[IC] STOMP Super Spooktacular Special!


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple took the small device from Static and nodded, waiting to hear what Scarlet and anypony else had to say.

"Now Static, are we really sure little maple here yelling her lungs out is really the best idea? That is likely to attract a lot of attention to her and any of those with her..."

"I'm a monster too, remember? maybe having all the ghost come after me will let you all complete the mission while we talk shop or have a tea party or whatever it is us monster do in our spare time." Maple's words were a little curt ... but she had no more malice in her for their new friend, they meant well - so the smile she gave was genuine.

"Besides, maybe - just maybe if that isn't what happens, perhaps at least two members of this family might cry at my funeral instead of spitting on my casket."

"Don't let the words of others color your perception of yourself. You are a monster, by some ponies definition. But more importantly, you are a hero. You saved Rhapsody, something I didn't even think was possible. We still got to remove the mask, but at least she's in control. You removed the biggest threat we've been dealing with. You are about to save Symphony too. You've been immensely helpful in all that." They say and trot closer and lean down to her.

"Don't let Harmony's words get to you. She means well, I think. This just isn't a good night for her. First her sister dies and is possessed, then another gets lost in a haunted house, then her mother that she thinks is dead shows up with no remorse or love for her family. Then there's the whole possessed killing things... I'm not saying it excuses her attitude, but I think she's lashing out at you guys cause she... well... can't do anything else to vent... I'm just kinda surprised she's not had a complete breakdown. Your stronger then she is in every way that counts. Remember that, let that drive you more then her words. I want you to come back here, because there is something I want to share with you when I am able."

"I'll do my best to shoot for the tea party then."
Maple smirked, before launching into a hug.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet stood, getting more and more frustrated. Yes, he felt this plan was a good one. However, Maples cheerful talk of 'Either i'll have a tea party, or i'll die' rankled him. A lot.

"I would rather that," he said in a forced calm tone, "you survive this and complete the mission with us. There has been quite enough death for my liking already.

Is there no better way to signsl than playing bait? Nothing?"
Ignoring the part about him going with Harmony to find Symphony, because he wasn't sure he'd be that much more of a friendlier face than anypony else. As well as the fact he doubted Harmony trusted him any more now than she had earlier tonight.

He also wondered if Ambers teleportation ability could help.

Amber nodded belatedly, preoccupied with the closed door as if expecting it to say something or perhaps turn into an orange. "Of course, Mr. Cap," she said, nodding again. Amber's only focus until now had been finding the artifacts, but Symphony needed their help, too. "You're right. Let's go." She followed him down the hallway to return to the Foyer.

Misty follows her group, sporadically glancing back at the door with apprehension.

With the plan decided, both groups head off to their goals as they enact their plan to save Symphony.


As Static got into position, he took out the Morse Code transmitter and started tapping.


[Probably just a bunch of beeps to her, but no point in half-assing it just because.]



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maybe Maple should have mentioned she had no idea how this thing worked... but when the bleep bloops went off it could only be the signal.


Static activates the armor switch and runs into the hallway to see if it worked. "Please-let-this-work-please-let-this-work-please-let-this-work!"

Scarlet fidgeted as frustration, anger and desperation boiled around in him.

"When we get your sister out of there. Be ready to bolt for the ballrom with her and do not look back," he said to Harmony as they waited for the hidden door to open.

Amber nodded and reached out with her magic to grasp the torches, intending to draw them down into a tidy orbit around her. Ever since her unexpectedly musical conversation with Snowy Skies, she knew better than to question Night Cap's magical acumen - which she consciously reminded herself once again.

Reservations about cleansing spells aside, Amber considered that this mansion would need a powerful cleaning staff by the time they were done with it. She glanced over Night Cap, somehow still inexplicably dripping with ectoplasmic goo.

"And put that mask back in the Reneighssance collection," Amber said with a determined nod and a stamp of her hoof.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" Maple squeaks, bolting straight upward at Amber's words. Then turning quickly in the air she tells them to

"RUN!" shooing them away with her wings and forehooves Maple explains quickly

"We got help and figured it out so I'm here at this switch and I'm drawing the ghosts away so the others can save Symphony... you can't be here... <breath>... you should go help them Harmony doesn't have any protection, if I can't hold them here until Rhapsody's sisters are safe again ..."

tears began to well up at the corners of her eyes, this was not supposed to be how it happened...



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Amber shook her head as Maple rapid-fire protestations wound up to a stop. She glanced at Night Cap and then spoke. "Maple, we're not going anywhere. If you're certain about these ghosts, then Mr. Cap and I will take you straight back to the ballroom. Where is everypony else? Surely they didn't send you here all by yourself."

"That was the plan... I was going to save all the ponies." She says to Amber while continuing to try and move them back toward the door.. turning to Night Cap she adds.

"no, not glory, not fast... I'm going to keep them here as long as I can... please go." Maple didn't want any of her friends to be the next corpse, if somebody had to... maybe this was the best way.

"Hmph," said Amber with an indignant swing of her head, and the little pegasus pony found herself lifted up in a ball of crackling rose-gold light. "Well, I shall simply have to speak to whomever is responsible then. Mr. Cap?" she said with a nod, as she began towing Maple out into the hallway.


"this was My plan.... leave me here but yes go talk to the others." Maple struggles mightily, but telekinesis is not a physical restraint

while Maple's heart filled with joy and her courage redoubled after hearing Night Cap's words, she still didn't want them around her right now... she was nearly completely drained, agitated to no end thanks to Harmony and she plain had no idea how she'd managed not to eat anypony. After all that's happened since she learned her own secret... this was as worried about it that she'd ever been... she'd changed somehow when she helped Rhapsody, but Maple had no idea what had happened... Misty had seen, but they loved each other... how would anypony else react if she had to ...

it was all too much, this was supposed to be simple... let the others save the day, and fight to her last breath if need be.

Maple hung her head, resigned that her friends cared about her too much to let her fight alone... what a horrible turn of events. Maybe Harmony -and Rhapsody before her were right, maybe she had somehow brainwashed every pony at the keep.

"You can put me down Amber."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Amber set the little Changeling down but seemed to keep an eye on her, as if Maple were likely to sneak back to the foyer when nopony was looking.


"I'm not going to go back... let's just go help the others." Maple says, after Amber put her down

As Static and Maple activated their switches, those in the hall could hear the sound of ancient gears turning as the wall suddenly started to rumble and slide away, revealing a dark room barely by a few candles that showed off the horrors found with in. A room with skulls and old dried blood, a examine table that still had the remains of some unfortunate subject still on them... and there cowering in the corner was a little gray unicorn that seemed to scared to move, maybe not even aware of what was going on around her...


Diving forward into the room, Scarlet could swear he felt the malevolence emenating from everything in it. Quickly pulling out his lasso out, Scarlet reached out for the seemingly oblivious Unicorn.

"Symphony, it's me Scarlet. Harmonys here too. We've come to save you. Take you back to where it's safe. Come on Sym, lets get you out of this place.

Harmony, she's here. She's scared out of her wits, but she's ok. Be ready to help me carry her and run for the ballroom when we come out."


Moving as quickly and gently as he could, Scarlet moved to hoist Symphony up and on his back, then used his lasso to tie her safely to him. Turning back to the door, he hurriedlt moved out of the detestable place.

"Grab hold of this rope and the love of the Princessess don"t let go. Now run!"

With that, Scarlet made a beeline for the ballroom and safety for Rhapsodys sisters!

Static runs out into the hallway to see if the switches worked. He sees Scarlet carrying Symphony. "Thank Luna it worked. Is she alright?"


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