Transformers Legacy toyline


Kaiser Dragon
My Darkmount was misassembled. One of his knees was from the wrong side. Wasn't a huge deal, but it bugged me enough to lower a toy that wasn't all that great to begin with down another notch. I wasn't ever able to find another one in stores to replace him with, and I just didn't care enough about the character to get one off eBay. The new one will definitely be a nice upgrade.


I wonder if normal retail Straxus will just be minus the comic shading, or will be a different deco. They did mention he has a number of different designs in the reveal stream...


too old for this
Ooh. Found the Star Raiders tonight as well. So glad I was impatient and bought the ones I want off ebay literally one week ago.

Oh well. As reported, all are in equal amounts in the case, Filch is not going to be hard to find. That said, I grabbed another because I want two. One for Filch, one for a twin I'm going to call Pilfer.
Also grabbed Road Hog and Lockdown because the others are all on a slow boat from China because I was impatient and stupid.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
I've only seen Ferak in the wild, so far. Keeping my eyes peeled, though. Hopefully a nearby Walmart will put out the deluxes soon.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
I think I saw one of each (there's four deluxe and thundertron at voyager, right?) at a local walmart the other day. But I don't have almost 300 bucks to throw around on toys right now.


As has mine.

Mercy is not dispensed here. Only Straxuses (Straxi? Straxusses? I'm not sure on how to pluralize it)
It could be Fourth Declension and be Straxus with a long U [like 'goose'].

Or if it's originally Greek, Straxes.

(I am certain Straxus was not Greek. His palm tree suggests he or his forbears migrated from somewhere more tropical.)

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