[IC] STOMP Super Spooktacular Special!


Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Oh hey there everypony... there's another body in the library, we'll have to tell somepony about it." Maple says, calling out to the other team

"Another body?" Static's ears drooped. "Damn this night!" He gave a heavy sigh. "We found another clue."

Scarlet merely groaned at Maples blunt revelation.

"We found an unpleasant librarian ghost and... problems."

Rhapsody looked to the other team as the looked beat up and more slime coated then usual, however those purple eyes of hers seems to focus intently on Static, as if watching every little move he made.

Static was oblivious to Rhapsody's study of him. The night had visibly taken its toll. Joints crackled as he rolled his neck. He hoof went up to his forehead to soothe away a headache. As his hoof his his mask instead of his forehead, he wearily took it off, revealing some nasty scaring and an increasingly cataracted eye from where he'd gotten all scratched up. Weariness just seemed to flow off of him. "You mean problems aside from ghosts and yet another dead body? Luna!" He blew a long heavy sigh. "Well, out with it. What did you find out?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Ahhhhh... vell... erm..." Misty fidgets nervously as she notices Rhapsody's glare.

Amber deflated at the news of another innocent pony's death, but nodded at the clue Caldwin offered and copied it into her notes. Take a stab - it must have something to do with that troublesome clue about knives and pans.

She looked herself over again with chagrin. She wanted a shower, but if she even had a comb or some kind of -

"Ah, Miss Monsoon?" she said to Misty. "Might I have your assistance?"

"Sure, I guess...? Vhat do you need?"

Static perks up a bit at Misty's hesitation. He looks as Misty glances to Rhapsody, only then realizing Rhapsody was studying him. Then when Misty all too eagerly breaks off to talk to Amber, he drops the mask, almost horrified to ask the question."Guy's? What's going on?"

She craned her neck as she gestured with her muzzle at her goopy back, while setting her notes in her saddlebag a safe distance away. "I seem to have acquired a problem to which I think one of your water blasts might be just the solution."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Rhapsody huffs and turns away from Static as the mask drops. It wasn't hard to tell that she seemed to be rather upset about something, but she was trying to not act on it. Even if Scarlet was right... well she's still deeply wounded by what happened, and it was hard for her to just let go of that... wither it was her own stubbornness of the Mask's influences she couldn't be sure of, and either way acting on them wouldn't do anypony any good.

"Oh... right."

Misty obliges and gives Amber a rinse, using a more gentle water spray.

The fact that Rhapsody apparently didn't want to tell him, and seemed more than a little pissed off at him for whatever it was...coupled with the fact that Misty and Amber were straight up ignoring him, Static became even more edgy. "Guys? Seriously? What the buck is going on?"

Amber thanked Misty and gave herself a light shake, still sopping wet but at least somewhat freed of the slime. It was only just settling in for her that she was seeing Rhapsody back to normal, finally, after all of this. Rhapsody seemed upset by something and it didn't seem best for Amber to approach her, but still she smiled warmly in the pegasus's direction.

Still, she was perplexed by Static's question and looked around the group. Maple was cheery and entirely bereft of tact, Rhapsody seemed upset, Scarlet was focused on the mission - it seemed like a very ordinary state of affairs. But Rhapsody did seem distrustful of Static. Amber didn't know what might have happened between the two of them while Amber was avoiding the Mistress, but of course, Static had certainly seen Rhapsody the last time he saw Rhapsody, so should know what upset her, and ever since then he'd been with Amber herself. Was it something they'd found? But what could that have to do with Static?

What did she know about Static tonight? Angry at everything, recently on a date night with a Siren in Pony form, probably the one the mask used to stab Rhapsody in the first place, although Amber hadn't mentioned that suspicion to anypony -

"Oh, ah," said Amber, looking back and forth between Static and Rhapsody. "I wonder if she might still be upset that you stabbed her, Static. Rhapsody, dear, we've all been brainwashed to attack somepony at some point or another, haven't we?"

Scarlet felt as if his chest was squeez9ng his heart. Now Static was here, now he could be told. Scarlet almost choked and ran sway. Afraid of how his friend would react to manipulation, mind control and bloody murder.

He almost ran.

However, if tonight had taught him anything. It's that there was no running away, no going back.

Stepping closer to Static, Scarlet tried to smile. It came more sad and pained.

"The pony we...found...in the library. Before she got so hysterical the ghost attacked her, she...added the last piece of information to who it was that attacked Amber and Rhapsody...

Or in this case, the pony unfortunate enough to be mind-whammied by the spirit of the masque into attacking them...

Static, she was terrified of us. Terrified...of you.

Luna curse me for this. She saw you attack Amber and Rhapsody.


For the love of the moon princess don't freak out on me Static. You've seen what the masque spirit 'Rasophae' can do. You've felt its power. You've also seen how other ponies tonight have reacted to us. Buck it! You've seen what 'Rasophaes' minions did to Harmony.

You didn't do this, but the masque used you all the same.

Static... I'm sorry."

Then, in a strained voice. He layed out all the clues they had about the killer, plus the (now dead) ponies scared accusations.

The killer was a Stallion, with blue eyes, clearly under mind control and was the color of fear.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"...oh dear..."

Static's eyes widened. "No! No...I didn't!" His eyes squeezed tightly shut as he shook his head fitfully. "I...I couldn't!" *flash of steel* "I would never..." *splash of blood* "Amber? Rhapsody? I couldn't..." *heat of rage, move in for the kill, hero pegasus leaps in front of the target* "No no no no no!" Static's knees buckle as he collapses to the ground. "I...I..."

I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
And I'll fear no evil because I'm blind to it all
And my mind and my knife they comfort me
Because I know I'll kill my enemies when they come

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell on this earth forevermore
Still I walk beside the still waters and they restore my soul
But I can't walk on the path of the right because I'm wrong

'Cause I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
And I'll fear no evil 'cause I'm blind
And I walk beside the still waters and they restore my soul
But I know when I die my soul is damned

Static looked up to Scarlet, tears streaming down his face. "Kill me," he pleaded. "If what you're saying is true...if I can be manipulated into...into..." His eyes squeezed shut as he shook his head fitfully again. "Please, don't even allow me the chance of doing it again."

"Static, NO! Ve... ve saw... Harmony as vell... so, next time, it could be any vone of us..."

Amber had walked back toward Static after his odd question and nodded as Scarlet spoke, then looked at Rhapsody again, slowly recognizing that Rhapsody was focusing on Static.

And then Static imploded. Amber squinted, cocked her head, somehow not entirely certain what she was looking at. She slung her saddlebag back to her with her magic and buckled it on, then turned to Rhapsody.

"Oh Rhapsody, dear, really, hasn't everypony been brainwashed to attack somepony at some point or another?"

Amber seemed to consider this momentarily and then simply nodded approvingly.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
At Static despairing cry, Scarlets eyes blazed!

"NEVER! Not a Breezie in Tartarus chance, Static!"

Reaching down, Scarlet his friend up and stared at him.

"Static, listen to me. Listen to us! You aren't the only pony the masque has used tonight! Hell, if things had worked out differently, any one of us could have been in your place right now.

You aren't responsible for this. Its what 'Rasophae' preys on. Darker emotiond. Rage, fear, paranoia. Any #%^@^ in a ponies mind it can get into, it will. You, Rhapsody, Harmony.

This whole night has been masterminded by the masque itself. Using and discarding anypony it can get a hook into."

Scarlet then tapped the medallion Static wore.

"Three important things to note here Static. Ever since we left the ballroom. We've had these to protect us from the ghouls magic. Ever since then, you have been with us and, barring a sgorter temper than usual. You have not succumbed to anyth9ng!

Most importantly though. Maple has manahed to subdue the spirit, for now. We all need to work fast to rescue Symphony and pull together the artefacts needee to seal the twisted magic. All of of us!

Static. I will not kill you. Nopony here will. Not mow. Not ever!"

Amber had walked back toward Static after his odd question and nodded as Scarlet spoke, then looked at Rhapsody again, slowly recognizing that her aura of distrust was focused on Static.

And then Static imploded. Amber squinted, cocked her head, somehow not entirely certain what she was looking at. She slung her saddlebag back to her with her magic and buckled it on, then turned to Rhapsody.

"Oh Rhapsody, dear, really, hasn't everypony been brainwashed to attack somepony at some point or another?"

Rhapsody huffs and nods some. "I suppose so." She replies, there was still anger there it was hard not to. Even though she knew better.

"Not me. I'm immune to that sort of thing."

Rhapsody huffs with a shake of her head. "Of course you are, you'd have to have a mind worth taking first."

Static seemes shocked awake by Scarlets words, though less than convinced as he gives a stiff nod in return. "You keep an eye on me. I may be fine now. But if that thing works it's way into my head again...just...don't let me." He looks around. b]"We've found everything there is to find in the dining room. Probably better we don't go into the library right away. So...where to?"[/b]

"We were going to go to the room with the torches."
Maple sighs.

2color=#ff0000]"Yes. The Trophy Room seems like it has something to give us still. The torches, the knights. It has to fit somewhere. If not for the overall victory, then at least letting us find Symphony.

Static, don't go second guessing yourself now. Just focus on what we're doing right now."[/color]



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Do you want a hug Static?" Maple asks, tapping him on the side with her wing.

Static, don't go second guessing yourself now. Just focus on what we're doing right now."

Static gives a stiff nod. "Right. You're right. Let's get to it then."

Destron D-69:
"Do you want a hug Static?" Maple asks, tapping him on the side with her wing.


"No! Thanks. I'll be fine. Just give me a moment."

"Wherever we go, Static needs to be on a different team then me." Rhapsody speaks up as she looks to the group, she takes a deep breath and looks to Static. "I-its not because I don't trust you. No. ...It's... It's because I don't trust myself." She says turning away from all of them. "It's dormant right now, but I can still feel it, hear it almost... And I am still deeply wounded... every time I look at Static it's like it hurts more... And it makes me angry... and that's what it wants. It feeds on the negative feelings we have, and it has a deep we! ll of them with me." She says with a mocking laugh towards herself for a moment. "If we're on the same team, I'm not sure if I'll stay in control. Really I'm a danger to all of you... But more so the longer I'm around him." She says digging her hooves into the ground and clenching her eyes. Everything was telling her she should be mad, that she should lash out and wallop Static for what he did to her, to just pummel him into the ground... but she couldn't do that... well no... she could... it'd be easy... No one here could really stop her with how strong she was... no... no... she can't do that because that's the masque speaking, whispering and trying to stir up her darker thoughts and emotions. "Whatever you decide... do it quick!"

"More than understandable." Static agrees with a nod. "I'll go with Maple and Scarlet since they already have a destination in mind. It'll get me out of your site quicker."

Maple gives Static a Hug anyway.

"Thank you Static, I didn't want to go back to the kitchen... and that was the only other place we could think of."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
[If you return the hug, she's going to know you were lying about needing the hug.]


[Buck it!]

Static returns the hug. "I think I should be thanking you," he replies. He casts a glance to Scarlet. "Both of you."

Turning to the others Maple asks.

"Please be careful Rhapsody, remember you're stronger on the inside than you are on the outside." Maple smiles warmly at Misty. She didn't want to leave her... but she also wasn't sure which group would be safer for her, so she didn't ask her to come with her. Isolating Static was a must though,

... Maple was so happy Amber was here... she was a good leader.

Static sighed. "That's where Maple, Scarlet and I were planning on going." Knowing full well these rooms had been prickly all night about letting more than three ponies in at a time, Static wasn't sure what to say to Night Cap. Truth was, he didn't care who went where. But he needed to get out of the general vicinity of Rhapsody and Amber sooner rather than later and he had no desire to have an in depth discussion about who should go where.

Amber looked around the group with growing concern. Having Rhapsody back traded Amber's fear and drive to save her with her more pedestrian guilt about abandoning her in the first place. She'd found herself still avoiding Rhapsody's eyes even as she spoke to her. As Rhapsody spoke, Amber nodded and considered, then spoke to nopony in particular.

"I'm convinced that the path to finding Symphony begins between the Trophy Room and the Library. We also know that one of the artifacts is still in the trophy room."

She spread out her notes again and began making an updated copy for the other group, not coincidentally allowing her to disappear behind the cloud of paper.

"This new clue about stabbing might fit with the one about a knife. But what kind of lowbrow eatery? Hmm, I believe Static has some expertise in that area. But if we had the last clue, the pairs would be obvious."

Amber began to draw the notes back together. "But we've never found an Artifact clue in the Conservatory, even when we found the Needle and Thread there. Would it be wise for some of us to check there while the others return to the Trophy Room?"

Without her shield of papers, Amber turned and now seemed to be addressing the wall, looking in the direction of the Ballroom. "And, hmm, ah, wouldn't Rhapsody be safer with Swifty than coming with us?" she asked.

Static sighed again. "I don't care who goes where. Night Cap wants to go with Maple and Scarlet, that's fine. I guess I'll head to the conservatory."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Caring is what's going to get us through this Static." Maple says.

"I just...!" Here Statics voice breaks. "I care! I bucking care to the point it bucking hurts! I just...want to get moving and get this Luna damn night over with! I can't...I just...I can't keep this pace. Rhapsody needs me to get out of her face...now! I need to get away from Rhapsody and Amber...same reason. I just...I can't take much more of this. Can we just please make a decision and get going?"

Amber groaned. "Night Cap, you're with us. Miss Monsoon," Amber said with a nod to Misty. "We'll head to the conservatory. Static, Maple, Scarlet, head to the trophy room. Rhapsody," Amber almost seemed to wince at addressing her, "Come with us, and you can decide whether to follow on to the conservatory or wait in the ballroom with Swifty." Amber set off down the hallway toward the Conservatory.

Scarlet nodded sharply.

"Roght then, let's go."

While he did sympathise with Static anger and frustration about this entire night. Especially regarding recent revelations.

However, he was also a little irritated by the eath ponies 'just bucking get on with it!' outburst. Despite how insurmountable things seemed, the had to stsy calm. They had to stay focused.

Still, he wondered sadly. Were their positions reversed, could he have handled all that horror any better than his friend.

Rhapsody turned and walks over to Static, she takes a deep breath and then smacks him in the back of the head. "Pull it togeather! You're right, this isn't a good night. This just seems to keep going... but you need to be better, We all do." She says as she looks to him, as blunt as always. "I don't trust myself around you, that doesn't mean I want you gone, not the way you make it sound. Everything here tonight is my fault, both directly and indirectly. I wasn't able to get to Canterlot to protect my mother.... and becuase of that this all happpened, then the mask uses ny anger and guilt an! d pain and takes it out on you and all the party goers. I don't want to hurt anypony else damnit." She says and then trots over to Amber. "You're the only one I feel safe around right now... Rasophae could never hurt you and I was able to get some semblance of myself in your presence. Even if it might be one sided, I still love you. I love you deeply enough that not even in my worst places am I able to hurt you, which seems to help those you're around as well..." She says with a huff. "I'd rather be with you then in the Ballroom... I-I don't know if I can face my mother right now... Harmony could probably use my help but... Luna damn this night. I want to save everypony... but every step I'm questioning everything I do... "




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Amber stopped and turned to listen. She couldn't help thinking that everything tonight really had been her fault, but she frowned and didn't say anything. She nodded as Rhapsody addressed her, still avoiding her eyes, and when Amber spoke, her voice was small and guarded. "Alright, you should come with us to the conservatory." She nodded again, as if convincing herself, and headed to the Conservatory door.

"Stay safe, okay?" Misty gives a bittersweet smile to Maple before turning to follow Amber.

Static silently nods his thanks for the support and heads to the trophy room.

As he turned to follow Static, Scarlet said.

"The only one to blame for this Luna forsaken night, is 'Rasophae'. Nopony else. Just the malignant spirit of the masque preying on our doubts and fears. It caused this. Now lets fix it."

Maple Returns the smile and follows the two boys.

"It would be better if we all weren't so bucking angry with everything all the time though." She says, bringing up the underlying reason why this spirit worked so well against them.

"We might need to all go on a vacation."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Once more our so-called heroes split up to try and end this never ending nightmare. Scarlet escorts the murder and the monster to the Trophy room, where luckily Static will find the room is now ghost free, the Haunting Hunter having moved on, allowing the trio to try and find Symphony.

Meanwhile Rhapsody follows the wench, the slime-ball and Misty to the conservatory, where Night Cap learns that he's previously been the the conservatory, the fancy Green House where the changeling had her little explosive emotional outburst that turned the night on its head. The room seemed vacant, but after finding a sleeping ghost and the horror that came from waking it, who knows if it really is.



Static begins to look around at the trophy room once he enters. After his recent melt-down, he isn't quite sure what to say to the others, so he remains silent.

"This night seems to exist purely to keep emotions as high as possible," Scarlet murmured softly in response to Maples words.


Once they entered the Trophy Room, Scarlets eye was again drawn to the two sets of knightly armour in the room. Pulling out his copied notes, Scarlet read aloud the broken riddles abou knights and darkness and torches.

"We are so close. We have to be.

Between Victory and Knowledge seems like it could means between here and the Library. Maybe?

We are going to get through this Static."


Static turns a weary glance to Scarlet. "We?"

[You think I give one bucking flying feather about myself?]

"This is a conservatory, Mr. Cap. Mind the rosebush, there's a trapdoor," said Amber as they entered. "Mr. Signal and I searched this room once before, and it's where we found the needle and thread, but I believe there may still be secrets hiding here."


Yay, not at all a bad roll!



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Maybe that part means the wall between the rooms? or the wall of this room that's closest to the Library?" Maple suggested... these clues were so weird, they messed up her head map of the building something awful... in her head it looked like a detailed blueprint of the floor plan - but it was covered in multiple colours of crayon notes and pictures and big black X -es where things were crossed off and scary ghosts moved around on it.

but that was just a distraction they needed to find Symphony.


Maple just puts her wings and hooves in front of her eyes and sighs... why couldn't she be smart?

2color=#ff0000]"Yes, We."[/color] Feeling almost as weary as Static sounded, Scarlet just shook his head.

"That includes you, Static."

Static found he had no good comeback for Scarlet. In fact, if Static were to be totally honest with himself, he'd have to acknowledge Scarlet was right and if their positions were reversed, he'd probably be saying much the same.

But he was much to weary to be totally honest with himself at the moment. He just wanted to find the rest of the clues so he could save his friends. So with a bit of a scoff and an eye roll, he continued searching.

Misty apprehensively picks up random pieces of furniture to check underneath.


maple Maple'd about while the boys made faces at each other



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Trophy Room:

Static stumbles about finding that he really isn't sure what he is looking for, while the bug finds herself to be completely useless for anything that didn't involve hugging. Scarlet however recalls that the info they have mentioned Knight, and starts to examine the suits of armor. The one of the left is standing straight and completely ridged and unmoving, the one on the right however is doing a salute, and pushing on the arm finds that it seems to move, and then slowly retract back into position... however nothing seems to happen...


Not sure what he's looking for and still brooding about having tried to kill Amber and nearly killing Rhapsody, Static's head just wasn't where it needed to be. As Scarlet examined the suit of armor, Statics ears perk as the arm of the armor moves. "What was that?" He turns to face the sound and sees Scarlet. "You find something?"

"Oh thank goodness!" Maple whinnies, rushing over and giving Scarlet a hug.

As Maples tiny form hit him with a tackle hug, Scarlet caught her wing a wing and chuckled.

"While i appreciate the sentiment, pint-size. I haven't avtually found anything major yet. Just a piece of something."

Turning to Static, Scarlet waved a wing at the saluting armour.

"i noticed that the armours are posed differently. This one salutes, while the other stands to attention. When i touched it, the saluted arm moved, like a lever, though nothing avtually happened...


Wait a minute."
Pulling out his notes, Scarlet riffled through them, until he found the clues that all seemed to l8nk to darkness and knights.

And Symphony.

"One of these clues talks about beating the darkness mutually. So i'm guessing that if there's a hidden switch here, there might be another somewhere else. I mean, i doubt our luck is running so good as to hand us the whole thing right now.

So. What do you two think? Take a look at our clues and see if you can see where we might look next.

We also have that "4 Torch" clue to solve."


Maple has a ponder as she lets go of Scarlet.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"4 torches...the knights have 4 hands for holding.


Never mind. I'm just speaking out loud. I'm no good with riddles!"

"do we put a torch in the gauntlet of the one with the moving foreleg? or maybe the other ones? or Maybe all 4 and then move the foreleg of the one that has the moving one..." Maple scritched her head with a feather.

"it's possible.

'Knight and Light combine to drive Darkness Away'.

First things first though, can these Knights actually hold anything in their hooves?

If not... then the torches need to be placed somewhere. Hmm..."

Examining the Knights armour nore closely, Scarlet look for notches or slots. Somewhere to place say, a torch handle.


If they were right, there were very close to finding their lost friend. If not... At least they had another piece of the puzzle.


Both Misty and the Slimed Crusader find they are very successful at finding nothing at all. The wench however seems to luck out as she stumbles over a clue, a peice of paper that seems to have survived Rasophae's flames. "Stumped? Maybe a review in this room will give you an inkling."

Trophy Room:
Scarlet upon closer inspection of the armor finds nothing. Absolutely Nothing. Neither armor is designed to hold anything.


Static walks up behind Scarlet and looks over his shoulder? "Find anything? If not, we should probably try to keep ahead of the ghosts."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Pony Feathers! I thought we had it this time!" Maple stomps her hoof on the floor.

Static, not quite feeling up to a hug, pats Maple on the shoulder comfortingly. This night really had gotten to them all.

"Nothing. Whatever the Knight switch connects to, it isn't here.

You're though, we'd better get moving. Although, rather than try another room, why don't we check in on the ballroom and see if Swift Tart has any ideas about hidden switches.


We might not have the answer yet Maple, but we are closer than we were before.

Lets go."

Static nods at Scarlet's suggestion. "Yeah, good idea. Maybe we can meet up with the others and compare notes. With everything we've collected so far, everything we've seen...we've got to be close!"

[Please, let us be close!]

Maple nods, agreeing to leave as well.. utterly defeated -for the moment



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Amber nodded to Night Cap and motioned him and Misty over to show them the scrap of paper. She read it aloud in monotone as she copied it into her notes. "Stumped? Maybe a review in this room will give you an inkling."

She looked over the list of remaining clues. "It must pair with this business about liquid night that seems to be about an inkwell. Perhaps it refers to the study? So that leaves the other two pairs - I think they must pair up this way." She arranged them into sets for Night Cap and Misty to consider.

"But what kind of lowbrow eatery might one find in an old mansion?"


Out in the hallway again Maple plopped her rump down and looked to either side... Ghosts? Fresh corpses? Possessed Friend or her evil Family Members?

Maple wasn't going to be caught unprepared.

"If you two are going to go see Swift tart and ... ... Harmony -Maybe I would be better off waiting here for you to get back?" Maple suggests from her sitting position. Not really looking forward to going back to that room at all... and certainly all the more, less so empty-hooved.

"I'm... almost ready to agree vith that idea..." Misty looks around nervously. "But then the ghosts vould probably get us."

"I believe that the next artifact is an inkwell in the study, and that we should make our way there," said Amber, making her way to the door. "But it won't help us find Symphony. I hope that Mr. Spectrum, Mr. Signal, and Miss Monsoon are making some progress in untangling these riddles about Knights and Darknesses."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Actually, I figure if anyone's likely to draw Harmony's ire at this moment, it's probably me. I'm for waiting for the others to come back out here and then we can decide where to go next."

"No, we can't just waste time... if going back there can help us figure this out, we can't be selfish and worry about how awkward it makes us feel." Maple got up from her rump and started stomping off down the hallway.

"Static, nothing about what we now know happened to you need be brought up in there. Harmony and, likewise, her mother, don't need to know.

We have a lead to follow with Swift Tart. A lead towards Symphony. Lets just focus on that for now.


Don't worry Static, we'll be alright."

Static forced a half-hearted grin as he looked to Scarlet. "Got Maple off her rump, didn't I?"

With a low chuckle, Scarlet grinned back and whispered.

2color=#ff0000]"Well done."[/color]



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"You should see the lengths I go to to herd Night Cap," he says with a slightly more legitimate smile. He follows Maple to meet up with Swift Tart, Harmony and the others.

"Did i ever tell you about the time the Chief sent me to go wake Night Cap up and cajole him into work because he was determined to dreamwalk his to the Snow Shark and fight it himself..."

The two teams once more split up with the Harlot's team heading off to the Study to try and retrieve another Artifact, while Scarlet's team returns to the Ballroom to get advice from Cheat Sheet Swift Tart.


As the Harlot's team approached the Study's door, Amber opens them only to find the room is already occupied. A tall lanky horse, with an ethereal mane that seemed to replace its neck as its head just floated on nothingness. Its growls at Amber as it's head rotates around while its body remains motionless to stare her team down. With a fierce roar the head launches at Amber!


Thanks the the Sanctum spell still being active, Scarlet's team finds themselves in a much better position as they enter the only safe room in the mansion. The Piebald pony trots over to them. "Oh thank Luna that you are alright. It feels like everything is much more agitated without the Masque being in control. Hopefully you bring good news?"

"I think we're on the right track at least." Maple says, urging her two smarter friends to take the lead

Since Scarlet was the one to find the clue, and to be honest, since his own head was thoroughly messed up, Static nudged Scarlet forward.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Giving Static a sidelong glance, though with an amusing smirk, Scarlet then turned to Swift Tart and briefly explained what they'd found.

Do you know of any hidden switches around the building? Any notes on other weird design quirks?

I mean, the switch doesn't do anything in the Trophy room, but it must connect to something. Right?"

Amber's eyes widened, but she moved to immediately slam the door shut again with her magic.
"Oh for pity's sake," she said in a near shout.

Misty shrinks back and cowers behind Amber.

"We split up from Rhapsody and the others so they could check the other room... I'm not sure how well they're doing.. so anything you can think of would be helpful"

Giving Static a sidelong glance, though with an amusing smirk, Scarlet then turned to Swift Tart and briefly explained what they'd found.

Do you know of any hidden switches around the building? Any notes on other weird design quirks?

I mean, the switch doesn't do anything in the Trophy room, but it must connect to something. Right?"

Swift Tart hmms softly and then eyes widen a bit. "Ah... well... Yes... Yes that would make sense." They say turning away from Scarlet for a moment as they ponder for a moment. "I know where she is, if that is where the clues are leading you. I will admit I have had some suspicion seeing as you've not found her in all the running around you have been doing all night... but with having to maintain Sanctum, I've not been able to act on it and really until now I wasn't totally sure that was the case."

Swift states as he turns around to face them. "As you may recall, I've had teams working to get this place cleaned up as best we could before this whole affair. There is a secret room between the Trophy room and the Library. It was obviously intended to be kept secret as the only way to open it is a tandem switch, that is two switches that need to be pulled within a short time period of each other. The crew found it sheerly by accident the first time." The piebald explains, taking a moment to pause and sigh. "You see, We had left the room open, Clearly a mistake on my part I realize now, as we had wanted Shadewing to look it over when she arrived..." Swift says and glances to the mare that looks to be asleep, though from the look of Harmony in the background... she might have been knocked out... "We didn't want to go through the hassle of opening it with the party going in full swing. So... I would hazard to guess that our missing guest ran off into the room and closed the door behind them. That... That is not a nice room... It is likely the room the masque was created in, which probably has not helped her panicked state."

"What you have to do is pull the 4th torch from the door and use the armor switch within minutes of each other. And then the back wall at the end of the hall between the Trophy room and Library will open up to reveal Facilier's room."


Amber and her team find themselves safe in the hallways as the ghost doesn't seem to presue them after having a door slammed in its face.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Why don't we split up? That way the time limit shouldn't be a problem. I probably shouldn't be the first face she sees."

"Maybe we should bring Harmony with us?" Maple suggests.

Momentarily relieved that seem to have finally found Symphony, his mood darkened a bit as he thought about ghosts.

"Splitting up is certainly whats needed here. Pull the torch and pull the army at roughly the same time, then run for the hallway

The ghosts out there are still as lethal as ever if provoked, as well as being more random. Although Harmony might well be a good soght for Symphony, when we get to her. Neither of them have the amulet protection we do. We need to get Symphony and get her back to the ballroom as fast as we can.

Static, what do you think? I would rather not risk anypony else, but that's not to say i'm right."

"I'll give Harmony my Amulet, she can stand where the new door will open while you two do the switches ... I can do what I can against any ghost if one should appear." Maple moves over to Harmony. "If you two run back to us out in the hallway as soon as you throw the switches... we would all be able to cover for Symphony while we run her back in here." Maple bends over and places a pensive hoof on Harmony's ... 'Are you okay with this Harmony?' Maple Whispers.

"You should check you can actually give Harmony your amulet before you make plans Maple.

And even if you can, there is no way i'm letting you out of here without an amulet. One wrong move, and you die."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Well even if I can't give mine to her, she should come with us, it might be the only way to get Symphony to come with us after something so scary having happened to her."

Maple says, looking at all the ponies in the room.

The look intensifies as nopony responds at all... If this was a one pony job she'd have left already

"While that is a most enlightened idea, I am afraid that Scarlet is correct. The medallions are non-transferable, at least while they still hold a charge. I am unable to just deactivate a single one, and doing removing the charge the other way is... well... rather risky as you all are well aware of." Swift says as he looks to the group

Harmony looks away from her mother to the little monster that touches her hoof. She huffs gives a faint nod. "Yes, I suppose I am fine with that. I am not sure I can stand to be around this... witch... any longer. And seeing as you lot are finally about to rescue my sister after your little scavenger hunt gone awry I am eager to meet up with my sister so we can at least have another competent pony to deal with this whole ordeal."


Maple's eyes turn cold, there was just no winning with this one. "Neither competence or PONY had anything to do with SAVING your other Sister, all that helped there was love."

Maple took her hoof away from Harmony's body. "That being the case it might be better for you to stay here..." maple's disgust was so powerful in that moment that her mind on its own switched her voice back to that of her changeling form just so that her 'true self' wouldn't have to say them.

"Let's go guys, hopefully, our incompetence doesn't get her hurt on the way there."

Static could see some tension rising. That was the last thing that was needed here. He decided to bring things back to task. "Okay, plan time. Maple, you and I are the ones with the best communication skills. I can signal you with this," Static says, handing Maple a morse code receiver, "and you can yell really loud. So I'll go to the armor switch. You go to the torch. I'll signal you when I'm in place and ready to go. After I signal you that I'm in place, when you're ready, pull the torch. Give me a yell and I'll activate the armor switch.

"Scarlet, it's best if you be there to greet Sym. She could use a friendly face."
Static turns to face Harmony. "It's up to you. You don't have an amulet. So leaving this room could be risky for you. But I also understand if you're anxious to meet your sister if you want to go with him."


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