Traitor Watch - The 45 Thread


Well-known member
I mean, I appreciate your position; but the number of stochastic terrorism events in the US are rising, and according to the GOA 71% between 2010 and 2021 of them were either abortion based, racially or ethnically based, and anti-authority based. Those are literally the republicans calling cards, and the dog whistles they routinely blow. Sure democrats get radicalized just like the republicans do, but at a potential 1/3rd of the volume. I mean, only 6% were animals rights or environmental based.

If this one was stochastic, it wasn't Republicans beating the drum. But I don't think this one was stochastic.

To follow: trump isn't toeing the party line; because he SETS the party line. He, very truly, controls the RNC. I don't know if putin has kompromat on trump, or is just throwing money at him: but trump was willing to withdraw from NATO... an organization the US created specifically to counter soviet international actions. It's kind of why there was like a 6 month stop on material to ukraine. Traditional positions don't matter, precedent doesn't matter, last weeks position doesn't matter: he'll just lie and claim he never said it anyway. The whole ******* thing is just so ridiculous in conception, it's hard to believe it's being acted on.

There is some plasticity. My Dad will vote for Trump because of the traditional party platform and not because of anything that Trump has adapted in it. Trump managed to crash fervent military support into tea party anti-tax stuff and gotten support for his own vendattas among people who don't want the government spending money. It has distracted Republicans away from a pretty strong international heroism mythos, but I think they'd readily go back to it if he were out of the way.


Well-known member
On TruthSocial, Trump said "The Rhetoric, Lies, as exemplified by the false statements made by Comrade Kamala Harris during the rigged and highly partisan ABC Debate, and all of the ridiculous lawsuits specifically designed to inflict damage on Joe’s, then Kamala’s, Political Opponent, ME, has taken politics in our Country to a whole new level of Hatred, Abuse, and Distrust. Because of this Communist Left Rhetoric, the bullets are flying, and it will only get worse!"

I'd like to see which rhetoric and statements in the debate could have caused this guy to shoot at Trump. I also award Trump 10 bizarro points for using the word "Comrade" to somehow align Kamala Harris with the USSR.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
Apparently reminding people about Trump's authoritarian behavior, January 6 and Project 2025 are tantamount to calling for his assassination.


My Dad will vote for Trump because of the traditional party platform and not because of anything that Trump has adapted in it.
Was your dad paying any attention to this year's convention when the platform that the party officially adopted was just a laundry list of Trump social media posts in all caps?


Well-known member
Was your dad paying any attention to this year's convention when the platform that the party officially adopted was just a laundry list of Trump social media posts in all caps?
No. I mentioned Walz to him a few weeks ago and he asked me which running mate that was. It was pretty encouraging to me.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
So now the Secret Service is saying that the guy who supposedly tried to assassinate Trump a few days ago never had a line of sight on him, but they had previously said he pointed a rifle at him.

Am I the only one who sees a problem with these two things supposedly being true at the same time?

Just to be clear, I'm not saying this was a staged assassination attempt. I'm not a conspiracy-theory whack-job, and anyone who wanted to stage an assassination attempt could do a far better job than that. I'm just saying that police in America have a habit of lying to the media, and they need to do better, because they've proven themselves to be untrustworthy.

The Secret Service's two stories cannot both be true at the same time, which leaves us to wonder: did the Secret Service lie about the suspect pointing his rifle at Trump, in which case they might have been over-eager and arrested someone for open-carrying near Trump's golf course, which Republicans consider to be a constitutional right? Or did the Secret Service lie about the suspect never getting close enough to get a line of sight, in which case they might have failed spectacularly and embarrassed themselves for the second time?
Dear Trump supporters: I'm not saying that every one of you is a racist piece of shit. I'm saying that every one of you is OK with electing a racist, which makes you a piece of shit.
Imagine being 78 years old and still being so insecure in your manhood that you constantly try to look tough in public, like a 15-year old boy puffing out his chest to look like a man.


Well-known member
Was your dad paying any attention to this year's convention when the platform that the party officially adopted was just a laundry list of Trump social media posts in all caps?

To be clear, what I am talking about is Pro-Life and various other "family values" things, small government (I know!), lower taxes, private health care and other government staying out of people's way issues, leaving states rights alone. I am not conversant on what was discussed that the convention, but you and I and he can all be confident that the GOP is going to be taking these hashtags.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
First assassin seems to have been trying to achieve 'suicide by cop' in an epic way, second assassin is just a kook with a long running violent streak. Doubt the Biden or Harris campaigns had much to do with either.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
My guess is he was likely gonna use a pejorative commonly thrown at women and held back at the last second. Several options there, so I don't know which one he intended to use.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Yeah, impossible to guess since he's so hateful of basically everyone and everything. I honestly don't get how his wife has stayed with him.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
Yeah, impossible to guess since he's so hateful of basically everyone and everything. I honestly don't get how his wife has stayed with him.

I'm guessing they had a talk before he went full grifter and bent the knee to Trump after calling him America's Hitler.

"Honey, you know this party's full of Nazis. We'll just have to roll with the punches for now."

Ultra Magnus13

Active member
FB friend:

I think he/you are reading way to much into it. Dudes rifle was poked through the fence pointed into the golf course, with bags full of ceramics set up as cover.

If I know you are in a house, and I'm pointing a rifle at the door that I know you will exit, it would be fairly reasonable to say I'm "pointing a rifle at you" , despite not yet having true line of sight on you.

On top of that the agent/s that engaged the shooter may have had line of sight to both the shooter and to Trump and assumed the shooter did as well.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
@Teufel Yeah, because pointing out obvious contradictions in the Secret Service's story is totally the same as inventing wild conspiracy theories. After their embarrassing lapse in the first assassination attempt, they’ve got every reason to try and save face, so asking for clarity isn’t exactly out of left field.

@Ultra Magnus13 The point is, the story changed. First, the guy had a rifle aimed at Trump, and now suddenly there was no line of sight.


Active member
Do you have an actual source for the Secret Service changing their account of the assassination attempt? I never saw that when details emerged of the incident. I can't find it with a Google search. Also your friend never seemed to consider the fact that these events or other breaking news incidents are often chaotic and initial details are frequently wrong or slightly off and there's no sinister plot centered around GOP gun politics.

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