Star Trek: The Original Series and The Next Generation

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I think they retconned Q in Star Trek Picard to be much less powerful, omnipotent and immortal than in Next Gen:

Q is a god.

The Predaking

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Council of Elders
Q is called the Q of lies remember. He isn't a trustworthy source on the powers of a Q.


I think I’ve seen all the Star Trek movies, because they’re all based on the Original Series and Next Generation, no surprise.

The Wrath of Khan was the best out of the Oriignal Series movies, and out of all the Star Trek movies really.
The Motion Picture was the most nostalgic, had the best visuals, and the best sci-fi plot.
Voyage Home was funny and entertaining. Some say the Original Series Star Trek movies could have ended nicely here.

First Contact, I think, was the only really good Next Generation Star Trek movie.

And so far, Star Trek: Into Darkness has been the best of the newer Star Trek movies, maybe because it has Khan in it.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I think I’ve seen all the Star Trek movies, because they’re all based on the Original Series and Next Generation, no surprise.

The Wrath of Khan was the best out of the Oriignal Series movies, and out of all the Star Trek movies really.
The Motion Picture was the most nostalgic, had the best visuals, and the best sci-fi plot.
Voyage Home was funny and entertaining. Some say the Original Series Star Trek movies could have ended nicely here.

First Contact, I think, was the only really good Next Generation Star Trek movie.

And so far, Star Trek: Into Darkness has been the best of the newer Star Trek movies, maybe because it has Khan in it.

The Motion Picture to me was a mess. I honestly think its the worst of the first four, with star trek 5 taking the worst TOS crew film spot. The twist at the end is nice, but I am not a fan of everything leading up to it.

TWOK is an epic scifi film and really stands the test of time.

The Search for Spock is a great film that gets highly underrated and shoved into the even/odd rule unfairly.

The Voyage Home I feel is the most overrated film in the series. Yes it is good, but I honestly would put it fourth out of 6.

Star Trek 5 suffered a lot and I feel that Shatner gets the blame for it. I do love the line "Why does God need a starship?" Still the worst of some great movies.

The Undiscovered Country is a great film and just barely loses the #1 spot in my book to TWOK. It was a great send off for the TOS crew and was a great story.

Generations is a great start for the TNG crew. Kirk and Picard's scenes together are truly great! I just wished that they would have gone with Kirk dying from being shot like they originally planned.

First Contact is my favorite Star Trek film. Loved it since the theaters.

Insurrection is a film that I didn't like at first but it really has grown on me.

Nemesis. It was cool. Not the best send off for the TNG crew, but that got addressed in Picard season 3.

The reboot: It was okay. It was JJ's audition for star wars, and its fine as a reboot.

Into Darkness. THis is a fine film that didn't live up to the hype it had and the whole Khan not being in it thing that the director was trying to pull off before the film hurt it. Still, enraged Spock vs Khan was an epic fight that I still claim to this day to be the best fight in Star Trek.

Star Trek Beyond was a fun romp, but so forgettable I had to google the name of it. I liked seeing some of the Enterprise era stuff it had, Jaylah was cool, and I was hoping to see more of that refit Enterprise A. Sadly it seems those films are dead now.


Active member
The only problem with TWOK (and Khan himself) is that the franchise is so goddamn obsessed with that story. It's now gotten to the point where I'm just tired of hearing about it, tired of watching the film and sick of it being the only one that really gets revisited or put back in theatres. Whether you liked ENT's augment episodes or not, Enterprise has been the only Trek since the original TWOK to do anything at all new with the ideas surround the eugenics war/etc.

Generations and Insurrection would make decent 2-parter episodes. I like First Contact less and less the older I get, and Nemesis was just unrepentant trash.

Honestly, these days, I'll take the very worst of the first six films over the absolute best of any that followed them. Nothing that followed could match the on-screen chemistry between Shatner, Nimoy and Kelley.


I don’t remember if I ever watched the Final Frontier all the way through. I just recall not understanding the ending. Who was that entity at the end if it was not God? And what did it mean when the old Vulcan looked into it and saw himself laughing? What did he mean when he said, “This is my doing. This is my arrogance. “

I was frustrated because it was never explained. So what was the whole point of the movie?


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Olde-Timey Member
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Not that I hadn't seen the Original Series / films here and there when I was a kid, but TNG was definitely "MY" Stark Trek. I grew up watching it weekly on broadcast TV and loving it, so the Enterprise-D wins in the nostalgia department, but I do have to admit that the original is just an absolutely beautiful ship.

Don't remember where I first heard someone mention it, but I do agree that the destruction of the D should have been saved for First Contact instead of Generations. Seeing the ship that had been "home" for years slowly be turned against the crew by the Borg would have felt much more tragic and frightening than the E that we didn't really know or care about.


Active member
Just some random alien pretending.

Some books attempted to connect it to the Q Continuum, but books aren't on the same level of canon as the shows and movies.

Yeah, just one of those assorted non-corporeal entities they encountered on TOS every now and then.

The mentioned novel tie-in wasnt actually that bad. The "God" entity had previously been an extradimensional refugee, close in power to the Q. He and a few others were admitted into this reality via the Guardian of Forever by a blunder of Q his younger days. His thing was impersonating deities and torturing lesser beings under the guise of"testing" them and trying to spur their evolution to higher planes.

After playing a hand in the mass extinction event of a major spacefaring civilization, the entire Q Continuum went to war with him and his 3 buddies. His punishment was a few Q combining their powers and somehow "deleting" his legs, arms and torso and banishing him to the center of the Galaxy. What does that mean to a being whose physical form was merely a metaphysical representation in the first place? You got me. At the very least, his power was significantly reduced and he no longer had the ability to move about in higher dimensions or at warp speeds. Which would explain why he'd need a starship.
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I think the reason why Stars Wars has always been more popular than Star Trek is because of the genius of George Lucas. He had the foresight to create an entire toyline based on just three movies.

That Star Wars toyline supported the original trilogy for almost 20 years with no other Star Wars media content.

The Star Wars toy line is probably what also made the prequel trilogy a success with kids and captured the hearts of a new generation.

George Lucas was a marketing genius.

Why doesn’t Star Trek have a successful toyline backing it up?


The only problem with TWOK (and Khan himself) is that the franchise is so goddamn obsessed with that story. It's now gotten to the point where I'm just tired of hearing about it, tired of watching the film and sick of it being the only one that really gets revisited or put back in theatres. Whether you liked ENT's augment episodes or not, Enterprise has been the only Trek since the original TWOK to do anything at all new with the ideas surround the eugenics war/etc.

Generations and Insurrection would make decent 2-parter episodes. I like First Contact less and less the older I get, and Nemesis was just unrepentant trash.

Honestly, these days, I'll take the very worst of the first six films over the absolute best of any that followed them. Nothing that followed could match the on-screen chemistry between Shatner, Nimoy and Kelley.

Although the Next Generation was a better show, the Original Series had more endearing, cooler characters:



Well-known member
I don’t remember if I ever watched the Final Frontier all the way through. I just recall not understanding the ending. Who was that entity at the end if it was not God? And what did it mean when the old Vulcan looked into it and saw himself laughing? What did he mean when he said, “This is my doing. This is my arrogance. “

I was frustrated because it was never explained. So what was the whole point of the movie?

Just some random alien pretending.

Some books attempted to connect it to the Q Continuum, but books aren't on the same level of canon as the shows and movies.
If I'm remembering the comic adaptation correctly, there was a nice line about the fact that Sha-Ka-Rhee's "barrier" seemed more suited to keep the entity (whatever it was) in, rather than to keep others out, and that this implied the existence of a higher power (nicely vague. Connected with the vague theistic themes behind the movie while still allowing for nothing more religious than "some alien more powerful than the entity trapped on Sha-Ka-Rhee").


The only problem with TWOK (and Khan himself) is that the franchise is so goddamn obsessed with that story. It's now gotten to the point where I'm just tired of hearing about it, tired of watching the film and sick of it being the only one that really gets revisited or put back in theatres. Whether you liked ENT's augment episodes or not, Enterprise has been the only Trek since the original TWOK to do anything at all new with the ideas surround the eugenics war/etc.

Star Trek: Into Darkness was the best of the JJ Abrams Original Crew origin series because of Khan.

We still desperately need a origin story of the Rise of Khan and the Eugenics movement which is still alive, well, promoted and practiced today:

This woman wants to abort her special needs, developmentally disabled, Downs Syndrome, low IQ, autistic, child-like minded family members so that she can devote more time, effort, and love to the strong, smart, healthy, genetically gifted kids in her family.
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