Star Trek: The Original Series and The Next Generation

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The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I notice not many people talk about Voyager:

I can’t imagine why🙄.

Voyager is a good show. It's definitely not up to par with TNG or DS9, but that is a high bar to hit. The Doctor in it is an amazing character and steals a bit of the show at times. Janeway constantly having to weigh her morals against shortcuts home, Seven of Nine would be right up your alley, and their confrontations with the Borg were interesting and helped flesh out the Borg a bit more. Also, Q is in several episodes.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
No Q to bring comic relief:

Over-serious captain, military structure, no dishes, DS9 sounds very dull, melancholy, and boring.
Q is there, but only one episode as opposed to once a season or so on TNG.

Sisko isn't overly serious, he is still in mourning at the start of the first season, but he eventually gets past that. His father son relationship with Jake is one of the best Father son dynamics in hollywood history. There was a fan at a convention that thanked him for showing him how to be a good single dad to his son.

MIllitary structure? Htat is in every Star Trek show. TOS itself was very Military. Kirk is a By the Book boyscout, and orders everyone around. Riker loved busting the LTs and Ensingns.

Dax was literally called Action Barbie and the Dabo girls were heavily featured on this series, so I don't know what you are talking about there. Unless you mean literally there were no dishes, but Sisko loved to cook so that isn't true either. :p


DS9 is one of the most action packed Scifi series there is. It had the federation at war with someone for four seasons with DS9 being right in the middle of it.


Voyager is a good show. It's definitely not up to par with TNG or DS9, but that is a high bar to hit. The Doctor in it is an amazing character and steals a bit of the show at times. Janeway constantly having to weigh her morals against shortcuts home, Seven of Nine would be right up your alley, and their confrontations with the Borg were interesting and helped flesh out the Borg a bit more. Also, Q is in several episodes.

I forgot about 7 of 9. She really is dish:


She actually looks better in Star Trek: Picard with her hair down:



Q is there, but only one episode as opposed to once a season or so on TNG.

Sisko isn't overly serious, he is still in mourning at the start of the first season, but he eventually gets past that. His father son relationship with Jake is one of the best Father son dynamics in hollywood history. There was a fan at a convention that thanked him for showing him how to be a good single dad to his son.

MIllitary structure? Htat is in every Star Trek show. TOS itself was very Military. Kirk is a By the Book boyscout, and orders everyone around. Riker loved busting the LTs and Ensingns.

Dax was literally called Action Barbie and the Dabo girls were heavily featured on this series, so I don't know what you are talking about there. Unless you mean literally there were no dishes, but Sisko loved to cook so that isn't true either. :p

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DS9 is one of the most action packed Scifi series there is. It had the federation at war with someone for four seasons with DS9 being right in the middle of it.

You’re right those are dishes in DS9. I guess their popularity is contained within that show, and never extended into the larger Star Trek universe like Yeoman Rand, Nurse Chapel, Uhura, Beverly Crusher, Deanna Troi, even Tasha Yar. Heck, even I know who 7 of 9 is and I’ve never watched Star Trek: Voyager.


Fabulously Foxy Dragon
DS9 also had the Odo/Quark relationship for some levity, don't forget. Q may bring Discord levels of WTFery, but these shows can have humor without him just fine.

Garak was fun too.

And a much larger sampling...

As for the setting, if TOS(and TNG when it wasn't doing diplomacy) was the Wagon Train to the Stars, DS9 was the frontier town at the edge of civilization.
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Active member
No Q to bring comic relief:

Over-serious captain, military structure, no dishes, DS9 sounds very dull, melancholy, and boring.

TNG only had Q in a spattering of episodes, and still managed to amuse. Most of the time with more subtle, character moments.


TNG only had Q in a spattering of episodes, and still managed to amuse. Most of the time with more subtle, character moments.

Q was there from the very beginning of Star Trek the Next Generation. Q kicked off the show and was the most interesting thing in those first episodes. So he was a character in Next Generation as long as anyone on that show. Q was their very first antagonist and launched the Next Generation onto the air.


Active member
Q was there from the very beginning of Star Trek the Next Generation. Q kicked off the show and was the most interesting thing in those first episodes. So he was a character in Next Generation as long as anyone on that show. Q was their very first antagonist and launched the Next Generation onto the air.

My point was, TNG is equally watchable whether Q is featured in an episode or not. Many of TNG's best episodes don't involve him at all.

In fact I'd argue that Barcley's holodeck simulations using the likenesses of the crew are at least as amusing as anything Q ever did.


Continuity Nutcase
Q was there from the very beginning of Star Trek the Next Generation. Q kicked off the show and was the most interesting thing in those first episodes. So he was a character in Next Generation as long as anyone on that show. Q was their very first antagonist and launched the Next Generation onto the air.
Q was only added to the first episode after Roddenberry was pressured by Paramount to expand the first episode from one hour to one hours. Roddenberry originally wanted that first episode to only be about the encounter at Farpoint, with no inclusion of Q at all.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah, the original script written by DC Fontana, who did great work BTW, was just the Far point station. Q was added in as they wanted a two hour feature presentation. I will give Gene credit, he does integrate all the Q elements into the script so it seems like it is all one story.



Cast members of Next Gen were jealous and envious of Dr. Pulaski because she was already a veteran of Star Trek and Gene Roddenberry favored her:


The main reason why she was able to be pushed off the show is because Gene Roddenberry died and she was left all alone:

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