Harris-Walz / Dems


Well-known member
Source? That’s not something I’ve heard of until this moment.

Original source is SSOAB himself.


Well-known member
Presidents shouldn’t be calling members of the press (or anyone really) “stupid sons of bitches”

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Well, it was a fox rep, so calling him a "member of the press" is insulting to both reporters and dicks.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I'm not disagreeing, but it is rather unprofessional. Especially when the other party has little goal or purpose other than finding things to get mad about. It's like handing a lighter to a pyromaniac.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
To continue the metaphor: it's really more like giving oxygen to a pyromaniac, who'se also pyrokenetic, and whose every bodily waste is kindling.

They are perfectly happy to literally invent reasons to be pissed off and screaming. Might as well call them what they are.


Slightly Off
Presidents shouldn’t be calling members of the press (or anyone really) “stupid sons of bitches”

I actually disagree.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck...

But more than that, the faux-polite society culture cultivated by our government is really what has allowed the fascist sentiment to fester for these 80 years relatively unobserved, I think it's high time we take out the mask of civility and call these rabble rousing troublemakers exactly what they are.

Were I President one of my first acts would be yanking the press pass of Faux Noise and burning it on the desk in the Oval Office during a Nationally Televised Address.


Active member
Isn’t that what made the Right love Dump so much though? He didn’t have the civility of the past sixty years of politics — he called it as he saw it. How many times did he call a female a “Nasty Woman”. How is SOB any better or more defendable, even if the Faux News rep is an idiot?


jumbled pile of person
It's not what you call people, it's whether they deserve it or not.

Killing a random person on the street is being a murderer. Going to Germany in the 1940s and mowing down Nazis by the thousands is being a hero.


Well-known member
I actually disagree.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and talks like a duck...

But more than that, the faux-polite society culture cultivated by our government is really what has allowed the fascist sentiment to fester for these 80 years relatively unobserved, I think it's high time we take out the mask of civility and call these rabble rousing troublemakers exactly what they are.

Were I President one of my first acts would be yanking the press pass of Faux Noise and burning it on the desk in the Oval Office during a Nationally Televised Address.

Doocy has a BA in journalism. Him asking a gotcha question to damage the President doesn’t make him a stupid son of a bitch.

What purpose did the whole thing serve? Doocy gets his “so much for the tolerant left”. Biden apologized which doesn’t negate the first thing but also doesn’t please the “straight shooters” who wanted him to call people stupid.

Now pulling Fox News credentials because they give white supremacists’ like Tucker Carlson a platform to spread hate? I’d totally be onboard with that.


jumbled pile of person
Hell, they should really look into whether it'd be feasible to shut them down altogether, considering they have repeatedly and intentionally violated the "fire in a crowded theater" rule at this point with their COVID disinformation.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Unfortunately, they have a precedent for getting away with it. They legally defended Tucker Carlson in court by basically admitting that no sane person would believe him, and therefore anyone who does is nuts and can't be blame on them. And the judge bought it.


too old for this
just grasping at the flimsiest of straws trying to make hay. It's embarrassing, really.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
No one produced any evidence that this was ever going to be a thing. One conservative blog said they had a source that told them it was a thing. That's it. That's the whole controversy.

That's enough for the Senate though.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on Friday introduced a bipartisan bill aimed at blocking federal funds from going towards "crack pipes" and other drug paraphernalia.

The Preventing Illicit Paraphernalia for Exchange Systems (PIPES) Act would prevent the government from purchasing syringes and needles to be used for illegal drug injection. The bill also dictates that federal funds can not be used to "procure, supply, or distribute pipes, cylindrical objects, or other paraphernalia that can be used to smoke, inhale or ingest narcotics," according to a press release.


Well-known member
Good thing that whole “War on Drugs” wasn’t a complete bust and massive waste of both lives and money…


The Preventing Illicit Paraphernalia for Exchange Systems (PIPES) Act would prevent the government...

This has me more upset than it has any right to, but what the hell is going on that the GOVERNMENT feels it needs to come up with these cutesy names for their legislation?

WHY is it that MARKETING is a consideration when we're running country!?

I don't want to draw parallels to Idiocracy, but holy hell is this one of the dumbest things I've heard today.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
Been going on for awhile, unfortunately. Heck PATRIOT in the Patriot act actually stands for "Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism"


Been going on for awhile, unfortunately. Heck PATRIOT in the Patriot act actually stands for "Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism"

*exhales dejectedly
Yeah...I know it's been going on for a while. I think it's just the realization/recognition of how long it's been going that set me off.

I might have known at some point that PATRIOT stood for something, but it also made sense at the time for the legislation to have a "rah rah" title to it, so it didn't really bug me too much.

I think that it's just upsetting to think that:
a) "the powers" think so little of us, think that we can be bought out by chintzy names and cheap theatrics
b) it seems to be working

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