He-Man, and also the Masters of the Universe


New member
What do I need to do to be a competent computer scientist and engineer like Man-At-Arms?

Is C++ the programming language to master and Microsoft Visual Studio the best integrated development environment (IDE)?

How do I go from code to the graphical user interface of a fully functioning website?

How can I learn all the terminology and become conversant and marketable?


New member
I said "Hey, what's goin' on?"
I want to learn how to develop software, code, network architecture, AI, C++, computer hardware, IDE, build, techie, nerd, computer genius, program, software-define hardware, be respected, competent, good, and have integrity and self-worth.


Well-known member
I want to learn how to develop software, code, network architecture, AI, C++, computer hardware, IDE, build, techie, nerd, computer genius, program, software-define hardware, be respected, competent, good, and have integrity and self-worth.

For someone with a "powerful connection" to He-Man, you certainly don't know the memes.

Starting to think you might be a clever bot.


NOT a New Member.
I want to learn how to develop software, code, network architecture, AI, C++, computer hardware, IDE, build, techie, nerd, computer genius, program, software-define hardware, be respected, competent, good, and have integrity and self-worth.
And I said, "Heeeeeey, heeeeeeey, heeeeeey, hey hey..." ;)
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New member
He-man captured my imagination by making me believe if I had the Sword of Power, lifted it up, and said the words, “By the Power of Grayskull! “ I too could call forth the power to solve all my problems and declare, “I Have the Power!!! “

This is what made He-man both inspirational and relatable.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Aren’t you passionate about Masters of the Universe?
Sure, but the Man I threw in my dedication to a long time ago wasn't He-Man, but Mega Man. And even then, while He-Man was totally my jam when I was a little kid, and I still enjoy and collect some of the stuff now, it's not the thing.
A lot of 80’s G1 Transformers fans were first He-man and the Masters of the Universe fans because it came before.
Such is the nature of linear time...
Transformers are cool toys but they are mainly for display.

There’s a powerful connection that you feel holding a Masters of the Universe action figure in your hand that you just don’t get with a Transformers figure, maybe because of the sharp edges.


Most of my MotU figures remain in package, because I like how they look more than fiddling with them.

Transformers, on the other hand, I tend to play with a whole lot more, even if it's just changing their modes back and forth and experimenting with what new modes or functions I can make.

Anyway, yeah. I'm passionate about MotU, and lots of stuff, but I don't have enough money, much less time to even make the investment worthwhile, to run sites for all of it. Not the way mine are, anyway.


Eorzean Idiot
In my experience, redheads are totally hot, but unfortunately are also totally crazy.


New member
Sure, but the Man I threw in my dedication to a long time ago wasn't He-Man, but Mega Man. And even then, while He-Man was totally my jam when I was a little kid, and I still enjoy and collect some of the stuff now, it's not the thing.

Such is the nature of linear time...

View attachment 25748

Most of my MotU figures remain in package, because I like how they look more than fiddling with them.

Transformers, on the other hand, I tend to play with a whole lot more, even if it's just changing their modes back and forth and experimenting with what new modes or functions I can make.

Anyway, yeah. I'm passionate about MotU, and lots of stuff, but I don't have enough money, much less time to even make the investment worthwhile, to run sites for all of it. Not the way mine are, anyway.

Can you teach me:



New member
I believe this website and it’s technical assets and combined knowledge base can breath back life into He-man and She-ra:



Eorzean Idiot
Jean Grey (X-Men), Sheila (D&D cartoon).


What color was April O'Niels hair. I know she's been a redhead in some versions. But wasn't it more brownish in the original 80's toon? Google pics honestly could go either way depending on the lighting.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
What color was April O'Niels hair. I know she's been a redhead in some versions. But wasn't it more brownish in the original 80's toon? Google pics honestly could go either way depending on the lighting.
Always read as brown to me.

Toys seem to agree.


...not that they're the most reliable thing to go by...

Actually, come to think of it, ignore that part. But yeah, her hair was basically brown. Maybe some sort of reddish brown at worst (best?).

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