This still baffles me. Hubris, like you said.
To say nothing of how much Hasbro tried to stifle Forward and DiTillio in their creative efforts during Beast Wars:
Bob/Larry: "We wanna set Beast Wars out in space, with the characters on going from planet to planet aboard a starship, Star Trek-style."
Hasbro: "No, you have to make it set on a planet. We want it to be set on a planet."
Bob/Larry: "We wanna tell good, complex stories with long-running character development and engaging narratives spread over the course of the season in a serialized manner."
Hasbro: "No, you have to make done-in-one stories to keep each episode standalone. We don't want to alienate new viewers jumping in midseason. We want you to make so they can watch the episodes in any order they want."
Bob/Larry: "We're kicking things up with a cool mystery plotline about these aliens that add in a third force to the story, putting both the Maximals and Predacons on edge from the potential greater threat posed by these aliens."
Hasbro: "Oh, we don't like that. We don't have any alien toys in our Beast Wars line, and we're not gonna make any. Kill the alien plotline and just tell stories about the toys we do make."
Bob/Larry: "We ended Season 1 on a dramatic cliffhanger with Optimus Primal dead and we'd like to keep him dead, or at least not bring him back until nearer to the end of Season 2, so that his death in the Season 1 finale can have some real weight and meaning to it."
Hasbro: "Oh no! You can't leave him dead! We have a new Transmetal Optimus Primal toy to sell! Bring him back immediately! In Episode 1 of Season 2! Have him literally fly back down to show he escaped his death scene at the last minute and didn't actually die." (this ultimately led to a compromise where he was brought back in Episode 3 instead)
Bob/Larry: "We made this cool story arc in season 2 that builds up to something really special that the longtime fans are going to love."
Hasbro: "Yeah, but you barely advertised our new toys in Season 2, with most of them being rushed into the show in just the first three episodes of the season. For Season 3, we want practically every other episode to introduce a new toy."
Bob/Larry: "Okay, we know you didn't like our alien subplot before, but we gotta wrap it up properly and give fans the answers they've been waiting for. So, we're gonna make a two-part episode called "Closure" that finally explains everything we want to say about the aliens before we finish off the third season with the three-part "Nemesis" finale."
Hasbro: "Yeah, no. We've been talking with one of you executive producers, Ace Fipke, and he's come up with a great idea for a brand-new toy for us to make named Tigerhawk, and we want you to put him in the show. We know you've had so many other episodes dedicated to introducing more and more of our toys and we love that, so you gotta kill that "Closure" story and make it be all about Tigerhawk, right? 'Kay, thanks, bye!"
Bob/Larry: "..."
Hasbro: "Hmm, you know, on second thought, we might not be able to get this new Tigerhawk toy off the ground and finished in time to be sold in stores when we need him to be. So, while we appreciate that you took the time to re-work your final alien episode to be all about Tigerhawk like we said, you're gonna have to kill him off before the season's end. We really can't have ya advertising something that we're not actually gonna finish in time to get to market. Cool? Great! Love ya, babe!"
Bob/Larry: "..."
Hasbro: "Oh, wait! No, we take that back. We really
can get the Tigerhawk toy finished. We know you already went and killed him off in the final episode, and that the show's already over anyway, but you did go and make a pretty banger debut episode for him, so hopefully that should be enough to get kids to want to buy a toy of the dead guy."
Bob/Larry: "..."
Hasbro: "Golly Gee Willackers, hasn't this partnership of ours just been ever so hunky-dory and swell?! Yippie skippy! Zippity doo dah!"
