[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Night Cap stops pacing and sighs.

"I still wish I were in there though. I... can't do anything to help out here."

"Or ... he'll bust through the wall looking like a frozen brustlesprout!" Maple rubbed her hoof in case she needed to pop some pony in the nose...

Snowy knew what was at stake here. The stunt he was about to pull might get him fired, and even if it didn't he might never regain Brisk Iron's trust, or that of anyone on the STOMP team. He was certain his friendship with Rhapsody would be over and done with. So he wasn't about to undertake it unless he was absolutely certain it would deliver.

Psh, I've done colder. I once trapped a large family of ponies in ice. Could you defrost them, and bring them back to life? Say, so we could bury them in snow?

Night Cap stops pacing and sighs.

"I still wish I were in there though. I... can't do anything to help out here."

"Don't worry, we all know you couldn't do anything in there either." Rhapsody states as she glances over to him and Static before turning her focus back on the room.

"So I'm to be a weapon agai...
You said defrost them?

The wand seemed thoroughly confused.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
So is it doable or isn't it? Snowy asks testily. Because I did it with the windigoes. They're powerful, dangerous beings. They fly where they please on the North Wind. I don't know if a little trinket like you can outmatch them.

"I'd argue that despite their power, they're quite blind.
So I guess dealing with them means like begets like.
You do have the power to wield me in the way you seek.
What you lack is the mindset.
You're yet another pointless conqueror, so you'd just shatter them.
And thus, you'd not save yourself."

This wand was craftier than Snowy had expected, for an entity that spent the first minute of a conversation trying to redefine the word cold. You'd help me do this? He offered it.

Night Cap stops pacing and sighs.

"I still wish I were in there though. I... can't do anything to help out here."

"Don't worry, we all know you couldn't do anything in there either." Rhapsody states as she glances over to him and Static before turning her focus back on the room.

Static opens his mouth to say something.

Night Cap stops pacing and sighs.

"I still wish I were in there though. I... can't do anything to help out here."
"Don't worry, we all know you couldn't do anything in there either." Rhapsody states as she glances over to him and Static before turning her focus back on the room.
"You're just saying that to make me feel better."

Static closes his mouth.

"Why should I?
Furthermore, where is it?
I didn't sense any frozen towers outside.
If this with permission, travel could be interesting.
If it isn't, you're too frail to make it past the mare in this room.
Arguably, she seems to have a better demeanor for what you seek.
She...scares me a little."
All the while, Brisk Iron was tensed and waiting to strike on the first sign of something going wrong.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Snowy had ignored the first crack at his capabilitie, but this one was far more interesting. What's she have that I don't? he asks, sounding wounded.

"She seems more earnest.
I could be wrong but I don't sense uncertainty and hesitation.
Whereas you have your own agenda despite what she asked.
Lurking in the shadows instead of stepping forward.
Also, you've been touched by another wand's power.
Yet...you're still less fit than she is.
She reminds me of the one in your group who originally captured me.
I do not like that reminder."

Scarlet had opened his mouth several times upon their arrival at the research station. No words came though.

He wanted to say... something. Explain things. Maybe even try and get Rhapsody to understand. Scarlet was just to wound up over Major Delights sudden appearance to form anything coherant. So he gave Static an nod of thanks, then returned to his own thoughts.

"If I can find my answers Scarlet, so can you... and you've got my help if you need it."

Snowy took a deep breath and cast a small spell. Be more like her, certain action. Good advice. In their shared mindspace, there was a sound like a glacier splitting in two. Snowy shot deep into the well of the wand's power and dragged it to the surface, all at once. He knew what the teleport spell should feel like, magically, and he sifted for it, finding it in the span of a thought. The icy splintering broke into the real world as a chilly gust of wind cut through the room, and Snowy was gone, the wand taken with him. Floating on the table was a message, already fading away without his curation, for Brisk Iron:





Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static paws at the floor a bit. Scarlet was taken up with his own thoughts. Night Cap and Maple seemed on edge. Rhapsody was...as unreadable as ever. He grumbled under his breath. "I hate just waiting." He pawed at the floor a bit again. "Hey, has anypony listened to the new Stirling Strings album? Really good! I'm not sure how I feel about all the guest singers she brought in. They kinda started to overshadow her performance. Still, the music is still fantastic!"


"Or...am I the only one?"

Digging deep, Snowy Skies didn't find a teleport spell but instead found numerous other things. He could drop temperatures until they were worse than the arctic. He could pull moisture away to send a region into an inescapable drought. He could fill clouds with so much moisture that instead of rain, the entire cloud would come crashing down. With enough effort, he could build up winds with enough force to rock the oceans. Though not teleports, there were a number of ways out of the room. And through all the destructive capabilities, he found something else. While the Wand of Incomparable Green was kind and soothing to the poi! nt of being apologetic for Barometz's actions, the Wand of the North Wind was thoroughly bitter. The weathercrafting magic stolen from countless ponies made it want to destroy everything. And at the end of the day, the majority of its bitterness was knowing it would always be a weapon. The current attempt to steal it away, did nothing to lessen that thought.

Snowy Skies did see a different option than his original plan. He couldn't teleport but he could amplify his own illusions to make it look like he did, then sneak out of the room in the confusion. Sneaking away wouldn't be instant but it would be far less lethal than other options the wand was offering.

Static remembers the ride to Nightmare Heights. "I don't think she does that one, Night."

"Hmm... Sterling Strings is good. Shale Antiquity is great," Scarlet mused as Statics half-registered. His thoughts finally jumping the rails and moving away from guilt and anger. Smiling dow at Maple, he rached out with a wing for a half-hug.

"Thank you Maple.

And thanks Static. I know the dangers of STOMP. Of how each mission brings fresh dangers. I can, mostly, deal with that.


What i can't is the fact that:
A) Major Delight wasn't that keen on me dating his niece to begin with. He felt i was part of the reason she stayed. Despite the fact that she joined before i did.
B) He unambiguously loathes me for what happening. Convinced that what happened was a deliberate mistake by me.


C)He would gladly see me disappear if it meant Rain came back. i would honestly do it though, if given the chance.

To him, i'm just stupid, vain and,"
Scarlet raised cocked his head at Rhapsody. "Reckless.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static nearly laughed out loud. He wasn't able to completely suppress a scoff. "After what I just saw outside, and what I saw once before when he visited the Keep, he has no room to judge 'stupid, vain and reckless'." He was still scowling about how Major Delight had just endangered everypony that was close to that wand. "I understand he's mad about what happened about his niece. I get it. But what he did back there was stupid, vain, reckless and selfish.

"I didn't know you back then. So I don't know if maybe you were reckless. But if I know you half as well as I think I do, it had nothing to do with being selfish. I'm don't doubt that it was an accident and that you've done everything you can to make it right.

"And as far as him not being keen on you dating her to begin with...well...that's so much not his business. She chose to date you. That was her decision. Not his.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is...to Tartarus with him! He's not worth your time. If you're going to feel bad about this, I understand. Some mistakes are hard to get over. But don't feel bad on his account. He's so not worth it."

"You would look good in the uniform I think, Mr. Night Cap. I'm happy you ended up with us, though."

Scarlet cocked his head at the earth pony. Choosing his nect words carefully, Scarlet said.

"They thought you had the potential to be a Royal Guard?

What happened then? What 'isn't your fault'?"

"...What? Then... how did you know about it?" Misty appears puzzled.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Digging deep, Snowy Skies didn't find a teleport spell but instead found numerous other things. He could drop temperatures until they were worse than the arctic. He could pull moisture away to send a region into an inescapable drought. He could fill clouds with so much moisture that instead of rain, the entire cloud would come crashing down. With enough effort, he could build up winds with enough force to rock the oceans. Though not teleports, there were a number of ways out of the room. And through all the destructive capabilities, he found something else. While the Wand of Incomparable Green was kind and soothing to the point of being apologetic for Barometz's actions, the Wand of the North Wind was thoroughly bitter. The weathercrafting magic stolen from countless ponies made it want to destroy everything. And at the end of the day, the majority of its bitterness was knowing it would always be a weapon. The current attempt to steal it away, did nothing to lessen that thought.

Snowy Skies did see a different option than his original plan. He couldn't teleport but he could amplify his own illusions to make it look like he did, then sneak out of the room in the confusion. Sneaking away wouldn't be instant but it would be far less lethal than other options the wand was offering.

Snowy hurriedly scrubbed the message on the table as information streamed through his head. The wand of plants can teleport, but the wand of blizzards can't? He comments drily. He had a lot of things he wanted to say, but they would have to wait.

Snowy focused the power of the wand into the inane light-bending that was required for invisibility spells. Illusions were more like painting; you placed a portrait in the path of the eye, and it saw that instead of reality. But creating the shifting landscape that should be appearing where you stand was far closer to the out-and-out reality warping that was reserved for great wizards, not Illusory performers. With the power he had now, however, it was not so complicated. For good measure, he sent a chill breeze through the air as he winked out of sight, immediately dropping his chest to the floor in case Brisk Iron opted to swing at his previous position. Still on the floor, with muffled hooffalls, he crawled towards the door, standing up a few feet to the side of it and preparing to slip out as the team barged in. One thing he already knew about invisibility: under no circumstances were you to open a door.Snowy hurriedly scrubbed the message on the table as information streamed through his head. The wand of plants can teleport, but the wand of blizzards can't? He comments drily. He had a lot of things he wanted to say, but they would have to wait.

Snowy focused the power of the wand into the inane light-bending that was required for invisibility spells. Illusions were more like painting; you placed a portrait in the path of the eye, and it saw that instead of reality. But creating the shifting landscape that should be appearing where you stand was far closer to the out-and-out reality warping that was reserved for great wizards, not performers with illusionary aptitude. With the power he had now, however, things were not so complicated. For good measure, he sent a chill breeze through the air as he winked out of sight, immediately dropping his chest to the floor in case Brisk Iron opted to swing at his previous position in a desperate attempt to stop the wand. Still on the floor, with muffled hooffalls, he crawled towards the door, standing up a few feet to the side of it and preparing to slip out as the team barged in. One thing he already knew about invisibility: under no circumstances were you to open a door.

Brisk Iron took a powerful swing but hit nothing. Looking around the room, she spotted the message on the table. Upon reading it, "Maplejack!"

Maple Couldn't see Snowy... which either meant the Wand had taken him over or... With Snowy making himself invisible Maple couldn't use her vocal talents to wish him good luck. If she was right and Snowy hadn't lost to the Wand's will she had a good idea where he would go with such a tool.

With all he'd done to help her recently... she couldn't act against him...

"Chief, If the Wand has taken over Mr. Skies they could already be heading back to Cloudsdale." Once the rest of the team was in the room Maple ran back out and held the door open from the outside.

"If this wand is like the other one they could teleport there before we ..." Maple couldn't think of anything else to say... but she held the door open and motioned with her other hoof for somepony to follow her back out... to those visible it would look for all of Equestria like the tiny Pegasus was just trying to be helpful... but if she was right, she was signalling the invisible one.

Maple had to fight back a grin, it was almost like a covert signal between tag partners...

"Oh for Luna's sake... Am I the only one on this team that's not some kinda monster, thief, or otherwise in trouble with the law?" She asks rubbing her brow as she looks in on how Snowy just disappeared as the team was called in and Snowy was missing. She looks over to Maplejack as she comments about the wand. "Or this is some kind of illusion. Let us not forget, Snowy's main talents are music and illusions." Snowy was oddly the one pony she was probably closest too now that Amber was gone... but after the reveal with Scarlet, it seems that she's just ex! pecting nsomethign else to go wrong. "I don't like the idea that Snowy might just be conning us, but we got to be aware of both possibilites here."

"He wouldn't do that... would he?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static facehoofed and muttered something under his breath. After all the heart to hearts he's had with Snowy, he didn't want to think he was capable of treachery. But even Static had to admit that there was still a good bit even he didn't know about him.

He didn't know what would be worse. Either Snowy was possessed by the wand and they were going to have to fight and possibly injure their friend, or he was a traitor.

"Possessed. Gotta be."

He shook his head and scowled. "Whether he teleported or just turned invisable and we just let him out when we barged in...it's a good bet he's already long gone by now. So what's the plan?"

Snowy wasn't certain who was less subtle maple or static, but he didn't have time to worry about that now. He let the ghost of a whisper of 'thank you' float to Maple as he cantered past on silent hooves. He didn't know what Night Cap was doing, but it couldn't be good. He looped around a corner and headed for the exit, not at all certain how long he would be running for.

"Mr. Night Cap... I'm using Magic right now... to you want me to stop?" Maple says as the thankful whisper moves by.

"Of course you are Maple," Scarlet said quietly.

Snapping to alertness when Brisk Iron call came. Scarlet had, rather than rush in with everypony else, hung back and watched. As events played out, the blue pegasus felt his fury rising at this sudden upturning of everything. Though he was conflicted and confused by Snowy and the Wand disappearing, Scarlet had to concede that this was the most subtle and least destructive the Wand had been thus far. Scarlet didn't want to entertain the idea that Snowy, his first friend upon returning to STOMP, would willfully dupe everypony in order to obtain the Wand of the North Winds. Yet Rhapsodys words combining with him seeing how good Snowy illusion magic increased his doubt.

Then Maple rushed to hold the door open. Granted she could be waving everypony in. However, if there was a chance of an invisible pony, first reaction would habe been to hold the door shut.

So Scarlet stared down the hall and concentrated. One of the many tricks of his magic, was being able to find and break other spells. It was useful in disabling magical traps. So Scarlet tried to aim his magic down the hallway.


If it worked and he was able to catch sight of Snowy, he would follow with mo call to the others. He wanted to know what was going on first. If he was too late...? Well then he would be too late.

There are 3 -maybe 4 moments in a pony's life when they can choose to be a hero... Both Scarlett and Night Cap were about to take one of those away from Snowy without even knowing it. ...

even if she used her whammy eyes on one of them...

only one choice... Self-sacrifice.

"WAIT MR. SKIES NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Maple yelled at the top of her lungs


Maple's Body transforms into a frosty white and Blue Alicorn Princess



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Not funny, Maple. We've got work to do!" Static runs after Night Cap.


Misty anxiously trots in place, on the verge of bolting for one of the exits as Night Cap suggested, but looks to Brisk Iron first.

"Chief Director, is it a bad idea to use weathercrafting in here?"

Hoping like hell his magic might have some effect, he decided to follow Night Cap and keep an eye on him. Maples theatrics only succeeded in irritating him further. As he was certain now that she was trying to distract and slow down any responde to Snowys actions. Ignoring the frosty Alicorn forgery, Scarlet ran on. Yelling back forcefully.

"If you know something about what Snowy is doing. Then tell the Chief about it and stop bucking around Maple!"

Snowy had no idea what Maple was shouting about, but it had one desired effect: Fair warning. As he rounded another corner, the hallway behind him shimmered and froze over into a smooth sheet of ice.

He just needed to make it to the front door with a 5-second lead. That was all.


Rhapsody glared at Maple, their relationship had been rocky since the reveal, and this is certainly not helping her case. "I knew you couldn't be trusted, and now it seems you're in league with Snowy and his efforts to steal a dangerous artifact that can kill everypony! Chief, can you get this monster detained so it doesn't interfere while were trying to save the world?" Rhapsody growls as she staes the changling down for a moment before taking after the others as she takes flight as they try to chase Snowy down.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Misty Monsoon felt the air ionize as Brisk Iron flipped the table and it held the "alicorn" onto the wall. "Stay here. You and I need to talk." She then raced after the others. While Scarlet Spectrum couldn't break the illusion, Night Cap could still feel the chill of cold in the air as he sped down the hall with determination. Not even skidding on the ice slick, he swiftly found himself upon the source of cold air.

Misty's tail had straightens out in surprise at seeing an actual show of force from Brisk Iron, but once the Chief Director leaves the room, it slowly returns to its usual shape.

She sits down in front of the "alicorn."

"I had a thought that, if you were helping Snowy escape with the Wand, then there's something going on that I don't know about, but maybe you do." She smiles. "If you feel like talking, I'll be a good listener."

"Oh, ponyfeathers!"

Scarlet outburst was partly because his spell didn't connect. And partly because, try as he might not to, the blue pegasus couldn't help feeling apprejensive at Night Caps declaration that 'the Wand was his.' Rather than saying 'i've got you Snowy.'

Regardless though, he made sure he kept pace with the earth pony.


Silently, he readied his magic for another go. As well as readying for something else, should the need arise.

"why are you doing this Snowy? At least tell me its not a betrayal!"

Maple shifted back to herself and slid down the wall in a slump.

"Snowy ...I think he's trying to do the right thing... when we were away there was a building that the wand could... " Maple slumped even further. and then just gave u p all together and dropped her magic completely.

"I'm Sorry Misty, this is likely where we say goodbye."

"There was a building that the wand could... what?" Misty asks.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I want to tell you, but Snowy's done all this to keep his secret a secret... and I wanted to help him after how he helped me find my family, I just don't know -maybe he should have just asked to borrow it."

Misty looks thoughtful for a moment. "Ehhhh... I don't think that would've worked. But it doesn't make it right to just steal it either. I'm still a little disappointed in him, but it makes me feel a little better that he was doing it to help somepony else."

She turns back to Maple. "Something tells me it's not going to be a secret for much longer, especially if the others catch him."

"why are you doing this Snowy? At least tell me its not a betrayal!"

As Snowy rounded another corner, snowflakes spread along the wall, forming letters:

With a frenzied scream, Night Cap lunges.


Something that questionably resembled Night Cap (aside from the ferocity and the competency) barreled into Snowy, scaring him almost enough to attack it. But he wrenched his focus back to the corridor instead, spreading ice to turn their fall into a skid. When Night Cap had hit what he sensed as a patch of cold, Snowy had felt warm and natural, but his temperature was quickly falling. Night Cap was soon holding an invisible bundle of fur that was so cold it hurt to touch it. A voice that may have actually been the cracking of surface ice coughed out "Let. Go." He felt painfully frigid hooves pressing to shove him away on the ice.


1d20+7=12+7=19. Night Cap also rolled a 19, but he forgot to add in his +5 circumstance bonus from rolling the natural 20, so Snowy loses that one.
Now I'm rolling an Arcana check to try and break out, for lack of a better phrase. I'd imagine the opposed check would be endurance.

The rest of the group managed to catch up to Night Cap as he held onto to an invisible Snowy Skies and the air was slowly lowering. From the back, Brisk Iron said, "Good job Night Cap. The rest of you on standby, I'm going to try to get the wand."

"I could just drop it, you know." Snowy says, through clenched teeth, slowly fading back into visibility. He hadn't even made it to the front door. Weilding godlike power, he couldn't even make it to the front door. Seems you were right; he says to the wand, I am a pretty rubbish host. And an awful thief, to boot.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Well then, drop it. While I mainly needed the team on standby in case the wand tried something, putting it down should help. All of us are heading back to the room because I want to know what in Equestria you were thinking. It'll determine exactly what punishment you and Maple receive."

For a pony trapped on the floor wrapped up in another pony, Snowy was impressively dignified. "I would love to drop it. But it's in my right hoof, which is currently pinned under my stomach by Night Cap. Night, can you roll us over? Or let go?"

Brisk Iron walked to the other side to block the escape, then nodded to Night Cap.

I'm sorry. Snowy sends, sounding regretful. I'll try to help you, but I have about as much faith in me as you do right now. Goodbye. He lets the wand fall out of his grip, sending it clattering towards Brisk Iron, and promptly sags as the power flows out of him. He knew from experience that letting go of great power was a little like having to walk after living in zero-gravity; your body wasn't used to holding itself up, but it would adapt soon.

[Clearly it wasn't the wand that was in control here.]

Static frowns.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Well then, drop it. While I mainly needed the team on standby in case the wand tried something, putting it down should help. All of us are heading back to the room because I want to know what in Equestria you were thinking. It'll determine exactly what punishment you and Maple receive."

Rhapsody looks to Brisk Iron, there is a look in her eye that she's gonna be judging this all harshly; she remembers the talk they had, and then she wasn't trying to steal the one she tried to use. "Chief, I don't think there is anything that can excuse trying to steal an artifact that could cause the mass extinction of ponykind."

Static tried not to be too harsh. But the disappointment in his eyes and his voice couldn't be hidden.

"What was your plan once you got out of this building, Snowy? Take the dangerous evil artifact on a civilian train full of innocent ponies to wherever you were going? Or...did you even think that far ahead?"

Snowy gave Static a withering 'give me some credit' look. "That was the essential route, yeah. I know how to keep control of these things. You'll note that there wasn't a hint of ice in the hallway until you started chasing me. Everyone would have been just fine."

[missing post, probably Night Cap]​

"I'll answer that if you let go of me."

"Well then, drop it. While I mainly needed the team on standby in case the wand tried something, putting it down should help. All of us are heading back to the room because I want to know what in Equestria you were thinking. It'll determine exactly what punishment you and Maple receive."

Rhapsody looks to Brisk Iron, there is a look in her eye that she's gonna be judging this all harshly; she remembers the talk they had, and then she wasn't trying to steal the one she tried to use. "Chief, I don't think there is anything that can excuse trying to steal an artifact that could cause the mass extinction of ponykind."
Back on his, Scarlet looked sadly at Snowy Skies. Then he frowned at Rhapsody.

"There is always a reason and i for one want to know what is. If you don't know the reason, how can your judgement be fair?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Snowy gave Static a withering 'give me some credit' look. "That was the essential route, yeah. I know how to keep control of these things. You'll note that there wasn't a hint of ice in the hallway until you started chasing me. Everyone would have been just fine."

"That's a hell of a gamble to take with the lives of countless innocent ponies...especially while carrying a malevolent sentient wand that even now it probably trying to plan its way to a new host."

"Well then, drop it. While I mainly needed the team on standby in case the wand tried something, putting it down should help. All of us are heading back to the room because I want to know what in Equestria you were thinking. It'll determine exactly what punishment you and Maple receive."

Rhapsody looks to Brisk Iron, there is a look in her eye that she's gonna be judging this all harshly; she remembers the talk they had, and then she wasn't trying to steal the one she tried to use. "Chief, I don't think there is anything that can excuse trying to steal an artifact that could cause the mass extinction of ponykind."
Back on his, Scarlet looked sadly at Snowy Skies. Then he frowned at Rhapsody.

"There is always a reason and i for one want to know what is. If you don't know the reason, how can your judgement be fair?"

Back on his, Scarlet looked sadly at Snowy Skies. Then he frowned at Rhapsody.

"There is always a reason and i for one want to know what is. If you don't know the reason, how can your judgement be fair?"

Static looked to Scarlet, then to Rhapsody and back again to Snowy. He gave a deep sigh.

"You're probably my second closest friend in this group next to Night Cap, Snowy. You've gotten me through a lot of crap and told me some hard truths I needed to hear in the time we've known each other. So I reeeeeally want to side with Scarlet here.

"But this was so far beyond being a simple betrayal of trust. Rhapsody could have gone so far as to call it treachery and I would be hard pressed to disagree. So I reeeeeally hope your explanation is a hell of a shocker!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Well then, drop it. While I mainly needed the team on standby in case the wand tried something, putting it down should help. All of us are heading back to the room because I want to know what in Equestria you were thinking. It'll determine exactly what punishment you and Maple receive."

Rhapsody looks to Brisk Iron, there is a look in her eye that she's gonna be judging this all harshly; she remembers the talk they had, and then she wasn't trying to steal the one she tried to use. "Chief, I don't think there is anything that can excuse trying to steal an artifact that could cause the mass extinction of ponykind."
Back on his, Scarlet looked sadly at Snowy Skies. Then he frowned at Rhapsody.

"There is always a reason and i for one want to know what is. If you don't know the reason, how can your judgement be fair?"

Rhapsody glared to Scarlet "Yes, you wish that because of your own little kidnapping incident. Just because yours can be made to sound like its not your fault, that's not the case with Snowy, who stole a wand that can freeze the world and make everyone giant ice cubes right from under our noses, and planned to take it who knows where through public transport, with the hopes that maybe he's not gong to lose control or maybe someone else might not grab it? My judgement is on a very simple, irrefutable fact: YOU DO NOT STEAL ARTIFACTS OF MASS EXTINCTION POTENTIAL FOR ANY REASON!" She states. "This doesn't even cover how the changeling we're just allowing to roam free is in on it. There' kind can probably survive the cold. Obviously they've had the idea to steal a wand planned since that little trip of there. its why he was so relaxed with her reveal. He knew, and he brought t her in on his little scheme. It probably also explains why he was so interested in going back to face Barometz, but that wand likely didn't have or do what he wanted, so he waited for the next chance he got. Snowy's probably been planning something like this from the very beginning." Rhapsody had heard enoguh when Snowy admitted it was him and not the wand, she was no in full on betrayed mode and all she sees is Snowy and Maple as guilty of wanting to kill everyone, because that's what the wand wanted.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple tried to hide her face with her hooves, but since she wasn't in disguise - she could still see Misty through the holes in her forelegs.

"you might not believe it Misty.." Maple sighed into a forced chuckle that failed to even pretend there was any effort in it. "...but I've got a way to make this mess even worse than it already is." Maple dropped her hooves and looked Misty square in the face, the statement lingered in the space between them as Maple looked at her friend's face with the same scrutiny she used when making her mental maps... Ear tips, cute nose, that perfect smooth coat... even the way her eyelashes occasionally poked out from behind her bangs when she breathed. Maple mapped it all.

then when she could close her eyes and still see Misty's face, she continued.

"They left you alone with me... Maple the horrible monster. Rember that one meeting we had where I used my magic?" Maple shifted back to her pony form.

"That time I showed the team that I can make Ponies forget things... all I have to do is look at them, look at you... like I just did, and you'd never know what I said or did, you'd have forgotten everything that's happened the last few minutes... and wouldn't even remember if I just walked out and left you sitting here." She started sobbing as she realized it was likely what they expected her to do. and then Maple's heart broke... was that what Misty was waiting for her to do?

She had worried there was a chance she might have lost Misty the first time she went to help Snowy... had she actually succeeded the second time?

"I'm not sneaking away... whatever happens now I accept it. "I just wanted to remember your face. that's why I just looked at you, you're going to remember all of this, Sorry."

Maple turned her head away and closed her eyes for a moment and then looked back.

"Misty, before the chief throws me in a dungeon somewhere I want to show you the most beautiful thing in the world."

Maple's green flames danced along her body until Misty was looking at her reflection.

"Maple... I know what you're capable of. And I know you're not going to do that, because that wouldn't be like you at all. You're not a monster... you just did a dumb thing. If anything, that means... you're a normal pony."

Misty chuckles as Maple takes on her shape... and blushes a little, too. "Oh, that's very flattering... I'm still upset with you!... but, you're as sweet as ever. Gosh."

Snowy wrinkles his nose. "I'm a little offended at your lack of faith in my abilities. I held power like this in check for over a decade." He sighs. "But I suppose none of you would know that, would you? I'll start from the beginning." He closes his eyes, and his coat slowly ices over, coating him not in frost, but in a solid layer of ice. Only Night Cap can feel that he's a perfectly normal temperature now. His mouth opens, in complete ignorance of the ice sealing it, and he begins to speak.

"When I was 18, I froze 26 ponies to death in their house in Bitka. They look like this, now. They sit in a frozen house, about to eat breakfast or get dressed, trapped in ice. The wand is the only thing I've ever found that could save them." He sighs again, and the 'ice' melts out of his fur. "The power to do that came from the windigoes, and the cost was my soul. I converted their power into an illusion to hide me, and I fled town. That illusion kept me safe for a decade and a few months, until I managed to transfer my debt to Barometz. That's how I defeated him; The Windigoes took his soul instead, and I was free. Then, just a few weeks ago, I was contacted by A Sharp, the last surviving member of the family I killed. I'd attended his funeral just a few days...before. Maple knows all this because I was afraid I'd talk my way around A Sharp, so I brought her to keep me on the straight and narrow. You all know how good she is at making you do the right thing." He allows himself a wan smile. "Purely by accident, it turns out her 'family,' as it were, live in Bitka's suburbs, and we stumbled onto her big secret too. That's why I wasn't surprised. I don't know what she was thinking back there, but she had no idea this was going to happen. Leave her out of this." He takes a deep breath. "A Sharp charged me with setting things right. One day I will, but I was hoping that day was today."

He lets out a gusty sigh, looking a little relieved to have everything out in the open, but primarily he still looked horribly disappointed in himself. "And lastly," he angles his head towards Static, "the wand is not particularly malevolent. It just got so sick of being used as a weapon of mass destruction, that it bought into the idea. I think if you want to work with it, you might want to find a way to put it to work. Freezing limbs for reattachment maybe, or defrosting past victims. We were going to have a nice long chat on the train, but that's not happening anymore."

"I also have chocolate covered raisins in my pack." Maple laughs, this time for real- as she switches back to herself.

"You can have some, and I won't even try to escape." Maple smirks. Misty was upset with her... and it was wonderful, it meant they were still friends. Maple also added the adorable blushing to her mind picture.

Stung, Scarlet let out a sharp, bitter laugh and glared at Rhapsody.

"I think you just proved my point, Rhapsody!

You don't care what his reason might be, because you've already decided what he was thinking and what his punishment should be.

Yes, stealing the Wand was the worst thing Snowy could do. So why would he do it. If it is simply to destroy, then why didn't he just freeze us all right from the word go, hmm? As for Maple? That pony is too kind hearted for her own good and probably helped because 'friends and hugs are awesome!' And no, before you say anything, i still refuse to automatically condemn her because she's a changling.

Here's a thought. Why don't you consider the reasoning behind why the Chief Director wants to talk him. Why she wants to hear his explanation first, rather than simply cucking him in a locked cell the way you likely want too."

Ignoring her dig about his past again, as it was irrelavent for now. Scarlet simply huffed.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Snowy wrinkles his nose. "I'm a little offended at your lack of faith in my abilities. I held power like this in check for over a decade." He sighs. "But I suppose none of you would know that, would you? I'll start from the beginning." He closes his eyes, and his coat slowly ices over, coating him not in frost, but in a solid layer of ice. Only Night Cap can feel that he's a perfectly normal temperature now. His mouth opens, in complete ignorance of the ice sealing it, and he begins to speak.

"When I was 18, I froze 26 ponies to death in their house in Bitka. They look like this, now. They sit in a frozen house, about to eat breakfast or get dressed, trapped in ice. The wand is the only thing I've ever found that could save them." He sighs again, and the 'ice' melts out of his fur. "The power to do that came from the windigoes, and the cost was my soul. I converted their power into an illusion to hide me, and I fled town. That illusion kept me safe for a decade and a few months, until I managed to transfer my debt to Barometz. That's how I defeated him; The Windigoes took his soul instead, and I was free. Then, just a few weeks ago, I was contacted by A Sharp, the last surviving member of the family I killed. I'd attended his funeral just a few days...before. Maple knows all this because I was afraid I'd talk my way around A Sharp, so I brought her to keep me on the straight and narrow. You all know how good she is at making you do the right thing." He allows himself a wan smile. "Purely by accident, it turns out her 'family,' as it were, live in Bitka's suburbs, and we stumbled onto her big secret too. That's why I wasn't surprised. I don't know what she was thinking back there, but she had no idea this was going to happen. Leave her out of this." He takes a deep breath. "A Sharp charged me with setting things right. One day I will, but I was hoping that day was today."

He lets out a gusty sigh, looking a little relieved to have everything out in the open, but primarily he still looked horribly disappointed in himself. "And lastly," he angles his head towards Static, "the wand is not particularly malevolent. It just got so sick of being used as a weapon of mass destruction, that it bought into the idea. I think if you want to work with it, you might want to find a way to put it to work. Freezing limbs for reattachment maybe, or defrosting past victims. We were going to have a nice long chat on the train, but that's not happening anymore."

Pausing to take a deep breath, Brisk Iron picked up the wand. Her glasses frosted over for a moment, then cleared. She then set it in the lined bag and waved for the group to follow her back to the room. With a wave of her wing, the table fell to the ground and she set it back in the center of the room. After sitting down and putting the wand on the table, she said, "Snowy, Maple, both of you are in trouble. That's unavoidable. I haven't quite decided on the punishment just yet. However, I still need to hear Maple's side of all this."


"I ... I just wanted to help my friend fix his problem Ma'am. I came in here and well, all the pieces fell into place in my head." Maple Looked over at Snowy and gave him a weak smile... it was obvious he'd already give her his story, so Maple wasn't going to be giving up her friend's secrets now.

"When we were in Bitka, I learned what Snowy did... I also know how much trying to fix things means to him, and while I appreciate how nice most of you all have been to me about what I am. Snowy is one of two ponies in this room who have shown me that they would stick by me because of who I am -in spite of the what." Maple pulled herself upright slightly, as she realized she was actually a little cross about that -enough that it actually furrowed her brow.

"I had no idea I wasn't the only member of this team nopony has any faith in - but obviously Snowy had an idea, otherwise he would have simply asked to borrow it, The wand didn't seem to mind by the way- so when everypony went into fight mode, I tried my best to help my friend do something good. Obviously, I've never been an evil henchman before -because here we both are. " Maple pointed to the wall she was supposed to have been pressed against the whole time, and then at Snowy... standing here and not on his way to Bitka to right a past wrong.

"Maybe I should have turned into Amber and teleported the both of us Snowy." Maple crossed her hooves over her chest and then sat back down in her spot on the floor.

"All things considered, I actually would like to know why the choice was to steal it instead of speaking with me about the situation."

For the first time Snowy looked shocked. After a few broken seconds of silence, he speaks. "What should I have lead with, Ma'am? 'Thank you for saving me from being framed for attempted murder, but I actually killed 26 ponies a long time ago,' or 'You should hand an artifact that grants dominion over a force of nature to an ex-con who once used similar power to go on a killing spree until someone's entire family line was eradicated?'"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"preemptively borrow." Maple mumbled

"If it's similar to the wand's own handiwork, they aren't dead. I doubt the wand could remedy that even if it could thaw them out. And while directly giving you the wand would be a hard sell, well...did you really think you could escape? You've seen what the team can do."

"turn on each other at the drop of a hat?" Maple's brows are nearly to an angle only ever seen on the grumpiest Gryphon

Snowy shrugs. "The wand of Eternal Green could teleport. I assumed this one could too, at least far enough to let me disappear. As far as what we can do, I consider myself part of your latest bottle of lightning, and I hoped that the wand's power and the element of surprise would be enough. We haven't done much chasing since that first night on the job. I will admit to underestimating Night Cap, which is embarrassing. I'm certainly not the first, and I won't be the last." For the first time in quite a while, he looks Brisk Iron straight in the eye. "I bet everything on this attempt, and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. Not that I have anything left to bet."

"Has it been more than ten minutes Snowy? if you don't mind working with two evil creatures we could try again and they'd never know." Maple winked at Misty to let her know she wasn't serious.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Brisk Iron scowled at Maplejack. "Now if not the time for humorous remarks. As of the moment, Maple is suspended and there'll be probation upon her return. I overheard you mentioning"

still typing...

Static wanted to say a few things to Rhapsody during her tirade. While he could understand her anger at Snowy and Maple...heck, he was more than a little disappointed with them himself...there were several points he felt she went too far. She assumed too much putting together all these motivations in her head when she had no idea what their motivations were. The term "their kind" particularly ruffled the hair on the back of his neck.

But Scarlet beat him to the punch. All Static could do was watch as his two team mates went at each other in their rather ugly argument.

[So that's what it's like looking in from the outside on one of these things!]

As Snowy and Maple explained themselves, the anger melted away from Static and he could only nod.

"Ms. Iron, Ma'am? I know Snowy went about this in the worst way possible. And trust is probably going to be a real issue when dealing with him from now on." At this, Static gave a pointed glare at Snowy.

"But with a family of ponies with their lives in the balance...as much as I'd love to whap Snowy right across the head right now, and as much as I really can't defend how he did it...I really think maybe we should try and help him. Correcting a past mistake...it can drive a pony past reason. I...can see why it could blind a pony into making even more mistakes. But...stupid as his methods were...he was trying to do the right thing...wasn't he?"

He blew a great sigh as he looked to Maple. "And as far as Maple goes, again, stupid actions, but she was trying to help a friend redeem a mistake he made in the past."

"Not that I'm saying ends justify the means. The pathway to hell is paved in good intentions and all that. But...couldn't we let it mitigate things a some?"

Brisk Iron scowled at Maplejack. "Now if not the time for humorous remarks. As of the moment, Maple is suspended and there'll be probation upon her return. I overheard you mentioning the train exhibit starting next week but you won't be the tour guide for it.

Snowy, you're fired. While I may be sympathetic to some of the situation, I can't condone the means in the slightest. If you're going to act like a criminal, then that's how you're going to be treated. You don't steal from ponies who have extended their trust to you. Now...I am likely to consult with the princesses and perhaps A Sharp himself on remedying the situation but you won't have contact with the wand again. I still need time to think but that's where we're starting at.

Static, you make a valid point. Please pass me your Morse Code transmitter."

Static hands over the Morse Code transmitter.

Brisk Iron began typing out a long message. Upon finishing, she simply waited for the response.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Snowy doesn't look surprised or disappointed. He just nods. "I stopped checking my contract a while ago. Did I ever finish serving my sentence, or do I need to spend the rest of it in jail?" Despite (or perhaps because of) his apparent stoicism, he can't look at Static right now. Hearing someone other than Maple stand up for him meant a lot.

As Brisk Iron waited for a response to the Morse Code message, she announced, "That's about to be worked out. For the rest of you, Maple included, I'm inviting all of you to dinner at my house. This is mandatory. There's several things we need to talk about as a team."

"If only the wand could teleport, eh Mr. Skies? " Maple smiled.

Static nudged Maple. "Not the time!" he said tersely. How could she not see the trouble she was in?

Static didn't say anything about the dinner. If there was one thing he knew well, never refuse free food. Maybe he could pick up a recipe or two in the process. Not that he was looking forward to the conversation that was likely to happen.

Maple Nudged Static back.

"I have a watch Mr. Signal, I know exactly what time it is."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Maple." Snowy took a moment to grab her attention with his eyes. "If The Director didn't fire me, I was going to retire. I can't imagine winning back everypony's trust after something like this. And if I don't believe it can happen, how am I supposed to do it? This was always going to be goodbye."

Scarlet emotions roiled around in him like a whirlwind. Anger, frustration, disappointment, pity, sadness.

"Snowy... don't say goodbye. Don't just give up!"

The idea of a meal at the Chiefs house, tasted sour to him.

"Mr. Skies, it's only impossible to win back because it wasn't something you had. If they trusted you, they wouldn't have minded you borrowing the wand and risking yourself to save others... but they don't trust you, don't have faith that you could do it... they haven't even bothered asking the wand about it."

Maple shifted into princess Twilight Sparkle. "There are at present, only a hoofful of ponies in Equestria who have permission to run off and be heroes whenever we feel like it..."

Narrowing his eyes, Scarlet looked at Maple with a distinct lack of warmth.

"Maple! For pitys sake will you stop and think about things seriously!

You can't just wordlessly'borrow' a Wand of power like the Wand of the North Winds. A Wand that has been hunted for its destructive potential to the point that, as we now know, even it is sick of being used. A Wand that nearly took control of Cloudsdale!

You can't just 'borrow' that Wand and expevt everypony to go: 'I don't know why he's taken it, but thats alright because ureservedly know he'll do the right thing. We all trusted Snowy. We are friends with Snowy. Hell, hearing his reason for trying to steal the Wand shows that our trust may not have been betrayed as badly as it first appeared.

But for you to stand their and basically condemn all of us for 'never trusting Snowy in the first place,' is insulting!"

Rhapsody looks to Snowy. "As much as I utterly despise you right now; Giving up isn't your style. You are better then that. You tried to drag me out of my funk when I was close to giving up, you even took my lashing out at you dignantly; so don't make yourself a hypocrite on top of a thief by giving up on yourself after all this, you've handled worse." She wasn't giving him a pass like the others seemed to, she wasn't even forgiving him... but he has been her closest friend and what respect she had left for him compelled her to at least see him not fall into a pile of slush and self-despair after all! she'd seen from him previously.


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