[IC] Mey Hem: Submitted For Your Disapproval (cont.)


Pittied fools.
"While there is good possibility Monday can be removed from YPNR control by rerouting access, I would advice against attempting to land the vessel, sir," Oracle. "In approaching Viknadia, it is in the Arctic. Most onboard would be ill equipped for such a climate."

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
"Indeed, while our indigenous population would consider the weather of this season ...mild to brisk -those housed within this construct are in no way prepared or even appropriately dressed; should even a subtle breeze pass them... the children even more so - would suffer needlessly." Destron holds out a hand to point at the representatives of the local population in the room... "Not even a shred of woolen yarn or pelt between them." She chuckles.


Nonstop Baaka
After checking on Sue and the kids, EB moved on to Patch while the others talked.
"Hey... you sure you should be moving? You took a pretty bad hit there."
With her permission, he would check over and bandage the worst of her wounds.

Ok, so EB can only heal Fatal damage outside battle. Whoops. This is assuming we have 30mins.
1d20 + 7: 10, + 7, TOTAL: 17
5 Fatal damage healed


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
“Sorry Patch. I didn’t mean to push you beyond your limits. I know I;m asking too much. I just feel that magic will be needed one last time to fix things.”

Then he heard Oracle and reconsidered his plans. As the words of his AI friend brought to mind exactly how they’d entered YPNR. I.e. The hover platform they had commandeered, had entered the Flying Fortress, from below.

”Ah,” he said as realisation dawned. “Bad idea,” he muttered to himself. Then chuckled as a he hesrd the Lady Destron.

”You are correct. We certainly aren’t packing winter gear. Though I admit, I would very much like to visit your Kingdom at some point, Lady Destron.”

Pondering briefly, Kage then said.

”Since we won’t be landing, I think our course of action is clear. We’re going to have to redirect YPNR away from Viknadia and back towards…hmm.

Baxk towards the OPD. This will allow us to return home, and return the children to either their Homes, somewhere safe. Or get them ready to travel back to Besseltrade. So accessing the manual flight overrride is needed.

But first, we need to reroute the system somewhat and release Monday from mandatory obedience. That’s partly why I asked you if you could help Patch. Magic may expedite the rerouting. With you, me, Friday and Sue’zhan working together, it should work.

I think.”


Well-known member
"Well, so far I've only been able to get a rudimentary sense of the rules governing computer technology. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to learn more, but now isn't exactly the best time. So I hope one of you has a better idea of what I can do here."

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
"Whatever future lays before us, WE -SAVIORS OF VIKNADIA... it waits for us beyond this threshold. No manor of man, monster or mechanical machinations will stand long between us and the Gladly given gratitude and gratuities of my country and kin." Destron says, her voice loud, and booming as she's filled with bravado at the sudden realization that perhaps her true quest was finally drawing to a close. The unseen threat averted, perhaps she and her friends had in fact done the goddesses' task... it might be truly almost over.

In her mind's eye Dee remembered the (comparatively) small, skinny frail princess dressed in lace frills and billowing ruffles that was never 'meant' for adventures such as this. She was standing in her old room in the castle -frowning into her old dressing mirror at the state of her gaudy...mother approved attire; when the girl turned to face toward Destron, [in the perspective of this vision] she saw her younger self smile... the only clue in that cherub smirk that would tell an unaware onlooker that these two were the same person only separated by time and adventure were the vibrant red hair, the single chipped tooth out front and hastily attempted obfuscation of a large bruise on her cheek...no doubt received wrestling with the younger squire boys... The larger version smirks too, the innocence and excitement in the younger's eyes at the thought of adventure... in the older's reflected wisdom and contentment... with this done, she could ... return home proudly.

her thoughts returning to the here and now Destron moves toward the opened exit, there were others here form whom the planning of their next steps would come easier to, Dee runs the tip of her tongue along the edge of her chipped tooth... action had always been her calling, and perhaps there would be more yet before the end.


Pittied fools.
"I guess I should be happy for you and all," Monday said. "But in being stuck here, I can't really celebrate. Not like my 'country and kin' expresses gratitude."

After a brief silence, Correspondent 251 commented, "Thank you for assisting YPNR."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
The Omega Knight turned his head slightly to look over at 251.

”Well well,” he said. Inwardly, he thought a low chuckle at the oddity of one of their staunchest adversaries now thanking them for beating her and those she served.

”There’s hope for you yet,” he murmured quietly. Though it took an effort for it not to come out even slightly sarcastically. He did indeed have hope that 251 might yet be convinced to see the error of her ways and perhaps move forward in a more open and positive manner. Kage was still cynical enough to not be too hopeful. Looking back to Monday, he nodded.

”I’m still trying to figure out how to reroutr things in the system and free your from YPNR control.” Looking to Patch, he added. “I was thinking more magical assistance than technical. Since I’m still at least half-hoping that Monday has been uh ‘evolved’ in the same way Friday has.”

The Knight pulled out the YPNR keycard (the unbroken one) and eyed it. Wishing that it could let him into the system. Then he walked over to the unconscious Lucidas to check him for any kind of high level access card or ID.
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Well-known member
Patch was still struggling to think of how to help Monday. "Friday, you were able to help me channel energy into Monday after she was struck by the Apothecary's laser beam. Do you think we might be able to do something similar to help her now?"


Well-known member
Patch put her hand on her chin and furrowed her brow. "Well... if I understand correctly, it's a bit like she's under a curse of binding, but it's a computer program instead of a magic spell. If it was magic, I'd have a pretty good chance of dispelling it, but computers are... well, to me, they're like a form of magic I've only just begun to comprehend. But you understand it, don't you? I wonder if... we could *translate* things somehow..."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Looking down at the bound Lucidas and his shiny suit, Kages own brow furrowed. Based on how it had reacted during their few meetings with him, Lucidas outfit was obviously laced with tech.

With (hopefully) deft skill, the Knight unbound Lucidas, removed the suit and rebound the unconscious idiot. He also used the spare pieces of sliced cape he had found to plug the man’s ears. If the idea bubbling away in his mind worked, Kage didn’t need the man waking up and even attempting to interfere.

Dexterity roll to quickly remove the suit without waking Lucidas.
Dexterity Roll

I hope that’s high enough.

”Perhaps this could help some,” he said as he headed back to Patch and Friday. “Well, this and the fact that YPNR higher Ups control via voice command. I certainly have the tech to fake his voice,” Kage added in a lower tone. Then he he set to examining the tech suit.

Not sure if I should roll Tech or General Knowledge. So I’ll do both.

Technology Roll

General Knowledge Roll

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Pittied fools.
Friday nodded to Patch, "Yeah, we need to find a way to break the control. Programs tend to be interwoven--so we may not be able to remove it directly without hurting Monday. But...changing control away from Lucidas, Jezejandra, and 251 to someone else would be safer and would give Monday the time to rebuild her own code."

Looking over to Kage, Friday replied, "Ooh, we might be able trick the system into thinking you're Lucidas giving an order!" Though in looking the suit over, Kage saw that the tech suit would probably fit EB better than himself...


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Holding up the suit, Kage cocked his head.

”Hmm. I can make a Lucidas, even do the voice. But i’m not fitting in this tech suit. I’m a lot broader than Lucidas.”

Then he turned, looking around at the others.

”That could…maybe…hmm?” Grinning, he said.

“Hey EB, c’mere. I have an idea.”
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Nonstop Baaka
EB got up from keeping Sue and the kids company. Once he reached Kaze, he eyed the suit warily.
"It's not gonna try to control me, is it?" Nevertheless, he reached for the suit.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
“No, it’s not going to take control of you. It does however.” He added quietly, “connect to the system in some way. I need you to wear it while I provide the ‘voice’ of Lucidas, so that we can fake our way into getting the system to transfer control of Monday away from those three, to someone better.”

Then he turned to Monday.

”If this works, would you be ok with having xontrol transferred to Elizalah for now?”

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