Star Trek General Discussion


Well-known member
Ok, I'll finish Picard then go to Discovery then watch Section 31 (is it really a movie?)


I'm at the start of Picard ep4 already and it's going slow ish. I'm used to Trek eps having 40min at a time to save the galaxy or so, baring multi part eps. The three eps feel stretched ish.

Every season of Picard and Discovery follows a model. Interesting idea, stretched out middle, unsatisfying ending.

Of the new few crew, I only like the synthetic scientist lady so far. And I suppose the EMH.

None of them every really grew on me. There is a character introduced soon if not yet that I would really have like to have kept, but it wasn't to be.

Side thing but it boggles the mind that we're only getting what passes as robots late in the career of Picard.

I think you are verging on a plot point that I thought was already revealed by where you are, but if not it will be soon.

Even if Trek Earth cannot properly produce androids other than Data, Lore and B4 (and Data's original daughter) (aaaaand all the evil AI like Agimus and other homidical sentient machines. Aaaaand Peanut Hamper and the exocomps. Aaaaaand I guess Badgey, Goodgey and Logicey. But they don't have android bodies) , then surely the multitude of alien races could have had them.

They can do it.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oh geez, I passed ep5 and Icheb gets his eye taken out. And Seven of Nine is the one who kills him?!?!?!

I spoiled myself by accident before when I was watching Voyager because I really liked Icheb as a kid who got his life thrown into a blender (he got borg-ed, his parents sacrificed him, he has no home anymore) but he turned it around and was on his way to be a Starfleet officer. Even got an alternate future as one. I just wanted to see how awesome he could be in his file and read that he dies in Picard :(

And now I finally find out that he gets mutilated by Borg parts black marketeers? And it wasn't even whoever the big boss is in this show? They could have, like, said the borg parts were needed for success of the Synthetics or whatever. But he was attacked some time ago. He wasn't part of the big conspiracy thing? He was just a throwaway?

Ugh, why did Seven mercy kill him? They could have saved him, dang it! There were Borg parts around and the harvesters probably wanted him alive while removing stuff so they had life support stuff (else they could have killed him right off).

And Seven shooting him doesn't even reach the emotional gut punch like when she saw her first non-son One perish in front of her, dang.

Maaaan, this really makes me sad :( Icheb deserved better.

Anyhow, ep4 introduced a samurai and, wtQ is up with that romantic sliding scene with the daughter and evil guy? Geez. I thought Seven appearing would have her join the crew (it was an admittedly cool cliffhanger at the end of ep4) but, nope, she's gone. All the funny dressing up and accents part of ep5 doesn't make me feel better about losing Icheb. The sudden betrayal of the lady scientist was intriguing (I thought I'd like her but she started behaving in a helpless way like Hoshi in Enterprise so I didn't like her anymore. But now she might be evil so, um, well, that made her interesting again, haha).

Oh, I saw the Synthetics go crazy in the flashback but that's still robots only appearing before Picard leaves Starfleet after the disaster. Robots should have been more common way before then (common enough to use as labor). But, yeah, I know, Trek isn't Star Wars. Or maybe Trek didn't focus focus on AI like Data until after they demonized Augments or after the Eugenics War.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Ok, I finished season 1. It's blurring a bit.

Free Borg Hugh is back. And he gets killed?!?! Weird that samurai guy got left earlier but he eventually comes back. I was surprised when Seven came to the rescue too! I thought she was just one ep.

Lady scientist almost kills herself and she killed Maddox cuz of a vision she saw? They still found the planet anyway.

I didn't recognize Troi but I recognized Riker. Um, since I watched stuff chronogically, this is the first time we're introduced to their kid?

I don't like the idea of Prophecy in sci-fi. Unless there's a time travel aspect (DS9 was entities existing throught all time anyhow). How long was the conspiracy around? How can the Romulons surpress creation of robots if they kept themselves isolated from the Federation? So the cult conspiracy whatever was only recent then. (The Romulons made steps towards a treaty starting from DS9 Dominion War, right?)

Planet of robots, sure. A Soong as a robot, ok. I'm a little perturbed that Romulons and robots, being being of logic, would act so rashly, urgh. (Wait, Romulons are also logical like Vulcans, right? Or they're not?). Slightly irritated at those involved, including that rogue who killed the one guarding the daughter Soji's boyfriend.

Oh, kinda loved pilot Rios having a room for of EMH types, with different accents. Not always convincing or standing out but I loved the variety. It was so cool, hehe.

Kinda realized that Picard isn't really doing much actually. Then he dies. And now Picard is a ROBOT?!?!?! For real?!?!?!?

Loss of Data is pretty ok with me. I felt losing B4 seen at the first ep was a bigger deal. They could have just kept B4 around or put that Data neutron or whatever in him. I liked B4 but I guess the actor wanted out of playing Data now and forever?

Seven is in conjugals with the drunk lady?!?!?! The hex?!?!

What's happened to Soji's boyfriend? He wasn't in Picard's ship. If he's with Soji, why didn't we see him during the good bye? Weird.

--- overall, need to adjust to the different type of storytelling. I guess it's modern modern? If Kelvin timeline was a series, it would be like this and Discovery (I'm assuming). Serial ep shows can tell grand epic stories (like anime) but, hmm, the eps don't feel meaty enough (like DS9's continuing war or Voy's journey). Still stretched to me, or else lingering people I don't care about. Picard himself doesn't seem like he's in the thick of it during the show. Oh well.

So I'll have to prep myself for the worst in s2? Hoo boy.


Well-known member
Free Borg Hugh is back. And he gets killed?!?!

That was the gut punch for me. I was thrilled when I found out he was going to be in this.
I didn't recognize Troi but I recognized Riker. Um, since I watched stuff chronogically, this is the first time we're introduced to their kid?

First and only.

I don't like the idea of Prophecy in sci-fi. Unless there's a time travel aspect (DS9 was entities existing throught all time anyhow). How long was the conspiracy around? How can the Romulons surpress creation of robots if they kept themselves isolated from the Federation? So the cult conspiracy whatever was only recent then. (The Romulons made steps towards a treaty starting from DS9 Dominion War, right?)

The Romulans made a treaty with Earth right before the Federation was founded.

(Wait, Romulons are also logical like Vulcans, right? Or they're not?).

If you asked a Romulan, they'd probably say yes. No one wants to be illogical. But they don't do Kohlinar and purge their emotions. I'm not sure at this 30 seconds whether Vulcan intelligence just comes from the intense training of their minds or whether they actually have a better instrument, but I have assumed the latter. I think an individual Romulan is probably smarter and definitely stronger than a human.

Kinda realized that Picard isn't really doing much actually. Then he dies. And now Picard is a ROBOT?!?!?! For real?!?!?!?

For real. And such a good robot that they just straight up give the robot his old job.

Loss of Data is pretty ok with me. I felt losing B4 seen at the first ep was a bigger deal. They could have just kept B4 around or put that Data neutron or whatever in him. I liked B4 but I guess the actor wanted out of playing Data now and forever?

Forever is a long, long time.

What's happened to Soji's boyfriend? He wasn't in Picard's ship. If he's with Soji, why didn't we see him during the good bye? Weird.
I don't know. You will never see or hear from that elf again.

So I'll have to prep myself for the worst in s2? Hoo boy.

I would agree with what you've heard that Season 2 is the worst season of Picard. There is at least one really neat thing in it though. We can talk about it soon I guess.


Active member
I feel like you know all you need to know to safely skip season 2 if you had to. There are some Easter eggs and references, and a bit of canon welding (arc welding?) but nothing substantial. Honestly the sooner you can start season 3 the better.


Well-known member
I feel like you know all you need to know to safely skip season 2 if you had to. There are some Easter eggs and references, and a bit of canon welding (arc welding?) but nothing substantial. Honestly the sooner you can start season 3 the better.
You can get probably all the same canon welding from Prodigy.

But if you are doing this, do it. It is real Star Trek. Not my favorite by a long stretch, but I watched it.

Season 2 is almost entirely self-contained. Unless I am forgetting something, season 3 entirely ignores it. And no telling when a show will come that will pick up any strings from the Picard series. Discovery made one reference to it, but it was to season 1.

They don't expressly say so, but you can read between the lines as they give you the 3rd giant evidence demanding the conclusion that at least within the Star Trek Universe, Noonian Soong (who has always seemed to me to have an obvious, nebulous connection to Khan) has EVERY SINGLE DOMINANT GENE. EVERY SINGLE ONE. So he can mate with anyone who will have him and the offspring will be exactly like him. A genetic vergeance.


Well-known member
(Wait, Romulons are also logical like Vulcans, right? Or they're not?).
Not logical, exactly, but disciplined; Romulans come from a very militaristic culture (think Communist China or Soviet Russia --or Imperial Rome, which is what the culture is based on), so most of the Romulans we meet are either soldiers, spies, or former-soldiers turned political figures.

Obviously, Romulans have as wide a range of personalities/traditions as any species (as we see in Picard), but the only ones who can get very far in the dominant Romulan society are the more militaristic ones.

I'm not sure at this 30 seconds whether Vulcan intelligence just comes from the intense training of their minds or whether they actually have a better instrument, but I have assumed the latter. I think an individual Romulan is probably smarter and definitely stronger than a human.
While I assume the former; the whole point of logic is that it provides a foundation for analytical and critical thought, regardless of species. Vulcan likely has the best educational system in the Federation (which collectively would have the best educational system of the local powers).

(Romulus, meanwhile, would likely have a terrible educational system, since Empires rely on keeping their populations ignorant and misinformed. Trust in the Government, do as you're told.)

In Enterprise, T'Pol's Vulcan-equivalent of a community college diploma is apparently enough to qualify her as the most well-educated scientist on a ship full of NASA engineers (and a legitimate savant, in Hoshi).

Vulcans do have a physical advantage, because Vulcan's gravity is a bit higher than Earth's, and they're adapted to live in a hot, arid environment. Romulans (having lived on more Earth-like Romulus for several thousand years) might not be quite as strong as their ancestors, but they'd still be a bit stronger than a normal human.


Well-known member
In Enterprise, T'Pol's Vulcan-equivalent of a community college diploma is apparently enough to qualify her as the most well-educated scientist on a ship full of NASA engineers (and a legitimate savant, in Hoshi).
Enterprise has a context problem for the rest of what you were writing. Trip is a well-educated/trained warp engineer, but not a research scientist. He has been schooled on what humans have learned and understands the equipment that he works on, but Vulcans were not sharing much of their knowledge with humans. Probably most of the crew were engineers, but they weren't research scientists or inventors. They are trained to operate, maintain, and optimize a warp 5 starship.

Vulcans have been out there for centuries and are advanced in every science. Put me aboard a sailing vessel in 1812 and I will know more about science than anyone else aboard. We know so much more now as a species, that I just pick up science in casual settings that goes beyond what anyone aboard would know. But there were humans in 1812 that had a better handle on many sciences than I do. They weren't aboard sailing ships.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Oh geez, I passed ep5 and Icheb gets his eye taken out. And Seven of Nine is the one who kills him?!?!?!

I spoiled myself by accident before when I was watching Voyager because I really liked Icheb as a kid who got his life thrown into a blender (he got borg-ed, his parents sacrificed him, he has no home anymore) but he turned it around and was on his way to be a Starfleet officer. Even got an alternate future as one. I just wanted to see how awesome he could be in his file and read that he dies in Picard :(

And now I finally find out that he gets mutilated by Borg parts black marketeers? And it wasn't even whoever the big boss is in this show? They could have, like, said the borg parts were needed for success of the Synthetics or whatever. But he was attacked some time ago. He wasn't part of the big conspiracy thing? He was just a throwaway?

Yeah, Borg parts and technology are worth a lot of money on the black market in the alpha quadrant. Free Booters are harvesting former borg and Federation really doesn't care since it's former Borg. So you get Seven going rogue with the Rangers to try to stop them.

Ugh, why did Seven mercy kill him? They could have saved him, dang it! There were Borg parts around and the harvesters probably wanted him alive while removing stuff so they had life support stuff (else they could have killed him right off).

They wanted him alive and unsedated as they rip all the tech out of him. They literally were harvesting him alive, and by the time seven intervened, it was too late to save him. Too much was taken.

And Seven shooting him doesn't even reach the emotional gut punch like when she saw her first non-son One perish in front of her, dang.

I think that this was a much more emotional damaging scene than the drone's death, as that was his choice, and Icheb was literally tortured to death. Also, watch her reaction.

Maaaan, this really makes me sad :( Icheb deserved better.

Yeah. But at least he gets a call back, unlike Nelix.

Anyhow, ep4 introduced a samurai and, wtQ is up with that romantic sliding scene with the daughter and evil guy? Geez. I thought Seven appearing would have her join the crew (it was an admittedly cool cliffhanger at the end of ep4) but, nope, she's gone.

Seven comes back, as she is a major character in this series.

All the funny dressing up and accents part of ep5 doesn't make me feel better about losing Icheb. The sudden betrayal of the lady scientist was intriguing (I thought I'd like her but she started behaving in a helpless way like Hoshi in Enterprise so I didn't like her anymore. But now she might be evil so, um, well, that made her interesting again, haha).

Oh, I saw the Synthetics go crazy in the flashback but that's still robots only appearing before Picard leaves Starfleet after the disaster. Robots should have been more common way before then (common enough to use as labor). But, yeah, I know, Trek isn't Star Wars. Or maybe Trek didn't focus focus on AI like Data until after they demonized Augments or after the Eugenics War.

My favorite thing about this episode was Seven showing back up to finish the job. Vengeance is not futile.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Ok, I finished season 1. It's blurring a bit.

Free Borg Hugh is back. And he gets killed?!?! Weird that samurai guy got left earlier but he eventually comes back. I was surprised when Seven came to the rescue too! I thought she was just one ep.

The killing of Hugh is one of the more criminal things that they did in season 1.

Lady scientist almost kills herself and she killed Maddox cuz of a vision she saw? They still found the planet anyway.

Yeah, they never do anything about that either. Just try not to murder anyone else, okay!

I didn't recognize Troi but I recognized Riker. Um, since I watched stuff chronogically, this is the first time we're introduced to their kid?

Yup. The last time was saw them was right after their wedding in Nemesis and they go off to the Titan. The next time we see them is on Lower Decks.

I don't like the idea of Prophecy in sci-fi. Unless there's a time travel aspect (DS9 was entities existing through all time anyhow). How long was the conspiracy around? How can the Romulans suppress creation of robots if they kept themselves isolated from the Federation? So the cult conspiracy whatever was only recent then. (The Romulons made steps towards a treaty starting from DS9 Dominion War, right?)

It seemed to be around for a few generations. Maybe that is why the Romulans kept trying to blow out the Enterprise D. :)

Planet of robots, sure. A Soong as a robot, ok.

That Soong is actually the Dr's biological son. He just looks like every male in his family does.

I'm a little perturbed that Romulans and robots, being of logic, would act so rashly, urgh. (Wait, Romulans are also logical like Vulcans, right? Or they're not?).

Romulans are off shoots of Vulcans that left before the Vulcans found logic. They are very emotional and don't suppress their emotions like Vulcans do.

Slightly irritated at those involved, including that rogue who killed the one guarding the daughter Soji's boyfriend.

Yeah, I didn't like that either.

Oh, kinda loved pilot Rios having a room for of EMH types, with different accents. Not always convincing or standing out but I loved the variety. It was so cool, hehe.

Yeah, the holograms were a nice touch for season 1.

Kinda realized that Picard isn't really doing much actually. Then he dies. And now Picard is a ROBOT?!?!?! For real?!?!?!?

He has he mind transferred over to the synthetic body. He has that positronic brain like the Soong robots do.

Loss of Data is pretty ok with me. I felt losing B4 seen at the first ep was a bigger deal. They could have just kept B4 around or put that Data neutron or whatever in him. I liked B4 but I guess the actor wanted out of playing Data now and forever?

Nope. Brent Spiner is heavily featured in all three seasons.

Seven is in conjugals with the drunk lady?!?!?! The hex?!?!

Yeah, they did that because the actress always felt that the character was bisexual. Personally, I don't see the paring, as they never have good chemistry on screen.

What's happened to Soji's boyfriend? He wasn't in Picard's ship. If he's with Soji, why didn't we see him during the good bye? Weird.

The Romulan guy? Probably in a Federation prison somewhere.

--- overall, need to adjust to the different type of storytelling. I guess it's modern modern? If Kelvin timeline was a series, it would be like this and Discovery (I'm assuming). Serial ep shows can tell grand epic stories (like anime) but, hmm, the eps don't feel meaty enough (like DS9's continuing war or Voy's journey). Still stretched to me, or else lingering people I don't care about. Picard himself doesn't seem like he's in the thick of it during the show. Oh well.

The show gets better with arcs in season 3, but overall it's still all about one storyline for the whole season. Nothing wrong with that when done well. DS9 did an amazing job with the Dominion War taking 4 seasons to tell.

So I'll have to prep myself for the worst in s2? Hoo boy.

Season 2 gets a lot of flack, and some of it is deserved, but I like it. Overall, it tells a great story, and there is a particular scene at the end that always makes me tear up.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I assumed the new Soong was a robot cuz he called Data his brother or something.

Anyhow, am in s2 up to ep2. So it's a Q shift and an alternate timeline. It's been pretty cool so far. Humans are anti aliens. Lots of dead alien generals. The Picard crew are gathering up. President Seven is a weird choice but whatever. It's looking pretty ok, if standard so far.

Edit - saw ep3. Still pretty good. Dead samurai. Plot of Voyage Home time travel. Agnes is possibly Borged, maybe. Rios pilot saying his childhood story and having his hand un dislocated was funny.

It's been good. Still waiting for the shoe to drop.

Another overall thing is I hate the swearing.
Last edited:

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I assumed the new Soong was a robot cuz he called Data his brother or something.

Yeah he makes a comment saying that Soong had him but made Data. Like he was an unwanted child that just picked up the family business.

Anyhow, am in s2 up to ep2. So it's a Q shift and an alternate timeline.

Yup. I like the alternate timeline, its not quite mirrorverse, just one that is extremely Xenophobic. It's a realistic look at how some people want the world and the future to look like.

It's been pretty cool so far. Humans are anti aliens. Lots of dead alien generals. The Picard crew are gathering up.

The trophy room is filled with references. Look up the special feature on Parmount + talking about that scene. It's worth the watch.

President Seven is a weird choice but whatever. It's looking pretty ok, if standard so far.

Season 2 has this weird issue where they have a need for a character and just slot in a random actor or actress from Season 1. It really takes away from the season as a whole to me.

Edit - saw ep3. Still pretty good. Dead samurai. Plot of Voyage Home time travel.

Yup. Fix Q's change to the timeline, and find a way home.

Agnes is possibly Borged, maybe.

Can't say much on that yet.

It's been good. Still waiting for the shoe to drop.

Another overall thing is I hate the swearing.

It does feel out of place, which is odd, considering Star trek had the very first swear word on TV. City on the edge of forever at the end when Kirk says, "lets get the hell out of here. ".

Maybe it's just that we don't expect it from Picard and company as they are the enlightened bunch cruising around on the Federation flagship.

I think that we can all picture Sisko, Janeway, Trip, O'brien, Bones, or even Scotty dropping some foul language in desperate situations.


Well-known member
I think that we can all picture Sisko, Janeway, Trip, O'brien, Bones, or even Scotty dropping some foul language in desperate situations.

And Kira, of course, is making a constant effort to not swear at her co-workers as a matter of course.

B'elanna meanwhile is not making the effort, and I assume that's just ADR'd in post.


Well-known member
Season 2 has this weird issue where they have a need for a character and just slot in a random actor or actress from Season 1. It really takes away from the season as a whole to me.
I don't know which you mean, because I think they did two of these.

Season 2 is just chaos to me. 5 times as much material as they had time to handle, but they still waste two episodes worth of time on meandering filler. What I accept as being the season's overarching story is that Q, out of fondness for Jean-Luc (actually a robot with Jean-Luc's memories and Q could totally have fixed that...), contrives a way for the robot to deal with real Jean-Luc's childhood trauma so he can heal and let himself love. That's touching. Q could have done this in a small way and taken him to the time of his trauma, but he chooses instead to wreck the entire Alpha Quadrant and let them figure out how to get back to several centuries before the trauma to fix what he broke, which actually makes it a lot HARDER for Picard to find the moments to heal. And toward the end we see an angry looking Q taking an active role when they are about to fix the timeline to make it even harder to fix the timeline. Soong's daughter was tacked on for no reason that I can fathom other than to take up some of the time that they needed to spend on other things. The ancestor of Picard's girlfriend is added just to do a little world building which is done in a pretty cludgy way. Maybe both were just to include actresses from season 1. I think I read that Wesley was held to a cameo because Prodigy already had dibs on him, but using him in the Romulan's role would have been a lot more fun. It just doesn't make sense. And if I've made my point that there was just too much going on, then I won't talk about Guinan for no reason at all and then not played by Whoopi Goldberg for no reason at all even though we know what she looked like a century before and a few centuries after. I will also not need to discuss the blond lady turning into Borg and Rios falling in love with someone in the 21st century and staying. Bickery non-chemistry between Seven and Whatsherface will not need to be discussed. This will save me a lot of time.

What I LIKE about season 2 is just a clever explanation for why Picard has a British accent. I can't remember if they hammered it all home, but they gave enough. Jean-Luc is from England. He had French heritage, but he was from England. His dad inherited the vineyard so they moved there when he was a child.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Ok, finished S2. It was a regular fix the past story but, yeah, they really did throw a whole bunch of stuff. The Rios staying for love is typical though, ugh. He didn't have any new children so he didn't create a new thing.

Drunk lady is doing too much. Seven gets sidelined because of her. She suddenly had this very close relationship with the samurai, whaaaaa?

I was actually a bit pleased and horrified when Seven got Borged again, oh dear. Cool moment when she assumed command after Rios was future wiped.

Agnes was trying to look like Resident Evil Milla Jovovich in the red dress and boots, right? It was a sort of awesome end for her, sort of. The Borg Queen ended up killing so many soldier fodder but, well, it gets forgiven.

So fuzzy on the conflict. First it was Q, then it was Borg Queen, then it was Soong. One creating the next enemy (Q caused the alternate Borg Queen to get tagged along then Queen recruiting Soong). It was messy.

Traveller Wesley Crusher, OMG!!! Did Prodigy s2 happen first or this? What were fans suppose to watch first? Was there a reference to Supervisors in Prodigy s2 that I missed? That was pretty cool, hehe. Don't really care for Kore but she's just an Augment, right? No synthetic parts? Why is everything coming back to Soong, geez.

Oh yeah, Picard referenced that weird secret agent backdoor pilot in TOS. And the multiple time ways to time travel that they did, haha

Picard parents flashbacks trauma were meh to me. His bar hopping rebellious drunk days must have made him forget about it, haha.

So Q is dead? I actually forgot that he had a son Q Jr and that Q Jr associated with Icheb. Could be a way to bring him back, as the new Q would want to bedevil a Starfleet guy, so why not Icheb?

Anyhow, I don't think S2 was horrible. It just wasn't a new story. Is S2 was considered bad then S3 is probably awesome?


Well-known member
Traveller Wesley Crusher, OMG!!! Did Prodigy s2 happen first or this? What were fans suppose to watch first?

Picard was first aired.

Is S2 was considered bad then S3 is probably awesome?

Season 3 is fun if you like nostalgic legacy sequels. The plot and the storytelling/pacing are not really very good, but there are a couple of really neat ideas baked in. Its purpose is a parade of visuals and scenes that will make fans feel special and it does that very well.

Just for fun remind yourself in every episode that Picard is dead and that is a robot with his memories. The show will say so, but the show clearly doesn't believe it.


Active member
Just for fun remind yourself in every episode that Picard is dead and that is a robot with his memories. The show will say so, but the show clearly doesn't believe it.
I think that is the biggest sticking point I have with Picard. There was no good reason to make him a synthetic. It was surprising, but ultimately meaningless. It just became a plot tumor that the show itself ignores most of the time. Aside from the whole “bad guys stealing his body” thing.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Ok, finished S2. It was a regular fix the past story but, yeah, they really did throw a whole bunch of stuff. The Rios staying for love is typical though, ugh. He didn't have any new children so he didn't create a new thing.

And died a pointless death in a bar fight so he wouldn't have to go into the Eugenics Wars.

Drunk lady is doing too much. Seven gets sidelined because of her. She suddenly had this very close relationship with the samurai, whaaaaa?

Yeah, that is something that happened between season 1 and 2. I was glad when they brought him back.

I was actually a bit pleased and horrified when Seven got Borged again, oh dear. Cool moment when she assumed command after Rios was future wiped.

I was hoping that she would stay human, but Borg parts are part of what makes her special.

Agnes was trying to look like Resident Evil Milla Jovovich in the red dress and boots, right? It was a sort of awesome end for her, sort of. The Borg Queen ended up killing so many soldier fodder but, well, it gets forgiven.

It does favor her. I really liked her song.

So fuzzy on the conflict. First it was Q, then it was Borg Queen, then it was Soong. One creating the next enemy (Q caused the alternate Borg Queen to get tagged along then Queen recruiting Soong). It was messy.

Well, the idea is that Q changed the past and needed Picard to go home and have their battle there.

Traveller Wesley Crusher, OMG!!! Did Prodigy s2 happen first or this? What were fans suppose to watch first? Was there a reference to Supervisors in Prodigy s2 that I missed? That was pretty cool, hehe.

This was Wesley's first appearance, and it's quite awesome concept.

Don't really care for Kore but she's just an Augment, right? No synthetic parts? Why is everything coming back to Soong, geez.

Kore is an artificially created human being. I don't believe that she isn't augmented, but she is highly intelligent.

Picard parents flashbacks trauma were meh to me. His bar hopping rebellious drunk days must have made him forget about it, haha.

I loved that they got Baltar to play his dad. Even mentions that he got to keep his hair. My major complaint about this is that they don't mention Robert, his older brother. They could have said that he was off at boarding school if they didn't want to have him in the flashback.

So Q is dead?

This is Q at the end of his life, he is a non-linear being so there is no telling how many eons he has lived since we last saw him in Voyager.

I actually forgot that he had a son Q Jr and that Q Jr associated with Icheb. Could be a way to bring him back, as the new Q would want to bedevil a Starfleet guy, so why not Icheb?

Q Jr hasn't come up since Voyager, although he does show up in ST Fleet Command.

Anyhow, I don't think S2 was horrible. It just wasn't a new story. Is S2 was considered bad then S3 is probably awesome?

Season 2 get a lot of flack, but Q's story is pretty neat, Picard getting ran over by a Tesla, the FBI guy that had a close encounter with Vulcans, and the new borg collective are neat concepts. Season 3 is epic! It has a few down spots, but it really is epic with tons of throwbacks.

Season 2 ending was great, the scene where Q and Picard talk at the end was just amazing.


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