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  1. Noip

    Personal Goals.

    Best of luck to you in your new career.
  2. Noip

    Mental Health and Suicide

    Deepest sympathies Fnu. I know that it's still not over, but you still have them.
  3. Noip

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    Hound, Sargent Hound, Grejeeber, Gunney, I don't know. I just know Bulkhead ain't working for me. 🤣
  4. Noip

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    I got Bulkhead, Silverstreak, and Blaster yesterday. Blaster is just all around a winner. Bulkhead is...a very nice toy, but I can't really see him as Bulkhead. I think he'll have another name in my little world. Silverstreak was missing a fist. Yay.
  5. Noip

    WFC Kingdom Appreciation Thread

    Mine are so floppy they almost won't stand up on their own, Megatron being the worse of the two.
  6. Noip

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    Maybe testing the water to see if there's a demand for such things? Kinda seems like a risky proposition if it is.
  7. Noip

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    I guess they're leaning in to the Cybertron series nostalgia? The kids who were seven or eight when Cybertron was on TV are in their early 20's now. It seems like a mis-step to us, but maybe it will sell better than we think.
  8. Noip

    Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm

    Bigger is better. Corporations wouldn't lie... 😆
  9. Noip

    Mayhem Transformers Discussion: United We Shelfwarm

    That's one big microscope. A macroscope?
  10. Noip

    Botbots Appreciation thread!

    Yeah the rocket looks neat. That would be instant buy, and any repaint they came up with. Maybe one could be colored as Flash Gordon's ship.
  11. Noip

    The Random Transformers Image Thread

    No clue. I think I found it on Ben Yee's site, but I don't remember for sure any more. In fact I totally forgot about that whole Bench Press thing.
  12. Noip

    The Random Transformers Image Thread

    This was the background image on my first computer for years. Still love this shot.
  13. Noip

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    They started in Wisconsin, but they're spreading out. We've gotten a Culvers in Marion and Carbondale in the last three or four years.
  14. Noip

    The Good News

    Same in Illinois. We had an ice storm a week ago today and now its70 degrees.
  15. Noip

    "Vintage Beast Wars" reissue line

    My Walmart had Rattrap for 11 and change when I was there tonight.
  16. Noip


    They had some of these at Cracker Barrel a few years back. My son got the one with Bumblebee's face. That has to be at least 10 years back now.
  17. Noip

    the final countdown

    Now 22, a good coating of sleet and frozen rain, and about 3-4 inches of snow on top. I took the day off.
  18. Noip

    the final countdown

    26 here and it waas sleeting earlier. Supposed to snow later.
  19. Noip

    the final countdown

  20. Noip

    The Rings of Power - LotR prequel streaming on Amazon Prime Video

    Will definately give it a go. I'm not optimistic about how good it will be, but I hope to be surprised.

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