He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe


I’m not dead yet!
I only was after the Grayskull set so it was pretty easy having today off and prepped for getting in there.


Amazon is doing WHAT? That is INSANE. And deciding to do that but not with direct ties to the Netflix show is just... like, what? I mean, also yes please, but very what.

Interesting (though somewhat spoilery I suppose) article on the new (new) Netflix He-Man: https://www.polygon.com/22671624/he-man-and-the-masters-of-the-universe-netflix-reboot-cg

This show is just going to make a big chunk of the fandom go ballistic. They aren't nearly as toxic as, say, Joe fans, but there are a lot of grumpy old men who don't like change (or women).


Supreme System Overlord
Staff member
Council of Elders
Well I don't have to read a garbage article from Polygon (and I won't) to know I'm not going to like this new show. It's for kids, and I'm sure people will enjoy it, but after seeing two trailers I have about as much interest in this as I did Rescue Bots.


Well-known member
Ram Ma'am is inspired.

As is Robot Orko.

Show looks like a lot of fun.

-ZacWilliam, I honestly want to see reinvented versions of like everyone else now...


Active member
This show is just going to make a big chunk of the fandom go ballistic. They aren't nearly as toxic as, say, Joe fans, but there are a lot of grumpy old men who don't like change (or women).

You've obviously not spent enough time on .org because oh yeah they are. And in just the same conservative ways. The only difference is the He-Fans are slightly less prone to NRA membership but no less toxic


I’m not dead yet!
I Can Post Again!!!!!!

Ok, anyways. So Teela is the Sorceress in the new show. I mean the Sorceress' Name was Teela Na or something before anyways in the Filmation origin episode anyways. But I feel that could be a trigger point for some even more so after Revelation.

I'll give it a fair shake. Didn't think I'd like She-Ra but it turned out all right. A little reinvention does a franchise some good from time to time.

That said I feel the theme is Voltron Force levels of terrible. Mainly because I have no idea what it's saying other then "The Power is ours! Ooooooowoooowoooohooooo!"


That's true, the opening theme is pretty awful.

As expected, it's a chaotic pile of New And Different. I found the first episode reasonably charismatic though, and there seems to be a fair amount of thoughtful world-building going on.

My 6yo son enjoyed it. I went in with an open mind and I'm keen to see where the rest of the season goes. I don't really have any complaints about the changes other than Not That Into A Young Duncan.


I’m not dead yet!
I’m about halfway through and admittedly it’s a pretty fun show for the kids. As long as you don’t get hung up on the changes it can be pretty enjoyable.

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
I'm at the halfway point, and I'm really enjoying it. Feels very TF Animated in the way it's presenting completely new takes on many classic characters.

I definitely need a figure of Skeletor, cause I rather love his design, tbh.


Well-known member
I've watched maybe 10 minutes before I had to take my kids to school this morning. What I saw was fun, bright and action packed. Looking forward to more.

-ZacWilliam, the reinvention is some of the best of it so far imo. It's exciting in the ways it could go, because its so different...


I’m not dead yet!
So Finished the season and gotta say it's not too bad for a reinvention. Like her Vi-Ness said it's very TF:Animated in how it takes the familiar concepts and reinvigorates them with some change. David Kayes wise caretaker Cringer is pretty cool. I'm still a bit off with some of the character designs myself particularly He-man and Ram-Mam but they are still fun characters. And it's cool to see the Masters on both sides come to gain their powers over the course of the season.

But that theme song sucks.

Onyx Minor

Se me olvidó desde cuándo perdí completa razón...
I didn't realize the new show started yet. Guess I will have to check it out tonight. I won't get many (if any) of the toys, but the show looks neat from the promos.

M. Virion

Bent but unbroken
Just finished binging. Definitely need a Skeletor, as I absolutely loved the take on the role. A terrific merger of both intimidating and comedic interpretations.

I enjoyed that significantly more than Revelations.


Well-known member
I liked Revelations plenty and look forward to the second part.

But two episodes in I think I like this kids show even more. It is super fun.

-ZacWilliam, and I LOVE all the creativity and reinvention.


Eorzean Idiot
I am never buying from BBTS again. I still have Castle Greyskull and Mosquitor with some vague delivery date that keeps getting pushed back. Meanwhile I see both in stock on Amazon. Seriously, WTF?


Well-known member
Well... you can always buy them on Amazon and cancel your BBTS order. These things do happen and the inverse has happened just about as often.

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