Star Trek General Discussion


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Ok, I'll finish Picard then go to Discovery then watch Section 31 (is it really a movie?)


I'm at the start of Picard ep4 already and it's going slow ish. I'm used to Trek eps having 40min at a time to save the galaxy or so, baring multi part eps. The three eps feel stretched ish.

Every season of Picard and Discovery follows a model. Interesting idea, stretched out middle, unsatisfying ending.

Of the new few crew, I only like the synthetic scientist lady so far. And I suppose the EMH.

None of them every really grew on me. There is a character introduced soon if not yet that I would really have like to have kept, but it wasn't to be.

Side thing but it boggles the mind that we're only getting what passes as robots late in the career of Picard.

I think you are verging on a plot point that I thought was already revealed by where you are, but if not it will be soon.

Even if Trek Earth cannot properly produce androids other than Data, Lore and B4 (and Data's original daughter) (aaaaand all the evil AI like Agimus and other homidical sentient machines. Aaaaand Peanut Hamper and the exocomps. Aaaaaand I guess Badgey, Goodgey and Logicey. But they don't have android bodies) , then surely the multitude of alien races could have had them.

They can do it.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
Oh geez, I passed ep5 and Icheb gets his eye taken out. And Seven of Nine is the one who kills him?!?!?!

I spoiled myself by accident before when I was watching Voyager because I really liked Icheb as a kid who got his life thrown into a blender (he got borg-ed, his parents sacrificed him, he has no home anymore) but he turned it around and was on his way to be a Starfleet officer. Even got an alternate future as one. I just wanted to see how awesome he could be in his file and read that he dies in Picard :(

And now I finally find out that he gets mutilated by Borg parts black marketeers? And it wasn't even whoever the big boss is in this show? They could have, like, said the borg parts were needed for success of the Synthetics or whatever. But he was attacked some time ago. He wasn't part of the big conspiracy thing? He was just a throwaway?

Ugh, why did Seven mercy kill him? They could have saved him, dang it! There were Borg parts around and the harvesters probably wanted him alive while removing stuff so they had life support stuff (else they could have killed him right off).

And Seven shooting him doesn't even reach the emotional gut punch like when she saw her first non-son One perish in front of her, dang.

Maaaan, this really makes me sad :( Icheb deserved better.

Anyhow, ep4 introduced a samurai and, wtQ is up with that romantic sliding scene with the daughter and evil guy? Geez. I thought Seven appearing would have her join the crew (it was an admittedly cool cliffhanger at the end of ep4) but, nope, she's gone. All the funny dressing up and accents part of ep5 doesn't make me feel better about losing Icheb. The sudden betrayal of the lady scientist was intriguing (I thought I'd like her but she started behaving in a helpless way like Hoshi in Enterprise so I didn't like her anymore. But now she might be evil so, um, well, that made her interesting again, haha).

Oh, I saw the Synthetics go crazy in the flashback but that's still robots only appearing before Picard leaves Starfleet after the disaster. Robots should have been more common way before then (common enough to use as labor). But, yeah, I know, Trek isn't Star Wars. Or maybe Trek didn't focus focus on AI like Data until after they demonized Augments or after the Eugenics War.

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