Static - Misty
"I figured as much but I just wanted to be sure. Static and Misty, you wait here and I'll be back shortly." Brisk Iron then left the office.
Tour team
With a shimmering, iridescent glow from Symphony's horn, the foals reappeared for as well as she could tell. Seemingly unphased by the ordeal, most almost immediately resumed their digging. Several groups had been finding things with a few requesting help with their finds.
"So how's everything going over in Petrichor Falls?" Misty affably asks the group.
"It's been doing well. Bank security isn't where I want it to be but the outer structure has been repaired, at least," Grape Vine said.
Static let go of a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "Yeah, I haven't heard anything since the last time we met. What's the news. I'm sorry now I didn't know you were coming. I've been working on getting something similar to that basil pasta you made for us using Caballuston ingredients. I think you'd be impressed."
Maple gulped in air, now that the children were back it was safe to start breathing again.
"Great job Symphony, we're really lucky we got to be in the group with you today." Maple's last few words came out as here airflow normalized.
"Now we can use these Balloons as Prizes and the sticky notes to write down everypony's names on what they found."
"I figured as much but I just wanted to be sure. Static and Misty, you wait here and I'll be back shortly." Brisk Iron then left the office.
Tour team
With a shimmering, iridescent glow from Symphony's horn, the foals reappeared for as well as she could tell. Seemingly unphased by the ordeal, most almost immediately resumed their digging. Several groups had been finding things with a few requesting help with their finds.
"So how's everything going over in Petrichor Falls?" Misty affably asks the group.
"It's been doing well. Bank security isn't where I want it to be but the outer structure has been repaired, at least," Grape Vine said.
Static let go of a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. "Yeah, I haven't heard anything since the last time we met. What's the news. I'm sorry now I didn't know you were coming. I've been working on getting something similar to that basil pasta you made for us using Caballuston ingredients. I think you'd be impressed."
Maple gulped in air, now that the children were back it was safe to start breathing again.
"Great job Symphony, we're really lucky we got to be in the group with you today." Maple's last few words came out as here airflow normalized.
"Now we can use these Balloons as Prizes and the sticky notes to write down everypony's names on what they found."