[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple Shifted again to look at Scarlet with the exact same look he was giving her.

"No, I'm being very serious. No Pony here has asked the Wand what it was doing. Glitter Shake hasn't said her side of things yet... for all we know she was the one with the idea to target Cloudsdale and the Wand just used that as a means of getting a host to take it out of confinement. Snowy Did the wand try to tempt you? Did you not pass that test? Did you then somehow convince it to help you do something good?"

Maple shifted back to herself... "I may not have touched one of these things yet, but I have seen into one's mind ... and even Brusselsprouts wasn't entirely unreasonable, but you just go on and be insulated, Scarlet.

Static turned a sharp look at Maple. "Snowy's in the wrong here, Maple. There's no way around that. But in case you've missed the past couple minutes, I've stood up for him. Night Cap stood up for him. Scarlet just went a couple rounds with Rhapsody standing up for him. Tartarus! Even Rhapsody, Luna bless her, just tried to comfort him in her own way. Don't make the mistake of thinking you're the only one who gives a damn about him!

"It's worth being insulted when somepony uses insults, Maple. If I didn't trust Snowy, I wouldn't have asked for his help with the wand. And while we should have tried to find some way to ask the wand before now--we erred on the side of caution due to the level of danger--I did ask Snowy to find out what the wand wanted. While I'll say that the team probably does need to sort out some trust issues, I don't think they're where you think they are. Also, not only do I doubt Ms. Sparkle said that, I've been around far longer than she has."

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Brisk Iron opened it to find Princess Celestia. "I didn't expect you to make it here so quickly." "I felt I could help and I was available." "Snowy, you'll be going with Princess Celestia. I feel she'll be able to help your situation better than I. On that note, she'll be taking the wand in the hopes that both your situation can be fixed and that the wand can find some solace as well. Princess, while I'm sure you'll share all this, if you could also let Luna know to help him with his nights..." "Certainly."

"You have the Keep address if you need to send letters to any of us. Was there anything else you had to say before you go, Snowy?"

"It wasn't a quote. Hello Princess Celestia... "

Rhapsody looks to Snowy. "As much as I utterly despise you right now; Giving up isn't your style. You are better then that. You tried to drag me out of my funk when I was close to giving up, you even took my lashing out at you dignantly; so don't make yourself a hypocrite on top of a thief by giving up on yourself after all this, you've handled worse." She wasn't giving him a pass like the others seemed to, she wasn't even forgiving him... but he has been her closest friend and what respect she had left for him compelled her to at least see him not fall into a pile of slush and self-de! spair after all she'd seen from him previously.

When Static, Scarlet, and Night Cap had supported him, he had felt embarassed, and a little unworthy. But Rhapsody was different. As ever, Snowy rose to harsh words by cracking a smile. "I wouldn't call it giving up. It's just the next contingency in a plan that you won't stop. Now that Brisk Iron knows--"

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Brisk Iron opened it to find Princess Celestia. "I didn't expect you to make it here so quickly." "I felt I could help and I was available." "Snowy, you'll be going with Princess Celestia. I feel she'll be able to help your situation better than I. On that note, she'll be taking the wand in the hopes that both your situation can be fixed and that the wand can find some solace as well. Princess, while I'm sure you'll share all this, if you could also let Luna know to help him with his nights..." "Certainly."

"...that happens." Snowy finishes, trying and failing to pretend that he had seen this coming. Really, it was better than he had hoped for. In his whirlwind brain, it never occurs to him that he should bow.

Was there anything else you had to say before you go, Snowy?"

"Oh, lots." Snowy says. "Maple, mirroring the person you're talking to is very rude. Save it for extreme situations." He walks over to Princess Celestia, and finally bows. "I'm ready."

This is my third disappearing act to date, he realizes. It's not as clean as the others. I'm leaving something behind.

In a swirl of yellow light, he was gone.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple turned back into herself and Smiled.

"Thank you Snowy."

"Don't be a stranger, Snowy."

Night Cap waves, though it's not his usual happy wave.

"Come visit us sometime. Or I'll find you and come visit you."

Misty has remained quiet for most of the conversation, apart from occasionally cringing at Maple's juvenile outbursts. But now she is definitely getting emotional. "Snowy..." Misty sniffles. "I'm sorry... I was supposed to be upset with you, but now... I can only think about how much I'm going to miss you. I... I think I've got something under my goggles..." She reaches up under her bangs with a wingtip, and *goosh* a small bucketful of water pours out onto the floor.

Other than sliding down, Maple hadn't moved from where the Cheif had left her. But seeing Misty fall apart like this was too much even for her and she went over to her friend and pulled her head to her chest and held her.

this might just be the worst day ever. she thought and then wondered just how much of it was her own stupid fault. If they don't hang her after this dinner, she might have to change her policy on helping her friends.

Rhapsody looks to Snowy. "As much as I utterly despise you right now; Giving up isn't your style. You are better then that. You tried to drag me out of my funk when I was close to giving up, you even took my lashing out at you dignantly; so don't make yourself a hypocrite on top of a thief by giving up on yourself after all this, you've handled worse." She wasn't giving him a pass like the others seemed to, she wasn't even forgiving him... but he has been her closest friend and what respect she had left for him compelled her to at least see him not fall into a pile of slush and self-de! spair after all she'd seen from him previously.

When Static, Scarlet, and Night Cap had supported him, he had felt embarassed, and a little unworthy. But Rhapsody was different. As ever, Snowy rose to harsh words by cracking a smile. "I wouldn't call it giving up. It's just the next contingency in a plan that you won't stop. Now that Brisk Iron knows--"

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Brisk Iron opened it to find Princess Celestia. "I didn't expect you to make it here so quickly." "I felt I could help and I was available." "Snowy, you'll be going with Princess Celestia. I feel she'll be able to help your situation better than I. On that note, she'll be taking the wand in the hopes that both your situation can be fixed and that the wand can find some solace as well. Princess, while I'm sure you'll share all this, if you could also let Luna know to help him with his nights..." "Certainly."

"...that happens." Snowy finishes, trying and failing to pretend that he had seen this coming. Really, it was better than he had hoped for. In his whirlwind brain, it never occurs to him that he should bow.

Was there anything else you had to say before you go, Snowy?"

"Oh, lots." Snowy says. "Maple, mirroring the person you're talking to is very rude. Save it for extreme situations." He walks over to Princess Celestia, and finally bows. "I'm ready."

This is my third disappearing act to date, he realizes. It's not as clean as the others. I'm leaving something behind.

In a swirl of yellow light, he was gone.

Rhapsody huffs softly at Snowy's attempt to spin this in his direction at her words. "Well at least that's more like the real you." Or at least the version that was real to her, who knew with an illusionist and thief. "But we both know better." She says and shakes her head, before giving a respectful bow to Celestia. "I am sure if anyone can keep you in like it will be Princess Celestia. If not, you'll probably end up banished some place fitting for your crimes." Her tone almost sounded like she was teasing him, though her voice remained stern. "Maybe if you manage to save that family, I might still find I have some respect for you after this." Honestly, part of her was now kinda mad at Night Cap for stopping Snowy... but not too mad becuase she knows if he didn't she likely would have... She's pissed and hurt because of his actions, but the hero in her wants to see him save that family, if they can. It would go a long way to helping her trust him again.

This was a bittersweet moment for Scarlet. "Gonna miss you Snowy. First new STOMPer i met when i got here and the colt who got me to feel good about being back. I hope you do get to save that family. Everyone deserves a happy ending.

Sorry i won't get to introduce you to Shale Antiquity after all. If and when i do see her, i'll tell hee about you," he added with a knowing (if sad) smile.

"Take care my friend. And stick to the straight and narrow, ok?

It suits you better."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
After the rest of the team spoke, Brisk Iron offered one thing to Snowy Skies, "While this might no longer be the place for you, I truly do hope you manage to find your place in the world."

This has been the Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour. And as we close out this program for the night, let us not weep. For as we say our farewells, what seems like the end just might be leading to a new beginning.

*static crackle*

*static crackle*

Good evening folks! It's time for another exciting Saturday night with the Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour! This week we once again bring you to the explorative exploits of the Explorers of STOMP. Last time, the team shared the victory of thwarting an icy calamity only to endure the tragedy of having to say goodbye to Snowy Skies as he made his departure from the team. With tensions high, the Chief Director invited them to dinner to try to work things out. The first arrivals found that despite things known about her notoriety, her home was a fairly basic two story house. Dusty Winds stood on the porch waiting to let in everypony who arrived.

Static was somber as he arrived at the Chief's house. The loss of Snowy was still raw. It was probably going to be a while before the hurt went away.

Still he tried his best to give Dusty a warm (if obviously fake) smile. "Good evening, Dusty. How've you been?"

"A little shaken up from being that close to a big calamity but I'll manage. But what about you? I don't know what I'd do if I had to eat dinner with my boss."

Static had to consider it for a moment. "It depends I suppose. I respect Ms. Ironn far more than any other boss I've had before. That helps. Maple, Misty and I had lunch with her at the conservation speech a couple months ago.

"That was a low pressure situation though. I really don't what to expect here. And Snowy leaving's still pretty raw."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Landing with barely a sound, Scarlet plodded up to Static and Dusty.

"Hey," he said without much enthusiasm. He really wasn't looking forward to this. He wanted too, but after everything that had just happened. Plus the 'joy' of running into Major Delight again. Scarlet was hard pressed to understand why the Chief would invite them all to dinner right now.

Misty arrives next. "Hiiiiiiii!" she calls to the others, seemingly back to her usual cheerful self.

Dusty Winds chuckled and shook her head. "I was trying to make a joke to cheer you up since she's my aunt and I eat dinner with her all the time. So much for my comedy career. I'll say...try not to be too worried. I figure she's just trying to work things out in her own way. Hope the three of you are hungry. Steel's going to be here and she's usually good at lowering tension."

Maple hugged her friend for what might be the last time and then held her hooves out for the shackles... there would likely be shackles.

Splash Flaunt confused. "I didn't bring a plate or anything. The food is at her house."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static says hello to the Misty and Scarlet as they arrive and turns his attention back to Dusty.

Dusty Winds chuckled and shook her head. "I was trying to make a joke to cheer you up since she's my aunt and I eat dinner with her all the time. So much for my comedy career. I'll say...try not to be too worried. I figure she's just trying to work things out in her own way. Hope the three of you are hungry. Steel's going to be here and she's usually good at lowering tension."

"Sorry, Dusty. My mind just isn't in a joking place right now. Thanks for trying though.

"Always hungry...and looking for new recipes."

"New recipes sound good,"Anchors Away said as she walked up.

Static smiled as Anchors walked up, probably his first smile since Snowy left. "Good to see you're here too. If I'd have known you were coming, I'd have offered to walk together."

"Oh, um I sort of figured ... never mind, please lead the way, I wasn't expecting to have company for the trip so this will be nice."

Static gives Night Cap a lopsided grin and points to the house just behind them. "You're not too far off there, Night!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
As they began walking, Splash Flaunt said, "The Chief Director said you might need somepony who can listen? She didn't say what about though."

Dusty Winds paused for a moment, trying to figure out the right words. "While Aunt Brisk has tastes in quality, she's not big on extravagance. Or uh...think of it this way, too big of a house and you can't save up for other things."

"Oh, you know the usual stuff, just being an all around 'goof' up... I've been so worried about a personal problem and how the team's been handling it... that I've let that feed back onto my decision making and now I've screwed up bad - nopony died, in fact there's a good chance some might start living again - Magic stuff - Maple makes quotations points with her wing tips - I just don't know if it's even worth staying on the team, none of them *sigh* I think I've ruined everything - I was the one supposed to help bring the team together..! . and while they all agree that I'm a rump, I'm sure that's not what the chief had in mind."


Now I know why she sent me. From...experience...if you're still here, you're only in so much trouble."

"I was pinned to the wall by a magnetized table... I think I could have molted all my feathers... if well, you know."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"But you didn't lose your job. That means a fair bit.

You want to talk about something else maybe? I discovered through personal study that the ocean has had a 0.0000215% increase in saline content over the past two months."

"I've done some crying since I moved here." Maple Smiled as she poked Spash in the side -softly with a wingtip

"I have too however, that wouldn't account for..." Splash Flaunt rambled off countless ocean facts as they walked until she and Maplejack arrived to see the others standing on the porch.

Rhapsody finally showed up, she really wasn't much of a social pony, between her two career choices; but today she was less interested in the whole team thing then she usually was. It being mandatory is the only season she doesn't just spend the night as her alter ego, since this is another of those nights where she really just wants to punch someone till they stop moving, and it was easier to do that to the criminal element then it was to her teammates. "Hi." She states simply as she looks them over as the gather on the porch.

Maple takes a step back from Rhapsody and anyone watching would see she actually shrunk a little to better hide behind S-lash



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static waved hello to the newcomers. He noted Rhapsod's demeanor and decided that except for this wave hello, it might be best not to annoy her by interacting with her much tonight. He could relate.

He looked behind Splash Flaunt to get a better look at Maple. "You aren't going to be able to hide behind her all night, Maple," he said in as friendly a tone as he could muster. He didn't harber any ill will towards her after all. In fact, after the whole story came out, he couldn't really blame her for anything. Still, he was grouchy at the whole situation and wouldn't mind having something to punch.

Misty waves. "Hi, Rhapsody! Hi, Splash! Hi, Maple!"

As Dusty Winds let them in, they smelled a stronger aroma that had previously just been wafting outside. Baked sweet potatoes were on plates on the table with a variety of topping available. Surrounding each were freshly cooked green beans. A pitcher of freshly brewed tea with lemon was set out where it was slowly cooling. It could be immediately noticed that furniture was pushed aside so that two tables could be placed together. From in the kitchen, they could hear Brisk Iron announce, "Don't sit in my spot, otherwise make yourselves comfortable."

Static looks around at the tables and chairs. "Umm...which one's her spot?"

"It's the one on the end of the table." Steel Flint said as she entered and sat on the opposite end.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet looked back and forth between the two ends of the table.

"Caught between Steel and Iron,"

Cautiously, Scarlet approached a seat somewhere in the middle of one side of the table(s).nodding to everypony else, he remained quiet for now. Unlike Static (though he didn't know that), Scarlet was still less than happy with Maple. Although he knew the little Pegasus/Changeling only did what she thought was right. And that, in this case, what Snowy was doing, was for the best of intentions. However, it irked him just how bluntly obstructive she had been, as well as her seemingly self-righteous attitude towards the rest of them for not being unreservedly supportive of Snowy, simply because he was their friend.

He would get past this and move on, still being her friend. Just not yet.

Not to mention his bad mood was also being excacerbated by his renewed anger and guilt about Rain, thanks to Major Delights... delight, in scraping that particular nerve (figuratively speaking).

Static predictably sat next to Anchors. Not knowing what the disposition of the others were towards Maple, he decided it would be best to just assume he'd be the friendliest company she'd likely get the this evening and offered her the seat on his other side.

Having rebounded from her Shrinkenning at the Sound of Misty's 'hi' Maple walked in next to her friend and began observing the seating arrangement in progress.

When offered a seat next to Static she thanked him with a smile and nod and then pulled the next chair out for Misty before taking the offered spot herself.

Brisk Iron walked in with a third of a pot of coffee and set it on a ceramic holder. She then sat in her seat. "I called you here in the hopes that we can work things out as a team. A lot has happened recently and I hope a more casual environment will make discussion easier. I'll admit to being a little out of it. I don't look forward to firings and I dislike dealing with Major Delight vastly more. I'm going to initially leave the floor open for any questions you have of me."


Static takes a bite of the sweet potato, thinking it only polite to at least try to eat some of the dinner Brisk Iron had made for them. To in all honesty, in spite of what he boasted earlier, he was decidedly not hungry.

"Not...so much a question as...I don't know...an observation? We've lost quite a few ponieslately: Light Fantastic, Amber...Snowy." Static can't help but a ragged sigh. "And I can only guess Night Cap and Rhapsody have lost even more: Windrose Weave and Willow Wisp? I mean, sure, we've gained a few allies too. It's just...how do we figure out how to work as a team with an almost constantly changing roster? We almost figure out how to work together and...BAM...we have to...

"*sigh* I don't know. I'm just kinda talking. So much has happened I'm still trying to wrap my head around it."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple put a hoof on Static's shoulder to comfort him. this was potentially going to be a difficult night, to say the least. it was very brave to be the one to start.

"Outside of Snowy, I can't control who stays. I do feel that mostly keeping the team in house should help. I can't fault ponies for having other obligations.

Working together should help. Next week, you'll have some training missions, similar to the ones from a few months ago. I had originally planned on dropping them but they did seem to help strengthen a few rifts the last time. It might be needed more than ever with all the forces in play."

"Outside of Snowy, I can't control who stays. I do feel that mostly keeping the team in house should help. I can't fault ponies for having other obligations.

Working together should help. Next week, you'll have some training missions, similar to the ones from a few months ago. I had originally planned on dropping them but they did seem to help strengthen a few rifts the last time. It might be needed more than ever with all the forces in play."

"I know. It's just...I just...it's...frustrating.

"Aww, maybe your right. At th! e very least it'll give us something to occupy us."

[Give me something to punch.]

After taking the offered chair, Misty follows Night Cap's lead and digs in to the food.

"Mmm... yeah, training wash good lasht time... def'nitely wanna do it... *gulp* again."

For now, Scarlet stayed silent. Not sure what to ask or say. He was overly hungry, but the food did smell nice. So he dug and, eating slowly, tried to calm his thoughts.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Rhapsody similarly wasn't all that talkative, nor really hungry only really eating out of politeness.

Brisk Iron smiled in response to Night Cap's comment. "Well, if we're lucky, Celestia will make him read one of your reports in full." Steel Flint chuckled in response, grateful she didn't have anything in her mouth at the moment. Then, Brisk Iron continued, "And yes, a lot of this is frustrating. I'm thankful we haven't had to put up with COIN for a while but I have a bad feeling they're still busy, just quieter."

"COIN!" Static mutters while massaging his temples. New YellowAmazing how between the magic wands, the field trips, the Snow Sharks...I never thought COIN would be one to slip my mind."[/color][/b] Static thinks for a second. "When was the last time we've heard from them?"

"Petrichor Falls. Admittedly, it's possible that they've sustained enough losses that they can't do much but they're still out there."

Maple looked at her plate, she was starving... but it's not from lack of eating.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Tomorrow, I have a bit of a training project planned for all of you, separate from the upcoming training missions. I guess that brings us to Maple. Your probation shall be split into two parts. First, fifteen minutes every Friday for the next two months you will work as an assistant to Night Cap. Do you disagree with this, Night?"

Night Cap wants to say something so badly, but there is no chewing fast enough. His mind is whirling. His soul fills with music.

"Second, prior to those fifteen minutes Maple will work two and a half hours as an assistant to Amaretto Swirl and any general requests she has for the Marketing Department. Do you have any questions about your duties, Maple?"

Rhapsody looked up, but remained quiet. She wasn't sure if this was being too lientant or not.

"I would like to request an actual punishment, please. My actions, while favorable to a friend were decidedly against the rest of Stomp and the Keep and perhaps even all of Equestria - not to mention further straining my relationship with everypony. I would like the opportunity to earn back the trust of each member of stomp in a way they would suggest. Perhaps after I am finished assisting Mr. Night Cap, the others will have had time to decide on something."

Maple sat back down and ate some of her food.

Static nudged Maple. "I know all about feeling like you just got off easy. But that's where you thank your lucky stars for the bit of mercy and try and do better next time. You really want a bit of punishment, I'm sure I could come of with some things for Night Cap to give you. But seriously...thank your lucky stars!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"if I wanted out of this Mr. Signal, I would have disappeared forever when you all left me alone to chase Snowy." Maple looked from him to Misty and then shrugged.

"Wouldn't have worked," Misty says cheerfully between bites.

[color=#ff0000{"you not getting to be a tour guide, as well aa working for Marketing, seems quite enough of a punishment from where i'm sitting,"[/color] Scarlet states calmly. "What did you expect. That you would get tossed into a dungeon to 'think about your mistakes'?"

"You not getting to be a tour guide, as well aa working for Marketing, seems quite enough of a punishment from where i'm sitting," Scarlet states calmly. "What did you expect. That you would get tossed into a dungeon to 'think about your mistakes'?"

"Probably." Static looks around. "What? I mean, what kind of punishment are you looking for, Maple? You've been suspended. When you get back, you'll be on probation working as assistant to Night Cap and Amaretto. What do you want? A flogging?"

"I wouldn't even have made it a yard." Maple Smiles at Misty before leaning over for a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Well Mr. Spectrum, Splash Flaunt could attest to my expectations for tonight. But here I am as yet unshackled."

Maple here's Static's question, but answers while looking directly at the astonishingly quiet Rhapsody.

"Yes, if I thought that would be enough."



Exhausted, but still standing.
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Council of Elders
"I'd much rather something productive than simply locking Maple away. Also, Amaretto seemed almost enthused and assured me that there would be work for you to do. You're mistaken if you think this is being let off easy. Amaretto and Night Cap will be reporting back to me on how well the day's duties have been completed.

One page reports."

"if that is your desition ma'am I will do my best, but I would ask the others to follow up with me outside of work hours."

Static nibbled a bit on some of the food and sighed. "I'd be happy to meet up with you any time you want Maple...but not to punish you."

Static looked from Maple to Splash Flaunt and then to Scarlet. "Look, guys, all three of you...I get it. I really do. Some times it's hard to let go of a mistake. Sometimes the hardest pony to forgive is the one in the mirror. Believe me, I've been there.

"But it's also absolutely necessary. Maple, your situation is kinda new, so it's a little different with you. But beating yourself up over something only helps so much. Sure it! can motivate you to make sure you never do something so stupid ever again. But after a point, it only serves to interfere with your judgement right now if you're constantly being dragged back by the past. It drags you done. And it makes for a pretty miserable life.

"Let it motivate you. That's great. But don't let it destroy you."

[Aaaaaand crickets chirping in 3...2...1...]

[I don't care. Needed said.]

"Maple," Scarlet said. Though his voice remained calm, it had a lightly testy edge to it now. "i think you're taking the 'I'm a bad pony and i need to be punished' a bit too far. You are going to be watched and worked a great deal from now on, by the sound of it. You will have ponies keeping a watch on you. But we aren't going to constantly keep tabs on you 24/7.

And a flogging would be a stupidly harsh and overblown reaction to whatyou've done.

Enough with the guilt and need for penance. Stop thinking about what you think you 'deserve' and start thinking about how you're going to make things right. Ok?"

Maple frowned, she wasn't even able to do this right. so she just nodded and sat back down a little more slumped in her seat than before.



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Council of Elders
"Stop iiiit!"

If you don't stop slumping and at least attempt to cheer up and start thinking positive. Then i will tie you up and find nice, dark, lost dungeon to out you in," Scarlet said with obvious mock anger.

"I know a few good cave systems the nopony else knows about too,"
he added with a smirk.

"I can't just do nothing, ...if I didn't have to do anything to fix this - it would be fixed already, because it wasn't broken..but we are. I can't, not be what I am. So there has to be something I could do to help all of you ..I'm not just asking forgiveness for this thing with the wand Mr. Spectrum."

"As far as helping...I think you should try to talk with Melon tomorrow. I think you may misunderstand some aspects of your status."

"If there isn't anything else I need to know now, may I be excused so everypony else can enjoy the evening?" Maple looks to her side and half-heartedly smiles at Misty

"I don't think anypony has any problem with you being here right now. However, I wonder if anypony has any points of discussion. While I have my thoughts about the wands, I don't feel it's anything immediately substantial."

As Night Cap finally clears the sweet potato and can speak again he is silenced by a dreaded realization.

He is going to have to explain to Maple figure out what he actually does all day.



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Council of Elders
"That may actually be a good point. Major Delight may have had an axe to grind, and may have just been looking for any excuse to blame the Keep for something...anything. But unfortunately the Keep did give him an excuse. Snowy very nearly would have given him another one. Night Cap may be right that there's something to look into.

"Also, for instance, that raises another concern I hadn't really thought about before now. But the fact that Mr. Stiff Feather went undetected for so long makes me wonder how many others like him there are."
Static sighs. "Sorry. I'm rambling again. Night Cap just got me thinking and it gets hard to stop."

"This would be the first thing I agree with." Rhapsody says speaking up. "Since I've been with the team, it feels like there's been a lot of issues with security between the branches and even here. Just the fact that TWO ponies tried to escape with the same wand in the same day reflects bad on us."

"I've been working towards improving protocol but it's been a slow process. What I might do is officially request for somepony other than Delight to act as oversight for the museum. The help would be appreciated if they're actually willing to help."

[missing post]​

"Oh, so somepony like Scarlet?"

Static grins. Could Night Cap be any more transparent if he tried? "Did you have somepony in mind, Night?"

Hey! Why not? Night Cap had been useful in the Documents department. And Static would love for him to keep working in that capacity. But if he'd found something else he wanted to do more, who was he to argue. And Static had no reason why he couldn't do that job. In fact, the way he was able to break in the night of COIN's attack and how he stopped Snowy, he just may be the perfect pony for it.



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Council of Elders
As Night Cap made his (totally subtle) case for (why he should be) an Architect of Security, Scarlet had to take a silencing bite of food to forestall his sudden urge to either choke or laugh. He respected Night Cap. Considered him a friend and a noble colt, despite his sometimes overzealous drive to conquer all and prove himself the 'mighty hunter'. Scarlet was quite sure that, based on what he'd seen and read of the dreamwalkers exploits in STOMP. Night Caps own 'reports' and those of the others. While Night Cap would likely be invaluable to whomever was refining STOMP security. Night Cap was probably not the ideal colt to be put in charge of security.

"Perhaps Rhapsody...?"

"Hmm...perhaps Dart Noveau?" Steel Flint volunteered. "Excellent idea. Darty's already designed a few things for the Keep and understands many of our mechanical inner workings. I'll probably request that Keen Craft assist her. Thank you for putting the motion forward, Night Cap."

"I think Mr. Night Cap was trying to put his own name forward for the position Ma'am... "

Maple smiles over at Night Cap and adds in a slight whisper. "Maybe I can help you not be so subtle, Mr. Night Cap."

Static raised an eyebrow. "You call that subtle? I can be more subtle than that!"

Scarlet let out a low chuckle, nodding at Statics comment.

"While i agree with Night Cap about the need for tighter security. He justsubmitted a list of reasons why he believed he is the ideal choice for the job. While not actively saying so.

Subtle, it was not.

Night, my friend. While you have hit the nail on the head. I think your talents are best suited are best suited as part of STOMP as is. Not closeted up in some office."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static shrugged. Amazing how what he thinks and what he says always winds up being the same thing...even when he's trying his hardest to put a mind to mouth filter on.

"I don't know. I mean, I would love to keep him in the documents department. He's been a major help there. But considering how he was able to (rather easily) slide by security the night COIN broke in and how he just tackled an invisible professional like Snowy...and made it look easy by the way...he'd hardly be wasted on security detail." Static looked back to Night Cap. "What is it you want to do?"

[You realize you just advocated Night Cap in a security role for guarding a bunch of shiny things...right?]


[Oh crap!]

"He slide by security that we already knew was sketchy, and still avoided guards and resident vigilante rather then working with them. And he only got to Snowy because he he was lucky against the ice, I was just as close to being able to tackle him." Rhapsody speaks up calmly. She was simply stating facts, and not trying to sound negative against Night Cap, even if she agreed with everyone else that Night Cap in charge of security would be the worst things. "And while I am glad to see Scarlet can see my potential in such a position despite our issues, the Chief seems to have already made her call and is likely has more experience then I would bring."

Static shrugs. "Fair enough." Inwardly very relieved that she shot down his argument in favor of Night Cap.

[Seriously, advocating Night Cap to be in charge of shiny things? What were you thinking?]

[Obviously...I wasn't!]

"If there's nothing else of note, all of you are welcome to stay but you may be excused if you'd like to go. Those with leftovers may take your plates, just return them when you're done."

Static finished his meal as quickly as he could without looking like he was stuffing himself. He despised borrowing things. He then turned to Maple.

"Maple? A moment?" He lowered his voice, not that he was trying to keep what he was saying from the others, but it really was for Maple to hear. "You seem to still think we all hate you. You may want to bring it up to each of us individually, but just reading the crowd, I don't believe that Scarlet or Night Cap hate you. I certainly don't. I may have been angry with you, but you'll always be my friend. You get that, don't you?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"It's true, I saw him do it once."

"To a supposedly uncrackable vault no less!"


"I don't want to know how he knows how to do that."

"Maybe I'll be able to tell you in a super subtle way ..so you won't even know I'm doing it, once I learn it from Mr. Night Cap I mean."

Maple smiled, it was good to try and be helpful where she could. Even if No pony wanted her to specifically help them with something.. maybe it was going to take a lot of little things.

"Too bad he couldn't do it when told." Rhapsody states, yes she is still annoyed over that. She gets up from the table, her plate half finished, she hadn't been that hungry anyway. "Thank you for the meal chief. I hope this was helpful for you." Rhapsody says politely, before starting to take her leave. Maybe she could still find something to hit tonight if she left early enough...

Seemed like a bit of a waste of time to be told she couldn't leave yet, only to then be told she could leave if she wanted to... but Maple was done trying to make sense of these ponies.


"Have a good evening Rhapsody, I'm sorry you're still in a bad mood. Are you sure there isn't anything I could help you with? I'm professionally trained to take a punch you know... and even if you do manage to bruise me slightly I can just not show them."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Rhapsody was a boiling pot of emotions, though bad mood was the easiest way to explain it. She felt this dinner was pointlessly too soon, and that it was proven with how quiet everyone was. She was annoyed as how easily it seemed Maple was getting off. There was some relief in that no one wanted the second least trustable pony in charge of security. She was still really pissed at Snowy... and yet deeply saddened at his dismissal at the same time. Some ponies could talk their feelings out... Rhapsody wasn't one of them. She tended to get her feelings out with actions, and that's why she wanted to find someone she could hit till they stopped moving. At the que! stion Rhapsody looks back over her shoulder and replies tactfully. "It would be in bad taste for me to hit a 'teammate'" At least here in front of the chief, when this was essentially neutral ground. It would also be too easy to beat up someone willing. "You'll have to find your atonement elsewhere, rather then having me knock you senseless."

Previously remaining quiet during dinner, Splash Flaunt spoke up. "Maple, come with me. I think you and I need to talk." She then walked out the door.

Maple shrugged and got up and followed Splash Flaunt.

It was quiet for almost a minute until,
"I'd like to know just what is your problem. You should be grateful for getting a second chance. As much as you're claiming you want "more" of a punishment, it's giving off the vibe of getting something quick so you'll be instantly forgiven. Your friends may be understanding but this isn't an easy out. You're going to have to earn the trust you want. Being worthy of a second chance means showing that you won't make the same mistakes again. Otherwise you'd be better off running away. Except...you have enough sense to know that won't improve things. Too many ponies like Ms. Sweet care about your well being for you to toss that away blindly."

Maple hung her head as she listened to Splash. It was obvious she'd again done this entire night wrong.

"I... have no idea how to do this." Maple's hind legs gave out about the same time as her composer.

"Nearly every pony in Equestria that I care about is back there in that room and they're all mad at me... I.. I can feel it in my head..I can taste it on the air... I'm Alone again... Snowy helped me find out so much about myself, so i wanted to help him... now he's gone. Rhapsody Taught me how to Fly and now she can barely stand being in the same building as me... Scarlet, Static and Night Cap seem madder to me now than ever ... You and the chief too - I..."

Maple dropped her magic and looked at Splash with her actual face. "I've never had a family to loose before." there that was it, that was the truth of it. her entire life up to this point, searching for a Family that turned out not to be real, only to discover that your actual family are horrible monsters locked away by powerful goddess's magic... and then.

Maple's Magic flashed her back to her Red and white self... and she pointed at her face with a hoof.

"This is me. I've worked hard for this... but I'm scared okay. ...I'm just flailing my hooves in the dark trying to find something to hold onto... I thought it could be my work, my friends... Misty... but I'm just dragging everything down with me."


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