Mass Effect

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Sniping gets a lot funnier in 2 and 3 when you get the Widow and Black Widow. Especially in 3 where foot soldiers' heads just explode with a good shot.

Or in 3 when you get the Krysae. They class it as a sniper rifle, but it's more like an armor-piercing rocket launcher with a scope. Chunky salsa everywhere.


Okay, this was on the third page and I still have two classes I haven't done yet. So now I'm an Infiltrator. I'm going Maleshep with this one so I can do another Talimance. I usually save Ashley, but I'm debating saving Kaiden this time just because in 16 play throughs, I've never saved him before.


I'll never be free of this game.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
I'll never be free of this game.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders


Also, i have finally finished the trilogy legendary edition. Playing through ME3 again has reminded of the good and bad of ME3.

THE good:
2/3rds of the story is great. Tuchanka, Rannoch etc. Great conclusions to great plot threads. Heroic and sad with great acting.
On the whole, character interactions in general were really good.
The game looks great, the combat is fun.
Javik is a really fun character, who would likely have been more fun Jae they not made him optional. Plus, it’s weird that his ending where he decides to keep living is the Renegade option. Funny.

The Bade:
I do, and probably always will,DESPISE the ‘endings’ they wanted for ME3. Their attempt at deep, thought provoking endings still makes my teeth grind at who pretentious and stupid the ’star child’ and its ‘revelations’ are.
The whole organic/synthetic inevitability push is doubly tripley daft, considering we just finished literally shouting the Quarians and Geth into peace.
One gameplay quirk that bugs me is the ‘character sends message to meet at the CitAbel’, so you must rush back to meet them. Because if you don’t, you miss the interaction. I find it frustrating because certain characters lives hinge on these interactions that can be missed. I.e. Miranda.
Biware squishing the Codex and Journal into one menu AND making the quest journal nigh on unusable because it’s so vague was a terrible design choice.
I know it’s galactic war and everything is bittersweet, but I wish they’d not killed so many supporting characters we met over the trilogy via offscreen messages about how they ’died heroically’.
The ‘news anchor’ on the ship should have been Emily Wong.

I know it will likely read like I hate the 3, but I don’t. Does the bad outweigh the good? Not quite, I’ll still replay it repeatedly. It just frustrates me.

I really hope ME4 does something interesting with fixing the messy ending of ME3.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
I do wish we could've at least seen Kal'reegar and Shiala again. They could've had some impact on the Rannoch and rachni stories. Maybe the Urdnot Shaman, having him talk with Eve could've been incredible.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
Honestly, Mass Effect 3 could have had twice as much content and it still wouldn't have been enough for me. I used to play the multiplayer because it made me feel like I was fighting the war from a different viewpoint, which just added to the epic feel of the whole thing. I wish they had included it in the LE because I'd still be playing it today.

The endings were a letdown for sure, but the journey getting there was absolutely one the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
3 was two thirds of a great game and one third an okay game. But those two thirds were absolutely epic. Tuchanka still gives me chills.


"Had to be me. Someone else would've gotten it wrong."


While I did find ME3's ending a bit disappointing and not really jiving with the rest of the story, I didn't outright hate it with all my being like it seems most people did. But if I were to rewrite the ending, it would be the same up to but not including the point where Shepherd gets the call that the Crucible isn't working. In my rewrite, the crucible immediately works.

Depending on the galaxy readiness you get one of these tiers.

1. Reapers win.
2. Galaxy is saved.
3. Normandy survives.
4. The team you had with you in London survives.
5. Anderson survives.
6. Shepherd survives.

Everything depends upon your galactic readiness rating.

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