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  1. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    After taking a moment to compose himself after the strange conversation with the nun, Kai gives a grunt and goes back to just walking the grounds, though after a few minutes he decides it's best to find a place to nap. Most likely they will be hitting the bank that night, or in the early...
  2. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai lets out a startled sound at the interjection from the unicorn that he didn't know had followed him out, dropping into a ready stance as his legs burst into flames for a moment before he calms himself enough to extinguish them. He takes a breath and shifts, frowning a little as he tries to...
  3. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai slinks out of the basement chamber, not really up for debating a priestess. Moonbeam is being taken care of, and Hazy and Scarlet are heading out on their scout mission, so there's nothing to do but wait... "We shouldn't be here..." "You'd rather be out on the street? It's best to stay...
  4. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai shrugs, "Not my church, not my scene. I don't belong here, and I'm as okay with that as all of you are. I got no ill will, just... she gets a little harder to control in places like this..."
  5. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai is pretty good with his horn, and keeps her steady, helping carry her through the ride and keep her still and afloat, and helps out with moving her around as best he can once in the church as well... though once there he clearly looks... out of sorts, and out of place, shrinking back as soon...
  6. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai blinks as things suddenly move to a relocation, and as they start trying to get Moonbeam hoist, he just uses his horn, hoisting her up with magic, putting a little extra stamina into it if he has to to keep her comfortable as he trots along after them towards the ride. "I got 'er, I got...
  7. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai orders himself a glass of juice, a bowl of fruit salad, a bowl of oatmeal, and some hash browns, slowly bobbing his head to his tunes, seeming a bit on autopilot, maybe he isn't a morning person. But hey, he didn't burn down the hotel, so there's that!
  8. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai yawns, then slips out of bed, takes a moment to get himself ready before giving a nod to Tripple, then he starts towards the door. Breakfast awaits.
  9. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai flumps into his bed once everyone has sorted off to their own rooms, tugging a blanket over himself as he groans, "Well... that was a thing. Night Tripple... see you what passes for the morning." then he closes his eyes and puts his earbuds in, turning on his dubclop music to drown out the...
  10. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai just blinks, "R... right... does anyone OTHER than my fiery half and Lingerie have an idea?"
  11. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai nods, "Alright... so... given what we have to work with, I'd suggest two teams. Hazy and Scarlet know each other, so it makes sense that they might visit the bank together... so when they open tomorrow, why don't you go in and see about opening a safety deposit box, you said something...
  12. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai waits for the nod from Hazy that things are clear, then nods himself, "Alright, so... as I was trying to ask before we all relocated. In one sentence, what is everyone best at related to this job? What can each of you actually do? We have the layout of the bank, and we know how many guards...
  13. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai waits for everyone to enter the room, doing a head count to make sure they are all there, then he closes the door to the room, "So I trust Forte a lot, but... anyone know how to sweep for listening devices? Is that a thing we need to worry about?"
  14. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai rolls his eyes, then closes them, focusing as his ruby horn glows, opening the door to the central room for the guests as he lets his focus extend along the wall to the other door, letting the beat of the music guide him, before grabbing Haze by the scruff, hoisting her into the air several...
  15. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai waits the 15 minutes he promised everyone to let them settle in, then knocks at the wall of the colts, then the fillies rooms, to remind them that it's time to meet in the middle room and plan. He trusts that the walls are thin enough that they will both be able to hear, and knocks counter...
  16. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai shrugs, "Because my position at the Canterlot School of Magic doesn't exactly pay for a new apartment every other month. I need to make enough money to get a fireproof home custom made, and that's... uh... expensive. I swear, everything ponies make is made of dry kindling and hay... even the...
  17. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai considers it and nods, "Sounds like half the hooves here are legacied in... and the rest of us are new, but I doubt any of us have done anything of note. Anyone hiring top of the line, wouldn't fill the gaps with unknown talent. Not overly happy that we are hitting a bank, and not entirely...
  18. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai shook his head, smiling at Tripple, "Nope. Never even knowingly broke the law before... accidental arson... but..." he shrugs, "...not much I can do about that except try to keep my cool. You know? What about you?"
  19. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai blinks, looking to Tripple, "Can you be back in fifteen? Or would it be better to go on a gear run afterwards?" he doesn't have much to grab himself... hard to have a lot of personal effects when one bad mood swing burns your apartment down.
  20. Danaume

    [IC] Nighthaze - The offical unoffical sequel to STOMP

    Kai nods to Forte, "Sure thing, I'll scroll ya if we need anything. Thanks for hooking us up with the rooms." giving a nod of his head.

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