[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Misty

"We're moving supplies at the moment. It's best to make sure the city has what it needs in case of emergencies. This is the last set of boxes before we move on. Otherwise, how have things been with you Misty?" Brisk Iron asked.

Tour team

The teachers quickly discussed among themselves before agreeing to Maplejack's proposal. Upon walking outside, everyp! ony was caught by the sight of the massive dig area. Not just a few sand pits, it looked like the majority of the grassy areas in the back of the Keep had been dug up and roped off into sections. Even Latte Windfall and Cinnamon Jackpot seemed amazed at this. Bottle Wary stood by the table with the plastic buckets for the dig and happily waved to the group.


Static resumes pushing boxes while listening in on Misty and Brisk Iron's conversation?

[Can it even be called eaves dropping when they both know I'm right there?]

[Yes...yes it can. You're such a rude little punk, aren't you?]


[I'm just messing with ya! Nah! You're good.]

[I seriously need to find a shrink to help get rid of some of these voices.]

"Oh... everything's going well, I guess? I've been pretty busy with the night job... but it's fun," she says as she assists with the last few boxes.


Static - Misty

Just then, a deep purple unicorn mare with a pastel yellow mane entered the room through a rectangular portal. Misty Monsoon recognized this as Resolving Door. "Rats, I missed! Oh, hey Misty and Misty's friends! Which warehouse is this?"

"Alright, slightly littler ponies, since we've already divided into our groups, Let's make this easier for Bottle Wary and rotate through in shifts... Team leaders, teachers and 'Keepers' ..." *tehehehe* "... please help them pass out the buckets and shovels."


Static stops pushing for a moment to meet Misty's friend. "Oh, hello Misty's friend. I'm Static. This is Warehouse 15. Which one were you looking for?"

Misty greets Resolving Door with a smile. "Heyyyy! Nice to see you again!" She nods in assent to Static's comment.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Misty

"Awww, I really missed Splash's warehouse. Was looking to see if Bottle Wary was free," Resolving Door said, then waved back at Misty Monsoon. "Mr. Wary is currently on the clock so he wouldn't be available for a few hours. However, if you're free, the help here would be appreciated." "Sure thing! Heeeyyy...you must be that! museum lady Splash talks so much about. I'll make sure to work extra hard." Resolving Door attmepted to push a box and noticeably struggled. Then her horn lit up and she pushed it with her magic. "It's okay if we talk while we work, right? I've been wondering...what is up with saxophones? I mean, who makes something with that many buttons? It doesn't seem very earth pony friendly."

Tour team

As the teachers and older ponies helped with passing out equipment, Twinkle Glitter looked up at Wanderlust with big, innocent eyes and said, "May I have a bigger shovel, please?" Meanwhile, Plateau Precious asked Night Cap, "Is this what you and your friends were doing in the Heights?"

Elsewhere, Cinnamon Jackpot asked Scarlet Spectrum a similar but different question. "Your dad does this kind of stuff, right?"

Static double checked and saw that he was indeed the only earth pony in this group. He then dramatically looked at his two front hooves, scratched his head and grined. "I feel like I've just been issued a challenge!"

Static - Misty

Resolving Door seemed confused. "A challenge? How? I mean, I sure can't play a saxophone.


You have a saxophone? Wow, that's cool!"

"Hah! Me, a saxophone? No! It's just, you know, as the only earth pony here, I kinda felt honor bound to tease you at least a little. I can play a mean guitar when I've got the mind though, Mr...? Sorry...never did catch your name?"


"What's a saxophone anyway? Is it like a big piano?"

Static raises an eyebrow at Misty. "Oh, sweety! You've got to go to a music store sometime. We have such sights to show you!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Misty

Resolving Door paused. "Why would your guitar be mean? ... Ooohhh...figure of speech. Well that sounds cool."


"I didn't know, I merely guessed. As far as your question of trust, who's heard of a dragon who isn't a rampaging monster? Or...I guess more to the point, who's heard of a marine biologist blind enough to use dynamite on a coal reef? I say this to you, Rhapsody: You're more than just a fan of Princess Luna, correct? Some might say that that one who risked bringing such suffering to the world can't be trusted. A monster worthy of fearful holidays and legends. 'Completely irredeemable.' But that's not true, is it? I don't think an individual should be blamed for the actions of an entire group, nor should they permanently be blamed for the past when they're trying to change. I would think that a pony who holds Luna in such high regard would be open to forgiving others instead of dismissing the possibility of change.

I need to go but please think about this."
Splash Flaunt began to get up but then said, "Oh, and it's a variety of cookies in the bag. Just hoped it would make the last bit of your hospital stay better."

Rhapsody huffs softly as she listens. "One flaw in that, Princess Luna was good before she fell, she helped protect us. She wasn't always seen as a monster. My family has tried to preserve that image of her and not just let ponies remember her as the monster she became. " She replies but shakes her head. "Other then that... You are right. I'm not sure I can completely trust her yet... but Luna fell becuase she felt everything she did was being ignored, being overlooked... I should try and prevent such a thing from happening with others, if I can..."

"Thanks for the visit."


Splash Flaunt nodded. "You're welcome. Get some rest." She then quietly left the room.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Tour team

As the teachers and older ponies helped with passing out equipment, Twinkle Glitter looked up at Wanderlust with big, innocent eyes and said, "May I have a bigger shovel, please?" Meanwhile, Plateau Precious asked Night Cap, "Is this what you and your friends were doing in the Heights?"

Wanderlust looks deep into those big eyes. "That depends entirely on how big of a shovel you want." He says with a smile.

"You won't see my touring the world any time soon, but it's a fun thing to do whenever I have time."

Static - Misty

"Awww, I really missed Splash's warehouse. Was looking to see if Bottle Wary was free," Resolving Door said, then waved back at Misty Monsoon. "Mr. Wary is currently on the clock so he wouldn't be available for a few hours. However, if you're free, the help here would be appreciated." "Sure thing! Heeeyyy...you must be that! museum lady Splash talks so much about. I'll make sure to work extra hard." Resolving Door attmepted to push a box and noticeably struggled. Then her horn lit up and she pushed it with her magic. "It's okay if we talk while we work, right? I've been wondering...what is up with saxophones? I mean, who makes something with that many buttons? It doesn't seem very earth pony friendly."

Tour team

As the teachers and older ponies helped with passing out equipment, Twinkle Glitter looked up at Wanderlust with big, innocent eyes and said, "May I have a bigger shovel, please?" Meanwhile, Plateau Precious asked Night Cap, "Is this what you and your friends were doing in the Heights?"

Elsewhere, Cinnamon Jackpot asked Scarlet Spectrum a similar but different question. "Your dad does this kind of stuff, right?"

Staring at the surprisingly large dig site prepared for the children, Scarlet whistled. Then answered Cinnamon Jackpot without thinking.

"Oh yes, all the ti--wait, you know who my dad is?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Misty

With multiple hooves at work, the group swiftly finished moving the boxes. Brisk Iron said, "With that completed, it's now time for us to head to Warehouse Number Seven."

Tour team

While most of the foals excitedly set about getting their shovels and buckets, Twinkle Glitter held her forehooves out as wide as she could. "This big!"

Meanwhile, Cinnamon Jackpot calmly replied, "Our parents make sure we know what important and influential ponies look like. If you're Scarlet Spectrum, then your dad is Emerald Endeavour and your mom is Diamond Dazzler. And then Ms. Sard is..." Latte Windfall elbowed him. "Oh, nevermind. Anyway, are we supposed to get a specific set of shovels and buckets or are any of them okay?"

"All of the tools should be equally okay, but if you think something isn't working right for you - don't be afraid to let us know, we certainly want you to have the most enjoyable time!" Maple smiles and then wonders if the gardening supply shed would have a shovel ...hoofspan wide?

Static didn't say anything. But he wondered why poor Ready Quill was stuck on transcribing duty in order to free him up for pushing around boxes. He understood he was an earthpony with earthpony strength. But the Keep hadn't already put together agroup for this so they wouldn't have to pull from other departments?

Still, he said nothing. He got a cup of coffee on his way out for luck and drank it on the way to warehouse 7.

While most of the foals excitedly set about getting their shovels and buckets, Twinkle Glitter held her forehooves out as wide as she could. "This big!"

Wanderlust evaluates the situation very seriously, then claps his hooves together. "I've got it!" He grabs a pair of plastic shovels, and twists the handles off. Then he connects the two shovels end to end. "Twinkle Glitter, I present to you: The double shovel."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static - Misty

Moving away from the canal, the group headed out onto the beach. As the sand crunched under hoof, they soon saw Warehouse Number Seven once they passed some large billboards. The warehouse itself was massive. Built with large stone blocks that likely took many workers to lift, it was held together with the highest quality mortar. It had a fairly pleasant wave design and a bright '7' painted on it that was likely fairly visible in murky weather. Once Brisk Iron pushed open the large door, the group found the place...almost spotless. Equipment and supplies were well organized. Brisk Iron seemed confused. "I thought...wasn't our assistance needed?" A lifeguard ran up to her and said, "Oh wow, you're here sooner than expected. Originally we did need help but since we knew you were coming, and you do so much for the city, so we pushed extra hard so you wouldn't need to do any work! Aren't you proud?" Brisk Iron was taken aback for a bit, then regained composure and said, "Thank you. Glad to to know everything is being maintained."

She then turned to Static Signal and Misty Monsoon and said, *sigh* "Well, I guess we have free time. Did you have anything you wanted to talk about before I head back to the Keep?"

Tour team

Twinkle Glitter looked at the double shovel, then asked Wanderlust, "May I use two buckets?"

Meanwhile, Savant Sard happily trotted up to Maplejack and asked, "How are things going so far? There's so many surprises in store for them."

'Oh everypony is really excited ... the nets falling was strange- do you know what that was about?" Maple askes after a quick hug.

Tour team

Savant Sard's eyes went wide and her monocle almost popped out. "Oh my! Nets? Certainly not my idea. Did somepony set off part of security?"

"Perhaps... I'm not sure, we've got a bit of a herd here. tehehehe." Maple smiles and then shrugs.

"All the little ones seem to have found it a lot of fun, since the nets were designed for big ponies -it only caught the adults."

Tour team

"It's good nopony got hurt but I guess we'll need to let the Chief Director know there's holes in the security system. Um, no pun intended."

"I'm not sure how many foals would want to steal from us... maybe by the snack bar." Maple whispers the last two words, hopefully not too many of the kids heard her.


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