Sonic The Hedgehog


Mind you, American-made series were written with knowledge of those limitations, so they knew how to work around them.

This resulted in the somewhat odd situation where it looked like American series were allowed to have violence and dangerous situations, while anime had to be censored to hell and back. The 2003 Ninja Turtles series wasn't super dark, but it didn't have clumsy edits undercutting the violent scenes the way that the One Piece dub did.


Well-known member
Mind you, American-made series were written with knowledge of those limitations, so they knew how to work around them.

This resulted in the somewhat odd situation where it looked like American series were allowed to have violence and dangerous situations, while anime had to be censored to hell and back. The 2003 Ninja Turtles series wasn't super dark, but it didn't have clumsy edits undercutting the violent scenes the way that the One Piece dub did.

I agree on the former, but not as much on the latter. Like yeah you sometimes get some stupid edits, such as Helmeppo's weird Hammergun thing. There had to be a better way to edit that. But its easy to get around SAP when your made with them in mind; its harder when you're adapting something with different SAP. I don't feel any other anime had as weird or clumbsy of edits as One Piece did. Like an easy comparison over alll is that TMNT was able to decap Shredder and have it be an big "oh shit" moment, but then they do they "it'll all okay" follow up which they make an even bigger "oh shit" moment by having Shredder stand up and just pick up his head and walk off. One Piece, you see a character get critically injured... and well yu might not see them again for 20+ episodes; becuase its rare for OP to actually kill someone off no matter how bad it looks, its just we don't get the immediate reveal that american audiances would.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Eh, in some places you can run into the dreaded sub vs dub debate and people who don't acknowledge that with Standards & Practices of the time, no cuts means no show at all.
Even so, some of their changes tends to be on the verge of extreme or ridiculous.

Like, if I recall correctly, one Sonic X edit included removing text from signs. Not really replacing it with something in English, and I think some even had that originally, but just... removing it.


Well-known member
Even so, some of their changes tends to be on the verge of extreme or ridiculous.

Like, if I recall correctly, one Sonic X edit included removing text from signs. Not really replacing it with something in English, and I think some even had that originally, but just... removing it.
That's not just 4kids, I remember Sailor Moon and a few others did that as well to make them look more "American"


Pittied fools.
Like, if I recall correctly, one Sonic X edit included removing text from signs. Not really replacing it with something in English, and I think some even had that originally, but just... removing it.

Intriguingly enough, the animation company is the one responsible for that. They preemptively removed the text from the international version due to getting that request with other anime.


Continuity Nutcase
The 2003 Ninja Turtles series wasn't super dark
It was in its fourth and fifth seasons, enough to finally get the attention of the FOX network heads who first had one Season 4 episode banned from the network completely (because it was way too gruesome and gory with outright human body horror), and then forced Season 5 to be initially skipped entirely before it came back to eventually air after the much lighter Season 6 had finished airing first.

One Season 5 episode never even got made because its premise was too dark and gross for FOX, dealing with the concept of conjoined twin children being surgically separated by a shady back-alley surgeon, and one of the separated twins being thrown out with the trash and left for dead.


Pittied fools.
So, Sega originally tried to make Shadow's game have a much more mature rating...

While click-baity and obnoxious, it seems the video might not be incorrect. Though in watching it, I gotta say personality differences are a thing. The guy said the game made him think Shadow was more cool while the game made me write Shadow off. The past few years returning to the franchise has caused shifts in how I see Shadow, though.


Pittied fools.
So, after a long hiatus due to renovations, there was a Sonic livestream on the official YouTube. They confirmed that there wouldn't be a Sonic Central on June 23rd (or June at all). You could argue that not much happened on stream but there were some songs from the Sonic Symphony.


Pittied fools.
So, Anime Expo was over the weekend and there was a panel about Sonic X Shadow Generations' prologue animation, Dark Beginnings. It was announced that its actually three episodes and written by Ian Flynn. But...a trailer was revealed:

People are noting that the revealed character has been hiding in plain sight in the canon but the pieces were never put together due to not being in the forefront for a while.


Pittied fools.
I found an interesting video on how the Hedgehog Engine actually works:

While I found the profanity in it unneeded, it does a good job explaining how it works and subsequently explains part of the pop in Sonic Frontiers has.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
Today’s daily deal at Best Buy is Sonic Superstars for $10 ONLY for Switch. They have also dropped the price of the other console versions down to 29.99 (and might be an all retailer deal).


Pittied fools.
A TailsTube about Amy's fortune telling. Without a Sonic Central, I don't know if this is the last one of this "season" (though, seasons don't really matter since these are sorta released quarterly).



So tell me if this makes any sense. I know I can watch Sonic 1&2 any time I want on streaming. But I still want to get them physically because you know how things can be added and taken away all the time from streaming. So let's get them physically.

But then I see them at Target or Amazon or whatever and I'm just like, why the heck would I get them physically? I can already watch them any time off streaming!

Then I get home or move on to doing something else and it's like, I really should get them physically.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Yeah, that's the first world paradox. You have so many options for consumption that you waffle between them.

Physical purchases these days are basically to show support for the IPs you really like. Your little bit of extra support to ensure another movie, season, or DLC or something.
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Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Not me. I can't resist physical media. It is shamefully easy to sell me something I already have.


Wondering bot
If you have a physical copy, if the movie is suddenly moved to another streaming platform that you don't want because outside of the movies, they offer nothing of value to you and yet you want to watch those movies, then having physical copies, is a GOOD thing, but the choice, is always yours and if say your internet connection goes down due to the provider or something and yet you got power, you could always pop the movie in the DVD/Blu ray player and watch it while waiting for the connection to be restored!

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah, stuff gets taken down all the time -- even by the streaming services who own the content!

Physical is like an insurance policy for the stuff you know you'll like or want to watch again.

Though in some cases, I'm not even sure which streaming services carry some things, if any. Like the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie, for example.

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