Studio Series discussion


Active member
Via Jtprime17 on tfw2005 a few moments ago

Hook and Long Haul are next year's Commander Class.

Per listings:

Deluxe Scavenger
Deluxe Bonecrusher
Voyager Scrapper
Voyager Mixmaster
Commander Long Haul & Hook 2 Pack

So Deluxe arms, Voyager legs, and torso bots of unknown size. Could both be Voyagers + the extra parts, or Long Haul might be bigger. I wonder if the two legs are Voyagers because they'll include extra leg parts (I'm hoping Long Haul won't have to take on so much extra mass this time around like the Combiner Wars version).

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
Via Jtprime17 on tfw2005 a few moments ago

Hook and Long Haul are next year's Commander Class.

Per listings:

Deluxe Scavenger
Deluxe Bonecrusher
Voyager Scrapper
Voyager Mixmaster
Commander Long Haul & Hook 2 Pack
So it'll total around modern Titan price for the whole thing, just not all in one box.

The Phazer

Well-known member
Shipping so many reissues next to each other when many of them were shelfsitters outside of the US does not feel especially wise for the long term survival of the line (not saying they shouldn't happen, just that bunching them together with a couple of lackluster repaints is unlikely to make retailers feel the love).


Another babka?
ReActivate Bumblebee in Studio Series could be a first... something from on-screen media that's released before the media!

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
ReActivate Bumblebee in Studio Series could be a first... something from on-screen media that's released before the media!
Ahem *pushes glasses up nose*… Bumblebee (SS-18) actually hit retail BEFORE the film.

Though, ReActivate may still be in the running for a figure from a media that ends up not being released…


Another babka?
Ahem *pushes glasses up nose*… Bumblebee (SS-18) actually hit retail BEFORE the film.

Though, ReActivate may still be in the running for a figure from a media that ends up not being released…
Touché 😛
But yeah that's a good point. It may be the only Studio Series release that's tied to cancelled media 😆


Active member
If the two torso Constructicons are a Commander size, I'll assume they'll be coming with most if not all of the combiner parts? Head, chest plate & probably rifle. Maybe the forearms & hands? I don't expect deluxes to have the budget to include those, but the legs as voyagers may include the theighs. So maybe this will play out similar to what Motormaster came with. I could see that padding out a Commander size with a voyager sized Hook & Longhaul. Really hoping they're going for a normal combiner size with this one.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I mean... I'm a bit of a sucker for combiners so... I would need to see him before I jump on it. I've still got the combiner wars devastator, and the weird scaling and size makes him very hard to display in general.


Kaiser Dragon
Supposedly they said he's about the same size as Menasor. I'm certainly curious to see how they handle him. I can't see the same sort of frame setup working for the feet, especially Scrapper. I could see them including some sort of frame that Hook and Long Haul plug into, and that the others connect to.

For Menasor, Drag Strip and Dead End split in half at Menasor's elbow. Given that it's the legs of the arm guys that normally stay stationary on the torso, I wonder if maybe Scavenger and Bonecrusher will similarly split at the waist, with the top half connecting to an arm frame and the bottom half staying with the torso.

I kind of hate that I'm even thinking this way. I really feel like Menasor is more of a cheat than a combiner, similarly to how I really don't like the Micromaster combiners. But from what very little we know so far, that's what I'm envisioning.


Continuity Nutcase
Menasor's frame setup was done because they were trying to go for extreme cartoon-accuracy to a humorously absurd extent with him, as his cartoon model looked as if his four limb bots were just slapped onto his arms and legs.

Conversely, Devastator's cartoon model showed his arms and legs to actually be formed by his four limb bots, so I'd expect this new Devastator to more reflect that.


Kaiser Dragon
I know why Menasor was done that way. But now that he's out as the Legacy-era combiner template, the question is how future combiners will be implemented.

Superion generally wasn't quite so much a robot with planes hanging off his limbs, but next year's Superion appears to be a similar set of a Commander torso with Deluxe limbs. We've seen that deluxe limbs don't have the budget for high-quality combiner joints, and Legacy-era deluxes also generally don't have the mass to pull off a full limb for a CW/Legacy-sized combiner. So I think it's pretty reasonable to speculate that Superion is going to be a similar sort of implementation to Menasor. Silverbolt normally transforms from a jet with a big box slung under it to a robot with a folded-up jet hanging on his back. I'm guessing this new Silverbolt will have that box completely disconnect and be Silverbolt, while the main jet body transforms into a Superion frame.

Now, speculating about Devastator is definitely taking it to another level with even less evidence to go by. But we're seeing a pretty similar breakdown so far. His being comparable in size to Menasor implies similarly-sized limb bots, which fits with Scavenger and Bonecrusher being Deluxes. As I'd already mentioned, I don't think a frame with feet would work with Devastator, so it makes sense that Scrapper and Mixmaster would need to be bumped up to Voyagers to include enough mass for the full lower legs and good ankle joints at least. Possibly the knees as well, but I'm guessing the joints will be on the Long Haul side of things.

It's the fact that Hook and Long Haul will be a Commander class item that has me thinking Devastator will align with Menasor and my predictions for Superion. If they're still trying to keep to any sort of common scaling, I'd expect Hook and Long Haul to be close in size to the rest of the team, meaning either big Deluxe or small Voyager. So the question is, can they pack a robot mode, vehicle mode, torso mode connections, and arm/leg connections into two bots of such size within that price point? Or will they just fold up and plug into a frame that handles all the combiner jointing? I'd point out that aside from seeing bits of Hook sticking up, cartoon Devastator's torso is pretty generic and really doesn't show anything identifiable to either bot.

Like I said, I'm curious to see how they handle it. Either is a possibility. But based on what information we have, if I had to make a bet, I'd bet on some sort of frame implementation, even though it makes much less sense for Devastator than either Menasor or Superion. I hope I'm wrong.


Somehow still sane
A combiner with that level of partsforming is an easy pass. I don’t think HasTak’s engineers have sunk to that level at least and not having 100% adherence to the cartoon gives me some hope.

That said, I’ll have to see the torso first. The arms and legs are pretty much solved at this point. I don’t mind the forearms and chestplate partsforming but any other body parts are a severe downside.


Staff member
Council of Elders
I'd be fine with something similar to the Combiner Wars take, with the individual releases getting each enough of a budget to not sacrifice as much. That version is also close enough to the execution with Motormaster; the Commander class is still the main body and the limbs plug in. The arm bots don't even need to split up; Hook can come with the forearms and fists.

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