[IC] STOMP Super Spooktacular Special!


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders


More of a show, thought Amber? Ponies always seemed terribly impressed when she used her metalworking magic, although she still felt she could do a better job taking the time to do the work by hoof in most cases. But Swifty couldn't know about that, and it wouldn't be much help with Harmony; what could they have in mind?

Her expression of perplexity washed away as the willowy pegasus hit Harmony with a water blast. "Good work, Miss Monsoon!" she said.

"I think you missed some ... better get her again." Maple added.

Having retreated a couple of measured steps from the blast zone before detonation, Amber stepped up to Harmony to assess the effects.

Though he now felt decidedly less singed than before, Scarlet did carefully close the bottle and put it away. He was about to stand up and insist on going back out to continue the hunt... until he remembered that, of course, he couldn’t. Not yet anyway.

Huffing in frustration, Scarlet turned to Swifty as a couple of questions struck. First though, Scarlet needed something to drink.

Well, something else to drink anyway.

”Swifty, do you have something non-alchoholic to drink?”[color]

Spreading out his copy of their ever expanding list of clues, notes and suppositions, Scarlet tried to wrestle some meaning ou! t of the cryptic writings.

”Seek the Knife that ma—aaaaiiii!!”

Scarlet yanked up the papers and jumped skyward as Misty Hydro Pump went off.

”Maple,” he called down to the shapeshifted unicorn. ”i think a second strike might be more than a little unnecessary. And uncalled for.”



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Though he now felt decidedly less singed than before, Scarlet did carefully close the bottle and put it away. He was about to stand up and insist on going back out to continue the hunt... until he remembered that, of course, he couldn’t. Not yet anyway.

Huffing in frustration, Scarlet turned to Swifty as a couple of questions struck. First though, Scarlet needed something to drink.

Well, something else to drink anyway.

”Swifty, do you have something non-alchoholic to drink?”[color]

Spreading out his copy of their ever expanding list of clues, notes and suppositions, Scarlet tried to wrestle some meaning ou! t of the cryptic writings.

”Seek the Knife that ma—aaaaiiii!!”

Scarlet yanked up the papers and jumped skyward as Misty Hydro Pump went off.

”Maple,” he called down to the shapeshifted unicorn. ”i think a second strike might be more than a little unnecessary. And uncalled for.”

Though he now felt decidedly less singed than before, Scarlet did carefully close the bottle and put it away. He was about to stand up and insist on going back out to continue the hunt... until he remembered that, of course, he couldn’t. Not yet anyway.

Huffing in frustration, Scarlet turned to Swifty as a couple of questions struck. First though, Scarlet needed something to drink.

Well, something else to drink anyway.

”Swifty, do you have something non-alchoholic to drink?”[color]

Spreading out his copy of their ever expanding list of clues, notes and suppositions, Scarlet tried to wrestle some meaning ou! t of the cryptic writings.

”Seek the Knife that ma—aaaaiiii!!”

Scarlet yanked up the papers and jumped skyward as Misty Hydro Pump went off.

”Maple,” he called down to the shapeshifted unicorn. ”i think a second strike might be more than a little unnecessary. And uncalled for.”

"I think I would have to agree with our cobalt friend here, We wouldn't want to make a bigger mess of the ballroom then it already is. You'd also risk getting poor Miss Sparks notes wet after all the work she put into them." Swift Tart says, seeming less concerned for Harmony then Scarlet is.

Harmony has slid across the room with the combined efforts of the slime and the water. Even if you couldn't immediately see her, all you'd need to do is follow the slime trail. She looks to be recovering right as Amber walks up to her, trying to get to her feet while soak and on slippery marble flooring.

"Harmony?" asked Amber as she approached her, trying to set aside her mixed feelings at Harmony's return to consciousness. "Are you alright?" she asked, finding herself reluctant to close the distance between them, thinking of what the others said about Harmony's previous brainwashed equicidal activities.

Scarlet dropped back to the ground and walked over to stand with Amber, waiting to see how shaken and in what mindset Harmony would wake. Quietly, he said.

2color=#ff0000]”Ms. Amber, i can think of two possibilities here. The ‘Kinder” option is that Harmony blacked out as soon as ‘Rasophaes’ minions took control of her body. She will still have to told what happened, but she might be spared some pain.

Alternatively, Harmony was fully concious, but being puppetted. Forced to watch what happened, with no way of stopping it.”[/color]



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet dropped back to the ground and walked over to stand with Amber, waiting to see how shaken and in what mindset Harmony would wake. Quietly, he said.

”Ms. Amber, i can think of two possibilities here. The ‘Kinder” option is that Harmony blacked out as soon as ‘Rasophaes’ minions took control of her body. She will still have to told what happened, but she might be spared some pain.

Alternatively, Harmony was fully concious, but being puppetted. Forced to watch what happened, with no way of stopping it.”

"After everything that's happened tonight, how much pain could she possibly be spared?" Static asked with a sigh. "She already doesn't trust any of us. I doubt secrets would help matters."

”i meant watching yourself murder somepony while you’re trapped in your own head. It’ll be bad enough just having to tell her without her having seen it.”

"I know what you meant. And either way, it's beyond our control. She should know what's happened."

"Not being the one to have actually done the thing ..doesn't seem to be of much concern for her." Maple adds.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static snorts.

[That's for certain!]

[I could hug her right now for saying that.]

Static walks over and gives Maple a hug.

"Not being the one to have actually done the thing ..doesn't seem to be of much concern for her." Maple adds.

Swift Tart looks to Maple and walks over to the changeling. Their usual jovial demeanor drops. "And with that attitude, those like her never will. Harmony is a stranger here, and has suffered more then any of you. You can not like a pony, yet still show them compassion. It takes work, sometimes hard and very annoying work," They say slightly under their breath, "to overcome beliefs of others; not everything can be solved by hugging it out despite what certain princesses will have you believe. Don't be the monster she thinks you are. Don't be sneaky, don't try to find ways to attack her, don't find ways to let harm come to her. Focus on doing good, like saving her sisters. If she's upset because changelings took something away, show you're different by giving something back." They state and lets out a deep breath before slipping back to their usual demeanor.

Harmony huffs as she shakes herself off, sending a bit of water flying everywhere. "No, I am not. I am soaked and my clothes are ruined. This night just continues to get worse." She replies and looks to Amber a moment before she sets down the small saddle bag she carries, opening it to show off a small sewing kit with needles and thread. "I doubt even I could easily fix this on such short notice." She says, it begin hard to tell if she's trying to distract herself or is just self conceited about her appearance.

Scarlet sighs. Trying again to explain, he says.

”What i’m hoping for is that this gets her to see the real danger she’s in stomping around this place, angry at everything. Perhaps she might finally realise that it is better—and safer—for her to stay here and let us do what we do best.”

"Well, at least you're back to normal," Static says to Harmony as she starts sewing. "What's the last thing you remember?"

Maple's new face wasn't having any of it. "I'm not sure I asked for your opinion. Tart" Maple smiles... not sweetly, as she recalled how this stallion - mare whatever, didn't lift a hoof to see if she was okay as she lay half-conscious on the floor.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Sewing wasn't metalworking, but Amber understood structural stress and the behavior of materials under load. "That won't work very well if the fabric is wet," said Amber slowly. "You should put the dress aside to repair later," she said, inching her way toward Harmony as if she were a wounded animal to put a hoof on her foreleg.

"Oh, I'm ever so sorry Mr. Spectrum - I wasn't aware I was speaking to you." Maple's normal voice sounds hollow and forced as it's artificial sweetness slides out of the unfamiliar face.

"Isn't it perfectly fine to just blurt out mean things because we feel like it. I must have picked that up somewhere recently."

Scarlet just stared, his expression both disapproving and disappointed.

”No, you weren’t talking to me, he said sharply. ”Doesn’t mean i’m not going to comment on your sarcasm, nor your sickly sweet ‘Oh, other ponies have been mean to me, so i’m gonna be mean and spiteful back’ attitude. I always thought you were better than that.

We’ve got enough darkness going on tonight without you taking verbal potshots at people out of childish pettyness.”

"There've been a lot of pot shots tonight, Scarlet...more than a few directed in her direction. It would be nice if we could all take a collective chill pill, but it's not right to tell her not to keep her chin up when she's been taking it on the chin all night. Let her vent!"

"Maybe Rhapsody was right about both of us." Maple said. not taking her eyes off Scarlet... part of her knew he meant well, but tonight was not the night for sweet 'turn the cheek' everything is fun Maple. That Maple wanted nothing more than to give him a hug and say she was sorry. It wasn't going to happen.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet expression twitched as he fought a brief stab of anger at Maples jab.

”So i’m a reckless jerk who cheated his way on to the team and you are heartless monster?” Scarlets voice was cold and hurt as he spoke. Not looked to Static, he said. ”Yes Static, she has every right to be angry at how she’s been treated tonight. She has every right to vent about it.

Sniping at other ponies in that falsely sweet tone of voice, is not venting.

But i guess a usurper like me should know better.”

Turning away, Scarlet headed off to another corner of the ballroom and started sorting out his copy of their clue notes again.

Maple's new face wasn't having any of it. "I'm not sure I asked for your opinion. Tart" Maple smiles... not sweetly, as she recalled how this stallion - mare whatever, didn't lift a hoof to see if she was okay as she lay half-conscious on the floor.

"Oh, I wasn't aware I was giving you a choice, Miss Jack." Swift Tart says without even looking towards her. "Be petty, and make everything worse on a night that is already terrible or be better and allow for everypony to keep hope that we see the morning. Its a choice without a choice." They say and then the piebald looks to Static.

"She can vent some other day when lives AREN'T on the line, or do you also wish for more to die because your teammate is too busy being a petty little 'rump' to be able to do the job you're team is known for being able to do? Though it seems like your other friend has already been pushed a bit too far by her..." They ask him before finally walking over to Green Night Cap.

"If you are to be team leader, maybe it is time to lead your team. I am sure the rest of us will be fine as we deal with Harmony."


Away from the Drama, even if its just several feet, Harmony seems oblivious to that whole conversation. "Yes, you are right there..." She says... "I need a way to dry it first" Harmony states, her vice having a somewhat nervous quality to it as she tries to work, there is a sorta of manicness to her desire to keep busy.

Static's lips turned up in a snarl. "Oh yes! Do blame us for the deaths this evening. After all, we were the ones who invited a bunch of civilians to see an artifact responsible for the Red Plague! We certainly should've known better, shouldn't we? Oh...wait! That wasn't us...was it!" Static turns and heads for the door. "Buck this! I'm going to go look for Symphony. Anypony want to come along is welcome!"

a fidget of rage had started making its way along Maple's body... moving from hoof to horn in clearly visible waves.

"It's fine Static. But I'll go with you, that way this idiot gelding can put their shield back up to full strength and hide behind it while we solve their problem for them."

"Be safe Misty."
She added as she turned to leave.

Amber motioned to help Harmony out of the dress with her magic while similarly gesturing with her hoof to get Harmony to set down the sewing kit.

She called over her shoulder to the rest of the group. "Somepony start a fire," she said, intending to guide Harmony to the nearest fireplace.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Anypony that thinks that that is what I said, is a fool of the highest caliber. But clearly, listening isn't high on any of your priorities tonight; so please continue to be pig headed and narrow minded. I am sure that it will end well for everyone for such 'heroes' to be blind spiteful to everyone around them." Swift says bluntly, the piebald starting to get tired of this attitude and then they snapped and grinned widely at Maple's words. "Hiding? Is that what you think I am doing?" They say with an dark chuckle and shake of their head. "Alright, fine. No more hiding." They state an! d then begins to chant those with any pedigree for language will realize that he's speaking old ponish, though only one word seems to be even remotely clear 'Scarilegium.' and with a stamp of his hoof... all falls down. The Sanctuary flickers and fades completely, even the glow of the amulets end.

"There we go. No more hiding. Not for me, not for you, not for anyone. Hope you don't run into any ghosts, because well... you no longer have my protection. No one does. So the ghosts can hurt you all, they can even come in here and attack everyone. No one is safe now, and I hope you are happy to get exactly what you want." Swift tart says and walks over to take a seat.

Static cringes as the barrier comes down. "Buck!"

[That seemed...petty!]

"Right then! Looks like our time table just got moved up. We better all get a move on then."

"Yeah, can't say I'm surprised." maple says to Static

Scarlet spun around and glared at Maple and Static.

2color=#ff0000]”You self-righteus bucking idiots! What have you done?

We could play the Blame Game all bucking night amd where would it leave us? Mad, angry and dead. This curse is more dangerous than bad feelings and misplaced anger. But no, can’t have that. Just had to get your prickly little kicks in, didn’t you. You couldn’t be the bigger pony and not push it any further!

And now you don’t even have the decency to accept that you are at fault for tnis!

So yes, lets get out there pray like hell that we find the Symphony and the counter-spell before ‘Rasophae’ finds us!”[/color]

Spinning again, Scarlet rounded on the now seated piebald.

”So that’s it then, is it? You’re just going to sit there and watch us die! How much more petty are you than Maple at this moment, Swifty?”

Scarlet spun around and glared at Maple and Static.

”You self-righteus bucking idiots! What have you done?

We could play the Blame Game all bucking night amd where would it leave us? Mad, angry and dead. This curse is more dangerous than bad feelings and misplaced anger. But no, can’t have that. Just had to get your prickly little kicks in, didn’t you. You couldn’t be the bigger pony and not push it any further!

And now you don’t even have the decency to accept that you are at fault for tnis!

So yes, lets get out there pray like hell that we find the Symphony and the counter-spell before ‘Rasophae’ finds us!”

Spinning again, Scarlet rounded on the now seated piebald.

”So that’s it then, is it? You’re just going to sit there and watch us die! How much more petty are you than Maple at this moment, Swifty?”



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"They won't Scarlet. they're just proving a point to a thickheaded idiot." Maple says as she slumps down to the floor.

Spinning again, Scarlet rounded on the now seated piebald.

”So that’s it then, is it? You’re just going to sit there and watch us die! How much more petty are you than Maple at this moment, Swifty?”

Swift looks to Scarlet. "It is clear that words do nothing for the changeling. So I have to prove my worth to her, and this is exactly that. I can not pick and choose what gets activated and what doesn't. It is all or nothing. So until Maple can get over herself and realize everypony..." He glances to Harmony. "Or at least most everypony, is trying to help. Then she will have to learn the hard way." They say, their words heavier as is their expression. Already this weighs heavily on them. "And even if I do restore the spell, it is going to take time because frankly, it takes a lot of my own energy to keep it all steady and focused, and right now I am exhausted mentally, and somewhat physically as this body is not ideal for playing key stone to such spells."

"What have I done?" Static turned with a snarl. "Well, I guess it must've been me and Maple that just did the incantation that brought the whole thing down because somepony hit a nerve! Oh...wait! Not us again! BUCK! You coming or not?" Static opens the door to the hallway.

A flash of light flickers and Maple puts a wing on Static's shoulder... the other catching Night cap (having to stretch to do so) ..."No, they're right- I took it too far. All this has just been too much. I'm Sorry."

Static sighs* "I don't bucking care who's right! Harmony lost her cool. You lost your cool, Scarlet lost his cool. I lost my cool. Swift lost his...her...what the buck ever! They lost their cool. We have ALL lost our bucking cool! Welcome to 2 minutes ago! Right now we just got lot less time to get this done. We need to get going!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I'm going to stay and try and help them get their Magic working again. Maybe I can help fix this."

Maple rushes over to Swift Tart and gives them a hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask, but I can't let everypony die because I've made you want to say no."

”Well if you weren’t being so pigheaded and snarling about whose fault the whole sorry mess is, or sniping about cowards hiding away while we clean up the mess. That incantation might not have come down!

We can talk about the utter lunacy of playing haunted house games with a mask of such dark magics, AFTER, we save the day!

So will you, for now, please just take that anger of yours, and shove it aside.

... ‘sigh’

Yes i’m coming with you!

Scarlet followed his friend towards the hallway. His fear was strong now that their amulets magic was gone. Yet his determination was stronger.

Encourage by not immediately being thrown off, Maple hugged even tighter.


It was when Amber looked over her shoulder to call for help with the fire that her one-track mind discovered the bridge was out. She nodded to Night Cap as he called the others to follow him. She gradually assessed that the sanctuary barrier was down, that somepony had taken it down purposefully, and that somepony was doing something about it as she silently led Harmony out of her puddle and scanned around the room for any convenient fireplaces. Failing that, she considered, she could at least fashion a small stove.

Soppy clothing would be the least of anypony's worries if the ghosts began to wander into the Ballroom, but it was one Amber could at least solve.


"I'm going to stay and try and help them get their Magic working again. Maybe I can help fix this."

Maple rushes over to Swift Tart and gives them a hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask, but I can't let everypony die because I've made you want to say no."

Encourage by not immediately being thrown off, Maple hugged even tighter.


Tonight has been a very long night for Swift Tart, being the conduit for a massive spell certainly wasn't helping and neither was the attitude of several ponies here tonight. There was only so much that they could deal with, and events had pushed them to simply give up. Thought Scarlet at least had shown him that not all the ponies here tonight had lost their minds, and the fact that Maple did seem to realize she had pushed the piebald too far sinking in is nice especially when she apologized and hugged him. They take a deep breathe as Maple pours her energy into them, making the butler seem much less weary. "Thank you Maple, that is not my usual way to revitalize; but it seems to have mostly worked. It's still gonna take a few minutes for me to be able to cast the spell again, but it will be up a lot sooner now then it would have been otherwise." They state and get to their feet walking over to the ancient book.

"These spells are very harrowing, and my abilities are very limited. While the spell is active, I am unable to do much as the more I expend myself the quicker the spell would burn through my energy reserves. It is why recharging your amulets take time and those observant may notice it weakens the barrier. Though while the spell is active, even if sanctuary fell due to exhaustion on my part the amulets would still work; as I'm still providing the energy for them as well. I would have to rest and recover my energy before I could restore the barrier without effecting your protection out there. However, turning the spell off means it all goes, as I said I can't pick and choose. Though on the bright side... I do believe that once I have the spell active again, everyone's amulets should be fully charged... though I do not think I could cast it again without risking my life." They explain as they look over the spell and start to get ready for the next casting.



It was when Amber looked over her shoulder to call for help with the fire that her one-track mind discovered the bridge was out. She nodded to Night Cap as he called the others to follow him. She gradually assessed that the sanctuary barrier was down, that somepony had taken it down purposefully, and that somepony was doing something about it as she silently led Harmony out of her puddle and scanned around the room for any convenient fireplaces. Failing that, she considered, she could at least fashion a small stove.

Soppy clothing would be the least of anypony's worries if the ghosts began to wander into the Ballroom, but it was one Amber could at least solve.

Harmony silent follows Amber, she's quieter and more somber then she has all night, seeming to be both calm and yet on edge at the same time as she looks around and waits for Amber to do provide a way to get her clothes dry, and maybe herself as well. At least it seemed to be keeping the earth pony's mind off of darker topics.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple managed to take a few steps away from where she'd been with Swift tart, before sitting down and taking a rest. Looking around the room she smiled at all her friends. and then went to sleep right there on the ground. the remaining magic she had not given Swifty.. ebbed away quickly, dissolving her disguise away.



Team Sausage Party leaves the ballroom and enters the hall, bravely in defiance of that fact that they have no protection at all. Luckily for them, it seemed like fate for once was on their side, as the halls seem barren, though it seems to biggest threat to their team right now, is just themselves. Symphony is doomed, isn't she?

Static didn't say anything as they made their way to their destination. Talking didn't seem to go anywhere good tonight. He just wanted to get this mystery solved before they all found themselves dead.

As Scarlet strode into the hall, he felt a tightening knot in his stomach. Not from fear of ‘Rasophae’ though. His emotions were all wrung ragged from this entire evening and how it had frayed everyponys nerves and tempers. He looked over to Static and sighed.

”I’m sorry Static. Sorry for everything i’ve said and done tonight.

Wherewould you two suggest we go first. Are we to try and use the Symphony clues to find our lost Unicorn?”

"No apologies. We've all been on a hair trigger tonight. Let's just get through it. I'm looking for Symphony. Night Cap said foyer, I'm following him."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Ballroom - Copper:

There were two large hearths in the ball room, one on either side, so that when both were lit the heat would reach out and warm the large room.

Amber guided Harmony to the nearer of the two fireplaces, stretching out the dress in front of it with her magic and guiding Harmony to sit or lie down nearby. She looked around the room for any firewood or, failing that, anything flammable. "You rest here, Miss Harmony. I'll try and get a fire started to dry the two of you out."


Amber guided Harmony to the nearer of the two fireplaces, stretching out the dress in front of it with her magic and guiding Harmony to sit or lie down nearby. She looked around the room for any firewood or, failing that, anything flammable. "You rest here, Miss Harmony. I'll try and get a fire started to dry the two of you out."


Harmony nods softly, her eyes looking around, the nervous energy still seeming to be around her as she waits. Meanwhile Amber, master of observation that she is, finds that there is wood already in the fire place. It just need to be lit. It is likely with all the commotion going on that the staff just never had the spare moment to get the fires going.

Amber cracked the fire to life with a jolt from her horn and smiled, then looked around the room warily. She drew up her pendant to inspect it for any signs of a rekindling glow that wasn't just the reflections of the flames. The others shouldn't have rushed ahead before the magic returned - they were in danger out there. But there just wasn't any benefit in following them, either. She would simply have to wait until the spell regenerated before attempting to find them again.

They were so close to finding their first of the artifacts. With only a couple of clues left to find, Amber would soon be able to save Rhapsody, or at least try. She cast a long look at the soggy mess of Rhapsody's sister. She couldn't help thinking that for as different as they were, she could see a side of Harmony that resembled her erstwhile lover - forceful and possessed of their own urgency. But Rhapsody possessed a strength inside that Harmony didn't. If anypony could break the bonds of the spell Rhapsody was under, the same power that had driven Harmony herself to murder an innocent pony, it was Rhapsody.

"Right behind ya, Night."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
”Hmm. 4 Torch lead the way into darkness, yes?

Well then Night Cap. Once we get the torches. Where do we put them?”



The trio arrive at the foyer, however the room is occupied to their dismay as a quintet of multicolored ghosts occupy the room. A red one wearing a pointed hat, an orange one wearing a bowler hat, a pink one wearing a newsie cap, a blue one with a fedora, and a purple one, the only female of the group. At the sight of the ponies they all seem to focus on Static with manic grins. "Hey! Let's get'em boys!" the orange one proclaims in a manehatten accent, and all swarm after the yellow stallion.


In the hall the piebald butler has the spell prepared and enough energy to be the conduit. They begin reciting a spell in old ponish, the only word likely most will pick up on is 'Sanctum'. They glow bright gold color briefly as a golden dome erupts from their body and encapsulated the ballroom once more.

Right as Amber gets the fire going she notices that the talisman flickers with light glowing bright as it would with a full charge. Each one starting to glow brightly in tandem.


Right as the ghost close in on Static, his talisman glows rightly stopping the ghosts in their tracks, the light fading slightly as it repels them. The quintet all turning a dark purple in fear as they run off.

The ghosts don't get far as before the trio's eyes, a figure appears and and fires a golden beam of light at the fleeing ghosts, seeming to vaporize them as they fade out until only their eyes remain visible, before they too blink out. The cloaked figure looks to the trio. "Surely you're not the group here from the museum?" The voice of an older mare says in a stern voice. "I thought you'd be more competent then this. I do believe Swift Tart has some explaining to do."


Scarlet was on the verge of leaping towards Static in an attempt to shove his friend out of the way when the “Mystery Mare” showed up. As their amulets reignited with a similar g;pw to the newcomers beam attack. It didn’t take a Princess to figure out who this mare might be.

Scarlet opened his mouth to say ‘Thank You’. Then snapped it shut as her first words washed all his gratitude away. Scarlet glared at the older mare with undisguised anger.

”Excuse me! If you are who i think you are, then its you who has some explaining to do!

Swift Tart has everything he...she...can to provide with protection , while we search this place for lost ponies and counter-spell artifacts. All the while dodging ghosts like that, or ‘Rasophae’. The personality created by the Masque when it possessed the i]dying body of our friend Rhapsody!

We have done everything to solve the riddles and problems of this cursed night and, while your unexpected intervention right now was timely. You can take that reprimanding tone of voice and stick it, Mistress of Lore!

An ancient curse is loose and ponies have died here!”[/color]

Scarlet was on the verge of leaping towards Static in an attempt to shove his friend out of the way when the “Mystery Mare” showed up. As their amulets reignited with a similar g;pw to the newcomers beam attack. It didn’t take a Princess to figure out who this mare might be.

Scarlet opened his mouth to say ‘Thank You’. Then snapped it shut as her first words washed all his gratitude away. Scarlet glared at the older mare with undisguised anger.

”Excuse me! If you are who i think you are, then its you who has some explaining to do!

Swift Tart has everything he...she...can to provide with protection , while we search this place for lost ponies and counter-spell artifacts. All the while dodging ghosts like that, or ‘Rasophae’. The personality created by the Masque when it possessed the dying body of our friend Rhapsody!

We have done everything to solve the riddles and problems of this cursed night and, while your unexpected intervention right now was timely. You can take that reprimanding tone of voice and stick it, Mistress of Lore!

An ancient curse is loose and ponies have died here!”

Statice's eyes widened in terror at the sight of the ghosts, even moreso when he saw he was thier target. Unfortunately, as much as his hooves wanted to run, this night had already taught him that the ghosts always got their targets. And with a drained amulet, there was only one thing left to do. Static closed his eyes. "Tell Anchors I lo..." But then...no impact! Static opened one eye expectantly, then the other. "I'm...alive? I'M ALIVE!"

Then Scarlet chastised the mystery guest. "Uh...Scarlet! Whoever this is, she did just save my life. Could we maybe not piss her off right off the bat?"

[Even if she may be a bit patronizing...]



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Slowly, Scarlet shook his his head. Though his voice was calm and even, his tone was not a single degree warmer.

”No. vaping some ghosts and saving your life does not exempt her from being told to her face how bucking insulting it is to have s0mepony swoop in and call you borderline incompetent.

Especially if that somepony happens to be the reason you’re here in the first place!”

Static sighs. "Can't really argue against being why we're here in the first place. As far as being incompetent...this hasn't exactly been our best night ever. C'mon! We've been given half a break. Let's use it and try to figure this thing out. We're so close!"

Scarlet was on the verge of leaping towards Static in an attempt to shove his friend out of the way when the “Mystery Mare” showed up. As their amulets reignited with a similar g;pw to the newcomers beam attack. It didn’t take a Princess to figure out who this mare might be.

Scarlet opened his mouth to say ‘Thank You’. Then snapped it shut as her first words washed all his gratitude away. Scarlet glared at the older mare with undisguised anger.

”Excuse me! If you are who i think you are, then its you who has some explaining to do!

Swift Tart has everything he...she...can to provide with protection , while we search this place for lost ponies and counter-spell artifacts. All the while dodging ghosts like that, or ‘Rasophae’. The personality created by the Masque when it possessed the dying body of our friend Rhapsody!

We have done everything to solve the riddles and problems of this cursed night and, while your unexpected intervention right now was timely. You can take that reprimanding tone of voice and stick it, Mistress of Lore!

An ancient curse is loose and ponies have died here!”

The cloaked pony looks to Scarlet as he speaks up, remaining cold and collected through his whole speech; though for a moment a very brief 'blink and you'll miss it moment' she seems surprised at the new about Rhapsody but it is gone as quickly as it came as she replies. "Yes, yes. Ponies die everyday. You're not one of those bleeding hearts that cries over every last one are you? I don't see how you ever get anything accomplished that way. As for the ancient curse, well that is what I thought you lot were here for. Evil Wands, Undead Princesses, Swamp Monsters. You're supposed to be renowned for dealing with this kind of situations. Or are you telling me that my lintel is wrong?" She asks before turning her attention towards Static.

"At least one of you seems to have some common sense and respect for their elders." She comments. "And also seems humble enough to admit that you've all not handled this very well, without making it a personal crusade against the one that has ensured your survival for another few moments at least. While I still need to talk to Swift Tart, I will lend you a further hoof, so long as the blue one can remain as civil as the rest of this little party." She says and looks to Night Cap.

"I have no need for matches." She states and holds up her hoof while chanting a spell, and it ignites into flames. "I suppose you wish me to burn that goop off of you?" She says pointing the flaming hoof right at him, looking like she's willing to engulf the earth pony in flames.

Though his body language made it clear that Scarlet low opinion of the ‘Mistress of Lore’, Scarlet was more than happy to focus back on their main objective. So he nodded to Static with a faint smile and said.

”On that, i will agree with you. We have not had a good night by any stretch, but lets get back to saving the day.”

Though his body language made it clear that Scarlet low opinion of the ‘Mistress of Lore’, Scarlet was more than happy to focus back on their main objective. So he nodded to Static with a faint smile and said.

”On that, i will agree with you. We have not had a good night by any stretch, but lets get back to saving the day.”

Then his voice turned cold as he gave the elderly know-it-all a flat look.

”Respect is earned, madam. You are not entitled to it merely because you are older than me. And no, i’m not a bleed9ng pacifist. I am, however, a lot less callous than you sound. Tonights tragedies are on your head, not mine.”

Scarlet scowled. This ‘Mistress of Lorr’ acted as if she had hired them to deal with the ancient, cursed Masque she had chosen to display at a party! and was now decidedly put out that had performed “below expectations” when everything went to hell. Emerald Endeavour would not stand for such behaviour and neither would his son.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Can't really argue against being why we're here in the first place. As far as being incompetent...this hasn't exactly been our best night ever. C'mon! We've been given half a break. Let's use it and try to figure this thing out. We're so close!"

Though his body language made it clear that Scarlet low opinion of the ‘Mistress of Lore’, Scarlet was more than happy to focus back on their main objective. So he nodded to Static with a faint smile and said.

”On that, i will agree with you. We have not had a good night by any stretch, but lets get back to saving the day.”

Then his voice turned cold as he gave the elderly know-it-all a flat look.

”Respect is earned, madam. You are not entitled to it merely because you are older than me. And no, i’m not a bleed9ng pacifist. I am, however, a lot less callous than you sound. Tonights tragedies are on your head, not mine.”

Scarlet scowled. This ‘Mistress of Lorr’ acted as if she had hired them to deal with the ancient, cursed Masque she had chosen to display at a party! and was now decidedly put out that had performed “below expectations” when everything went to hell. Emerald Endeavour would not stand for such behaviour and neither would his son.

"Or I suppose we could argue some more, that's always helpful!"

[Why the hell am I...of all ponies...trying to be the rational one?]

Fnu Aw:
"I have no need for matches." She states and holds up her hoof while chanting a spell, and it ignites into flames. "I suppose you wish me to burn that goop off of you?" She says pointing the flaming hoof right at him, looking like she's willing to engulf the earth pony in flames.

"Oh no, not me. Do you have any idea how bad burning pony fur smells? No it's just that we seem to require the torches in the foyer, but these ghosts seem determined to keep us from them. So I was wondering if we had a backup option. You might be most helpful to us."

[Bless his heart!]

"Yes, the Foyer. We probably could use some help lighting the torches. I have my vices, smoking never was one of them."


Once Sanctuary was restored, Swift Tart gives a nod to Maple. "Thank you for the energy." They state before heading over to Amber and Harmony. "Is everything going okay over here? If you need to leave, I can look after this one for you?"


The Mistress looks to Scarlet. "Be careful who you judge little pony, for it is through my efforts that this is as contained as it is. The mask was always a risk, but that is why I donating it to your museum, becuase you're used to dealing with these things. Frankly at this rate, I'm surprised you lot aren't dead ten times over if this is how you always operate." She states and turns to look to the others.

She looks to Night Cap first at his suggestion of a plan b. "If you need the torches, then that is where you should focus. You don't need fire or try to make your own torches, I'd really rather not have this mansion burn down becuase you we're trying to short cut whatever task is given of you." before turning to Static. "However if you need those torches lit, then that I will help you with."

"You're not exactly seeing us at our best. One of our team leads was killed. That leaves two others who are still new to the team-lead gig still trying to grow into it. On top of that, the sister of that dead team lead has been rather angry. Understandable given her position, but it hasn't helped the over-all morale of the group. It's been a long, very bad night. So, please, maybe cut us some slack?"

Amber nodded, still throwing concerned glances in Harmony's direction. "Yes, of course, Swifty. Thank you," she said. She nodded to Misty and stepped out into the Hall.

As she is unconscious on the floor, Maple does not react to Swift tarts thanks or movement



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Misty gives Maple's forehead a gentle pat with a wingtip, then follows along after Amber.


Team Sausage Party enters the Foyer once more with the Mistress of Lore in tow. The room is a little worse for wear thanks to the little ghost party from earlier, but otherwise everything is intact, including the unlit torches; five on one side and three on the other.


Team Girl Power minus one enters the hall, the manor seems eerily quiet as the pair make their way to their destination currently unhampered by any ghostly foes.

"I believe I know what artifact is hidden in the conservatory," said Amber. "We'll retrieve it first." This had certainly been a long night; it seemed like an age since the last time Amber had stepped into the conservatory. She opened the door carefully, casting a light around again and looking for any signs of ghosts before entering.

Scarlet huffed irritably, the Lore ponys attempt to make back down only convincing him more of lack of understanding.

”i do not judge, Mistress of Lore! I merely state the facts. The fact that you the reason everything and everypony are contained within this mansion notwithstanding. You have hand;ed this situation terribly. Instead of containing the Masque away any potential prey until we could take possession of it. You invite us to a Nightmare Night party. Dis-lay the Masque in plain sight and surrounded by civillians. Treat its entire “Legend” as hokey superstition and not worth worrying about. Until ponies start dropping like flies and STOMP is left to scour the mansion while ghosts. As we attempt to find and solve the scattered puzzle that might break the Masques power.

Yes, we are the best at what we do. However, when the deck is so heaviky stacked against us. Even we have our limits.

Static is right, cut us some slack here!

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Night Cap is right that there is some secret here, that is connected to the torches. Some hidden place that is keeping a lost friend if ours safe.”

Scarlet pulled out his stack of copied Amber notes and held up all the clues related to Darkness and Light.

”4 Torch Lead the way into Darkness. Perhaps it is the order or the placement of the torches that is the key. As several of the clues speak of Knight with a K, along with references to being between Knowledge and Victory

Hmm. Are the pictures in here any help?”

Static huffs. "Blazing fires of Tartarus! Could you please just chill for a moment Scarlet. There's several ponies I'd like to chew out myself at the moment. But can it wait until after we're not in danger anymore? Let's figure out this torch thing! Maybe these three torches best line up with that center torch over there to lead the way to something."

Static walks over to the third torch in the row of five to see if there's anything behind it.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Is it safe? Misty asks. "I hope so..."



The torches couldn't be rearranged that Night Cap could find, there were only three sconces on one wall and five on the other. All were filled, so short of home renovation those torches were staying in their uneven arrangements.

The Mistress looks to Scarlet. "You had the ability to refuse the invite, don't thrust your poor decision making on me. The mask was adequately contained until this evening. It showed no signs of activity whatsoever. It was just a mask with a legend around it. I toll all the precuations that that required, and even if something did happen I had someone I trusted to deal with it. However, it seems he's dragging his hooves as well." She scoffs.

"Though I am starting to think you have too much slack with how you three can't even do a simple task like this without bickering and You can't keep quiet even when the rest of your team urges you to focus on the task at hand. I can only imagine how well previous attempts have gone if this is image you present, when dealt a bad hand. Maybe you lot need even stricter hooves to get results."

As Scarlet goes over the clues. "So what you're looking for is between the Library and Trophy room, and is connected to Knights and Torches. If 4 is a key factor, then we can disregard the side that has three as the other wall is the only one that has four torches." She states as Static goes over to the wall of five and examines the middle torch, finding only wall behind it.


As the duo enters the Conservatory, Misty quickly realizes that no, it's not safe... Not at all. The room is lit a hellish red as Rasophae seems to be waiting for them. The red flames dance around them as the room heats up unnaturally. "Ha! You think I wouldn't be ready? There's no one to help you now." She says before she twitches her eyes looking to Amber. The flames seeming to fade some as the hate and anger drains from Rasophae's eyes. Rhapsody has taken control of her body back... for now...

Help, I need somebody,
Help, not just anybody,
Help, you know I need someone, help.

When I was younger, so much younger than today,
I never needed anybody's help in any way.
But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured,
Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,
Won't you please, please help me.

And now my life has changed in oh so many ways,
My independence seems to vanish in the haze.
But every now and then I feel so insecure,
I know that I just need you like I've never done before.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,
Won't you please, please help me.

When I was younger, so much younger than today,
I never needed anybody's help in any way.
But now these daya are gone, I'm not so self assured,
Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,
Won't you please, please help me, help me, help me, oh

Is this stuck up mare incapable of accepting that Any of this debacke is HER fault!
Dear Sweet Merciful Luna! My poor decision making?

Letting out a bitter laugh, Scarlet simply shook his head. Statics words though, finally broke his building frustration. Nodding to his friend, Scarlet focused on Night Cap and the torches.

His jaw dropped. Surprised and disappointed, he eyed the earth pony.

”An iron hoof is never needed. Not here, not at any time. If that’s your idea of leading, your time will never come.


One other part of our clues stated that ‘Darkness van only be overcome mutually”.

So.... perhapsthe torches to either side of this central one mudt be lit simultaeously?”



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Amber's fear was evident, but she stood her ground, staring at the cruel mask even as, in a mix of telekinesis and scrambling hooves, she shoved Misty back into the hallway and slammed the door. "We're trying, Rhapsody," she called out, her voice breaking. She knew from before that Rasophae hadn't been able to hurt her. Rhapsody was still fighting for her. Even if they banished the spirit back to its mask, it could still take Rhapsody with it. Tears welled in Amber's eyes again. It was hard enough saying goodbye to Rhapsody as a partner, and that was only an eternal-seeming few hours ago. Rhapsody was here now.

Here I am, here I stand,
Back against the wall.
If you're gone I can't go on
Knowing it's my fault

Here and there, ponies stare
When I say your name
I can see them hurt for me
And I hear them say

Hey, you've got to hide your love away
Hey, you've got to hide your love away

How can I even try?
Could I ever win
Hearing you, seeing you
In the state you're in

How could I tell myself
"Love will find a way"?
Come out you, ghosts and ghouls
Mark the words I say

I won't let you take my love away!
I won't let you take my love away!

Amber shook like a clockwork toy but kept her eyes locked on Rasophae.

"What can I do, Rhapsody?" she shouted. "How can I free you?"


Misty ends up in a crumpled ball of hooves and wings in the hallway, too terrified to move.


The Mistress aims a hoof and with an incantation shoots off a fireball at the torches in quick succession... only for nothing to happen.

"Maybe you are missing something? Didn't you mention something about Knight? Well if that's part of the key, there are no Knights here. Mayhaps the Knights and the Torches are what is mutual?" She asks as she looks over to Night Cap and Static, ignoring Scarlet completely as she discusses with them.


Rhapsody huffed softly as she looked to Amber the mare seems somewhat wobbly on her feet, as she seems to struggle to keep this bit of control, but She seems to stabilize some through the song, trotting over to her, leaving a faint trial of blood from her injury. "I don't know how much time I have, not unless so pull some miracle out of that beautiful plot of yours." She replies with a weak smile. "The mask gets stronger as I get weaker, But..." She huffs and falters for a second before standing again. "But removing the mask, should remove the influence. On... On its own... It's just a mask. Without a host its powers are almost nothing... So here's what you do... get this bucking mask ouffa me!" Of course the mask also seemed the only thing keeping Rhapsody 'alive' but surely the alternative was better then an evil spirit using her as a puppet? "The item you want... It's on the table in the corner. Items like those used to make the mask, are what can be used to weaken it. J-Just make sure Night Cap doesn't buck this all up..."

Maple woke up suddenly, something good had happened, even if just for the moment.

"I have to go now." She said to SwiftTart, pausing a moment to look at ... no, telling her now would only be cruel if this didn't work out.

Static sighed. "I've always been better with my fists than my brain. Does anypony remember seeing any sets of armor in any of the rooms? Maybe the trophy room or..." Static scrunches his eyes trying to think. "Where does one keep armor?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlets ears perked up at Statics words.

”Suits of Armour? There’s several in the Trophy Room. A set in fact, flanking the fireplace. I don’t lnow whether they were fixed in place, but its worth a look.”

Though jis tone amd manner were calm and focused now, Scarlet was only addressing his friends. If the MoL was going to ignore him, then he would ignore. Being direct certainly wasn’t doing any good.

Scarlets ears perked up at Statics words.

”Suits of Armour? There’s several in the Trophy Room. A set in fact, flanking the fireplace. I don’t lnow whether they were fixed in place, but its worth a look.”

Though jis tone amd manner were calm and focused now, Scarlet was only addressing his friends. If the MoL was going to ignore him, then he would ignore. Being direct certainly wasn’t doing any good.

Amber nodded, still scared but resolved, and galloped to the corner to retrieve the needle and thread, tucking it into her saddlebag. "We'll get you out of there soon, Rhapsody," she said, and bolted out into the hallway.

Misty startles at first, but once she realizes it's Amber she rights herself. "Amber! V-Vhat happened?"

FOYER (Been getting this wrong for awhile now -_-):

"It could have nothing to do with this room, or it could have everything to do with it, but I do not believe that you are going to get anywhere focusing on just these torches, as it would seem the mutual part might be important that the solution is more complex then to just need one key." She states as she looks to Night Cap.


With Needle and thread in hoof Amber exits the conservatory to meet up with Misty as Maple makes her way into the hall from the ballroom.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Miss Monsoon," said Amber, in a mix of relief and worry and at least a touch of sadness. She panted, then stood straighter, levitating the needle and thread for a moment and giving it a long look as it bobbed in front of her before tucking it away again. "I have one of the artifacts. The next is in the library. We should move quickly," she said, her voice quick and clipped.

"Move qvuickly... right!" Misty picks Amber up and makes haste to the Library as fast as her bat-wings can go.


"Eep!" yelped Amber as Misty quickly conveyed her down the hallway toward the library door, all four hooves dangling like the paws of a kitten carried by its scruff.

Maple... sees misty and Amber head into the Library ... but doesn't react fast enough to stop them... being more drawn to the direction they came from rather than the one they were headed in.

Mustering all of her strength of self, Maple begins to sing ... a step per word toward where she can still taste that flicker of Love from Rhapsody... the one that woke her up... the one that's filling her with needful purpose. She needs to save that.

it starts with a murmur of a chorus.

"I remember every sunset
I remember every word you said
We were never gonna say goodbye..."

But as she passes the library Maple's voice grows to its full potential

Everyone living, dead, or nearly dead will hear her. the Song is for Rhapsody... but the words are for Misty. they might be the last Maple gets to say to her.

My heart is sinking as I’m lifting
Up above the clouds away from you
And I can’t believe I’m leaving
Oh I
don’tkno-kno-know what I’m gonna do
But someday
I will find my way back to where
Your name Is written in the sand
Cause I remember every sunset
I remember every word you said
We were never gonna say goodbye, yeah
Singing la-la-ta-ta-ta
Tell me how to get back to
Back to summer paradise with you
And I’ll be there in a heartbeat
I’ll be there in a heartbeat

My soul is broken
Streets are frozen
I can’t stop these feelings melting through
And I’d give away a thousand days, oh
Just to have another one with you
Well, real life can wait
I’m crashing like waves
Playing in the sand
Holding hoofs was grand
‘Cause I remember every sunset
I remember every word you said
We were never gonna say goodbye
Singing la-ta-ta-ta-ta
Tell me how to get back to
Back to summer paradise with you,
And I’ll be there in a heartbeat
I’ll be there in a heartbeat
Someday, I will find my way back
To where your name
Is written in the sand
Cause I remember every sunset
I remember every word you said
We were never gonna say goodbye
Singing la-ta-ta-ta-ta
Tell me how to get back to
Back to summer paradise with you
Yeah, and I’ll be there in a heartbeat
I remember where we first kissed
How I didn’t wanna leave your lips
And how I’ve never ever felt so high
Singing La-la-ta-ta-ta
So tell me how to get back to
Back to summer paradise with you
I’ll be there in a heartbeat
I’ll be there in a heartbeat
Summer Paradise
I’ll be there in a heart...


Maple drops her magic and stands before the door to the conservatory, Pushing the door open...

"Mask, I'm here to offer you a trade."


As the other ponies stand around doing nothing, The Mistress of Lore shrugs and trots off, she still needs to get answers from Swift Tart. Though as a sng suddenly rings out throught the manor she stops in her tracks. "Another of your co-workers?" She asks.


The pony pair make haste into the library, and find it to be empty allowing them time to explore and try to find what they are there for without interruption. Well that is until Maple's song rings out throughout the manor...


Maple makes her way from the ballroom to the conservatory, singing her little monster heart out. When she arrives, she's face to face with Rhapsody, the mare still weak still struggling with the mask after letting Amber get away free. She huffs and looks to Maple as she enters, there was a storm of emotions on the dark horse's face.

"You shouldn't be here. But I'm Listening."

I knew you were
You were gonna come to me
And here you are
But you better choose carefully
'Cause I’m capable of anything
Of anything and everything

Make me your Aphrodite
Make me your one and only
But don’t make me your enemy, your enemy, your enemy

So you wanna play with magic
Bug, you should know whatcha falling for
Maple do you dare to do this
'Cause I’m coming atcha like a dark horse

Are you ready for, ready for
A perfect storm, a perfect storm
'Cause once you’re mine, once you’re mine
There’s no going back

It’s in the palm of your hoof now buggy
It’s a yes or no, no maybe
So just be sure before you give up to me
Up to me, give up to me

So you wanna play with magic
Bug, you should know whatcha falling for
Maple do you dare to do this
'Cause I’m coming atcha like a dark horse
Are you ready for, ready for
A perfect storm, a perfect storm
'Cause once you’re mine, once you’re mine
There’s no going back

She’s a beast
I call her Karma
She'll eat your heart out
Be careful
Try not to lead her on
Your emotions are on steroids
'Cause her power is so strong

So you wanna play with magic
Boy, you should know whatcha falling for
Baby do you dare to do this
'Cause I’m coming atcha like a dark horse

Are you ready for, ready for
A perfect storm, a perfect storm
'Cause once you’re mine, once you’re mine
There’s no going back




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"despite what you can see in her mind Mask, Rhapsody is a friend of mine. She has suffered enough, I will do what I can to end that... I come to offer you a trade. Use her thoughts, she knows what I am... better than I do. Set her free, take me instead. Why bind yourself to a host who is growing weaker by the moment? when you could so easily have one that is not only strong, but would provide you with an unlimited source of energy."

Maple moves closer to them... her hooves outstretched, offering one last hug to Rhapsody.

Static follows after the Mistress of Lore as well. He pricks his ears as she notes the music. "Yeah, sounds like Maple. What's she up to?" When the response from Rhapsody, suspicion turns to horror. "Maple? What the buck are you DOING!" Static starts off towards Maple.

As he heard the singing, a prickle of doubt started at the back of his neck.

”No, she couldn’t...”

The prickle grew more as the song continued.

”She wouldn’t...”

Then the response started. Scarlet lept into the air with a yelland flew after Ststic.


Maple, you foolish filly! This won’t help anypony!”

Not meeting the level of resistance she expected, Maple could only assume the mask itself had now assumed direct control of the composite entity -so she'd have to work fast. The rest of her friends were very smart ponies... it wouldn't take them any time at all to figure out what she was planning, especially since she'd made sure they all heard her song.

close enough now...

Maple's forelegs reach around the other creature. with her face now as close to the distorted form of her friend's that, one might question if her next move was to be a kiss, Maple instead whispers.

"I guess I'm tired of wearing masks..." pulling back quickly, Maple's form shifts back to that of her pint-size pudgy pegasus persona..but with one addition...she was 'dressed in' the side-kick costume she'd shown Rhapsody way back when in happier times.

"The heroic heart beats eternal, Neither of us is destined for villainy old chum." Maple smiles with a wink, that she hopes cuts through all the layers of anger and hurt and doubt to reach that heroic heart that was what was still keeping Rhapsody in there... lost in all that darkness... Maple hoped there was still this last chance to show Black Night the way back up to the light.

Maple instigates combat: Sneak Attack healbomb on Rhapsody

"SWEET SUGAR CANDY BLAM!!!!" Maple's Surprize sneak attack of

Using all the love the little bug girl has gained in all the years since the Princess' magic first knocked her out of the sky Maple Bursts into a nova of positive energy... wave after wave of white light burst outward from her tiny little body.

Spoilers warning for season 6, if you don't know where I'm going with this.

As Misty set Amber down at the library door, Amber stopped before opening it, as Maple's song rang out.

"Miss Jack?!" said Amber, looking back down the hallway, then looking to Misty with concern and confusion.


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