He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe


New member
While I'm enjoying the figures (mostly Origins with a little Revelations and looking forward to the new line), my main focus is the Mega Construx and Eternia Minis (I swear they need to come with stickers). I got the newest wave of Mega Construx this past week after my pre-order was on back order for a few months. So happy to get the tiny Roboto.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
With how Revelations went, how has that CGI He-Man been going over? It'd be fun to see kid versions of everybody, even the bad guys.

Maybe teen Tri-Klops would be like See-More from Teen Titans' Hive Five.



Lots of interesting news out of Mattel's Powercon panel.

Upcoming Masterverse includes POP, Revelation figures for classic Teela, Mer-Man, deluxe Trap-Jaw and Tri-Klops.

Origins reveals include Anti-Eternia He-Man, Clawful, mini-comic Trap-Jaw, deluxe Flyiing Fists and Terror Claws, Stridor.

The Barbarian Skeletor and Viking He-Man are from a new subline. It's a cool idea but these two dudes don't look that enticing to me


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More pics of upcoming 'Verse. I could not be happier with the Revelation stuff, though I'd have preferred a post-classic MAA over classic Teela, and the continuing absence of Orko is a bummer.

Trap-Jaw, Tri-Klops and Merman are just great, although it seems like it would have been easy to make Mer-Man a "both versions" dude so maybe that's a missed opportunity. Not really seeing what justifies Trap-Jaw being Deluxe.

Edit: apparently Fisto's fist is die-cast?!


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And Origins. Loving that He-Man head. I usually don't dig a vintage-style bonce for He-Man but Origins is changing my mind.


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I’m not dead yet!
I'm not going to be buying any toys and I'm not really into the song but the series does look like it could be a fun re-invention.

So Biggest news Toy Wise coming from Power-con thanks to Preternia on Twitter. Monday at noon eastern Mattel Creations will be putting up for sale The Power-Con exclusives again, as well as Origins Mini Comic Tri-Klops, and an exclusive version of Sun-Man, a South American rebranding of the line that I guess is being included into the line proper now.

Masterverse will expand past Revalations with packaging showing logos for both classic She-Ra, the New Kids Show logo, as well as a New Eternia branding which has figures based on concept art which will include the previously leaked Viking He-man and Barbarian Skeletor. Also plenty of new figures coming which will include a Revelations Classic look Teela sans any of the Goddess accessories. Merman, Andra, Fisto, normal release Scareglow, and Stinkor. Deluxe Masterverse skews include Tri-Kolps which will be able to pull off Classic and Revelations Cult leader looks, the same I presume for the Deluxe Trap-Jaw, a third spoiler confidential deluxe , and the Target Exclusive King Grayskull who comes with the two halves of the power swords

Origins is continuing despite ToyGuru's Chicken Little-ing. A normal Sun-man is confirmed for later on Future Mattel Creations will include Wundar and Kuldar(Dude in gold-yellow armor with a horned helmet?.) Confirmed retail upcomings are Buzz-Off, Normal Sorceress, Jitsu (Asian Fisto with katana?), Mini Comic Trap-Jaw, Clawful, and Anti Eternian He-man. Deluxe figures are Flying Fist He-man, and Terror Claws Skeletor. And Stridor is coming! Looks like sans walking mechanics but loaded with Blast effects, a battle helmet, and a nice stand with a small fence to look like he's jumping.

Also New toys on the Kids show... Nothing that hadn't been seen already before other than maybe Orko.

EDIT- MARUTEN! Lol better for all the pics though man.


I was too lazy to write it all up so comprehensively!

That horny dude is this guy. He was in one episode, I have no idea why they decided to make a figure.


Powered Convoy

More pics of upcoming 'Verse. I could not be happier with the Revelation stuff, though I'd have preferred a post-classic MAA over classic Teela, and the continuing absence of Orko is a bummer.

Trap-Jaw, Tri-Klops and Merman are just great, although it seems like it would have been easy to make Mer-Man a "both versions" dude so maybe that's a missed opportunity. Not really seeing what justifies Trap-Jaw being Deluxe.

Edit: apparently Fisto's fist is die-cast?!

Merman's looks may seem similar but to be done accurately they'd have to be completely different figures.

Tri-Klops and possibly Trap Jaw can probably cover up enough to work, doesn't work with Merman.


I'm not going to be buying any toys and I'm not really into the song but the series does look like it could be a fun re-invention.

So Biggest news Toy Wise coming from Power-con thanks to Preternia on Twitter. Monday at noon eastern Mattel Creations will be putting up for sale The Power-Con exclusives again, as well as Origins Mini Comic Tri-Klops, and an exclusive version of Sun-Man, a South American rebranding of the line that I guess is being included into the line proper now.

Masterverse will expand past Revalations with packaging showing logos for both classic She-Ra, the New Kids Show logo, as well as a New Eternia branding which has figures based on concept art which will include the previously leaked Viking He-man and Barbarian Skeletor. Also plenty of new figures coming which will include a Revelations Classic look Teela sans any of the Goddess accessories. Merman, Andra, Fisto, normal release Scareglow, and Stinkor. Deluxe Masterverse skews include Tri-Kolps which will be able to pull off Classic and Revelations Cult leader looks, the same I presume for the Deluxe Trap-Jaw, a third spoiler confidential deluxe , and the Target Exclusive King Grayskull who comes with the two halves of the power swords

Origins is continuing despite ToyGuru's Chicken Little-ing. A normal Sun-man is confirmed for later on Future Mattel Creations will include Wundar and Kuldar(Dude in gold-yellow armor with a horned helmet?.) Confirmed retail upcomings are Buzz-Off, Normal Sorceress, Jitsu (Asian Fisto with katana?), Mini Comic Trap-Jaw, Clawful, and Anti Eternian He-man. Deluxe figures are Flying Fist He-man, and Terror Claws Skeletor. And Stridor is coming! Looks like sans walking mechanics but loaded with Blast effects, a battle helmet, and a nice stand with a small fence to look like he's jumping.

Also New toys on the Kids show... Nothing that hadn't been seen already before other than maybe Orko.

EDIT- MARUTEN! Lol better for all the pics though man.

Strider and Nightstalker never had walking mechanisms. You might be thinking of Spidor.

More pics.

Also Mondo, the company who does 1/6th figures, is doing a Battle Cat and Panthor, a deluxe He-Man that is regular, Battle Armor, and Thunder Punch all in one, She-ra, a toy based Scare Glow and possibly a Revelations Scare Glow and Orko set.

Demovere Xeno

So, uh... what are the odds of Mattel making 2002 He-Man in their Legends-esque line?

Also, is said line at 6-inch height or 7-inch? I keep seeing both whenever I check, so I'm not sure which is right.


I’m not dead yet!
I’m not sure why I thought classic Stridor had a walking mechanism. To be fair I’m not extremely well versed in the classic toyline outside the main and major recurring characters.

And I do hope some characters from 200X get a chance in Masterverse. There were some cool designs in that series.


Okay so Trap-Jaw and Tri-Klops are both wearing cloth outfits. Didn't realise that. Andra seems to have a lot more going on than the slide show suggested as well.

Mer-Man in particular looks like he just stepped out of the TV. Teela doesn't look fantastic though.


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Destron D-69

at Journey's end
already preordered scareglow and tee-la from revelations. that greyskull looks good too -the split swords are a nice bonus. I hope the mystery figure is a twopack of man-at-arms and his boy Roboto


That would be great.

It's a shame they didn't give the exclusive Scare Glow those Grayskull swords, the ones he got are a bit half-assed which is a disappointment for a dude that fancy.


I’m not dead yet!
If you missed out on Power-Con Exclusives get them off Mattel Creations while you can!

Edit: They are gone now. Nyah!
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