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  1. Noip

    WFC Kingdom Appreciation Thread

    Cheetor: "I'm so lost it ain't even funny."
  2. Noip

    The Leaked Listings Thread

    Kind of odd, the Transformers around here restocked the week after Christmas, not before.
  3. Noip


    You now have my attention. I've wanted Hasbro to make something like that since the 80s.
  4. Noip


    Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the balls.
  5. Noip

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    "It's Energon, and I helped!"-Laserbeak, probably.
  6. Noip

    Transformers 2022 goals

    To get the man cave up and running so I can actually display some or all of my collection.
  7. Noip

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    Fireworks? Where I liveit's gun shots. And the occasional explosion. What are they blowing up, you might ask? If I ever figure it out I'll let you know. 🤣
  8. Noip

    Sound off: Last TF you bought

    Gnaw and an Optimus Prime model kit (Furai? I don't really know). No complaints.
  9. Noip

    Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who

    Nothing is perfect, and all the writers and show runners have faults. But I have a hard time thinking of anything that I like at all out of the Chibnall run. I know there must be something, but right now I'm coming up blank. Edit: as far as writing goes, I mean to say.
  10. Noip

    Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who

    I feel bad for Jody honestly. She never really had much to work with. The writing was better in Flux than anything Chibnall had done previously. Not stellar, at all, mind you, but better.
  11. Noip

    Timey Wimey Business- a thread for Doctor Who

    I'm caught up. The writing is better far than anything Chibnall has produced previously, at least in my opionion. But I despise the Timeless Child plot completely and totally and all the better writing has not changed that.
  12. Noip

    The UFO thread

    Swamp gas reflecting off a weather balloon.
  13. Noip

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    Yeah, this is new to me too. Honestly I don't feel any the wiser.
  14. Noip

    Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm

    It would most certainly be unique. Can't argue that at ALL. I was raised Baptist,so yeah, no little men attached to my crosses either.
  15. Noip

    Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm

    Those are things that make sense. Jesus Prime does not. Never in my life have I said "You know what my transforming robot toyline needs? More Jesus!".
  16. Noip

    Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm

    Who even thinks of stuff like that?
  17. Noip

    Last Post!

    Makes you wonder what his wish would be...
  18. Noip

    Today is the 34th anniversary of the G1 cartoon ending

    Obviously Cybertron's new power levels (probably over 9000, but who really knows?) caused a fracture in the space/time continuum.
  19. Noip

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    Any meeting where no one is actively attempting to murder one or all of the others is considered successful.
  20. Noip

    G.I. Joe thread - 09/13/2024: Pulsecon - Dreadnoks, Dogs and Cereal

    In the hood Zartan looks quite like Emperor Palpatine.

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