[IC] STOMP Super Spooktacular Special!


Exhausted, but still standing.
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Council of Elders
Maple took the small device from Static and nodded, waiting to hear what Scarlet and anypony else had to say.

"Now Static, are we really sure little maple here yelling her lungs out is really the best idea? That is likely to attract a lot of attention to her and any of those with her..."

"I'm a monster too, remember? maybe having all the ghost come after me will let you all complete the mission while we talk shop or have a tea party or whatever it is us monster do in our spare time." Maple's words were a little curt ... but she had no more malice in her for their new friend, they meant well - so the smile she gave was genuine.

"Besides, maybe - just maybe if that isn't what happens, perhaps at least two members of this family might cry at my funeral instead of spitting on my casket."

"Don't let the words of others color your perception of yourself. You are a monster, by some ponies definition. But more importantly, you are a hero. You saved Rhapsody, something I didn't even think was possible. We still got to remove the mask, but at least she's in control. You removed the biggest threat we've been dealing with. You are about to save Symphony too. You've been immensely helpful in all that." They say and trot closer and lean down to her.

"Don't let Harmony's words get to you. She means well, I think. This just isn't a good night for her. First her sister dies and is possessed, then another gets lost in a haunted house, then her mother that she thinks is dead shows up with no remorse or love for her family. Then there's the whole possessed killing things... I'm not saying it excuses her attitude, but I think she's lashing out at you guys cause she... well... can't do anything else to vent... I'm just kinda surprised she's not had a complete breakdown. Your stronger then she is in every way that counts. Remember that, let that drive you more then her words. I want you to come back here, because there is something I want to share with you when I am able."

"I'll do my best to shoot for the tea party then."
Maple smirked, before launching into a hug.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Scarlet stood, getting more and more frustrated. Yes, he felt this plan was a good one. However, Maples cheerful talk of 'Either i'll have a tea party, or i'll die' rankled him. A lot.

"I would rather that," he said in a forced calm tone, "you survive this and complete the mission with us. There has been quite enough death for my liking already.

Is there no better way to signsl than playing bait? Nothing?"
Ignoring the part about him going with Harmony to find Symphony, because he wasn't sure he'd be that much more of a friendlier face than anypony else. As well as the fact he doubted Harmony trusted him any more now than she had earlier tonight.

He also wondered if Ambers teleportation ability could help.

Amber nodded belatedly, preoccupied with the closed door as if expecting it to say something or perhaps turn into an orange. "Of course, Mr. Cap," she said, nodding again. Amber's only focus until now had been finding the artifacts, but Symphony needed their help, too. "You're right. Let's go." She followed him down the hallway to return to the Foyer.

Misty follows her group, sporadically glancing back at the door with apprehension.

With the plan decided, both groups head off to their goals as they enact their plan to save Symphony.


As Static got into position, he took out the Morse Code transmitter and started tapping.


[Probably just a bunch of beeps to her, but no point in half-assing it just because.]



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maybe Maple should have mentioned she had no idea how this thing worked... but when the bleep bloops went off it could only be the signal.


Static activates the armor switch and runs into the hallway to see if it worked. "Please-let-this-work-please-let-this-work-please-let-this-work!"

Scarlet fidgeted as frustration, anger and desperation boiled around in him.

"When we get your sister out of there. Be ready to bolt for the ballrom with her and do not look back," he said to Harmony as they waited for the hidden door to open.

Amber nodded and reached out with her magic to grasp the torches, intending to draw them down into a tidy orbit around her. Ever since her unexpectedly musical conversation with Snowy Skies, she knew better than to question Night Cap's magical acumen - which she consciously reminded herself once again.

Reservations about cleansing spells aside, Amber considered that this mansion would need a powerful cleaning staff by the time they were done with it. She glanced over Night Cap, somehow still inexplicably dripping with ectoplasmic goo.

"And put that mask back in the Reneighssance collection," Amber said with a determined nod and a stamp of her hoof.

"OH MY GOODNESS!" Maple squeaks, bolting straight upward at Amber's words. Then turning quickly in the air she tells them to

"RUN!" shooing them away with her wings and forehooves Maple explains quickly

"We got help and figured it out so I'm here at this switch and I'm drawing the ghosts away so the others can save Symphony... you can't be here... <breath>... you should go help them Harmony doesn't have any protection, if I can't hold them here until Rhapsody's sisters are safe again ..."

tears began to well up at the corners of her eyes, this was not supposed to be how it happened...



Exhausted, but still standing.
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Council of Elders
Amber shook her head as Maple rapid-fire protestations wound up to a stop. She glanced at Night Cap and then spoke. "Maple, we're not going anywhere. If you're certain about these ghosts, then Mr. Cap and I will take you straight back to the ballroom. Where is everypony else? Surely they didn't send you here all by yourself."

"That was the plan... I was going to save all the ponies." She says to Amber while continuing to try and move them back toward the door.. turning to Night Cap she adds.

"no, not glory, not fast... I'm going to keep them here as long as I can... please go." Maple didn't want any of her friends to be the next corpse, if somebody had to... maybe this was the best way.

"Hmph," said Amber with an indignant swing of her head, and the little pegasus pony found herself lifted up in a ball of crackling rose-gold light. "Well, I shall simply have to speak to whomever is responsible then. Mr. Cap?" she said with a nod, as she began towing Maple out into the hallway.


"this was My plan.... leave me here but yes go talk to the others." Maple struggles mightily, but telekinesis is not a physical restraint

while Maple's heart filled with joy and her courage redoubled after hearing Night Cap's words, she still didn't want them around her right now... she was nearly completely drained, agitated to no end thanks to Harmony and she plain had no idea how she'd managed not to eat anypony. After all that's happened since she learned her own secret... this was as worried about it that she'd ever been... she'd changed somehow when she helped Rhapsody, but Maple had no idea what had happened... Misty had seen, but they loved each other... how would anypony else react if she had to ...

it was all too much, this was supposed to be simple... let the others save the day, and fight to her last breath if need be.

Maple hung her head, resigned that her friends cared about her too much to let her fight alone... what a horrible turn of events. Maybe Harmony -and Rhapsody before her were right, maybe she had somehow brainwashed every pony at the keep.

"You can put me down Amber."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Amber set the little Changeling down but seemed to keep an eye on her, as if Maple were likely to sneak back to the foyer when nopony was looking.


"I'm not going to go back... let's just go help the others." Maple says, after Amber put her down

As Static and Maple activated their switches, those in the hall could hear the sound of ancient gears turning as the wall suddenly started to rumble and slide away, revealing a dark room barely by a few candles that showed off the horrors found with in. A room with skulls and old dried blood, a examine table that still had the remains of some unfortunate subject still on them... and there cowering in the corner was a little gray unicorn that seemed to scared to move, maybe not even aware of what was going on around her...


Diving forward into the room, Scarlet could swear he felt the malevolence emenating from everything in it. Quickly pulling out his lasso out, Scarlet reached out for the seemingly oblivious Unicorn.

"Symphony, it's me Scarlet. Harmonys here too. We've come to save you. Take you back to where it's safe. Come on Sym, lets get you out of this place.

Harmony, she's here. She's scared out of her wits, but she's ok. Be ready to help me carry her and run for the ballroom when we come out."


Moving as quickly and gently as he could, Scarlet moved to hoist Symphony up and on his back, then used his lasso to tie her safely to him. Turning back to the door, he hurriedlt moved out of the detestable place.

"Grab hold of this rope and the love of the Princessess don"t let go. Now run!"

With that, Scarlet made a beeline for the ballroom and safety for Rhapsodys sisters!

Static runs out into the hallway to see if the switches worked. He sees Scarlet carrying Symphony. "Thank Luna it worked. Is she alright?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
With everypony Running Maple shifts to Gryphon mode... the extra claws and teeth might not do anything against a ghost... but it couldn't hurt less than her stubby pony hooves.

Grinning as he saw Static, Scarlet.

"You know how Swifty described what the hidden room would be like?

He was putting it lightly. Symphonys alive and unhurt. And really really scared."

"Sweet Luna," Static mutters. "Nopony's getting out of this night unscathed it seems. Let's get her to safety fast."

Misty charges ahead, aiming to throw open the ballroom doors so Scarlet wouldn't have to stop or slow down on his way to getting Symphony to safety.


Unfortunately she can't even keep up with his frantic pace, so she ends up running just slightly behind him...

"When this night is over with. I vote we get the Princesses to obliterate this place for good. As well as getting our so very caring mistress of lore the help she needs. Anything to stop this from happening again!"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
As the stronger runners and fliers charged ahead, Amber began to curse her lack of any magical means of running faster or her inability to teleport through walls. She was the last to arrive at the secret chamber, flicking a beam of light into the room and taking in the horrible sights on display as the others led Symphony out.

Claws digging in Deep in the floor of the Hallway, Maple skids into a full turn and stop. dug in deep blocking everypony else behind her ... if the ghost were attracted by her call, and found that room empty, they'd have to come searching this way... so she ROARED...

as Deeply and Ferociously as she could muster. and started to back herself toward the door where the others were headed.

"Don't you bucking DARE Maple! Get back here!"

Static fliches at the roar and looks back. "Maple? What the buck are you doing? I thought we agreed that nopony else dies!" Static turns back to bring Maple back to safety, kicking and screaming if need be.

The opening of that horrible room seemed to ripple across the mansion. The nightmares within that had paralyzed the poor little unicorn seemed to emanate from its chambers and as the group ran, it started to become apparent that the ghosts are on high alert. Maybe Maple had been right about getting their attentions, but it all seemed moot now as they didn't just focus on the changelings, they were chasing everypony as they too made their way to the ball room. Harmony stayed close to Scarlet keeping an eye on her sister as the cobalt pony carried Symphony, slowly the other members of STOMP joining them in their race to get to their sanctuary. Though the screams and wails of the ghosts soon w! ere drowned out other voices... as a diffrent sound filled the air... Music... The music of the Hex Mares...

You ready Emerald? Uh-huh. Amethyst? Ok. Ghosts? Yeah! Alright ghouls... LET’S GO!

The ghost all geared up as they started to focus their assult on the ballroom doors and any that tried to get close. They seemed just as interested in ending this as the STOMP team were...
oh, it's been getting so hard
Livin' with the things done to me, ah-ha
My dreams are getting so strange
I'd like to tell you everything I see, mm

Oh, I see a mare at the back as a matter of fact
Her eyes are red as the sun
And a filly in the corner, let no one ignore her
'Cause she thinks she's the passionate one

Oh, yeah, it was like lightning
Everypony was frightening
And the music was soothing
And they all started grooving
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

And the mare at the back said, "Everyone attack!"
And it turned into a ballroom blitz
And the filly in the corner said, "Boy, I wanna warn ya!"
It'll turn into a ballroom blitz

Ballroom blitz
Ballroom blitz
Ballroom blitz

Ballroom blitz

Oh, I'm reaching out for something
Touching nothing's all I ever do
Oh, I softly call you over
When you appear, there's nothing left of you, ah-ha!

Now the mare in the back is ready to crack
As he raises her hooves to the sky
And the filly in the corner is everyone's mourner
She could kill you with a wink of her eye

Oh yeah, it was electric
So frantically hectic
And the band started leaving
'Cause they all stopped breathing!
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
And the mare at the back said, "Everyone attack"
And it turned into a ballroom blitz

And the filly in the corner said, "Boy, I wanna warn ya"
It'll turn into a ballroom blitz

room blitz

Oh yeah, it was like lightning
Everybody was frightening
And the music was soothing
'Cause they all started grooving

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
And the mare at the back said, "Everyone attack"
And it turned into a ballroom blitz
And the girl in the corner said, "Boy, I wanna warn ya"
It'll turn into a ballroom blitz

Ballroom blitz
Ballroom blitz
Ballroom blitz

Ballroom blitz
It's, it's a ballroom blitz

It's, it's a ballroom blitz
It's, it's a ballroom blitz

Yeah, it's a ballroom blitz

Without Rasophae to control them, the Hex Mares seem to have taken over as they lead their ghostly army through song as the halls start to look like a war zone. This was going to end soon... one way or another...




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders


Maple's Real plan starts now... all the ghosts are here.

Maple's Magic Bursts into Flame and a gurglingly evil laugh leaves her lips as she takes the form of a changeling queen wearing the horrible mask that ruined everything.


Scarlet meant well but he was too close... swooping him up with her longer legs, Maple tosses the Pegasus back toward the group....

all she needed was to distract these ghosts.. for maybe seconds ... seconds could be enough.

"Maple what the buck are you doing!"


As he sailed through the air, Scarlet flared his wings out and tried to flip himself into a sliding dive for the ballroom. Whether Maples 'new plan' worked or not, the blue pegasus was fuming. Perhaps the look might distract the ghosts. However...there was no compulsion behind it and...

"What about the others! What about Harmony!


Pulling out the last of his rope, Scarlet tried to grab Harmony as he flew past. Screaming inwardly in incoherent fury, Scarlet let lose a tirade against everything that had happened tonight. The trick, the deaths, the truth, the 'recruitment pitch', further deaths, the masque, the mistress. And finally, at Maple doing something so maddeningly foolhardy. Brave she might be...

"Our amulets will not last long against this. Dodge and run, now! Nopony is staying behind, for any reason!"

Static tries to dodge ghost while gunning for the sanctuary. Maybe once he was inside the sanctuary, he'd be able to use his bag of tricks to create something that would help the others. But he needed a chance to build it without ghosts harassing him. So towards the sanctuary he went, dodging ghosts all the way.


Whether it was the growing sense of urgency brought on by the ghosts' appearance or the sheer terror brought on by the same, Misty gets her rear in gear.


She makes for the doors to the ballroom, attempting to throw them open in time for her comrades to enter without needing to stop or slow down.

Amber could wink herself away, but it would take time to teleport anypony else with her and time wasn't on offer. With a thought to the dining room, she sighed and glanced at her saddlebag. As she turned to bolt, she slung the bag off her back with her magic and cast it in the direction of the ghosts, spraying out its contents - her notes, her tools, a hairbrush, a hoof file, theater ticket stubs - in a screen of fast-moving and she hoped distracting projectiles.

She spun on her hooves to bolt along with the others but had perhaps paid too much attention to where her belongings were going and too little to where she stood.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Amber nearly tripped on her own hooves as she spun but bit back her fear as Maple put on her brave display to the ghosts. She couldn't help Maple if she couldn't get herself to safety first.


Misty gets the doors throwing them open to allow the others to get in as Amber's paper storm at least seems to allow the group some cover as they race towards the doors. Scarlet flies through the air with the not so greatest of ease as Maple tries to 'attack him'; half dragging Harmony "Really now! I'm not some spring pig for you to hogtie at your leisure!" She cries out in a mix of indignity and fear as she is pulled along, Soon enough every pony has zipped past Misty and into the ballroom, except for the stupid and foolish Maple. ...and Symphony who'd fallen off of Scarlet's back from being tossed and Harmony having to time to grab her.

On the bright side, the gray unicorn hitting the floor seems to have brought her out of her fear coma... but on the dark side, it brought her out of her fear coma while surrounding by a lot of angry ghosts waging war on the ballroom... "Oh dear... no... please... just... just leave me alone..."

To further complicate matters, the ghosts didn't seem to be fooled by Maple's transformation, the Hex Mares looking straight at her. Breaking off from the others, this ghostly trio zoom towards the imposter and circle around her, chanting in song.

You've been caught in a lie!!
You can't deny it!

So let the war begin
You're far from innocent

Hell I just don't know where it will end
You are the one to blame

You've made a habit of
Bucking up this night (ow!)

A mortal enemy
Has been revealed to us
How come we weren't able to see
Another vampire

Getting a fix from
Sucking up our life (OW!)

An evil entity
Had taken hold of us
Ripped out our hearts and started to feed

We still remember when
you thought that all you were

Eating was their love

This filly won't let them go
Slowly penetrating the mind

I tell you now, my little usurper
You'll suffer us
You won't want to let us go
Till we've taken over your life
We'll ensure you survive
Little usurper don't die

Let her, let her die
Little usurper don't die

Let her, let her die
Little toy don't die...

Maples finds her amulet waning under the vocal assault from the ghosts, but the barrier of sanctuary flickers for just a moment... seeming to go down, but as it does a blast of golden energy fires out at the Hex Mares, several of the ghosts in its path vanishing into nothingness and driving the more powerful trio off for the moment. The barrier reforms, but looks fainter now and Standing at the door is Swift Tart, looking a bit more ragged as her huffs and pants. "Maple, get Symphony and get in her now! I... I won't be able to do that again under the current conditions..."



Maple is still vibrating with fear when she turns and flies toward Symphony... scooping her up as best as she could hoping to make it to the other side of the barrier.

Catching her breath in the doorway, Amber looked back out into the hall as Swifty struck the ghosts. Craning her head around the jamb, she saw that both Maple and Symphony were still in danger, and Symphony wasn't able to run by herself. Amber focused on the gray mare and prepared to wink her to safety - retrieving her might give Maple just enough time to get back to the ballroom.




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Maple was struggling to run, despite the relative lightness of the relative who was also light than Rhapsody colour wise... oh gosh he mind was drifting... too many shifts too soon together

and she was already low on energy having to deal with Harmony... the other lighter but heavier relative...relatively speaking... oh golly she hoped she wasn't speaking and this was all in her head... how tuckered out was she? all she'd need is for Harmony to get even more upset if she overheard Maple thinking she was fat....

oh that feels nice... Maple thought or maybe said, as she felt a slight tingle where she was holding Symphony ...it felt almost like the Keep transporters... but less industrial... certainly still practical ... like she wasn't feeling it all over, so it was very focused on Symphony ... hmm that must be Amber.

"Thanks, Amber, you can take it from here." Maple think speaks... Cadence only knows at this point. She didn't slow down, just in case, it didn't work... but Knowing Amber's priorities were in the right place, helped Maple struggle on just a little bit more - if only to make it easier for the teleportation spell to work and get Symphony out safely.

Static watches as everyone except Maple makes it into the Ballroom. "Stop trying to sacrifice yourself!"

Static pulls out several pieces of mechanical things from his bag of holding and starts assembling. "For once, the fact that the ghosts are intangible is going to work for us instead of against us. Can't suck up something that's not really there! Before long he has a way too big vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment aimed straight at Maple. "Step right up and check it out...the Hoofer 5000. Please keep your wings tucked in and your horns aimed away from other passengers. We are not responsible for...well...we're just really irresponsible!"

Static flips the switch and sucks Maple (and any other pony I may have missed but Static can plainly see is not in the Ball Room) into the vacuum cleaner and out the back. Unfortunately, Static didn't see the back end of the vacuum was aimed right at Misty. *THUNK*

Static looks back to where Maple landed. "Aww! They really do like each other!"


Maple doesn't get up right away.

hearing other ponies talking maple starts to wake up...

"Misty, next time we want to go out dancing, maybe we could just stay home and do it."


"Oh for bucks sake, shut up Harmony!"

Angry and desperate, Scarlet had no time for pleasantries as he skidded to a halt with the dragged Harmony. Admittedly, that wasn't quite what he'd meant to say, nor how he'd meant to say it. However, they were running out of time and his self-control was slipping again.

Then he realised Symphony wasn't with them. Swearibg loudly, Scarlet spun towards the door and spread his wings... just in time to see the combined efforts of Maple, Amber and Static get everyone into the ballroom.


Rushing over to help slam the ballroom doors shut, Scarlet turned his head and called out.

"Swifty! We're out of time to search anymore. Ww need to end this now! How do we destroy the masque?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Maybe we should Stomp on it."

Maple stood up on shaking legs, and only momentarily thought about giving a demonstration of Stomping on the nearby Harmony.

"Ve can't stomp on it, it's still on Rhapsody's face..."

"We can't bind it, either," said Amber, looking relieved as she assured herself with another look around the room that everypony was safe but also seeming wearied as the adrenaline of the chase melted away. "We still have only two of the artifacts."

"GROAN!* Maple starts moving back toward the doors



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"Keep everypony safe Swifttart. Somepony know which way I should go?"

At Maples words, Scarlet spun around and stared at her. With a mixture of exasperation, anger and fear, he nearly shouted.

Maple! For pitys sake will you stop trying to get yourself killed already!

Think, will you. You were out there far longer than any of us. Thus your medallion must have taken the full force of whatever dark magics the masque spectral thralls are still in control of. You can't go back out there! You have, no protection!

Please, just stop. Right now we need a plan."

Swift tart sighs and shakes his head. "All of you settle down. We are safe... for now. Sanctuary isn't gonna hold forever with that kind of assault going on outside... but we do have options." He states as he trots over to the group. "First of all, you don't need all the artifacts. I do believe I stated that before, but I can understand other matters might have pushed it out of your mind. We have 3 or 4, yes? That should be enough. If you recall, Maple weakened the mask. While it is still attached to your friend, it is not in control of her. It should be a relatively simple matter to use the power these artifacts have in them to finish the job our dear Maple started."

"However there is still a an important matter to deal with. That mask, well... it's the only thing keeping her alive. Removing it, and well... she's gonna be where she was when all this started... bleeding out on the floor, on death's door step." He says bowing his head for a moment and taking a deep breath.

"It's fine. there is a saying that Dying is the last great adventure... As long as you are all sa..." Rhapsody says and collapses, her eyes open up glowing red. "Safe? No pony will be safe!" Before shaking her head and return to their normal purple. "Oh shut the BUCK up, you're time is over..."

"It seem like the Mask is gaining strength, we don't have a whole lot of time. But before we start I must inform you all that It IS within my ability to save her. But its not something that I can do easily, and it too is not without its consequences... but I fear that we don't have time to debate it after that outburst. Getting the ritual preformed is gonna take up valuable time, and then there will only be a few moments where I will be able to act. There will be a very tight window between us getting this all done and the ghost breaking through. So you all need to decide: Do you want me to preserve your friend?" Swift tart asks as he looks to the group, appearing more serious then he ever has been this whole night.

"Whatever it takes," Static says with a fire in his eyes.

[Whatever else may have happened tonight, don't let her blood be on my hooves.]

[This was Maple.]​
"We love her, she's our friend. Whatever you need Me to do."



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders

Moments before Swift Tart spoke, Scarlet had spun around at Maples words and stared at her. With a mixture of exasperation, anger and fear, he nearly shouted.

Maple! For pitys sake will you stop trying to get yourself killed already!

Think, will you. You were out there far longer than any of us. Thus your medallion must have taken the full force of whatever dark magics the masque spectral thralls are still in control of. You can't go back out there! You have, no protection!

Please, just stop. Right now we need a plan."


[xolor=#ff0000]"Save her! Anything, to save her."[/color]

Amber nodded as Swifty explained. "We have the spell book and the needle and thread. We were stopped on the way to retrieving the black ink before saving Symphony." Amber's tone shifted and her head fell. "Please, Swifty, do whatever you can for her,"

[COLOR]"Do it... do it... oh, oh please..."[/spoiler] Misty grovels.

Swifty looks to the group and nods. "Alright, then the contract is made. I shall save your friend's life no matter the consequences." He says with a warm smile and polite nod before turning his attention over to Amber. "A shame at that, four might have been better only because it seems the mask is regaining power; but I am confident that 3 will be enough to separate them." They say and walk over to the middle of the ballroom, and stamps the ground and around rhapsody a purple mystical circle forms around her. Inside the the circle is a six pointed star. "I need you to triangulate the artifacts. It doesn't matter which goes where so long as an equilateral triangle is formed around your friend. This will provide the strongest connection between the ones we have."

Once the artifacts have been put into place, the piebald steps back and looks over to the others. "Good, good. Now step back. This is gonna get a bit wild." Swift says with a grin. He takes a deep breath and steps back himself. "First, I need to get rid of my own restraints... I am sure you won't mind Miss Shadewing?" They ask with a grin looking over to their 'employer' who is still bound and gagged. She seems to glare daggers at her captor. "Yeah, I didn't think so. It's safe to say that after this affair is concluded our contract has ended anyways." They say and closes their eyes and begins to recite an incantation.

"When hope is gone,
undo this lock,
and send me forth,
on a moonlit walk!"

]With those words energy seems to flair around the piebald. The sound of shattering can be heard as an aura seems to visibly burst before the other ponies. "Ah. Yes. Good, it been too long." Swift Tart replies as the pony seems slightly taller and darker now. Their eyes have become slitted and a pair of leathery wings have erupted from the vest they wear. A wicked fanged smile crosses their face as they stretch out and an imposing aura starts to fill the room. "Yes, now this is more like it. Now I actually have power and not just limited by my life force abilities." He walks over to the circle and looks down to Rhapsody. "Now, now to take care of your friend here..." Their voice sounding darker as they speak. The lights in the room dim, leaving only the circle around the black pegasus glowing, followed by Swift Tart's eyes. The chill in the air grows as suddenly Swift Tart's voice rings out.

It's my kind of magic.
It's my kind of magic.
My kind of magic.

One dream, one soul,
One prize, one goal.
One golden glance of what should be

It's my kind of magic.

One shaft of light that shows the way.
No mortal pone can win this day.

It's my kind of magic.

The bell that rings inside your mind
Is challenging the doors of time.

It's my kind of magic.

The waiting seems eternity.
The day will dawn of sanity.

Is this a kind of magic?
It's my kind of magic.
There can be only one.
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be done.

This flame that burns inside of thee.
I'm hearing secret harmonies.

It's my kind of magic.

The bell that rings inside your mind
Is challenging the doors of time.

It's my kind of magic.
It's my kind of magic.

This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be—
Will soon be—
Will soon be done.

This is (this is) my kind (my kind) of magic.
There can be only one.
This rage that lasts a thousand years
Will soon be done. (Done.)

It's my kind of magic.
It's my kind of magic, magic, magic, magic, magic.

It's magic.

It's my kind of magic.

As he sings the magic takes hold of the artifacts as they light up the night. Soon their energies beam towards each other forming the triangle around Rhapsody, before each other shooting a second beam at Rhapsody. Her body jerks, and the mare screams with pain. The scream is echoed as its soon clear the mask is crying out in pain as well. Its almost as antagonizing to watch as it is to hear as the mask is ripped aware from the mare, magical red tendril shattering as it comes free and the mare slumps to the ground lifeless as one more she starts to bleed out. The mask clatters to the floor.

Swift Tart takes a deep breath and looks to the group for a brief moment, the strictness in his eyes says it all. 'Stay away!' He before he pounces the mare, opening his muzzle revealing those twin fangs glistening in the moonlight and bites deeply into the mare's neck! A breathless moment passes before he pulls away, and Rhapsody slowly seems to regain consciousness, though looking a bit paler for all that has happened... She struggles to get to her hooves, but falls back over almost immediately...


Maple marvels at the transformation and the magic as it happens. "wow" she mumbles after it's finished... coming up beside Swift tart to check on Rhapsody she hugs the taller pony's longer leg. "Thank you... I, ... what do we need to do to help her now?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
[Oh geeze! That...that isn't what I thought was going to happen...at...all.]

[When s/he asked if we were willing to take the consequences...I thought that meant we would be the ones to pay to let her live.]

[Oh sweet Luna! First I stab her and then I help make a decision without her input that turned her into a vampire.]

[She must want to kill us now. Don't say anything to her. She will soooooo kill us!]

[Or make us into her thrall.]

Static takes a couple tentative steps forward but doesn't dare to touch his friend still slumped in a heap on the floor. "R...Rhapsody? Sweet love of Luna, are...are you...?"

[Does she LOOK bucking alright to you????]


"So, uh... if the mask is taken care of... vhat happens to the other ghosts?" Misty asks timidly.

Amber couldn't quite rationalize the revelation. But Rhapsody wasn't gone. When the pegasus pony fell, Amber darted in to help her back to her hooves.

Maple looks from Swift tart, to Misty and then back... a few times. Misty had done really well on her costume.

"I never would have guessed this, you don't even have an accent." Maple whispered to her newest friend - whom she still grasped about the foreleg.

Scarlet had a million questions boiling in his head and yet he felt no shock or fear about what just happened.

"Just when i thought this night couldn't get any more warped," he said in a strangely subdued, uet conversational tone.

"Ssooooo, is Swift Tart even your real name?

And how do we destroy the masque?"



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static nods and, without a word, follows Swift Tart with vacuum in tow.

Shadewing, Patch

Having lost her grip on Swift Tark, Maple takes up a defensive position between Rhapsody and the maskghosts. Giving Misty a quick hug of encouragement, Maple flies up and smacks the mask in the face with a left hoof.

Time to go to work, Amber thought. She left Rhapsody to her sisters' support and stepped forward to join Maple, conjuring up a roving disk of orange light with a flick of her horn.

spoiler]Life: 100
Energy: 3

[+1] Occulting Mirror (Conjure Guardian Spirit) - Standard Action (Conjuration)
Create a conjuration with the following statblock.

Occulting Mirror (Guardian Spirit) - 3 Charges
{1} Guard - Reaction
Trigger - An ally is targeted by an attack
Effect - Reduce the damage that ally takes by 8.

Life: 100
Energy: 4


Without a sound, Scarlet flew at the spectral menace. He was tired of its voice, of its gloating and of the terrible pleasure it seemed to take from all the horrors it had wrought. He 3as going to make it pay somehow! STOMP would finish it here and send it back into the shadows. Never too return.

And this night would be finally, mercifully, over!

Though he only landed a few blows on the thing. The fact that he landed any was encouraging enough.

Misty goes in for a hit...


...unfortunately she misses and goes flying wildly across the room, skidding to a stop in a pile of pegasus limbs.

Swift Tart quickly gathered the groups medallions as they attacked, they had a few failsafes in place to protect them at this critical moment, but if all went well they wouldn’t need them either. They took Static aside and began to work with his contraption, the Vampony using magic and tech to create something new and better. “If one good thing came from Dr. Outcross, let it be this.” They murmur under their breath as they reshape the vacuum as quickly as possible while the rest of the team deals with Nightmare Rasophae.

“FOALS! You really think you can beat me? I am death and vengeance incarnate! You are like the buzzing of flies to me! Your deaths are inevitable, I will have my army and I will take over this pathetic world of yours. You’re nightmare isn’t ending, IT IS ONLY BEGINNING!” She bellows out as a wall of spectral red flames crashes over everypony, Scarlet had seen this before in the halls... but as the flames hit runes etched into the floor begin to glow and the fire fades as a chill fills the air.

“Damn, she’s already triggered one of my traps.” Swifty says with an annoyed grunt. “But this blizzard spell should prevent fire attacks from being deadly...” He says and looks around to make sure everypony is okay before finishing up the work he is doing by slotting the six medallions into the barrel of the device. He looks to Static. “Okay, this is a rush job and isn’t the most stable. You’ve got six shots, try not to miss. If it jams up, let me know and I’ll do what I can to get it going again. Now what should happen, is that when you blast her with this she will become completely corporeal for a short time, while also draining a chunk of her life force. This should be enough to allow us to finish her off.”


Static looks at his new weapon with a grin, a grin that turns significantly more menacing as he turns to Rasophae. "Nobody burn a sanctuary in my town!" The new weapon whirrs to life in his hooves as he flips a switch. The humming of the lights grows as he takes aim. "Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown."

spoiler] Proton Pack 6D20


Due to Newfound Purpose Feature and Toughness Trait, I start battle with 170 life. Minus the 10 we all took from the fire...




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Directing her shield to Maple as the wall of fire advanced, Amber gritted her teeth against the blast but managed to sling back a singing arc of electrical current from her horn.



Shadewing & Copper

"Thanks for the shield, Amber." Maple says, smiling some good vibes back at her friend, with intent to add a hug later once the mask was dealt with. Maple was still building back her strength so she could only do a few moves against the baddie right now... not to mention she was darn near tuckered right out from not having eaten in forever.

"Are you okay Misty?" Maple asks as her marefriend tumbles out of the fray

"Foalish monster. I was born in a nightmare. And you do not belong in it."

He attacks with renewed fury against their now tangible foe.

It's hard to see clearly with the splatters of green slime, but one might have sworn there was a glow around his hooves...


As the fire lept as Rasophae ranted, Scarlet swooped around the ballroom to pick up speed and try to dodge. However the heat and fire didn't hit as hard as he expected.

Then Static blasted Rasophae with his souped up gadget!

I guess Swift Tart wasn't kidding when he said he needed Static. Nice.

Hearing his friends words, Scarlet grinned wolfishly and dived.

"We got the tools, we got the talent!"

Then he spinkicked the now far more solid monster!

"I'm fine," Misty replies as she gets back up.

With the monster restrained by Static's weapon, she prepares to let loose with a mighty burst of hydro-power. But first, she makes sure to get their attention...

"Have a drink, broiler-breath!"




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"I'm going to have to remember not to get in the ring with you Misty." Maple says, voice full of pride and support.

"GO Team, We're really doing it!"

"Zapp it some more Static!"

Nightmare Rhasophae gasps and staggers back as Static’s attack strikes true, finding her whole form starting to tense as it becomes solid. She growls out as the onslaught of attacks from the STOMP team strike true, everypony tied and eager to end this as the put all of their emotions from this night into there attacks. Once more the great beast of a mare staggers back, panting heavily as she takes more damage then she expected... the mask that makes up her face has even cracked some.

She rears up and stamps down, once more flames dance across the room as her form once more becomes intangible. I will not allow you foals to win over me! I am eternal!” “Wench, I know eternal. And I’ve seen much worse than you!” Swift Tart retorts as he conjures up and ice wall around the team to give them further protection from the fire. This was there fight, they’ve dealt with this nightmare all night and they deserved to end this.

She glares at the Vampony but he meant little at the moment, there was a bigger threat than him as she turns her gaze to Static. Those flaming eyes of here searing hatred into him as she lashes out with her fiery tail. "This little 'ghost buster' will die first!" She cackles


Static doubles over as the wind gets knocked out of him. With a huff, he chuckles mockingly at the mask. "Guh...Gonna...have to do...better than that." He takes a few steadying breaths. The proton pack whirrs to life again as Static takes aim, yelling defiantly at the mask. "Shoot me again. I ain't dead yet!"


Green Night Cap rears and waves his forehooves... but he's not just bicycling. He's drawing something.


When his hooves touch ground again the invisible horn on his head fires an... excessive beam. His hooves aren't on the ground for very long. It seems he's about to learn to fly...



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
"By Cadance's curvaceous cantering calves!" Maple exclaimed as she flops down on her rump, impressed beyond reason by Night Cap's attack.

"YEAH! Knock 'em out!" Misty cheers.



Even as the flames flared up again and Rasophae ranted about its superiority, Scarlet began to laugh!

[color=#ff0000"Go back to hell, [I]eternal one[/I], because we ain't afraid of no ghost!

Swooping around the ballroom again, Scatlet let out a roar and rammed into the masque headfirst!

Amber was emboldened by Miss Jack's smile, by her friends' bravery, and by the building anger at the ghost who'd caused them all so much inconvenience. Threatening Static was straight out. She nodded at Night Cap's suggestion - "Mmm-hmm" - as he cast his beam, casting a spiral of electric energy around it that exploded into a writhing mass of coiling arcs as they struck the target.


Swift Tart blinks seeing Night Cap’s wrath. The piebald never expected such raw power to come from one of these mortals. They’’d been impressed by them all night, but this went beyond anything they could have expected... and that seemed to show on Nightmare Rasophae’s face as well. The crack on the mask’s face spider-web out as the beast recoils in horror from the sheer force of the attack.

The following attacks by Scarlet and Amber manage to knock her off her hooves and she collapses to the floor. It seems like she is down for the count when she starts to cackle. "Foals! Do you really think I can be defeated so easily? This isn’t even my final form!” The nightmarish mare seems to explode in a puff of darkness as she reforms. Now taking on a more upright form, the shattered bits of the mask shed falling over the new body and becoming more armor-like as whats left of the head looks like a skull set on fire. Two massive wings burst forth from its back as a pair of flaming whips appear at the end on its forelegs... “My hatred makes me ETERNAL!”

“SHUT THE BUCK UP ALREADY!” Comes a voice away from the group. Rhapsody was back on her hooves, and looking more steady and refreshed, though still looking a bit ragged and her coat seems to be a more ashen grey color now. Thought to all that have known her, and fought beside her, they knew that look on her face. The mare was pissed, beyond belief and that gaze was locked onto Nightmare Rhasophae. She takes fight on her new bat-like wings and does what she does best... sing.

Look inside
Look inside your tiny mind
Now look a bit harder
'Cause we're so uninspired
So sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor

Channeliing her and the groups feelings about the mask and this night, Rhapsody goes on the attack and starts to pumble the mask with power and strenght of a hellbent mare.

Buck you (buck you)
Buck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So, please don't stay in touch

Buck you (buck you)
Buck you very, very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So, please don't stay in touch

Rasophae roars and tries to strike out against Rhapsody, who seems to possess new uncanny speed allowing her to dodge the firey blows as she circles around a few times taunting the beast.

Do you
Do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful?
'Cause there's a hole where your soul should be
You're losing control a bit
And it's really distasteful

Rhapsody then divebombs the Mask knocking her to the floor, and rebound as the pounces and bucks the mask with lightning speed.

Buck you (buck you)
Buck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So, please don't stay in touch

Buck you (buck you)
Buck you very, very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So, please don't stay in touch

Buck you, buck you, buck you
Buck you, buck you, buck you
Buck you

Rasophae is staggered for the multiple quick and powerful attacks from the fledgling vampony. But wasn’t going down easily as she begins to spin, quicker and quicker, becoming a fiery tornado. Rhapsody backs off as Swift Tart once more enchants ice spells to keep the beast in check and prvent much harm coming to the innocents in the room.

You say
You think we need to go to war
Well, you're already in one
'Cause it's people like you that need to get slew
No one wants your opinion

Water starting to flood the grand ball’s floor as the ice melts and Rasophae spins herself out, allowing for another opening for Rhapsody to come in and finish the beast off with continued strikes of boulder crushing intensity.

Buck you (buck you)
Buck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So, please don't stay in touch

Buck you (buck you)
Buck you very, very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So, please don't stay in touch

Buck you (buck you)
Buck you (buck you)
Buck you (buck you)
Buck you (buck you)
Buck you (buck you)

Rhapsody lands, looking winded as the mask falls over the armor demolished leaving behind a scrawny looking flaming skeleton horse that collapses into the water, the flames dying out and the skeleton crumbling to dust as the horror of the mask finally ends...




Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
Static's jaw dropped as Night Cap hit the mask with everything he had. Static wasn't sure even Baromets had it so bad. Putting it mildly, he was impressed.

Then Rhapsody did her thing, and Static thought his jaw might never leave the floor.


[Yeeeah, I ain't sayin' a bucking thing about language.]

Static walked cautiously up to Rhapsody. "So...I guess you're feeling better." He looks back to where The mask and the demon had just met their end. He then remembered the many arguments he and Rhapsody had since they'd known eachother and how neither one of them ever backed down. Without realizing it, he then took a couple steps away from Rhapsody. "This isn't something I say often to many ponies, but remind me to never piss you off."

"Hh...how do you feel?" Maple asks, coming up slowly behind Static.

"Did we do it?"

Green Night Cap no longer has the energy to maintain balance on the slippery puddle he stands on, so he gives up and lets his hooves slide away.Plop.

Misty slumps to the floor.

"Oh... gosh... please tell me it's over now..."

Amber looked around at her exhausted and relieved friends, letting out a long sigh herself. Then she approached Rhapsody. "Are you alright?" she asked simply.



Exhausted, but still standing.
Staff member
Council of Elders
As the flames died and the evil crumbled away into dust, Scarlet cackled himself, as the rush of victory swept over him. Then the moment passed and the exhaustion hit him. Landing with a splash, Scarlet simply let himself sink to thevfloor and just lay there. He wanted to cheer, he wanted to go congratulate Night Cap, Static and the others. He wanted to check on Rhapsody.

Right now though, all he could muster was a slightly wobbly wave of his hoof and an exhausted call of.

"We won? Yaaaaaaay! Go team. Go Rhapsody.

Rhapsody looks to Static, she almost looks like she is sizing him up. “I thought you... already knew that about me.” She says and then turns her attention to Maple and Amber. “I am... fine... drained... I think I used up most of... what energy I had shutting that wench down. I find myself... hungry... but I am fine...”

"Its almost over, but there is one last thing to do." Swift Tart says as they trot forward while half the team seems to pass out. "Don't worry, this I can do myself now that the mask and its evil is gone. There is still unrest in this mansion, and if I work fast... maybe not all will be lost." They say as they raise a hoof and the spellbook they'd been using all night flies toward the piebald. "My powers had been limited by both the Mistress and the Mask... but now, I can let loose without worry..." He says with a soft chuckle. "Most of what was done tonight, was done through magic... Magic with a timer... The sun’s not up yet... so maybe... just we might have a happy ending.”

Swift Tart opens the book and finds what they are looking for. "ah, yes. This... this should do nicely. Something to lead the souls out of the darkness..." He says with a heavy sigh as he takes flight. His body starting to glow blue as the aura begins to radiate throughout the mansion.

It’s in my dreams I find the right moment
It is the night that brings me the moonlight
And though I know it’s too late to call you
Your shadow’s always right by my side

Not all the tears I cry are made of sorrow
Reflected pools that will never dry
My eyes will show the dawn of tomorrow
The truth will speak in the ray of light

Romance in miracles so hard to defy
Invited by the moon in your eyes

I can see you there in every moment
As the day, it’s so bright and clear
Kaleidoscopic turns, in my heart that burns
Will show the way through the darkest night

The past remains present in the future
Time seems endless when you are near
Like a ticking clock, the twinkle of the stars
So hard to tell what is now and here?

Romance in miracles so hard to defy
Invited by the moon in your eyes

Like the sky begins on the horizon
The vision’s clear but so far away
Right where our story’s told, never to be old
Out of touch but it’s always there

Romance in miracles so hard to defy
Invited by the moon in your eyes

It’s in my dreams I find the right moment
Time seems endless when you are near
Right where our story’s told, never to be old
Out of touch but it’s always there
The vision’s far but it’s always clear
It is the miracle that we share

As Swift Tart makes their rounds through the castle, even STOMP starts to feel the benefits of the magic. Finding themselves rejuvenated and healed from the last battle. The dead bodies seem to wake up as if from a bad dream as their souls return to their bodies, no longer under the influence of the mask or its dark magics.


Rhapsody looks to Static, she almost looks like she is sizing him up.[/size]
[/size]“I thought you... already knew that about me.”[/size]

"Not like that's ever stopped me before. But now...uh...no comment."

She says and then turns her attention to Maple and Amber. “I am... fine... drained... I think I used up most of... what energy I had shutting that wench down. I find myself... hungry... but I am fine...” [/size]

"Well, not sure how much blood I have left in me after tonight. But I guess so long as you leave me with something to live on." He offers a hoof.

Then the whole song of healing happens and Static looks down at his hoof. "Umm...still hungry, or...?

Maple gives Rhapsody a hug. "I'm sorry." She just hoped Rhapsody's new hunger was nothing like her own... and if it was, she hoped her friend could find it in her heart to forgive all of them.

Scarlet stood up and shook himself, feeling good. Really good. Better than good in fact.

"What a rush!"

Head9ng over to the others, Scarlet grinned.

"The ghost is toast. The fear is gone. This night is ending and the dawn is on the way.

Nice work, Ghostbuster,"
he added.


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