How to survive?


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
i have never met a pit bull who wasn't a big friendly goofball. i mean, hell, the most affectionate doggo i've ever met is TMM's pit mix. every time i visit TMM, Clem runs up to me and starts licking me. she'll actually demand belly scritches if you sit next to her on the couch by using her paw to drag your hand towards her and giving you sad puppy dog eyes until you give in, lol


Another cautionary tale:

This woman treated her chimpanzee like a friend and companion. They ate dinner together at the same table, slept in the same bed, etc .

And one day her girlfriend came over for a visit, and the chimpanzee got really, really jealous seeing the friend as competition and he went ape.

The woman told the police to come over with a gun and kill this chimpanzee who she loved and nurtured.


chimps are vicious little bastards. pitbulls generally aren't.

I agree with in a anecdotal sense. My neighbor had a pitbull, and it was well-behaved and docile, friendly.

I’m just aware of the statistics and news reports.

It was funny that another one of my neighbors liked that dog too, but one day someone told him it was a pitbull and ever since then he hated it.

I found that kind of curious so I asked him what happened, because he used to like fat dog. And he told me pitbulls have a BAD reputation. He could not get past the data on that breed of dog.

So that’s why I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring a pitbull into the home of a family with small children. Yet people continue doing it and becoming another statistic.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Again, "pit bull" isn't one breed. A bunch of breeds get lumped together under that label, as well as any mixes that look the part in the eyes of news reporters. No one bothers to untangle all that when compiling the data, so the statistics you're seeing are nonsense. They're not actually tracking this breed by breed.


Humans were not meant to go that far down. It’s just not worth it:

If God meant for us to be that deep underwater, he would have given us gills.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
It can be done reliably at this point, though I definitely wouldn't do it myself even in a well designed submarine. You couldn't pay me. Sometimes the consequences of failure are just too extreme no matter how unlikely the odds of failure are.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
Humans were not meant to go that far down. It’s just not worth it:

If God meant for us to be that deep underwater, he would have given us gills.
the company fired a guy for saying "hey i've done several simulations and this thing is EXTREMELY unsafe" because it would cost more money to make a submersible that wasn't a death trap, and the bilionaire who owns the company couldn't be assed to do that. this was entirely preventable.


Isn’t breast cancer one the easiest cancers to cure and treat? Don’t you just cut off the breasts?

Is it because women generally don’t want to do that and opt for chemotherapy and radiation instead?

I don’t think cancer was this prevalent before the industrial revolution. We need to probably get back to nature more as a society.

I think at this point practically everything in the modern world causes cancer.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Every case is different. Sometimes you can't just cut it out, but you can try to shrink it and hope you can turn inoperable cancer operable. And that's just what you can see. You're still going to do chemo to mop up the bits you can't see.

Deathy G1

Active member
…the chimpanzee got really, really jealous seeing the friend as competition and he went ape.

The woman told the police to come over with a gun and kill this chimpanzee who she loved and nurtured.
If even a chimpanzee isn’t allowed to go ape, then who can?


Females are still dying from domestic violence?

In order to increase the survival rate, you need to get help for the abuser as well as the victim.

When they were talking about bullying when I was in school, they said the bully needs help too. You don’t hear that anymore. Why is that?


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't know what kind of school you went to, but my school didn't talk about bullying at all. When bullies crossed a line they just quietly disappeared.


Maybe it was in some brochure I read back in the day, but the statement “Bullies need help too” was floating around back then in anti-bullying PSA’s:


but at some point I stopped hearing and seeing that. Maybe it offended too many people so they decided to drop it from anti-bullying campaigns.


With these three things you’ll have enough entertainment:

1. AM/FM radio
2. TV set with off-air channels antenna
3. Home internet

to survive and last a lifetime.


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