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This is how a unicorn comments
Eh for me music really just boils down to: "Do I like the flow?" Which I know isn't an explanation, but it's all I've got.

Like I know people enjoy "Stop the Bats" But all I hear are these weird pauses like the singers are having to stop in the middle of the song to read the next few lines. It just sounds very off putting.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I do like the Danny Elfman sound, so that helps. But context is part of it. I was entertained just by the attempt to have their spooky episode's music sound like Danny Elfman. It's fitting, and that's the only reason they did it. No one ran it by a committee. Daniel Ingram felt like it would be fun and fitting, so he went for it. And he nailed it. I heard the inspiration immediately. And it doesn't sound like any song in the series that wasn't trying to do the same thing.

G5's songs could have been composed with no idea what episodes they were going to be used in, or what the tone of those episodes was going to be, and I don't know if the result would be any different from what we got. It all sounds the same to me.


This is how a unicorn comments
Really makes me wish I could put into words what I feel or sense when I listen to music. 'Stop the Bats' to me just fails in every sense.

Listening to it again, and then Allura's song. Perhaps one way I can put it is to me it feels like Allura began to sing and the music/rhythm/flow was made to fit her voice and words. I can sense the emotion in it, her sorrow and hope. It just goes together perfectly and is amazing.

I don't sense anything from Stop the Bats. It feels like they made up the tune to match what they wanted to parody and then had the characters awkwardly try to match the pacing of the music. Resulting in something that to me feels like it was rushed out to meet a deadline. It needs polish.

But we remember my most hated song is that Flim and Flam cider song, and that's like on everyone's top ten, so I just don't know what it is I can't sense, but something isn't there and it ruins the songs.

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