Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
And you all are shocked? Or maybe just tired?

Anyway: it's also why he's losing, because even his cult is tired of him not having ******* anything except bitching.


Well-known member
I am surprised by the question, particularly aimed at a Republican. Few balk at the idea of having a plan to make medicine or gasoline or housing more affordable, because it seems like fantastic piles of money are being made in those industries, but ain't nobody getting rich off of child care. I do understand that it is a difficult expense for working class families who have to keep their eye on whether both parents are taking home more than they are spending on it, but the people doing the work aren't making a big margin either. If we are talking about some kind of subsidy for it, there is no way a Republican running for office is going to do that. I guess there is some value in pressing them to admit it.


Now with hi-res avatar!
Can we stop pretending he'll ever face consequence now?
I'm willing to keep the pretense going a bit longer.

Or defeat?
**** that noise. He's finally on the ropes, and your doom-and-gloom ass still wants to throw in the towel? Here's a novel idea: how 'bout you stop being such a mopey mother****er, make sure that you and all of your Trump-hating friends and relatives are registered to vote, and then make sure that you all goddamn vote?! Or are you so committed to this bit that you'd rather everyone get sentenced to life in a Trump regime just so you won't run out of shit to bitch and moan about?

****, dude. Just... enough already. Post that shit somewhere else.


jumbled pile of person
Maybe Paladin is a Russian agent, hired to post cynical takes and discourage people.

Remember how it turned out Russia had paid people to go on Tumblr and pose as social justice types, poisoning the discourse with anger and divisiveness? I do.


Now with hi-res avatar!
"Greetings, fellow human! I am also a human, and I will demonstrate such by engaging in the introduction ritual of touching my upper appendage to yours, as is traditional among us humans!"


"A successful fistshake! Congratulations are claimed by all involved!"


Well-known member
In other news, a Trump campaign jet carrying Vance strayed into restricted D.C. airspace.
Restricted air space and restricted cemeteries are talking about regular people. Not extraordinary people like them.
"Greetings, fellow human! I am also a human, and I will demonstrate such by engaging in the introduction ritual of touching my upper appendage to yours, as is traditional among us humans!"

View attachment 23280

"A successful fistshake! Congratulations are claimed by all involved!"

I'm not really sure what we're looking at there. If she didn't want to shake his hand, she could've kept it in her pocket. She doesn't look like a demographic that would prefer fist bumps by default. Is that a thing to stick out your fist to create an unsuccessful handshake?

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
No, it's not. She was going for a fist bump, and got a handshake. That's a surprisingly common thing.


jumbled pile of person
Fistbumps have become a lot more common post-COVID, for sanitary reasons. As easy as it would be to paint Vance as being out of touch (and probably a COVID denialist), they reached out at the exact same time and then she just kind of ragequit rather than wait the one second it took him to catch on.


unfortunate shark issues
I'm just amused by the two men in the background who decide they definitely don't want to interact with Mr Vance and head for the hills.


Well-known member
I wonder if Trump believes that Biden and the Justice Department are behind all of his legal stuff. I don't have enough access to gauge whether he is doing political calculus in his head or whether he really thinks that is the simplest explanation. When someone is a fool and a liar, it can be tricky to tell which one is prevailing at the moment.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here
He blames Biden because he sees him as the only person important enough to actually threaten him. The idea that it could actually just be all those little people in the actual criminal justice system doesn't occur to him because they're not important enough to remember their names.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Blaming biden worked politically for trump because now his base has another reason to hate biden. Doesn't matter that trumps own actions have caused the litigation and threat of imprisonment: he's a malignant narcissist, nothing is ever his fault.

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