Also: Under Hilary, the Pandemic response team established by Obama would not have been disbanded by Trump. So it's actually not entirely impossible we might have gotten a far better handle on things far, far earlier.
I'm sorry, the Internet is on point on this one. Found on Imgur:
"Liz Truss is the greatest irish patriot. She killed the Queen and tanked british economy in just 40 days. What a lass."
I feel like were that truly the case, we'd have been the perpetrators of two major geo-political conflicts within the 20th Century instead of the late arrivals to both.
The fact he's just straight up kidnapping huge swaths of people is disconcerting. Like does he really think if he relocates them in remote areas of Russia they'll just be good little citizens?
What's funny about this is where ever you can buy the bill from, all the websites stress the fact it is not legal tender. So the couple in this story likely bought it second hand if they thought it was real tender. My guess is they paid over $1000 for it. Classic Money Box variant.
What isn't...
Speaking as a Christian who believes in Satan, I will admit I thought far, far higher of the being than I should have if Donald Trump is the best he can come up with for an Anti-Christ.
Considering IBCs are local and not overarching unlike what this article is claiming, I'm going to discount it as needless hysteria over made up nonsense.
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