (Sold separately, of course). That makes her the coolest.

A dance party for horses. Hope she's got a bed in that trailer, because she's going to be sleeping in it after everyone wrecks her house.

"Was it something I said? Probably" This horse should not be so relatable to me.

"I have four left hooves" And a VERY strong tail that can support her weight, it seems.

That bonk on her head just made her forget what little dance moves she had learned in the last 2 hours.

"Are you sick?" *feels forehead* I do worry about those tingling hooves of hers that notice minor happenings around her.

"You do realize you're dancing, right?" It's really more walking in place. Wait, is that all dancing is?


Well-known member
They're going to be rolling in Robux, now!

Ironically, I'm kind of wondering how this happened. I could actually go for one of those flashbacks, right about now.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Horses are taking over the world. And that's a good thing!

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