What stupid thing did the GOP say or do this time? Episode 3!

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Class ******* acts those republicans. Off to a great start already.

Make sure you'all and your friends and families are registered to vote, and vote these fascists out of office.

Pale Rider

...and Hell followed with him.
FB friend:
Don't let these goddamned Republicans get away with using the catch-all phrase "challenge an election" to pretend that asking for a recount is the same thing as trying to illegally seize power with a fake-elector scheme or a violent mob forcing its way into the capitol.


Well-known member
the **** is a covenant marriage
It is a response to no-fault divorce.

The grounds for divorce in a Covenant Marriage are:

  • Adultery was committed.
  • A spouse is sentenced to death or imprisonment at hard labor for committing a felony.
  • A spouse abandoned the matrimonial domicile for a period of one year and constantly refused to return.
  • Spouses have been living separate and apart continuously without reconciliation for two years.
  • Spouses have been living separate and apart continuously without reconciliation for a period of one year from the date the judgment of separation was signed.
o If the couple has children, the time is one and a half years.

o If abuse of one of the spouse’s children is the grounds for the divorce, then the time is only one year.

Edit -=-=-
While the idea of this being abusive to women is a legitimate area of inquiry, it has always been my view that is was mainly about posturing. People getting divorced because they got bored of each other is really pretty rare. There is almost no one who doesn't have a strong resistance to getting divorced. But it gets talked about in evangelical circles as if that is what is going on out in the world and the couples who choose this option are wanting to show their friends and family that they are not like those people. In this way, it actually often abusive to both women and men, because they are doing it to satisfy outsiders daring them not to.
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wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.
Yup, because they still have no interest being held responsible for their actions or the consequences. They still have no interest in representing their constituents.


too old for this
The moment Matt Gaetz said he was happy should have been the warning for the rest of the world.
This guy is just as bad, he's just a lot less flashy. It's the miquetoast extremist. The Ned Flanders of Christian fascists.

We'll see just how effective he is, though.


Well-known member
At the end of the day, the personal ideology of the Speak of the House does matter, but not as much as a lot of people fear. It was always going to be a Republican for at least another year. I hoped it would come down to Democrats supporting a moderate so he wouldn't have to kowtow to the MAGAs, but we got a MAGA and at least now we won't have to worry about the MAGAs taking him down and throwing things into limbo again.

Yes, there'll be some annoying things, but when it comes to vital funding bills and debt ceiling he'll be in the same position as McCarthy. There's only so much brinksmanship you can get away with. We could have a short shutdown, but that almost happened last month and it was just a month and a half stopgap that stopped it. We had a reasonable chance of that with any Republican. And then when it comes to ordinary legislation, there was always going to be a narrow field of stuff that can happen with Congress divided. Little, but some, of that will happen in the next year.


Well-known member
A reporter asked DeSantis about Trump's character and he just dodged the question and talked about what he wanted. When pressed about it he just kinda acted like the question doesn't even make sense in his head. It is just so irrelevant. It is such a weird position he is in and he can't even say so. It is kinda fun to watch. In any normal campaign, even or especially when you are so far behind at this point, you'd go for the obvious stab that Trump's character is terrible. He lies all the time. Sometimes because he wants you to believe things that are not true, but very often because he doesn't even know what the truth is or doesn't think the truth is even a real thing. His demeanor and attitudes are a constant distraction. He is on trial right now and getting repeatedly fined for not shutting about things that aren't even important and he's going to 4 criminal trials next year. Attack his freaking character!

But DeSantis is in this weird position where he doesn't want to differentiate himself from the frontrunner except to have a pat answer that he is the kind of guy who gets things done where Trump didn't fulfill some promises (which is a very slight character jab, but the truth is Trump DID get some stuff done and no President ever gets in there and manages to get everything done they hoped to). Because what DeSantis needs to do is differentiate himself from Haley and Christie. Because this has been a Hail Mary all along. His money is Trump suddenly being out of the running from external forces everybody having to find the next best thing. I don't think there's ever been a primary like that.


Grand Empress of the Empire of One Square Foot.
What else did you expect. Fearmongering is what they do best, after all. Even when it's as nonsensical as Hamas sending people into Mexico to sneak across the boarder.

The Mighty Mollusk

Scream all you like, 'cause we're all mad here

I'd ask about giving it back, but nobody deserves Texas.


jumbled pile of person
They were also an independent country for a while. And they do keep trying to become one again; I've certainly never tried to stop them.


i cant take it anymore im at my limit
i used to find "**** texas" jokes funny and genuinely wished they'd secede. then i remembered all the marginalized people there who've been disenfranchised by voter suppression and gerrymandering. and then i realized what the texas GOP would gleefully do to those people if they seceded and weren't beholden to federal laws.

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