Transformers Collaborative thread (Agent Knight - Transformers x Knight Rider)


Staff member
Council of Elders
Collaborative seems more like the venue to take, say, a Wily ship and make a robot out of it. Or the Yellow Devil, in an Optimus Primal sort of biped-to-biped situation.


Collaborative seems more like the venue to take, say, a Wily ship and make a robot out of it. Or the Yellow Devil, in an Optimus Primal sort of biped-to-biped situation.
Yeah, IMO TF X MM is more likely to involve things like a Megatron that turns into a Wily Machine, a MegaMan-themed Optimus Prime, or Yellow Deviltron than any Robot Masters.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
TurboMan and NitroMan are RIGHT THERE.

(Granted, they're very un-toyetic, and Collaborative has been mostly about Hall of Fame-level TFs or brand new characters, but, y'know, thematically...)
I know! My two favorites! (No prize for guessing why.)

Megamix Turbo Man might be more toyetic, though...


Heck, I was going to try to customize a Rescue Bot with a similar transformation scheme and made a post about it on these very forums, but never got anywhere with it.

Collaborative seems more like the venue to take, say, a Wily ship and make a robot out of it. Or the Yellow Devil, in an Optimus Primal sort of biped-to-biped situation.

More likely, unfortunately, yeah.

...unless they really leaned into the Rush and Treble transformations...

Rush with a humanoid robot mode.

It is absolutely killing me right now that I can't find a piece of fan art I saw earlier, before Twitter decided to surreptitiously flip it away from my view, never to be seen again.

So, eh, take this instead, I guess. I know it's not what you meant, but it's (unfortunately) the best that I've got.



Continuity Nutcase
Or, here's an idea I could easily see Hasbro going with: A Mega Man that transforms into a blue Rush, and a Rush that transforms into a red Mega Man. Two ready-to-go deco uses in one mold.


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm in. I'm not the biggest Mega Man fan out there but that's only because I suck at it. The designs have a lot of charm, and they're already robots. It has the potential to be one of the better crossovers we've gotten.

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