Mass Effect

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Still feels weird that Legion doesn't even get a mention in the DLC at all. I mean, yeah, he's guaranteed to be dead by then one way or another, but so is Thane and we get to host a memorial for him.


*heavy sigh*

I just did something I've never done in 16 play throughs. I just saved Kaiden instead of Ashley. I don't know. This just feels so wrong on so many levels.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
So, are you gonna try a romance you haven't done before to make it even weirder?

For that matter, who haven't you romanced before?


The only ones I've romanced are Liara, Tali and Garrus. I really have no interest in any of the others tbh. And my whole reason for going maleshep this time is because I wanted to do another Talimance...if for no other reason than so I can capture her singing in the third game.

And that's the first game beat.
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The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I've romanced Garrus, Liara, Thane, and Kaiden before. Garrus is by far my favorite, but Thane was pretty good too. Might go for Traynor whenever I get around to another run.

Never gonna romance Jacob because he sucks.


You should try a Talimance. Yeah, I realize that requires a Maleshep play through, but Meers does get better in the sequels and a Talimance is so worth it.


I gotta admit, I'm liking sniper riffles a lot more than I thought I would. Down side of being an infiltrator is that my squad mates actually make the bulk of the kills. But being able to take out people at long range with fewer shots is nice.


Just finished Horizon. I really don't see Infiltrator becoming a favorite class. It's also very weird hearing Ashley's lines coming from Kaiden's mouth.

I mean, people who think Ashley's a bitch (and she is until the latter parts of 3), yet seem to love Kaiden...they're using the exact same lines!

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
2 left the Virmire Survivors pretty interchangeable. Probably because their roles are so minor that the writers just didn't bother. Ash feels a little more hostile, but not by much. It gets better in 3, once they get the chance to rejoin the squad.

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