I can shrug off not redoing PMOP that soon, and the Evolution aspect of Orion Pax works well enough for me in tandem with Hot Rod/Rodimus.
But I might've been interested in a PMOP in Takara's Gen Selects instead of Star Convoy. (Although I suppose that would've changed the manga by a fair bit or something.) But then, with a G1 cab slotting in basically an Op torso, that's kind of what it ended up as anyway, just with some disappointing Star Convoy bits. Just give me some disappointing PMOP bits instead, lol. The body was never going to work for Star Convoys entirely distinctive proportions.
Of course this idea is a total lateral move vs SC, but it's hitting bronze while shooting for silver, not gold, at least. That was just one of the most underwhelming executions, especially up against the other Takara Gen Selects stuff.
Ah well. One can hope that with the Constructicons taking an SS86 Commander class spot, there's room in the main Generations line for this. (or is that Silverbolt already, idk? Whatever, just don't Haslab it.)