Conceptually I think it's great, but the execution just isn't grabbing me, but it's nice to see a toyline that feels more like what we used to get in the 80's-2000's, and I might have to get that Sky-Byte car regardless.
If the new show starts in summer, when are the releasing those last eight Earthspark episodes?
Much of that sums up my view of this initiative. And I think Earthspark will finish out this fall, there are still products in the pipeline for it. I think it’s worth reiterating that Cyberworld is NOT a “replacement“ for the older kid series like Earthspark, but a “third pillar” type additional product category. And it’s clear Hasbro is targeting this as a “bridging series” between the Rescue Bots segment and the mainstream cartoon/tie in products.
Like said above, if you were to describe this to me ON PAPER, I’d totally be on board. A lower cost standardized line with larger bots being bases/mech suits for the standardized base figures With new takes on popular concepts? Heck Yeah! But the execution? Eh…
Now, I grew up on the back end of G1. Aside from the first year Micromasters, the Micromasters largely “homogenized” their engineering by year 2, and those were largely supplemented with Pretenders, who didn’t exactly have a dynamic range in articulation or engineering. Part of my “core play group” were the Pretender Legends, remakes of older figures in smaller, simplified, format. I have made my appreciation of the Beast Alliance segment very clear. But with Cyberworld?
It sure feels like they nickel and dimed this concept down to the very minimum. Shared engineering? Okay, sure. But why so limited in articulation? I remarked before that just adding a dang swivel at the elbow would allow the “beasts” to rotate their lower arms forward to help the beast character NOT look like someone on their hands and knees. And if you’re going to trim the parts count, why trim on the deco? It’s pretty damn clear that “robot modes” seem to get the bulk of deco (because that’s how they’re packaged) leaving the alt modes a little bare.
We have SEEN better products in the same price categories targeted to the same demographics. Whether it’s the old Core/Scout/Legends figures, or Rise of the Beasts Beast Alliance segment.
All that negativity, is there stuff I like? Absolutely!
Mirage- I’m indifferent to this release. It feels different for the sake of it, and is CLEARLY a ”pretool” for Starscream
Skybyte- It’s stupid and wonderful and is the perfect kind of character to make a shark-car.
Snarl- Junkion Dinobot? Okay, sure. Typically a Dinobot mark, we’ll see how his “engineering mates” resonate with me.
Megatron Bull- This really resonates with me. It’s simple, but a GREAT design that takes Megatron and does something different than we’ve seen the past decade but still, “fits” with the character.
Optimus Prime- It’s a classic Prime, but the interpretation works for me. The art work for this design is GREAT and it’s sad to see so much detail work loss due to deco cost restrictions (Especially on vehicle mode). I like this better than the Evergreen look, even with the arm wheels.
Armor CyberChangers:
Bumblebee- Like Prime, I like the DESIGN better than Evergreen, but I think the extra weapon is poorly conceived and does nothing to indicate an “armor up”. Which is unfortunate given the standardized ports present on all the figures
Galvatron- A Turbojet Dragon? Like so much, the on paper concept just tickles me to my core. Sadly, like so much here, the execution is lacking. While I give props for the gimmick weapon actually making sense with the design, I’m not sure it is REALLY warranting the extra $5.
Grimlock- I actually like some of the gimmicks here and I like how the marketing team is leveraging some of the AoE themes in having Grimlock rode by Optimus. A great paper concept, but I’m not sure it’s something I’m willing to put full price into.
Megatron- Weird enough to see a TLK Knight Changer retool a decade later. Even weirder that, with a G2 deco and some light retooling, it’s so GLORIOUSLY 90s. Do I want to pay $30 for this? Probably not. But the sheer absurdity at how well it all FITS will keep it on my radar for a price drop.
Scorponok- Like Megatron, the 90s vibes are strong here. And I don’t HATE what I’m seeing. But I don’t think I “$60” like it either. Again, given the size and cost, a little more flair would have gone a LONG way in terms of the engineering being more than “throw on stomach, flip out arachnid legs”.
We’ll see where this goes. I WANT to like this, and there is a TON of stuff on the conceptual level that I LOVE. But when the average figure can be compared to the budget Authentics line and the Authentics can hold their own? There is clearly something amiss in the budget or design phase.