[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I agree that our medic should go first, and Let Dart go before me. I'm confident in my swimming ability and strength. I've already got to drag one pony through; If I take up the rear, I can potentially try and help anypony else that might be struggling." She states, it was a similar strategy she used with Static last time, letting him go ahead in areas that way if he needed help she could provide it since she was the more fit of the two.

Dart Noveau pulled out a tarp. "Alternately, we could toss him in a sack. The material is watertight so it could save him from tiring out his magic. That said, an air bubble can work too. Just comes down to whatever he feels the most comfortable with." "And regardless of either, it's probably best that I carry him since I have the most swimming experience."


"Of course. I'm just trying to see if anypony needs help first."Anchors Away said as she watched the group.

Upon unlocking the door, Scarlet Spectrum's group found a dark room filled with numerous reflective crystals lining the walls that caught the light that entered.

Maple was keeping up, even on her short legs... which meant she was for sure out of her love daze. After all she would be the first of them to be fully submerged when the water was only up to the other's flanks.

"Darn boobie traps! At least it wasn't nets this time!"

"What did I say? The moment you let down your guard!


"You look like you could use a lift, Maple!" Misty says, running over to her smaller friend. "Climb on!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Okay, thank you Misty!" Maple was going to have to give this beautiful filly all the hugs later.

Though the water was an ominous black in the dim light of their horn, Wanderlust was excited by the water. Underwater caverns always had something worth finding at the end. "I'll try the bubble trick first, and if something goes horribly wrong you'll know better." He offers. "I've done something similar before, but maybe not as deep."


Pecky let out some very loud and direct squawks, causing Moonshadow to pale a bit.

"Air bubble... d-definitely the air bubble for us both..."

Upon getting a confirmation, Splash Flaunt pulled Wanderlust under the water. The bubble of telekinesis around his head was a little wobbly at first but held firm as they traveled to the other side. Once they came up for air, Wanderlust could see a cave interior but there was a small bit of light flowing in from an exit up ahead. Splash Flaunt dived back under and upon returning she said,
"All clear. His magic held so it's a viable option for diving."

Once Static Signal's team reached the end of the tunnel, they found the path slanting upwards. The water eventually stopped, leaving the previous path submerged. They'd either need to dive or find some way to drain the water to return the way they came. Anchors Away rather nonchalantly climbed out of the water.

Up ahead was a large platform. In the center was a pedastal with two sets of complicated wooden gears and pulleys connected to a rope in the center that led up through a hole in the ceiling. However, some of the gears seemed to not sit properly for any good tension on the rope.


Alone at last, Wanderlust sighs appreciatively, then turns his own light back on and walks towards the cave mouth, shaking out his wet coat.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Well here goes nothing." Moonshadow steadies his breathing and casts a bubble around his head, big enough to protect his hat and Pecky.


Scarlet wanted to simply enjoy the spectacular crystal room, but he had to say it.

"Night Cap, keep in mind that this room was looked behind a sign reading 'Danger'. Don't touch anything."

Static takes out the gears he collected in the previous room and tried to see if any of them fit into any obvious spots.


Looking out of the cave, Wanderlust found an oddly dark, forested area. Meanwhile, once Moonshadow prepared an air bubble with his magic, Splash Flaunt pulled him under and Dart Noveau followed. After leaving them on the shore inside the cave, Splash Flaunt returned to give Rhapsody the all clear.

"Ugh, I hope we don't have to do something like that again any time soon." Pecky squawked in agreement.

"So, see anything interesting?" He asked Wanderlust.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet shook his head.

"Sorry Night Cap, but no. Lets find what we're looking for first, ok?

Maybe i'm being overly cautious, but i'd rather come back to these crystals later."

Looking into the room, Scarlet Spectrum didn't immediately see anything dangerous in the room. Looking deeper, Night Cap saw the start of a mineshaft with a minecart and a rail. He also saw some sort of wire dipping in and out of parts of the ceiling.


Looking out of the cave, Wanderlust found an oddly dark, forested area. Meanwhile, once Moonshadow prepared an air bubble with his magic, Splash Flaunt pulled him under and Dart Noveau followed. After leaving them on the shore inside the cave, Splash Flaunt returned to give Rhapsody the all clear.

Once everypony had mad it to the other side, Rhapsody nodded to Splash. Rhapsody Jumped into the air, taking a deep breath and showing off to no one, she dives gracefully into the water, The black mare may call the sky her home, but she seemed just as adept in water, swimming just as well as seapony could as she makes her way to the other side of the underground lake. Once out of the water she shakes herself dry and looks around. "So, anyone find anything useful yet?"


"And me without my fedora. So then team, do we check the other locked door first. Or continue on into the dark?"

Maple looks at the numbers and after briefly going crosseyed ...



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
After figuring out just a couple of the numbers, Static became completely stumped. So when Maple came up and finished it off right underneath his nose, Static could only stand and blink a couple times before turning to her.

"Maple? Have I told you recently how glad I am you're here?" Static gives Maple a hug and then gives the pulley's a try.

"Go ahead Static, I likely wasn't strong enough to pull it." Maple says, only shooting him a half-hearted sideways glance ... she could only be slightly ticked after such a spontaneous hug and compliment

Umm...actually..." he says looking back to her flustered and somewhat helpless, "there are two of them. I got this one if you want to get the other!"

Pulling on the ropes, the platform slowly rose until Static Signal's team was up on another level. Not to far off into the distance, they could hear the sounds of machinery. The area looked like it was part of some sort of ancient factory. There were a few broken carts and empty containers scattered about.

The moment the tumbler inside the lock turned, the other door slammed shut. Looking inside the new room, Scarlet Spectrum's team saw it was brightly lit with stark white walls that were occasionally dotted with various tapestries of! vague geometric designs.


Maple looks out at the new room, but doesn't expect to do any better job of it than last time... but she smiles over at Misty, who seemed to be having a run of good luck.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I hate to metagame with these training sessions. But something tells me they wouldn't put these empty containers and carts here if they didn't serve a purpose!"

As much as the sound of machinery made static want to get to the end of it all (he really fell into the role of tinkering with quite a bit more enthusiasm than he'd anticipated), he still didn't want to get so swept up in it that he missed something.

Static joins Maple in looking over the new room, seeing if he could discern any real importance to the containers and/or the carts.


"Serving as a distraction could be their purpose." Maple replies.

"Also true." Static concedes. "Let's just look to make sure nothing sticks out. But let's not spend too much time here. I want to get to that machine and figure out what's wrong with it. Anyone who needs a rest, now would be the opportunity."

"Either way, I think it really gives a great sense of atmosphere, don't you think?" Misty says as she gives the area a look-over.


"So, anyone find anything useful yet?"

"Underground trees." Wanderlust replies. "Nothing past that."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Underground lake is normal, underground forest? That's odd." She muses. "Anyone here know anything about plant life?"

Splash Flaunt spoke up. "While not my specialty, I wonder if the trees are truly underground. It's odd since we did enter a hillside and that glitter trail already demostrates the course has some things hidden."


"Ah? Hmmm..."
Misty opens the book to see what's inside.

"oooh, you are so good at this Misty, I wouldn't be surprised if you got to be a team leader next training day!"

"Haha, really? With the way you figured out those gears back there, you're on your way to team leader in no time, Maple!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Maybe we'll be split into teams of two and we can both be team leaders together!"

"Oh, that would be awesome!"

The book Misty Monsoon discovered initially seemed to be a ledger of materials. It slowly shifted to including more casual notes in the sidebars over time until one final entry: "For months we have been building this machine and it has finally been revealed what it does. Once complete, the magic it creates will be able to create the user's innermost desire. Any desire. While this has the potential for good, I know the architect has darkness in his heart and a sight upon the whole of Equestria. Even I couldn't trust myself with such power. I must find some way to stop this machine before it builds up the power it needs."

"'...before it builds up the power it needs.'" Misty finishes reading the book out loud. "Wow! This is a really cool story."

"Well...at least we know what the machine does now."Anchors Away said warily.

Static winces. "Sounds like a great thing to have until you really think about it. Okay...so...not only do we need to disable this thing, we need to make sure it can never be enabled again." Static grins a bit. "Destruction I can do!"

Then he looks a bit wistful. "Shame though. Training mission or not, if this kinda tech could actually exist, the innovation alone that would have to be put into it would be truly capitol!"

He tries to curb his excitement. "Yeah, no, of course we need to take it out of commission."

He starts to lead the way to where the mechanical noises are coming from.

Maple thought about what her wish would be...

"We need to destroy this thing."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I'm sticking my head out to get a closer look.

Whoa. Everypony come look at this."
Dart Noveau waved the others to where she was. Looking outside of the cave they saw a forest. However, the oddity was that they could see the night sky.

Moving deeper in, Static Signal's team found that the room sizes were growing larger and larger with many pipes and tubes dipping in and out of the walls. Upon entering another room, out of the corner of their eyes was motion.


Whatever it was that was moving over there, Maple didn't want to alert it that it had been seen... at least not right away. Maple always felt weird trying to describe what this talent of hers felt like when she used it... it certainly wasn't something ponies could do, so it was hard to relate it in terms that didn't end up sounding like "tasting" or "sniffing" like you would do a table full of food on Harth'swarming... but that kinda was what it was. except not really.

Misty's head swivels at the movement in her field of vision.


Static likewise has his head on a swivel, trying to see whatever just caught his attention.


Also not trusting that whatever he does see is the only thing around, he turns inward, using that tried and true trick he learned to catch theatre hoppers back when he first started his career.


As far as Maplejack could tell, whoever it was happened to be in a good, if crafty, mood. Misty Monsoon and Static Signal new the figure was on a balcony to their upper left but then they were gone. However, Static Signal was able to tell they truly disappeared instead of simply darting down a passage.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I'm sticking my head out to get a closer look.

Whoa. Everypony come look at this."
Dart Noveau waved the others to where she was. Looking outside of the cave they saw a forest. However, the oddity was that they could see the night sky.
Wanderlust frowns. "I don't buy it." He looks at Rhapsody. "Can you fly up and see if you can actually get above ground?"

Static turned to Misty, catching her looking up at the balcony. "You saw it too," he stated more than asked. "He...she...it...didn't just dart down a hallway. It just totally disappeared. Mind checking out the balcony? Maple, cover her."

Misty nods to Static. "Got it!" She flies up to the balcony to check it out.


Maple takes to the air a little ways between Misty's location and the others back down on the ground... she does her best to look tough. >:|

Misty Monsoon didn't see anyone up on the balcony. Suddenly, something appeared near Static Signal but quick as a wink, it disappeared again. However, Anchors Away was now gone as well. Square Fun announced, "Too quick for me to catch but definitely unicorn magic. We're dealing with a teleporter."

"Ponyfeathers!" Static clenches his teeth. His fire in his eyes could melt steel. "They just kidnapped my marefriend. Training mission or not...big...mistake!" He then calls up to Misty and Maple. "We have a teleporter. Come back down but stay airborne. Unicorns can't fly, so hopefully you'll be safer off the ground...unless the mule can teleport midair..."

He hated not going after Anchors immediately. But even he wasn't able to pick up where the unicorn was g! oing to, which meant they were at least 120 feet away from him...leaving him no way to track them.

That left him no choice but..."Come on! Let's pick up the pace. No more distractions. I want to get to that machine while we still have a team to speak of." But this wasn't over with that foalnapper. If that unicorn decided to take Static as his next target, he aimed to make him regret it.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I'm sticking my head out to get a closer look.

Whoa. Everypony come look at this."
Dart Noveau waved the others to where she was. Looking outside of the cave they saw a forest. However, the oddity was that they could see the night sky.
Wanderlust frowns. "I don't buy it." He looks at Rhapsody. "Can you fly up and see if you can actually get above ground?"

"Yeah, Sure." Rhapsody says with a nod and sees how far up she can actually fly, real or fake it would likely give her a better idea of what's going on.

Flying upward, Rhapsody found that the night sky was actually a layer of clouds where a few pegasi were carrying unicorns who were casting an illusion. Upon seeing Rhapsody, they waved her back down.

While following Static Signal, Square Fun silently nudged him and subtly pointed with his horn upward and to the right.

Static looks...as inconspicuously as possible.

Rhapsody lands. "Its a fake. You gotta a bunch of Unicorns and pegasai up there trying to play Princess Luna. Clearly just a part of the excercise. So I guess we need to continue on through the forest, see if there's anything on the other side."

"Wow, they sure are putting in a lot of effort for all this." Moonshadow sighs, before he turns to Wanderlust.

"Given we are both unicorns, perhaps we should both use our horns to cast some light? I can watch one side for trouble, while you watch the other?" At least it sounded reasonable to him.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
While moving through the forest, Splash Flaunt suddenly stopped and frowned. *grumble* "I can't believe this...watch your step! Just hit a tripwire. No clue what it leads to but not moving until confirmation."

Static Signal noticed there was a subtle difference with a square of the wall on the right balcony compared to the one on the left.

Rhapsody lands. "Its a fake. You gotta a bunch of Unicorns and pegasai up there trying to play Princess Luna. Clearly just a part of the excercise. So I guess we need to continue on through the forest, see if there's anything on the other side."

Wanderlust snorts. There was probably an actual underground forest they could explore, somewhere out there. He nods to Moonshadow and lights his horn.

While moving through the forest, Splash Flaunt suddenly stopped and frowned. *grumble* "I can't believe this...watch your step! Just hit a tripwire. No clue what it leads to but not moving until confirmation."
Wanderlust halts as well. "Let me take a look..." He says, focusing the light on Splash Flaunt's forelegs.


Spotting the tripwire pulled taut by Splash Flaunt's leg, Wanderlust could see that either end of the wire led to, and then up, a tree.

"You haven't set anything off, you should be able to ease back from it...Once we're at a good distance, I could incinerate it." Wanderlust offers. "We'd be able to follow the flame trail back to its source, and maybe find the rest of the traps."


Splash Flaunt shook her head. "It'll spring if I move. I've...set a few in my time. What you'll need to is find some way to secure it so it'll retain the tension when I move."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Do you think a block of ice might hold it in place? I come from a cold place so I could possibly summon one. Though given it won't be weighted, that might be a bad idea... Unless I freeze a rock or something." Moonshadow turns to Rhapsody. "Since you're the leader, I'll await your order."

Wanderlust should have known that. Well, Wad would have known that, and Wed still wasn't sure what they were and weren't sharing. Not this, apparently. "It's at ground level, you could just freeze it to the dirt. It doesn't move much."

Something began to itch in the back of Maple's mind... there was a pony... a Unicorn mare that she'd heard mentioned a few times, but only ever in hushed tones - and never directly to her... many images of Static and Mr. Night Cap in conversation flash before her mind's eye... what was her name?


Maple shock her head... No, this was likely all a part of the training, most likely to test Static's leadership under pressure. She thought, but then again what if it wasn't?

Static noticed the difference. A possible mechanism? A way forward? A trap? Gah! He's getting sidetracked again. After just saying no more sidetracks...

"Ponyfeathers!" he mumbles. He directs Maple and Misty's attention to the balconies. "See that? Could you get a closer look? Maybe a puzzle we're supposed to figure out...maybe a trap. Could one of you get a closer look?"

[Get caught up in the details, we'll never get to the end of this!]

[Ignore the details and get royally bucked over!]

[Why did the Chief have make me team lead?]

[I thought you wanted a team lead position.]

[FOCUS, VOICES! I swear we need to get a shrink up in here to do something about you ponies!]


"Sure thing!" Misty flies up to get a closer look at the weird spot on the balcony.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Splash Flaunt shook her head. "It'll spring if I move. I've...set a few in my time. What you'll need to is find some way to secure it so it'll retain the tension when I move."

"Do you think a block of ice might hold it in place? I come from a cold place so I could possibly summon one. Though given it won't be weighted, that might be a bad idea... Unless I freeze a rock or something." Moonshadow turns to Rhapsody. "Since you're the leader, I'll await your order."

Wanderlust should have known that. Well, Wad would have known that, and Wed still wasn't sure what they were and weren't sharing. Not this, apparently. "It's at ground level, you could just freeze it to the dirt. It doesn't move much."

"I'd rather there be some presence to hold it. Just freezing the ground seems like it'd be too fragile, plus Splash needs to be out of the way first. Wander, Grab a stick or branch or something, that way Splash can move her leg while it remains held in place." While she could also do it, she feels having magic hold it in place would be more secure. "Once her leg is cleared of the area, then Moony can freeze it in place to ensure that it won't go anywhere."


"Huh, that's interesting. The door mechanisms are connected. Unlock one, close the other. Good thing we didn't split up."


Night Cap clamps his nose shut

"I liked the dark room better."

With a good-natured laugh, Scarlet shook his head.

"Why am i not surprised."

Sobering up, Scarlet noted the fact that this 'light' room had little besides the tapestries.

"Still, it seems the dark room and its mine cart seem to be the way we're meant to go.

Well then, take a quick looksee round for anything hidden, then you can unlock the other door, Night Cap."


Maple watched Misty's back -once again flying up between her and the team on the ground.

Splash Flaunt shook her head. "It'll spring if I move. I've...set a few in my time. What you'll need to is find some way to secure it so it'll retain the tension when I move."

"Do you think a block of ice might hold it in place? I come from a cold place so I could possibly summon one. Though given it won't be weighted, that might be a bad idea... Unless I freeze a rock or something." Moonshadow turns to Rhapsody. "Since you're the leader, I'll await your order."

Wanderlust should have known that. Well, Wad would have known that, and Wed still wasn't sure what they were and weren't sharing. Not this, apparently. "It's at ground level, you could just freeze it to the dirt. It doesn't move much."

"I'd rather there be some presence to hold it. Just freezing the ground seems like it'd be too fragile, plus Splash needs to be out of the way first. Wander, Grab a stick or branch or something, that way Splash can move her leg while it remains held in place." While she could also do it, she feels having magic hold it in place would be more secure. "Once her leg is cleared of the area, then Moony can freeze it in place to ensure that it won't go anywhere."
Wanderlust nods, and moves a safe distance back. "Sound plan." He finds a thick stick and gently eases it next to Splash Flaunt's leg, pressing it against the wire. "It should be safe to move now."


Splash Flaunt very carefully stepped away and the wire held. "I guess it's safe to assume somepony else is out here considering a tripwire isn't exactly a natural disaster."

While Static Signal could tell the square was made of a different material, from being closer Misty Monsoon realized she could slightly see through it like some sort of window...

"A few of these seem! like imitations of famous abstract pieces. I don't know if that's meant to represent the conqueror being rich or these being stolen. Otherwise, I don't particularly see anything else remarkable." Shale Antiquity said. Scarlet Spectrum didn't immediately see anything else of note in the room.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Again, I point out the fact that the sky is a fake. 'Not Natural' is to be expected here. I don't believe that there is..." She pauses for a moment and was about to say 'anyone here but us, but then there was with the pega-corn pairs making the false sky "somepony acting against here. This is a training exercise, everything here has likely been planned out to test our ability to deal with obstacles and the unexpected. Traps are something we'd have to deal with for real, so of course we need to be prepared for them here."

"That's not quite what I mean. The sky is meant to set the stage. I expect traps in a building or dungeon. Not necessarily a forest. Considering the prompt we were given, I'd only expect a tripwire if we had to contend with..." Splash Flaunt fell silent as the sound of a twig snapped.

Moonshadow said nothing as his eyes scanned the area around him. That could be the 'being' who set the trip wire, who or whatever they were. However it could also be something much more dangerous, and he'd rather notice it first.


Rhapsody looks over to Moonshadow, "Moony! Ice the wire first! We don't want that trap going off because we got paranoid." Rhapsody says as she takes to the air to start scouting where the nose came from. "Be on your guard, I'm going to check it out." Rhapsody was confident in her abilities and was sure if she did encounter something, she could handle it.


"For someone called 'The Conqueror', both were likely true Aun--uh Ms. Antiquity," Scarlet said with a hal-cough.

Stepping back out of the 'light' room, Scarlet gestured everyone back towards the 'dark' room.

"Ok Night Cap, lets open this door up again. Time to take a mine cart ride.

Hehe. Training missions have certainly gotten way more elaborate than when i was last here."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Um... it looks like... it might be made of glass or something? What should we do?" Misty calls to Static.

[Too little information to work on.]

[Break the glass.]

[Move on.]

[Wish I could fly so I could take a look myself.]

[Break the glass.]

[Move on.]

"Can it be removed or broken? Can you see if there's anything behind it?"


[You're going to get this entire team killed!]

[It's a trap!]


"I'm pretty sure it can be broken. What was the second thing?"

"Back away for a moment to make sure nothing bad happens. If nothing bad happens, see if there's anything inside.

[We're all gonna die. We're all gonna die. We're all gonna die.]

[Shut up! Stop freaking out. It's just a training mission for cryin' out loud. Nopony's gonna die!]

[You're a terrible leader!]



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Rhapsody looks over to Moonshadow, "Moony! Ice the wire first! We don't want that trap going off because we got paranoid."

While he didn't like it there was logic to what she said. Still he hoped whatever might be out there didn't attack while he was busy doing this.

Then again... there was an easy fix to that. "Pecky keep a beak out okay?" He could sense her poke her head out and look around as he went to work on freezing the wire in place. If he anchored it to the ground it should hold. His horn lit up.


"You do know that you don't have to be so formal, Scarlet. Shale is fine." Shale Antiquity said as she calmly climbed into the minecart. Meanwhile, Keen Craft hovered near it as she awaited instruction.

While Moonshadow slowly froze the wire in place, both he and Rhapsody could see something pony shaped moving towards the group. However, they also noticed several others also approaching the group. Perhaps ten or so and dressed in safari gear.



Wanderlust's fur was on end as the water slowly crystallized. The last thing he wanted to do right now was sit around keeping this stick in place. "This isn't a sculpting contest." He mutters, reaching out with his own magic to push the process forward.


Misty knocks out the window and peers inside.


Upon shattering the glass, Misty Monsoon found an empty room with a partially open doorway in the back.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Hey, Static? There's a room in here. And there's a door. And it's cracked open. What should we do?"

Static took stock of the situation. Two pegasi, two earthbound ponies. How convenient...if only it hadn't been his marefriend that had been foalnapped in order to even out the numbers!

"Well, looks like that's the way to go then! Can you two give Square Fun and I a lift please?"

[Next invention I make, prosthetic wings for the flying impaired!]

[colot=#ff0000]"Thanks Aun--Ms--S-Shale. You're too kind."[/color] Scarlet was--and would most likely always--innawe of Shale Antiquity for her musical talent, her kindness and her acceptance of a young pegasis endless questions and habit of calling her 'Auntie Jade Eyes'. The fact that she was now in STOMP on top of that...

I feel like a foal, yet i'm supposed to be her team leader?

Night Caps words jolted him back to the present. Grinning, he took up position behind the minecart.

"I'll push us off then. Keen Craft, could you fly ahead and light the way please?"

Rising lightly into the air, Scarlet pulled out his lasso and set about securing it to the minecart. It would give better leverage to slow down the cart when necessary.



Not wanting to pick favorites Maple first carries Square fun up.

"I'll go back for Static Misty, you've been really spot on today figuring this challenge out so it'd be best to not have you get too tuckered out."


"oh ...kay, *wooooooooh* here..wee gooo Static!" Maple says as she tries her darnedest to get Static signal off the ground.

"That's nice of you, Maple, but maybe I should help..."




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

"Well, I think you're just the bestest ever Misty!" Maple says, setting Static down and having a little sit down herself to catch her breath.

[Wow! I mean, I have been cooking a lot...working on recipes. But I didn't thing I'd been eating that much!]

"Okay, I get the point. I'll get a treadmill!" He muttered.

"Sorry Static, I know this wings of mine look okay but, they are after all just little wee bug wings under the magic." Maple says, as she slumps back up onto her hooves.


Static takes some rope out of his pack. "Okay, plan B! Is there somewhere up there to tie this off?"

Static Signal's group saw a guard rail that the rope could be attached to.


Keen Craft flew ahead as per instruction and with a strong heave, Scarlet Spectrum pushed the minecart forward. Initially slow, the path started to incline and the minecart picked up speed. While the tunnel was initially narrow, it opened up to reveal a much larger area as the rail was suspended over an open pit. And as the speed increased, it was rapidly approaching a sharp curve...


Once the rope is secure, Static climbed up...and looked awesome doing it.


Once over the guardrail Maple gave Static a quick hug. Then quickly got to her hooves, eager to continue through the doorway Misty had found.

Maple's mind went on the defense now that they were all back together again - Turning to Square Fun she said. "You said before that it was a unicorn that took miss Away... from us, any ideas on how we could either block them from taking anypony else? or even a spell so that we could see them?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Don't think I can block them but I think I can track them. I think they were last...there. We need to see if there's stairs or a ladder somewhere." Square Fun said, pointing his horn upwards.

The group approaching Rhapsody's team began to fan out and then stopped with most of them taking hidden positions but one seemed to deliberately wait in plain sight.

"Dang! These ponies sure like going up, don't they? Yeah, let's find a ladder or something. I don't feel much like climbing everywhere and I'm sure Misty and Maple are probably tired of carrying me everywhere."

[Prosthetic wings...get on it!]


As Scarlet flew along behind the minecart, he stared in awe as their route opened up into a vast, seem9ngly bottomless pit.

Then he saw the corner.

Pulling back on the rope, Scarlet flared his wings in an attempt to counter and slow the carts speed enough that it could safely make the corner without flying into oblivion.


"Keen Craft! I need you to help me slow the cart. Shale, is there anything you can do to, uh, magically hold the cart on the tracks while we take that corner?"

The group approaching Rhapsody's team began to fan out and then stopped with most of them taking hidden positions but one seemed to deliberately wait in plain sight.

"Are we sure this is still a training exercise?" Wanderlust hisses at Rhapsody. "10 on 5 doesn't quite seem fair."


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