Closest official Bison color palette I could find.
Huh... could be better, could be worse, I guess? Might have been nice to see the other heads that necessitate the gimmick.
That aside, Tommy's Dragon Dagger not only looks weird, but like he can't even hold it properly.
I dunno. I don't hate 'em, but at the same time, this isn't the way I'd debut the new line.
Dragon Dagger strangeness aside, yeah, they look fine for that. I just don't think these are really "silhouette on our first foot forward" material, though, unless these are literally it for the first wave of Rangers.I think they are pretty good for 10 buck toys with a gimmick.
Power Morpher – Every Power Ranger needs their Power Morpher to summon the spirits of their Dinozord and become the alien fighting heroes that are the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers! This Power Morpher comes with all five of the Power Ranger Power Coins and has over 40 sounds and phrases! The Power Morpher recognizes each coin and unlocks each of those Dinozord custom phrases and sounds! $16.99
I mean, Tommy's Morpher was a different color than the others, so they're probably saving his coins for a future gold version.First the Master Morpher was a big middle finger if you want one, now this.
No picture, either.
Well, we do know that Lord Zedd will have toys in this line, and he definitely wasn't in season one.Getting that sort of thing depends on people remembering that stuff beyond the first season exists, I guess...
True, true... guess I'm thinking back to the original morpher, which just used a coin that came with the Dragonzord and Green Ranger pack (and looked nothing like the Dragonzord symbol for some reason). Ditto White Ranger Tiger Power.I mean, Tommy's Morpher was a different color than the others, so they're probably saving his coins for a future gold version.
Same gold as the Green Ranger morpher....wait, what color was the White Ranger morpher? I always thought it was silver, but you don't see it on the uniform, except in the movie, and I think it was silver there...
Same gold as the Green Ranger morpher.
I have the Bandai Legacy MM Megazord and the Bandai Legacy Dragonzord. I also have the original versions of each. Sooooooooo getting me to go all in on another set of Zords for mechs I already have two good versions of will be a tall order. I'm probably going to pass short of near unanimous "OMG THESE THINGS ARE AMAZING" takes from reviewers.Right now, I can watch MMPR (or a reasonable variation like the live action films) on:
Tubi TV
Pluto TV (Forever Kids has become a Power Rangers Channel)
Amazon FreeVee (dedicated Power Rangers Channel)
And they all feature several other series from the franchise
As I remarked in a Transformers thread, the age of a series doesn't matter anymore. Exposure and streaming has made this stuff available enough that starting with the base series isn't a bad idea. Further, MMPR, between its 3 massive seasons, theatrical film and reboot film, has the most material to exploit for a product line. posted a full first look at Playmates MMPR product line, featuring the Automorphin' Figures, role play Morpher and blade blaster, and DinoZords
Playmates Toys Reveals First Look at Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Re-Ignition Figures and Zords (Exclusive)
Playmates Toys is getting Toy Fair started in style with its new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers toyline, and we’ve got your first look and all the details right here! Playmates Toys is getting ready to launch its new Power Rangers Re-Ignition line, which will include action figures,
I just want to note, that's AI Upscaling, the video equivalent of DLSS. NOT generative AI.i was expecting a lot of bad jive from Playmates' take on Power Rangers but even I wasn't ready for "AI upscaled rerelease of MMPR" level of bad.