Caldwin's latest obsession (subject to change)


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Watched and liked Edgerunners, but never got into the Cyberpunk game.

I have Akira on Blu-ray and very much enjoy it. Though it took me a long time to really get the ending.

Also, which Stellar Blade do you prefer?

And yeah, it is both surprising and yet kinda not, the fact the ‘death of humanity’ has basically become a sub genre.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
I forgot how weird the quote feature is lol. Maybe he means "Prepatch" and "postpatch" versions of Stellar blade?


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
What did they change with the patch anyway?

What I meant though, was the endings depending on whether you kill or merge with the Alpha?


Eorzean Idiot
Ah! Well, there's actually three endings.

1. Return to the Colony
This is basically a genocide against the naytibas...which seems to be the point behind the game. They are the bad guys after all. Except the point of these "post-human" games seems to be "who's the real bad guy." So this isn't really optimal. Plus you kill Adam, which isn't that great either.

2. Cost of Lost Memories
I only acheived this once because it involves not maxing out Lily's relationship...which it's really easy to max out her relationship. I have fuzzy memories about this. But basically, Lily is dead, you're branded a traitor and you have a bolivian army ending. Also not great.

3. Secret Ending
Merge with Adam. Lily survives. You're still branded a traitor, but that's okay because even though you're left with the bolivian army ending, it's more implyed that you survive it and now you're about to lead the revolution. Your team mates survive. That automatically makes this the best ending. I also think this is probably the best lead in for a sequel when they make it. And let's be honest, there's no way there isn't going to be a sequel.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end
some of the outfits got slightly less sexy apparently. I do not own the game as of yet, my new game budget goes to ff7 this console generation.


Eorzean Idiot
Can't tell if serious or not.

FF7 Rebirth (as well as Retroactively FF7 Remake) also got censored the exact same way. Hell, Tifa is the posterchild for having a black undershirt added because of prudes.

Yes, some outfits did in Stellar Blade did get the same treatment on release. But later DLC made up for it by making several other more sexy outfits, some of which were completely new, some of which were recolored uncensored versions of the previous outfits.

I mean, let's be honest, yes there's a little pervy side of me that does like the more revealing outfits. I also can't deny going around naked in Cyberpunk 2077 as well as Baldur's Gate III. Sue me. I'm a lonely single 47 year old male with a pulse.

But I'm also quite fine with the more reserved outfits in each of these games. More important than skimpy outfits is a fun game...which each of these are.


Nonstop Baaka
Yeah, the 3rd ending of Stellar Blade felt like the true one, it got more fleshed out. The other two were more abrupt.
It still bugged me that there was a total of one guy in SB who was decently attractive. Plus, he only has one decent costume (the Xmas one), the others were practically the same. All the other guys were old, generic, and/or had part cyber faces. As opposed to 99% of the named women being super pretty and slim.

Also a reminder that they made Tifa's boobs bigger in the 2nd FF7 game b/c of people complaining about the downsize in the first. *eyeroll*


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
I might not be able to play the games, but I know that whole scene and it is beautiful. The ladies are beautiful, the guys reactions are great in their awkwardness. :)


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
One can hope.

if this FFVII Remake really is just going to be a trilogy, I wonder how they’re going to end it all. Considering how the story has changed and expanded thus far.

I will be totally honest here. i Think the best way they could handle Aerith, is if they really want her to live, if to have her survive in the Zack alt timeline.

Also, I hope they Aren’t considering some kind of redemption arc for Sephiroth. Cause that would be weird.

I am impressed with how oily and vile they managed to make Hojo.
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Nonstop Baaka
I want Aerith and Zack from another timeline or something to join the party.
Agreed on Sephiroth. More sympathetic, possibly, but he should stay a viilain.


Eorzean Idiot

I can't imagine them doing a redemption arc for Sephiroth. I think fans would riot.

As far as Aerith and Zack, alt timeline does open up possibilities for various survivors. But even in the original timeline, Aerith and Zack wind up together. Sure it's in the afterlife, but they are absolutely together. Check out the end of Advent Children for that. But an alt timeline where they're both alive and together, meanwhile the rest of Avalanche (including Cloud) are dead be interesting...especially if Biggs and Jessie are still alive.

And the thought of them maybe joining the party, only to be ripped apart again at the very end, there's some heartstring tugging potential there.

But I'm not sure just how much they're willing to deviate from the original game. Like, yeah, sure, they've already deviated quite a bit...but mostly in ways where they're still hitting the same main story points of the original. So I'm wondering just what they would consider too much of a deviation.

Destron D-69

at Journey's end

it sure is interesting what could happen, and I think square wants us to believe both the possibilities are on the table going into game 3. that being that A) they're going to let us "fix it" somehow. or that B) They've constructed a new way to 'do it to us' again, that will be both meaningful in isolation and in reflection of the original game.

I have full faith that we've completely avoided option C) where they f it all up.


Eorzean Idiot
So I started a Rockyathon. I made a thread and everything. But I found a good price for a box set of Expendables, so I guess now it's become a Stalloneathon. I'm about an hour into the second one.

I didn't want to post in the Rocky thread just because it's Stallone. It's not Rocky after all. So I guess here we are.

Anyway, my reaction so far.

Well holy jive. That movie just had testosterone raining all over the place. I can't imagine the next one cramming in any more.

Expendables 2...only an hour in:
Hold my beer.
Holy jive, that's Van Damme! Van Damme is in Expendables 2! Holly hugging jive, that's Chuck Norris! Chuck hugging Norris is in Expendables 2! Holy hug!
Plot? What plot? This is hugging guns, explosives and testosterone all the way. Van Damme and Chuck hugging Norris! Hug yeah!

I think I'm gonna need a cigarette.

Edit (one minute later):
Okay, so Chuck Norris was a cameo. Still...gonna need a cigarette.

Second Edit:
So Expendables 3 seems to be taking its time to build up, whereas the other 2 were just wall to wall guns and explosions. That's cool. I'm an hour in and I'm still loving it. To those who were wondering, don't even think that I of all people would miss the N7 jackets in the background.
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Eorzean Idiot
Okay, I'm only like 5 minutes into Expend4bles, so I can't say much. But...Megan Fox? Really? C'mon, Stallone! Don't you have, like, veto power or something?

Holy jive! Um...they actually killed Stallone. Wow!

Aww, what a fake out.

When I first started watching this, I heard the first two were the good ones, the third was meh and the fourth wasn't worth watching. Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with that. I actually fell asleep there for a couple minutes during the big fight at the end. I have no desire to go back and fill in what I missed.

And with that, I do believe my Stalloneathon is finished.
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The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Have to agree. The Expendables as a trilogy works fine. 3 is slower and less good. But yeah, 4 just…exists. Which is a shame to have it just, fizzle out. The first too are pure testosterone madness with bare bones stories, but they do pull you along.

And yeah, the Norris cameo an oddly short tangent. However, it is very very funny for actually getting Norris to reference his own Norris meme.

Demolition Man is a fun pulpy Stallone film.

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