[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


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Council of Elders
Static was bummed that his attempt at giving the other team a change didn't pan out. Still, maybe there was next year. As he got out of the ring, he dropped the Tesla Titan voice and turned to Night Cap.

"I don't know why you chose that costume. Acknowledgement that we're a heel team and a COIN styled costume seemed to fit? I applaud that. Just...maybe give me a bit of warning before you dress up as one of STOMPs greatest enemies next time?"
"I like the ears."

Static walks up to the ring and sees Moon Glitter and hears her charge against him.

[Wow! It looks like she means business.]

[I can't fight against the likeness of Luna! I just...I just can't!]

[It's only a costume. I'm more worried that this one doesn't look like a pushover like the others.]

The Tesla Titan looks to his partner. "Uh...your turn!" He then whispers again to Night Cap. "Don't forget you can always tag me in if you run into trouble."

Scarlet blinked, his mind still a little slower than it should be. Then a slow, nervous smile crosses his face. Misty is so caring. He can see why Maple likes her so much.

"That's... I... Thanks Misty. Hovering in the air, Scarlet took a slow breath and words spilled out of his mouth before he could stop them.

"I knew Ambers departure shook her. Then Maples revelation and so on. I know i kindof overreacted earlier. I didn't mean to, uh, rant so much.

I'm worried too though. Her determination to protect through obligation, even those she doesn't like. Its simply not a mindset i can agree with. You work with and protect your teammates, your friends. When you do it because it is your job, because you feel you have to, regardless of your feelings. That worries me."

[Night Cap]​

"I didn't mean anything by it. I never imagined we'd be doing this already and I hadn't put a costume together. This was really short notice. So... I had to just go with something I had."

Static was about to say "fair enough" and move on when it struck him. "Umm...trying not to read too much into this...but...you just happened to have a COIN style costume to use in a hurry?"

"I know how you feel, Scarlet. And I know you know how I feel. And I know that you know that we know that she knows... erm, what I'm saying is, I don't think it's worth worrying about any more, because we already said what we had to say about that. I don't want to talk to you about how you feel about Rhapsody... I want to talk to you about how you feel about you."

"About... me?"



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Council of Elders
"Yeah! It's important!" Misty says. "You're not getting down on yourself, are you? I mean, not just because of what happened today, but... that thing with Major Delight, too."

"I like the ears."

Once the bell rang, Moon Glitter rushed forward to grapple Night Cap for a test of strength!


Static visably winces and immediately holds his hoof out for a tag.

Grabbing hold of Night Cap, Moon Glitter lifted him over her head and tossed him behind her. Trying to keep close to her own corner, she then grabbed one of his legs in a tight submission hold.




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Council of Elders
"Er, uh. Um..." Scarlet stuttered slightly as he debating simply trying to bluff it out and say everything was fine. Unfortunately for him, if Misty was perceptive enough to come looking for him, she was unlikely to believe a simple 'i'm ok'.

Scarlet shook his gead and sighed.

"I'm... just up here trying to clear my head. I mean, the thing with Major Delight never really goes away. I'll be carrying that baggage around until i figure out what that backfiring spell did and get Rain back. Back from... wherever she's gone. Until then? I guess i knew Delight still hated me and the Keep for what happened. I just kinda hoped my not being at the Keep would have made him, uh, just dislike me?

Everything else is... muddled. I think i'm just waiting for the other hoof to drop on me. Again.

Misty abruptly gives Scarlet a big hug.

"Don't give up! I know you'll find Rain Juggler again someday. I heard what happened with the puzzle box and Moonbeam Writ... if you helped bring him back after all that time, you can definitely get her back too! I believe in you! And I think the Chief Director does too, because she hired you onto the team twice!"

"I'm not where you want me to be. I'm where moonlight shall shine gracefully and expose your darkness!" Moon Glitter kept her distance from the corner and carefully watched in preparation for Night Cap's next move.

The Tesla Titan is left in the corner with the hoof he offered for a tag just hanging. After a moment, he withdraws it and shrugs.



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Council of Elders

Prepared for the incoming assault, Moon Glitter sidestepped so that Night Cap's momentum caused him to bounce off the ropes. Upon his return, she bowled him over with a hard hitting clothesline. "Ready to give up you vile villain? I have the key to your devastation!"

Scarlet was about to say more, but only managed a surprised squeak as Misty hugged him! Not quite sure why he deserved a hug, the blue Pegasus nervously returned it. Mistys positivity and strong words broke finally broke the cynical loop Scarlet had had since pretty much the moment he stepped back into the Keep.

Feeling better than he had in a while, Scarlet smiled gratefully at Misty. Still, he couldn't help one self-deprecating comment.

[color=#ff0000{"Everypony keeps saying that but, honestly, it wasn't me. I unintentially activated the malfunctioning puzzle box and sucked a load of Unicorns into a pocket universe. It was Rhapsody, Static, Snowy and Steel Flint who saved Moonbeam.

Thank you though. I feel much better now.

I'm glad you're here.[/color]

Without words, Moon Glitter quickly tried to pin Night Cap for the 3 count.


"C'mon! Get away from her! Get over here and make the tag!"

Static couldn't do much more than cheer Night Cap on and hope he could break the pin. It was so frustrating seeing his buddy taking a beating and there he was stuck in the corner. He still had his hoof ready for the tag, just in case.

"Oof!"Caught off guard, Moon Glitter staggered to get on her feet.



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Council of Elders
"You were still the one who activated it, though! And without that, the others wouldn't have had a chance to save Moonbeam Writ. It was a team effort! That's what teams are for, right?" She makes a gesture that seems to indicate winking at him. "If you need my help rescuing Rain Juggler, I'd be more than happy to give it. And I'll bet the rest of the team would do the same."

"Yeah! You did it! Don't let up. FINISH HER!"

Moon Glitter barely managed to get Night Cap off, then rushed to make the tag. Sun Gleam entered the ring and eyed Night Cap but didn't immediately say anything as she waited for his next move.

The Tesla Titan excepted the tag and stood to face his opponent. "My last opponent didn't really put up much of a fight. I sure hope you can do better. Because those costumes? They don't empress!

"It's good they don't 'empress' because a princess is far better than that. Your kitty kat partner wasn't particularly impressive but let's hope you have a more shocking performance."



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Council of Elders
The Tesla Titan opens his mouth, but is too stunned to say anything. He looks back at his partner's costume and hangs his head with a sigh. He tries to regain his composure, but even though the words are there, he's clearly been put in his place. "Oh, I think you'll get a charge out of it." With that, he charges in at Sun Gleam like a bull.


Using Static Signal's momentum against him, Sun Gleam slammed him to the mat and then twisted one of his legs in a submission hold. "Do you yield to the power of the sun?!?"



Static tried to show some bravado in an attempt to get back up after getting slammed to the ground. "You'll have to do better than tha..."But then he felt the sensation of his legs about to pop out of their sockets.

Maybe it was the fact that he was already exhausted after all the work at the docks. Maybe the previous match took more out of him than he realized. But as much pain as he'd endured throughout his life, this was about to make him faint.

"SWEET MERCIFUL LUNA!!!!" He didn't realize he said that in his own voice and he was quite beyond caring. He started to tap his hoof on the ground furiously to indicate his submission. "I YIELD! I YIELD! BUCK ME, I YIELD!!!!"

The bell rang and Sun Gleam quickly let go. "Are you okay? I can carry you if you need me to. The two of you don't seem half bad but I worry your partner's outfit might not be doing your image as heels any favors."

"I'll be fine," Tesla Titan says, trying to stand back up and plopping back down onto the ground. "It was just a back-breaking day before we even got here...so..." He tries to get back up again. He stays on his legs...but is very wobbly. Tesla Titan waves Night Cap back over. "Yeah, the costumes are kinda preliminary."

Tesla Titan coughs a bit and shakes his head. "May also need to work on the voice. It's kinda hard on the throat!" He gives a self deprecating laugh. "By the way, the crack on your costumes was totally in character. Honestly, I have nothing but respect for the princesses. Ask anypony, I'm a total Lunaphile."



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Council of Elders
Sun Gleam smiled. "Figured it was part of the role. And your partner's outfit might work better if he plays up black cats as bad luck. Then you could follow up the bad luck concept with lightning striking twice or something. Just be careful. If you're already doing heavy work, you don't want to wear yourself out with wrestling, too."

Static smiles back. "Thanks for the tip. The heavy work is...inconsistent. Most of the time I spend most of my time running a projector in a theatre. It's...weeks of inactivity followed by days of sheer terror. Hard to explain."

"Maybe get rid of the paws. And instead of cutsie soft cloth ears, make them a leather or hard plastic. Might also want ot listen to Sun Gleam about going with the bad luck angle rather than a 'cat burglar' angle. Just an idea." Static shrugs. "It's all in the alpha build anyway. There's some changes I definetly want to make to my costume too."


Scarlet opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to come with some witty response to cover his embarrassment and urge to give Misty a hug. She barely knew him beyond bits and pieces, yet here she was being the best of friends. He also resisted the urge to laugh when he saw her 'winking' at him. It was just sominnocently funny watching a mare with that hairstyle winking. He just didn't want to break the mood, or make Misty think he was laughing at her.

"Yes, yes they are," he finally managed in response to her comment about teams.

"I... guess i haven't really had that since i was last in STOMP. The longest any freelancer team lasted for me was about a month and a half. Then we all kinda moved on. A few stayed in touch, but none could really help about Rain, had i told them.

If i ever get a lead on the spell, or if any of our missions wind up connecting back to it somehow. It wouldn't surprise me in our line of work. I'll let you.

Thanks Misty. You're a little ray of sunshine."

After the ring was cleared, the remaining matches proceeded. It was then announced, "We'll need to evaluate things but we'll mail teams of potential interest. Thank you all for coming out."



Staff member
Council of Elders
*static crackle*

Good evening folks! It's time for another exciting Saturday night with the Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour! This week we once again bring you to the explorative exploits of the Explorers of STOMP. Last time, emotions flared from lingering tension. However, with words exchanged, there were things to dwell on as they prepared for the future. As for now...


In the split second before waking up, Scarlet Spectrum heard a voice call out his name. It was as if she w! as relieved to see him but upon waking up, there was nopony there.

The time had come. The time was now. This was the day of the big training mission. All of the STOMP team knew they were to meet in the loading area of the Keep for Brisk Iron to escort them to the location. Splash Flaunt was already there waiting and Anchors Away, complete with her first aid badge, was walking there as well.

Meanwhile, a unicorn stallion new to this location had been instructed meet with a group in the loading area.


Static noted the newcomer with an unenthused grunt.

[New STOMP member?]

[New pony to get attached to right before they leave!]

[Be nice!]

[Fine! I'll be nice. But I'm not getting attached to this one.]

[Remember your talk with Splash Flaunt.]

[Later! I just noticed something.]

Static walked up to Anchors. "Hey, new badge? Congratulations!" Something else occured to him as he saw Splash Flaunt also there. "How are you two getting along? Better?"

Maple kept to herself as the others started arriving... she was waiting to talk to Misty, of course, she'd have to apologize to Static and Mr. Night Cap for missing their first wrestling try out... but she was sorrier that she never got around to asking Misty if she wanted to go with her.

She'd been a little busy Lately and it was starting to seem like Maple wasn't spending enough time with Misty... maybe if Maple had to give up being the Masked Mystery Mare now that she knew what she was... at least she could still watch the matches...

Was Misty even interested in it though? Ooh, Maple... what are you doing thinking like this...? You'll end up over compensating and drive her away like Miss Fantastic, Amber and Snowy. Maple Scrunched up her face and walked over to the new Pony. Be bold... be new, Own this part of yourself. She said it like a mantra in her head over and over as she got closer to him.

"Hi my name is Maple and I'm a Changeling in disguise!"


The loading area was a little more open than the hallways that had lead to it, so Wanderlust felt marginally more comfortable now. It was also comforting to know that there were plenty of perfectly normal reasons to feel nervous for your first day on the job, that had nothing to do with equestrian civilization's bizarre obsession with building things out of stone. The inn they lived at now was made of wood, but this monolith of a museum was made of gray stone that just seemed to suck the color out of everything. At least they'd be going somewhere soon. So Wanderlust just had to remember to breath, and wait a little while longer while everypony arrived...

"Hi my name is Maple and I'm a Changeling in disguise!"

There were very few lines that would have more distracting than that, and Wanderlust welcomed it. "...Really?" They said, curious.

Anchors Away smiled. "It's not truly new, just...new confidence. Other ponies can't count on me if I don't believe in myself. I'm not around Splash too much but it's been okay when we've talked. Thanks for asking, it means a lot."



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Council of Elders
Jerking upright with a cry, Scarlet stared around.

"Rain? Rain!"

The room was still mostly dark, with only the hint of daylight in the air. Despite the sgadows though, Scarlet could see he was alone.

"Same 'dream'. Same call. Practically the same time too. What the buck is going on.

Knowing he was unlikely to get back to sleep anytime soon. Scarlet slid out of bed and head in search of a good wash and some breakfast.

Static gives Anchors a nuzzle. "I'm naturally interested."He gives a heavy sigh. "I better go introduce myself to the new guy."

Static walks over and overhears the last bit of Maple's introduction. "Really, Maple? You're leading off with that now?" He shakes his head incredulously and regards the new pony. "Don't let that fool you. She's actually one of the nicer ponies on this team. I'm Static. I'm one of the teams two bruisers and techie. Well...learning to be the techie...but I'm off to a heckuva start."

Fnu Aw:

It becomes obvious that Night Cap has arrived.

"And that would be Night Cap. Hey, Night! Over here. Looks like we have a new member!" He returns his attention to Wanderlust. "I also talk to much. Never did give you a chance to introduce yourself."

The grayscale stallion awkwardly nods. "I'm Wanderlust...So she's serious about the changeling thing? This isn't some elaborate prank?"

"Strangely enough, yeah, it's true. But like I said, she's one of the nice ones. So don't worry too much about it. You'll find out we're quite the crew.

"Wanderlust eh? Good to meet you. What's your talent?"

"Strangely enough, yeah, it's true. But like I said, she's one of the nice ones.

Wanderlust shrugs. "I worked in Dragon Lands; self-determination is really important there." They halt, awkwardly remembering that their file says nothing about trips to Dragon Lands...He turns to Maple, electing to just push through. "If you're on the team, then I bet I can trust you to do the right thing."

"Wanderlust eh? Good to meet you. What's your talent?"

"I'm a field medic-" They remember that their file says they're a historian. "...er..." The sentence hangs awkwardly in the air for a moment... "Yeah, a field medic. Hopefully you never need me!" Everyone appreciated medical jokes, right?



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Council of Elders
Maple just stood there and listened to Static's words and while they echoed her own learned malice for her kind, it still hurt that her 'value as a pony' and 'goodness' need to be vouched for in Static's eyes.

"It's been a rather interesting discovery for me. Mr. Wanderlust, While amnesiac for the last several years thinking I was a pony, I've often been told I'm too nice... and now that I've learned I'm actually not... it seems ~ as Static puts it." ...
Maple shapeshifts into Static and repeats " ...she's one of the nice ones."

Switching back to herself Maple puts a wing on Statics Shoulder. "Thank the Princesses I wasn't a mean pony, but thank you Mr. Wanderlust for being okay with it and not running for the hills... I just wanted to get it out of the way in your case, because some members of the team have somehow managed to find it more difficult of an adjustment than I have. Odd as that sounds" As if to say without saying that it was obviously a troubling revelation for her, Maple shifted slightly so that she was a Unicorn now instead of a pegasus... as she trotted away from them, Maple wondered if that was to harsh on Static... if he'd even realized... and maybe, if it was weird feeling when she shapeshifted on him... She'd have to ask later when she wanted to talk to him again

Static winces. Something in the way she mimicked him...she seemed irritated. The wince was still on his face as she walked away and he turned back to Wanderlust. "I...just...insulted her entire race...didn't I?"

Wanderlust mulled over the statement for far longer than most would consider reasonable. "I don't think she's too particular about her race." He decides, eventually. "I think you insulted her sense of person-hood. Way worse."

Anchors Away looked back and forth as if trying to figure out how to diffuse the situation. "But don't forget Maple, there's a seapony on the team too. Who knows what they might be up to."

Anchors Away then extended a hoof to Wanderlust. "I'm a field medic too. Please don't drown. I'll save you. You won't like it."

Anchors Away looked back and forth as if trying to figure out how to diffuse the situation. "But don't forget Maple, there's a seapony on the team too. Who knows what they might be up to."

Anchors Away then extended a hoof to Wanderlust. "I'm a field medic too. Please don't drown. I'll save you. You won't like it."

Wanderlust shakes the offered hoof. "Water's good, but maybe not that much water." He agrees.

"I see you've met Maple. Isn't she cool?"

"That is a word." He admits, as though under duress. "She certainly knows how to get a point across."



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Council of Elders
Misty comes gliding in for a landing. As she does, she takes a glance at who is already on the scene. Splash Flaunt! Anchors Away! Night Cap! Static Signal! Scalet Spectrum! Maplejack!! And... who's that? Is it? Could it be? A new face! Finally! Misty is no longer the new foal on the block! (Scarlet didn't count, he was a re-hire.) She is ecstatic to-



"Don't worry, I'm okay!"

Wanderlust is quickly at the blue pony's side, helping her up. "Are you sure?"

Static raises an eyebrow at Misty's landing. "Umm...that's Misty. Misty, Wanderlust. Wanderlust, Misty." Static decided not to elaborate. He'd already said enough.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, thanks!" she says as she wobbles to her feet. "Nice to meet you, Wanderlust. I'd offer to shake your hoof but I'm waiting for the ground to stop moving around so much."

Wanderlust tries to look into her eyes to check for a concussion, but quickly realizes that her blue hair obscures everything and gives up. "Hi. I'm the new medic." He rubs the back of his neck with a hoof.



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Council of Elders
Punctuality was never RHapsody's strong suit, with as many plates as she tended to have in air... by time she got to sleep her body rarely wanted to be roused from it easily. Luckily her speed helped counter that, so while she was rarely ever early, she was also almost never dreadfully late. Though as usual, it seems everyone else has arrived before her. "Oh wonderful, another newbie. Least you're not another pegasus. I was starting to think we're gonna need to change the team to WINGS rather then STOMP at the rate we were going." Ever her delightful self, she at least didn't seem as in dire a mood as she ! had been recently. While she says nothing to Scarlet she at least gives him a nod as she passes by him.

Flairvoyant trotted up to the group and gave a particularly devious smile. "We have so much planned for all of you today."

"It sounds like I'll be of use." Wanderlust quips. After the black mare's...uninformative introduction, it seemed wise to take a more proactive approach to meeting the team. "And you are?"

Maple went to Misty's side once the newguy began talking to the others. She had a semi-professional smile on her face as her wings shot out and her horn disappeared...

"Isn't it thrilling to not be the new pony anymore?" Maple whispered while she waited for Misty's head to stop spinning before she went in for a hug, "Maybe the Chief will let you be the one to show him around the keep, pointing out all the cool things." The other half of Maple's smile finally gained control ...she was just happier every time she saw Misty.
with a laugh, she put a hoof up and booped Misty's nose... "Since we have so many...as your new now personal medical Pony, how many hoofs do you see?"

"Hi. I'm the new medic."
"Awesome! I'm the team navigator and weather pony. If you need anything, just let me know."

"Isn't it thrilling to not be the new pony anymore?" Maple whispered while she waited for Misty's head to stop spinning before she went in for a hug, "Maybe the Chief will let you be the one to show him around the keep, pointing out all the cool things." The other half of Maple's smile finally gained control ...she was just happier every time she saw Misty.
"Oh gosh! I hope not, I still get lost every time I go up to the second floor."

with a laugh, she put a hoof up and booped Misty's nose... "Since we have so many...as your new now personal medical Pony, how many hoofs do you see?"

She reaches out with both of her hooves and takes hold of Maple's hoof. "One!"



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Council of Elders

Flairvoyant trotted up to the group and gave a particularly devious smile. "We have so much planned for all of you today."
Still limping ever so slightly from the submission hold he found himself in the previous night, Static could only think of one response.

[I'm a dead pony!]

"I'm a dead pony!"

In truth, it wasn't too bad. The limp was so slight he doubted anypony noticed. At least he hoped nopony noticed. He'd certainly endured worse things in his life time... to say nothing of his time in STOMP. But he was not looking forward to this training session.

Eyeing Maple as he caught the tail end of her conversation with Static and the nee guy, Scarlet sighed. Was it so hard for her to realise that a) just because she was a changeling, she was not innately evil and b) she couldn't expect the world to flip a coun and have all her friends instantly reconcile changling Maple, with the Maple the all knew and cared for. He'd have to try and talk to her later, after the days training. Speaking of which.

"That sounds ominous. And exhausting," he said to Flairvoyant. "It'll be fun finding out what devilry you and the others have in store for us, Flair."

Turning as he saw Rhapsody arrive, Scarlet returned her nod.

"Morning all!

Hello Wanderlust. My name is Scarlet Spectrum. Pleased to meet ypu."



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Council of Elders
Flairvoyant responded to Wanderlust with, "The name's Flairvoyant. While I've been on expeditions in my time, I'll be helping with running things today."

Flairvoyant responded to Wanderlust with, "The name's Flairvoyant. While I've been on expeditions in my time, I'll be helping with running things today."

Flairvoyant beckoned for the group to follow her as she led them to the teleport room where Brisk Iron was waiting. The unicorns standing around the rune circle on the floor began to emit a pale pink light which soon filled the room. Each of the team members felt something similar to having their face powdered but all over their body. Suddenly, there was a falling sensation, as if being dropped from the greatest of heights! Hurtling and spinning until...stopping. Almost like a mother griffin cradling her hatchlings in her wings. Brisk Iron almost immediately took to motion and waved for the others to follow. "I will be gathering the other training partners shortly but for the moment, welcome to the Coltberra branch of the Keep's museums. Flair, you're with me for the moment." The rest of the group was led to a large meeting room that already had a pony waiting. She was a somewhat tall and muscular earth pony mare who was painting a picture of the Caballuston museum. Her coat was a shade of blue vaguely similar to lapiz lazuli, her mane was a shade of lime, and her eyes were a shade of lemon. Her ear twitched when the door opened but she otherwise didn't immediately react to the team entering.

Static noted the painting. "Nice likeness!"

Tossing her brush up, it spun in the air and then perfectly landed in her saddlebag. "Thank you kindly! Been away from home for a while and I reckon it would be nice to see how well I remembered it. The name's Dart Noveau but you can call me Darty."

Maple giggled throughout the transporter ride... and then smiled at Misty when they stopped.



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Council of Elders
"Nice to meet you, Darty. I'm Static. That's Anchors, Night Cap, Rhapsody, Maple, Misty, Scarlet and Wanderlust."

Scarlet wobbled a little bit when his feet seemed like they were on solid ground again.

"Never gonna get used to that," he said. Closing his eyes, Scarlet slowly inhaled. Following the others to the meeting room, he eyed the painting pony. Then followed Static in the introductions.

"Hey Darty, nice to meet you. Scarlet Spectrum at your service."

"The Scarlet Spectrum? Read one of your books. Seen a few of your mom's movies too."

Wanderlust handled teleportation extremely well (It was like flying on the back of a particularly precocious dragon), but they were very disappointed when the group remained inside.

Darty? She sounded familiar...ah. Blue Yonder had told Wad about her. It was probably best not to bring that up, those conversations always got complicated. So Wanderlust stood by, not saying much, but appreciating the artistry of the painting.

One of Scarlets wings rose to self-consciously ryb his scruffy looking mane as he laughed nervously.

"Y-yeah, that's me. I... hope the book was interesting.

Hope you liked the movies too. The only thing Mom likes more than making movies. Is knowing ponies enjoy them.

Then, catching Splash Flaunts eye, he added with a grin.

"Were there any typos in it?"



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Council of Elders
"I remember there being a few typos but they seemed pretty minor instead of stuff that messed up the information."

Static grins as he looks again at the painting. "Hey, Maple? Can you help me with something. Where's hall H?"


Maple looked at the painting, getting closer and closer until she was close enough to smell the paint.

then she looked at Static "This is an exterior view Static... you can't see Hal H at all in this painting."

Static smiled and pointed at the second floor near the planetarium. "There," he said, booping her nose.

Maple's face went Scrunch and she smiled too. Then she backed up a little and took another look at the painting.

"Oh you haven't painted my grapes in the garden, and we had to move the lilacs. It must have been a while since you've been back." Maple said, turning to Miss Noveau.



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Council of Elders
"The Chief Director usually has me and my team explorin' all sorts of parts around the world. Then each of us have our own jobs that keep us busy. I remember designing some stuff for their northern base and I don't look forward to visiting that too often.

Well, if you get me some pictures, I'm sure I can get some grapes added."

"Oh no, I wouldn't dream of it.. this is Beautiful, it's your memory and that's the most precious thing ever. - I'd never forgive myself if you changed it." Maple covered her mouth with her wingtips after further apologizing for the misunderstanding.

"Aw shucks, thanks!" Dart Noveau gave Maplejack a big hug. "So...any of y'all got the scoop on what's planned for today?"


"Honestly...I thought you were the one who was supposed to tell us!"

Scarlet shook his head and chuckled.

"Other than a veiled threat of deviousness and devilry from Flairvoyant. Not a clue."



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"Whatever it is, I'll bet it's going to be great!"

"It's been a while, though obviously not unpleasant to see you again, Scarlet." An eloquent voice calmly cut into the conversation as a unicorn mare entered the room. She was obviously much older than everypony else but she carried herself with a proud demeanor that showed no sign of her age. Her coat and mane were arrayed in various grayscale tones that were interrupted by a jeweled necklace and piercing green eyes. She calmly pulled out a chair with her magic and sat down. Though she didn't introduce herself, the more musically inclined of the group might immediately recognize her as...

"Shale Antiquity! Was hoping you'd be able to make it."

Scarlet gave a (thankfully internal) shout of joy as he heard that voice. He couldn't stop the smile though. Not that he was really trying of course. Even tinged with a sadness that Snowy wasn't here to meet her as Scarlet had promised, he was thrilled.

"Auntie Jade Eyes! Its great to see you again--! Uh, i mean Mrs. Antiquity, uh, umm..."

She chuckled, then said, "I see numerous new faces. I hope all of you are ready."

[I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die...]

"Ready," Static said, still hiding the limp.



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Council of Elders
"I am ready as I'll ever be."

"I'm also almost as Ready as she is!" Maple chuckled while walking back over to Misty, giving her a slight and quick nuzzle as she moved up beside her.

"Are you ready Misty? Maybe we'll be on the same team this time!... but if not I hope your team wins."

"Oh, I'm super ready!" Misty says enthusiastically.

"I'm ready to get out and get moving." Wanderlust agrees, shaking a bit of restlessness out of his hind legs.



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Council of Elders
Brisk Iron entered the room with a pony none of the others had seen before. "I'm still gathering the others but for the moment...well, it had mentioned that many things would go smoother if newcomers weren't given such a dry run. Thus, I hope to see if this training session can be incorporated into that. I'm sure he can introduce himself so I'll be back shortly."


(Well here goes nothing. I've not done to much RPing in a format like this, so I'm a bit worried I'll mess up how this is suppose to work)

A light grey unicorn stallion steps forward looking nervous. A rather odd purple wizard hat perched upon his head, except it seems to include a cloth balcony of sorts with two large yellow 'door flaps' in it's center. Flicking his blue and white tail in nervousness he takes in the group before him.

"Er... hello my name is Moonshadow um, nice to meet you?" As he soon as he's done speaking, a grown woodpecker with a blue top instead of the usual red pokes her head out of his hat, via the cloth doors, and starts to chirp up a storm, earning an annoyed look from the stallion.

"And the loud annoying one is my companion Pecky."

The bird 'Pecky' showed her feelings on his choice of description by giving his head some quick rapid pecks.

"Ah! Ow! I'm sorry! Knock it off!"

[Wow! Lose one grey unicorn, gain two!]

[They're not the same!]

[It's getting crowded in here.]

[New friend. Be nice!]

[Not yet he isn't!]

Static nods politely, but doesn't say anything yet. He just finished doing a line of introductions. It was somepony elses turn.

"Ah good, another non-pegasus on the team. Least it seems like we're starting to balance out again..." Rhapsody muses as she looks over the newcomer. "Seems you have as much luck with pets as I do." She says with a light huff, at how her bat Tyber is usually annoyed for her due to some reason or another.

Maple smiles and waves hello to both of the new arrivals, and then leans over to Misty and asks...

"If we're able to have pets on missions now, what would you like to have?" Before adding in a whisper "I could try turning into different things if you want to try a bunch out maybe?"


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