Star Trek: The Original Series and The Next Generation

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Active member
Star Trek: Into Darkness was the best of the JJ Abrams Original Crew origin series because of Khan.

IMO, it takes more than a single character to spin straw into gold. Into Darkness was the entry that killed interest in the Abramsverse enough to significantly impact the box office take of Beyond (a much better film).


Continuity Nutcase
Into Darkness did Wrath of Khan dirty.

Into Darkness took the iconic, emotional scene of Spock's death from Wrath of Khan and turned it into a laughing stock. A bad joke.

And Benedict Cumberbatch's Khan was nothing like Ricardo Montalban's Khan. Just a pale limitation. Literally!


Future generations and Star Trek crews have been saved by the AI work and experiments the original crew were subjected to and endured:

Kirk wrote the book on how to defeat AI, proving he could outsmart AI time and time again.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Into Darkness did Wrath of Khan dirty.

Into Darkness took the iconic, emotional scene of Spock's death from Wrath of Khan and turned it into a laughing stock. A bad joke.

And Benedict Cumberbatch's Khan was nothing like Ricardo Montalban's Khan. Just a pale limitation. Literally!

I didn't see that part as a joke though, I saw it more like there is an extremely ticked off Vulcan/Human hybrid coming to beat Khan to death with his bare hands.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
When Spock did the "Khan!" yell, my theater burst into laughter over it.

Mind didn't.

To be fair, Kirk yells that line in the TWOK at a weird time. Like Khan just basically hung up on him saying he is going to maroon Kirk. Here Spock says it after his friend died. It does feel more earned in the remake.


Kirk’s “Khaaannn!” delivery was so impactful and memorable:

I did not even bat an eye when Spock said it in Into Darkness because he was drowned out in the shadow of Kirk’s performance.

What I did react to, and was moved by, was Spock applying the Vulcan neck pinch on Khan who was clearly, visibly shaken, in pain and effected by it, struggling to keep his balance and stay on his feet:


The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I like that Khan only gets the upper hand on Spock when Spock has to chase him down on a ship.


No other Star Trek movie has provided this kind of fan service:

Star Trek The Motion Picture was a love letter to the fans. No other Star Trek movie has given us these kind of visuals and close-ups. It gave us the orchestral score music for the Next Generation. This movie is the only one I believe that can be called a film, a masterpiece.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Into Darkness had its share of fanservice


But Lower Decks had more of what you are referring to.



Was Kirk talking about condoms:

Were there condoms or any effective birth control in the 1960’s?

I don’t think condoms and birth control were readily available back then. That’s why you had the baby boom due to the sexual revolution.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Thật thú vị khi thấy quan điểm của bạn về loạt phim Star Trek. Thế hệ tiếp theo thực sự đã trở thành một thành công đáng kể và được mở rộng dựa trên nền tảng của Sê-ri gốc. Cả hai loạt phim đã đóng góp rất nhiều cho di sản Star Trek và có một lượng người hâm mộ trung thành.

It would be interesting to see your perspective on the Star Trek series. The Next Generation has indeed become a significant success and expands upon the foundation of the Original Series. Both series have contributed greatly to the Star Trek legacy and have a loyal fan base.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
The only thing about Trelane is that he used technology to control his powers. Does that mean that all Q rely on some sort of connection to a machine somewhere? Or was he just using it like training wheels on a bike? After all he was just another kid.


Q was a god in the Next Generation. Guinan acknowledged that he was omnipotent. Picard acknowledged his immortality:

Star Trek: Picard retconned this.


Orignal Series Spock was the smartest man in Star Trek history:

He built a Time Machine from basically sticks and stones.
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